The Other Woman's Club


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I was too scared to do anything less. With one final push, I was able to extend my arms until they locked. I felt Maria pull the bar back towards the rack and let the bar settle onto the rack.

"Good job, Dallas. Stay there, now you are going to do 'butterflies'."

I watched as she removed the bar off the rack and placed it back where she had gotten it. She brought over the two smaller weight bars, placing them in my hands as she instructed me to place my arms in front of me.

"Now I want you to keep your arms straight out in front of you and slowly spread them out to the side, when they are horizontal you then reverse the movement until your arms are back at the starting point. Give me twelve reps. I'll spot you again."

Without the weight bar there, she moved even closer to my head until my head was practically between her legs. Thank goodness she couldn't see where my eyes focused. Even as I cranked out the twelve reps, I could feel the blood coursing through my body and settling into my cock. Fortunately my gym shorts were loose enough to hide my arousal.

"Good job Dallas, now let's do a round on the circuit."

Chapter Ten:

After nearly two years the country seemed to be returning to normal. That is, if you considered having approximately half the normal population, nearly all jobs being done by women, and that the only males walking around in public being under the age of thirteen, normal. Welcome to the new normal. Here in our community it was much the same. The women of the OWC did most of their volunteer work in the mornings. Monique, Daria, Helen, and my mom worked in the Café, or the Spa; while I cleaned the pool and took care of emptying the garbage cans in the pool area and hauled the garbage to our dumpster. Maria took care of all aspects of the gym and locker rooms. If a delivery truck appeared during the morning, I handled the unloading and storage of the goods.

I was looking pretty buff if I do say so myself; in fact, among the rest of the women volunteers I was known as 'Buff Barbie'.

"You'd better watch yourself," Mom joked, "If you put on any more muscle, you're going to have to fight off half of the membership; and won't they be surprised."


Tonight was the club's monthly update viewing dinner; we gathered each month at the home of one of the members to watch the monthly state of the union update given by the Joint Chiefs. Tonight we would be meeting at Maria's house at 5:30 for cocktails followed by a traditional Mexican dinner. Surprisingly, Maria was a great cook.

At the gym I had noticed that Maria was more quiet than normal; she seemed deep in thought. When I brought it to her attention, she just smiled and said "I've got a lot on my mind. I have a decision to make soon and I'm still not sure which way I'm going to go."

"If you want to talk about it I'm available any time."

She just smiled and cranked out an extra set on the bench press while I spotted for her. After our workout we each showered, changed into our street clothes, and headed out to our cars.

I threw my bag in the back seat and just before I got behind the wheel I shouted over the car roof. "See you tonight."

Mom and I were the last to arrive. The front door was unlocked so we let ourselves in and joined the group gathered around the kitchen island. Maria was just added ice to the blender which was filled with her home-made blend of ingredients for margaritas.

"You're just in time; two margaritas coming right up."

When we all had drinks in our hands, Helen, the President of our club, raised her glass and proposed a toast.

"To the Other Woman's Club; may we all live fully, laugh loudly, and love deeply."

We all touched glasses and responded, "Here, Here".

We chatted for a few minutes, and then noticing that it was nearly 6:00, Maria filled each member's glass again and said. "It's nearly time; bring your glasses and let's get settled in the living room."

We moved to the living room, where the television was already on, and stood by our seats. Moments later, the great seal of the United States appeared on the screen, then replaced by the nation's flag, and the National Anthem began to play. When it was finished, we took our seats and waited for the program to begin. We didn't have long to wait. The scene changed to the familiar Joint Chiefs' conference room table, each branch of the service was represented by a woman in full uniform, seated behind a microphone.

The view changed to a close up of the woman in the center of the table as she began to speak.

"My fellow Americans, it is my pleasure to speak to you once again and to represent my colleagues tonight as we issue our monthly update as to the progress we here in the U.S. and the rest of the world are making. I am pleased to inform you that we are making a great deal of progress towards our goal of achieving a complete normalization of our society.

"In the past month, many women have stepped forward and have been artificially inseminated in our program to repopulate our nation. Every effort has been taken to insure that the majority of the babies born in the next nine months will be males, but there are no guarantees.

"Currently, the Army and the Navy Construction Battalions in conjunction with the Army Corps of Engineers have set up training facilities around the country for the training of women to replace our construction labor force. These women are being trained to handle all types of heavy construction machinery and heavy material transportation equipment so that projects already in progress can be completed and repairs to our infrastructure can be done in a timely manner.

"Utility companies around the country are reporting that the nation's electrical grid is being maintained and is in good working order. The shortage of oil and natural gas workers is nearly filled. Our refineries are running at about eighty percent of capacity and product is flowing smoothly through our pipelines and rail and trucking transportation systems are supplying the needs of our citizens.

"Our nation's food supply is nearly at pre-pandemic levels, thanks to the hard working women and children on our family owned farms and the workers of our corporately owned agri-businesses.

