The Other Side of the Fence


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Dan wasn't the only one to have completed his training during that time. Granted mine wasn't nearly as physically or mentally demanding as his, but it did have its moments. Included were such things as rope play and extensive humiliation. There was also a nearly three week period in which I was constantly "edged" but never allowed to orgasm. That and her final step was my version of the crucible.

I was instructed that for my final test, I had to find and seduce a supposedly straight girl and turn her into my submissive. I wasn't sure I had it in me to play the role of dominant or seductress nor did I have the desire to have sex with anyone but Kelly. It was the one thing I fought her on. She insisted saying she planned for us to seduce many girls together over time and she needed to know that I was capable of following her orders. She promised she'd never ask me to do anything that was illegal or unethical but that otherwise, she expected me to do as she asked without question.

By then I could usually spot girls that were attracted to me or seemed bi-curious. I still had trouble telling whether someone was a potential submissive. Kelly helped me out by pointing out several of my fellow students who worked out at the gym as perfect candidates. She then left the rest to me after giving me some pointers on seduction techniques. The only limitation I was given was she had to be sober enough to accept my advances with a clear head.

I chose a girl named Zoe. She was a little taller than me with an athletic build and long dark hair. She was a sophomore and going to school to be a teacher.

I made friends with her at the gym and after a week or so of working out together, we started going out for drinks on nights Kelly was supposedly busy. During that time I was constantly complimenting her and sneaking in friendly little touches and caresses. On the dance floor, I was much more aggressive. I would dance as close to her as I could and grind against her every chance I got. I took every opportunity I could to "accidentally" grope her.

By the third time we'd gone out, I could tell she was becoming receptive to my advances. She'd started flirting back with me and I would frequently catch her checking me out when she thought I wasn't looking. I knew she was hooked, all I had to do was reel her in.

My hard work finally paid off on a Friday night when Kelly was supposed to be out of town on business. In reality, she was spending the night with Sara and CK. She'd told them that I was unable to get away because of some papers I had due. Zoe and I went out dancing and had a few drinks. I could smell her arousal on the dance floor as she ground against me. After several dances and a couple of drinks, I cornered her in a dark hallway near the bathrooms and pinned her against the wall trapping her hands behind her. I kissed her passionately and possessively the way I always loved it when Kelly kissed me.

When I finally broke the kiss I looked at her and told her in no uncertain terms that she was going home with me and I was going to make her come harder than she ever had in her life. Then without waiting for a reply I grabbed her wrist and led her from the club and to my car. On the way to mine and Kelly's apartment I informed Zoe I was going to make her my slut tonight.

By the time we got there and got into the elevator the poor girl was practically panting.

It took barely minutes after we got into our apartment for me to have her bent over the back of our couch with her skirt hiked up and two of my fingers buried in her cunt.

Well, technically after that night, I guess it was my cunt.

I kept my promise and made her come until the poor girl was exhausted. By the time I let her pass out in our guest room, (that was another of Kelly's rules, nothing happened in our bed) I had fucked her with my strapon and fingered her to so many orgasms I lost count. Of course, the entire time I was doing so I told her over and over how she was my slut and I now owned her pussy. By the third hour, I had her begging to lick my pussy one more time and calling me Mistress.

It wasn't quite sex with Kelly but I'll admit, I got off on it.

After she passed out I went to my room and called Kelly to let her know of my success. She told me to praise her in the morning and then send her home. Then to call her Sunday afternoon at two o'clock and inform her my pussy needed her attention. Kelly said she would arrive shortly before two and be waiting hidden in the guestroom when Zoe arrived. Once she arrived and submitted to me Kelly would come out and I would present her to my Mistress as a gift. At that point we would enjoy her together.

She said if I was able to accomplish that, my training would be complete and we would be able to schedule our collaring ceremony.

I placed the call Sunday right at noon and at ten minutes after two that afternoon I was grinding her face into my pussy. Barely fifteen minutes later she was doing the same thing to Kelly while I buried nine inches of strapon deep in her from behind. We used her the rest of the day and then took her to dinner before sending her home likely sore but her sexual desires satiated.

Our ceremony was scheduled for two weeks later and was held in our apartment. Sara came into town and brought CK to see her aunts but had her with a sitter for the ceremony for several reasons.

For one, the crowd of twenty or so attendees included an eclectic mix of Dommes and submissives. Almost all the submissives were collared, leashed, and provocatively dressed.

Secondly, I was to be presented to Kelly naked. As if that wasn't reason enough, by that time my nipples and clit were pierced.

It was hard enough for my very straight sister to endure so it was no doubt far too adult a scene for any four-year-old.

Sara made it through just fine though she did spend a good bit of that time with a red face. She was hit on more than once including by one butch Domme that didn't seem to want to buy her refusals. Kelly eventually had to step in to save her sister in-laws sapphic virtue.

Standing next to her were Shea and Alice. Alice actually brought her new girlfriend Janet along with her. Shea and Sara got teased for being the only two singles there. It was pointed out to them each more than once that their straightness might be the problem.