"The FBI and state and local police departments are all reporting record lows for most types of crimes, especially violent crimes. We have been able to reduce the number of federal and state prisons by nearly fifty percent and are looking into repurposing many of the unused facilities for other civil purposes.

"One area of concern is the uptick of sexual assaults by women against young or surviving men. It has been reported that bands of women are roaming the back country in search of male survivors of the pandemic. When these men are discovered, they are kidnaped, held against their will and used to satisfy the sexual needs of their captors.

"We are actively searching for these men, in hope of keeping them safe. Any adult males are being held for their own safety, until such time as the male population of the country is increased to a more sustainable level.

"On a more pleasant topic, the United Nations has been reestablished and is being staffed by representatives of nearly every country on the face of the earth. Worldwide conditions are being monitored and where problems exist, help is provided. In addition, where conflicts between nations arise, solutions are sought in a nonviolent manner. I can report that, at this time, there are no armed conflicts in any part of the world.

"We are still operating under martial law. I can tell you that the state governments are fully restored and operating as they were originally designed. There have been several calls for a second Constitutional Convention. This is being considered; we feel that now would be a convenient time to make some changes to our constitution that the Founders of our great nation either failed to address or were unable to include in the original constitution in order to get the original document approved. An example of what we would like to see would be term limits for all members of Congress and the Supreme Court, not just the President.

"That is all for now. We will meet again next month. Good night and may God bless the United States."

"Well, that was interesting. Who's hungry? Everything is ready; please help yourself to another beverage while I get the food out of the oven."

Everyone sat around the table as Maria placed dish after dish of traditional Mexican foods on the table.

"I got a little carried away. I couldn't decide between enchiladas, tacos, and, paella; so I made all three, along with refried beans and Mexican rice. I'll be sending you all home tonight with doggie bags."

The women sat around the table, enjoying the great food and drink, and engaging in spirited conversation focused on the report they had witnessed earlier in the evening.

A major topic of discussion concerned the roaming bands of horny women kidnapping surviving males.

"I don't know about you people, but I can totally relate to those women." Maria said as she glanced around the table. "My toys are no longer cutting it for me; I need a man, sooner rather than later."

The laughter grew louder as each of the other women voiced their agreement as well.

Only my mom and I remained silent. I was seated directly across from Maria. She was looking at me with a hunger in her eyes that I had never seen before.

When the noise level died down to normal again, Maria looked over at my mother and then back to me and said in a very stern voice,

"Are you going to tell them, or should I?"

All other conversation ceased and everyone focused on first Maria and then me. I didn't know what to; I looked over at my Mom, but she too was at a loss as to what to do.

Maria took my silence as my answer and began to speak.

"As you all know Dallas and I have been working out together nearly every day over the last year. She has made a great deal of progress and has transformed her body. She's now known affectionately as "Buff Barbie". Up to a couple days ago, I totally agreed with that name. That day, after our workout, we retired to the locker room for a shower. As usual, I stripped out of my clothes, grabbed a towel and headed for the showers. Dallas, as usual, was a little slower than I was, and wasn't finished removing her shorts when I left her. I took this as her being shy about her body and didn't think any more about it.

"When I finished my shower I dried off, wrapped my towel around my body and headed back towards my locker. As I came even with Dallas's shower, my vision was drawn to movement I caught out of the corner of my eye. Apparently, she had not noticed that she had not drawn the curtain completely closed. I couldn't help myself, I stopped and looked; it took me several moments to realize what I was actually witnessing. Dallas was relieving herself of the sexual tension she had experienced while we were working out.

"Shall I continue?"

All I could do was slowly nod my head. I couldn't do it myself, but I was tired of hiding what I was.

"Very well; ladies Dallas had her hand wrapped around a very impressive erection. You see, Dallas is not the young woman we think she is; Dallas is, in fact, a male; who for whatever reason had decided he was not a male but a female and was going to transform his body from that of a male to a female. My guess is that that process was derailed at some point by the pandemic and now he's caught in gender no man's land. Dallas, am I close?"

"Yes, I'm sorry, Mom; I can't do this any longer. Maria, you are very close. I grew up different, I thought I was born into the wrong gender, I felt I was a girl. Mom was great, she allowed me to begin my transformation. I had hormone treatments, we moved here, and I had my breast augmentation surgery as the pandemic was taking place. Due to the circumstances, the federal government has stopped anyone from transforming from male to female and now I'm stuck as half a male and half a female. And even more importantly, my male sexuality is beginning to exert itself; something that I've never experienced before."

"So, what you're saying is that you're glad you were stopped before you could complete your transformation. What can we do to help?"

"I never learned to be a man. I'm a twenty-five year old virgin. I don't know anything about how to be with a woman and being around the members of the OWC is driving me crazy."

I looked around the table; each woman appeared deep in thought, even my own mother.

"Okay, we will discuss this development when you are not with us and come up with an action plan. We'll get back to you."

"One more thing I want you to consider. I don't want to end up in a government detention center. Please keep this information to yourselves."

"Of course."

Chapter Eleven:

"We all can teach him; we can make him a world class lover. It will be a win-win for us all."