My new collar was made of platinum. It was made by the same jewelry maker (who was also in attendance) and was of a similar design. The only differences were the fact it was a bit thicker than the first version and featured two solid pieces joined by a folding joint hidden in the Celtic infinity symbol itself. Like the original, there was an "O" ring attached to the symbol that my leash could be connected to.

Of course, the engraved lock Kelly originally gifted me was used to lock it.

So when I finally saw Dan several weeks later we'd both underwent some major life changes.

We arrived at Sara's that Friday night and stayed in our old room. Dan wouldn't be arriving until the next morning so we spent the night drinking wine with Sara and playing with our niece. Later that evening as the three of us sat around her dining room table well into our second bottle of wine, when Sara addressed the elephant in the room.

"Any nerves for either one of you about seeing Dan?" she asked as she took another sip of wine.

"Not me," I said, "I've been looking forward to it since I got his phone call. I'm excited about seeing him."

I hooked my thumb over at Kelly and said, "Now this one, on the other hand, has been a ball of nerves all week."

"That so?" Sara asked cocking an eyebrow at Kelly.

Kelly looked down in her wine glass and said, "It's not quite as dramatic as your sister is making it out to be but yeah, it's been on my mind. Our last conversation didn't go so well if you'll remember right and you two only heard the parts I told you. So yeah, there are a few nerves involved."

I pulled her towards me and kissed her cheek. Sara reached across the table and patted her hand saying, "Judging from the phone call I had with him I'd say his case of nerves is just as bad about seeing you guys. So don't sweat it."

And as things turned out my sister was right as usual. We were out back pushing CK on her swing when I heard the side gate close. When I turned and looked there he was. He looked good and was as handsome as ever. Good looking enough to make even that awful haircut they give recruits look good.

Beyond the haircut, I immediately noticed other changes. He was leaner now. All that bad weight he'd put on in college was gone and even his face looked more chiseled. The way he carried himself and the glint in his eye told me a lot as well. Whatever he'd undergone during boot camp had re-instilled the confidence that he always had. It had seemed to become dulled once we got to college. If anything it seemed sharper than it had ever been.

Yep, he was still the only man that could make my heart flutter.

I didn't say a word. I just ran and threw my arms around him. He responded by wrapping me in his arms and holding me briefly before letting me go while leaving his hands on my shoulders.

He looked me over from head to toe and said, "Well you're still the prettiest girl I've ever seen."

I cocked my head to the side and smiled replying, "And your still a shameless flirt."

"This is new," he said as he reached out and fingered my collar, "it looks expensive. It seems like she got you to go all in. Are you happy?"

The way he asked made me think he was actually hoping I was. Realizing that removed any sliver of anxiousness I had remaining over our reunion.

"I am Dan, very happy," I told him with a smile, "even more so now that I've seen you and know you're okay.

I hugged him again as I heard whispering behind me.

Kelly and CK had been hanging back to give us a moment. She'd taken that time to try and convince the little girl that despite the "high and tight" haircut, it really was her Uncle Dan.

Dan stepped past me and squatted down to the still tiny girls level and said, "Hey there Peanut."

I think it was his voice more than the nickname that finally convinced her. She ran to his arms then and he snatched her up giving her a big hug followed my several neck kisses that had her giggling uncontrollably.

It was only then that he seemed to notice Kelly. They stared at each other for a moment without speaking. I think it was the tears in Kelly's eyes that got Dan's feet moving. In no time he had crossed the distance between them and wrapped his free arm around her neck. Kelly wrapped both her arms around him and began to sob.

"I'm so sorry for hurting you, Dan," she said.

He kissed her cheek and said, "I love you, Kelly."

By the time Kelly had stopped crying enough to tell him she loved him too Sara and I had our arms around each other and were crying too.

CK just looked around at us all like we'd all collectively lost our minds and went back to playing on her swingset.

We spent the rest of the morning huddled around the picnic table talking and taking turns pushing her on the swing. CK and I fell asleep together on the couch after lunch. Sara told me later that while we slept, Dan and Kelly just walked around the backyard talking for nearly two hours. I never asked Kelly what they discussed and she never brought it up. I just assumed that if she needed me to know, she would have told me.

When the weekend was finally over any residual hard feeling or insecurities seemed to have disappeared. Dan even surprised us both by offering to help us have a child of our own if we ever decided we were ready for parenthood.

Sara joked, "So that's how you plan to get back at me, by offering to bang my girlfriend with that angry midget you keep in your pants."

We all laughed but Dan jokingly said, "Well I was talking more along the lines of a sperm donation, but if you want to go that route I'm game."

When the weekend was finally over we hugged Dan who was leaving the next day for nine more weeks of infantry training. We all kissed him and got assurances that he would call us as he could. And then he was once again gone.

Kelly finally did quit smoking. Of course, I kept my promise to her and once or twice a year will let her have a post orgasm cigarette.

By the end of my freshman year I still hadn't been home to visit my parents. We'd talked on the phone a few times but otherwise I was happy with the way things were. At the end of my freshman year I informed them I wouldn't be coming home for the summer. That was apparently the final straw. My dad called me saying they would be coming to me since I refused to come home. I told him great, that will give me a chance to introduce you to my girlfriend.

I haven't heard from them since.

It took another five years for me to earn my bachelor's degree and masters in psychology. When I'd finally earned my license Sara helped me set up a small practice near the university where I specialized in helping LGBT students suffering from depression and dealing with the stress of coming out.

CK was nearly ten by then and just as beautiful and precocious as ever. She also loved and was very proud of her two namesakes. Sara had done a good job of raising her. The fact the child came from money never even seemed to enter her thought processes.

Sara still hasn't remarried though she has replaced, at least at times, her rubber big black cock with various real ones.

Hey, we all have our kink. Oh yeah, she's still not a lesbian.

Dan went on to become a member of the Marine Raider Regiment. After his third year in the Corp, he was selected for the program and underwent nine months of grueling training It was the U.S. Marine Corps offering to the U.S. Military Special Ops program. It worried us all knowing he was undertaking such dangerous missions. Missions he wasn't even allowed to tell us about.

He followed through with his promise to help us if we ever decided to have kids. He had frozen some of his donated "joy jelly" that he had provided for in his Will to go to us in the event of his death.

And to this day, he's still the only man I'll ever love.

Karla and Alan did marry after college. He did finally manage to talk her into that threesome with another girl. I, of course, was quick to point out what a slut she was. After all, what are friends for.

Of course, Alan has yet to return the favor to Karla.

Alice and Janice were so inspired by their experience at our collaring ceremony that they entered a D/s relationship in time. Most shocking of all was the fact that it was the normally shy, timid, and reserved Alice that became the Domme.

Go figure.

As for Kelly and I, we had quite a few adventures of a sexual nature over that time. They included us taking many subs together and participating in more than one lesbian orgy. Zoe is a married school teacher in the next town over. She still comes when called though to munch on the delectable sexual delights we offer her.

As for our romance, it's as strong as ever. There's nothing I love more than being wrapped in her arms or between her legs.

Sometimes the grass really is greener on the other side of that fence.

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Roti8211Chanai643Roti8211Chanai6433 months ago


This is possibly your best story so far!

Absolutely loved it!

Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Truly an epic story. Great characters, well written, horny as hell, nice pace and truly worth the time to read.

Damn it is good. Might just have read another. Hope it is at least half as good.

Well done, good girl.

josenussbaumjosenussbaumalmost 2 years ago

I completely reread this story hoping I'd like it better after a few months.

Unfortunately I didnt, on the contrary.

I'm really convinced Cady is a horrible woman. Dan is my favourite character who remains friends with the girls although I'm pretty sure Cady drove him in the army. Kelly obviously hurt him as well, and apparently she didnt care too much.

I gave 3 stars last time, but I deducted one as i really dont like the story in its whole.

FandeborisFandeborisalmost 2 years ago

A wonderful story. That had a little of everything going for it. Romance, D/s, lesbian adventure, cheating, a love triangle, just a little of almost anything. I loved the way the characters came out. It seemed most got what they wanted or needed. A well paced story, and can’t fault they way it flowed. What I though was a pause turned out to be the pause before the storm. 5 STARS. Looking forward to reading more

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Really nicely detailed and paced story. Believable characters with human flaws but still sympathetic. Enjoyed it very much. Only criticism I have is that the plot contains two story themes - the coming-of-age-romantic-drama and the developing D/s dynamic (with the latter’s open relationship extra-dynamic) - both which are great on their own, but come across to me at least as rather cut-n-shut, not really adding value to each other.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Wow - comments that only relate to the story.

No personal baggage. Nice.

josenussbaumjosenussbaumabout 2 years ago

I admit it was a nice story, however some things disturbed me:

1. Cady braking up with Dan after he told her he loved her. For me that would turn love into hate...

2. Cady trying to get Dan back. Geez, women!!!

3. One day after she gets him back and tells him she loves him she cheats on him with Kelly. Shoot her.

4. All the blabla not being honest with Dan about her kelly-feelings. Reshoot her.

5. Finally being able to put the blame on him as well because he banged Amy a few times the last weeks, while she's been banging Kelly for months. He should have started banging Amy after point 1.

Finally, I'm personally not into D/s. Found this in Lesbian sex, not in bdsm.

The worst of all this is the cheating as I really hate that. (also hate nonconsent and pain)

ReesertonReesertonabout 2 years ago

Loved the story, the flow. Still wondering why they had to take subs as a couple. That really didn’t seem to progress the plot much. Other than to extend the idea that Cady was a little loose when she was attracted to another woman.

tarkabukktarkabukkover 2 years ago

I loved this story. I couldn’t put it down until I had read it all. With your perfect details I felt as though I was there watching every scene.

Thank you so much for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Fifty Shades of Grey is for amateurs, so are safe-words.

Aside from that, very good story! The intrinsic dominant/submissive nature of their personalities is very true-to-life. So are the doubts Cadence had as she learned about her own orientation. She won't be able to keep the lid on the bi aspects of herself forever, though. One day, she'll encounter a man she can't resist. That would make a great sequel!

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