"Well count me out; he's my son for heaven's sake."

"That's up to you; I'm not sure that I could make that decision if I was in your shoes."

The women were in the middle of a somewhat heated conversation centered about what to do about Dallas's situation.

"I had a frank discussion with him last night. He no longer thinks of himself as a woman. I had to convince him that he had to keep his breasts for at least a few more years, until the boys who have gone through puberty since the pandemic have been returned to the general population. That's for his own safety. Just in our own community there are over two thousand women, many of who would be sexually active if they could find a suitable partner. As it is, when those kids return to the community it's going to be like having a couple of roosters in a hen house of two thousand hens.

"Monique, you have been very quiet until now. What do you think?"

"If it were up to me, Maria, I would have us share him until such time as either Dallas or any of us wish to drop out of our relationship. I say we put our names in a hat and draw to see the order in which he sleeps with each of us. Liz, you can pass if you wish, that's up to you. We could probably work something out to sneak you into the rotation if you wish without having him know. You and Helen have pretty much the same build; if you don't talk to him, how would he know it was you and not Helen?"

"That's not going to happen."

Helen left the room. A short time later she returned with a baseball cap and a small pad of paper. Each of the women took a piece of paper, wrote their first name on it, folded it and placed it into the hat. Liz held the hat and picked out the first name.

"Monique, you're first."

Monique reached into the hat and pulled out the next name. "Daria, you're number two."

Monique passed the hat to Daria who picked the next name out of the hat. "Helen you're number three."

Daria passed the hat to Helen; who looked in the hat, the hat was empty.

"I palmed my name," Maria explained, "I wanted to be last."

Helen took out a new piece of paper. She listed the days of the week in the first column and in the second column entered Monique on the line for Monday, Daria on Tuesday, and Helen on Wednesday. Before she could enter Maria's name, Maria called out, "I'll take Friday."

"Why skip a day?"

"He's already going to be tired by the end of three consecutive nights with you lovely ladies. I want him well rested for my night. He's going to need the week end to recuperate for Monique on Monday." She said with a smile and a wink. "Please don't take this the wrong way. You are all old enough to be his mother. I'm only ten years older than he is and I've been told I can be very aggressive in bed."

Liz added under her breath, "and on the floor, on the kitchen table, and in the backseat of your car."

"When are we going to start?"

"Today's Friday; let's start on Monday.

Dallas spent the weekend resting at the community pool in the morning and working out with Maria after three o'clock. He had trouble sleeping on Sunday night. All he could think about is losing his virginity with Monique. He cleaned the community pool on Monday morning and performed his other tasks as well. At three o'clock, he walked to the gym with Maria.

"I want you to take it easy today. I don't want Monique complaining that you were too tired to perform up to her expectations. Only do one set on each machine, save your strength for tonight." She said with a smile on her face.

As I drove to Monique's house, her instructions contained in the email that I had received earlier in the day kept running through my mind.

'Park your car in the driveway; I don't want you to get a ticket for overnight street parking. I'll leave the outside front door unlocked; ring the bell, then come in and I'll meet you at the house entrance.'

I pulled into the driveway with five minutes to spare.

'Do I really want to do this? I don't even know how to act like a man; I'm going to make a fool of myself. Stop it; they know I'm a virgin, they'll teach me what I need to know. I can do this.'

With that, I pressed the doorbell and entered what resembled a bell tower eight by eight feet square and fifteen feet high. It was decorated to resemble a foyer, with a setae on one wall and a glass topped table on the opposite wall. I passed through this room and entered an open air courtyard. The moon was just beginning to peek over the roof of the house. There was one lounge chair next to the house entrance and a small desert plant grouping in the western corner of the courtyard consisting of a large prickly pear cactus flanked by two barrel cacti. At the sound of the door opening I turned back towards the door. My heart stopped.

There she stood clad in a practically see-through red teddy and a pair of mules with five inch heels.

Like a moth to a flame I slowly approached until I was standing in front of her. At six feet one inch plus five inch heels and the additional height of the step up into the house she was at least a foot taller than I was. Her perfectly shaped breasts were peeking through the sheer fabric right at my eye level. I didn't want to give her the impression that I was an uncouth pig, so I force myself to tilt my head upward until I made eye contact. The next thing I knew she tilted her head and her lips lightly touched mine.

I don't know if I actually closed my eyes, but the next thing I became aware of was the sound of her sultry voice inviting me to come in. She closed the door and led me to the counter that separated the kitchen from the great room.

"I think we should start off with a glass of Champagne to help calm your nerves and get us both in the mood."

I thought that was an excellent idea; the one eyed monster that was desperately trying to get out of my pants, however, had a different idea.

Monique asked me to open the Champagne as she walked towards the refrigerator. In the sink I found a Demi bottle of a French Champagne and a small hand towel. This was something I could handle; I'd done it numerous times before with my family. After a loud pop, but no spillage, I poured two glasses and placed them on the counter as Monique placed a small plate of fruit and cheese on the counter. She turned, handed me a glass and touched my glass with hers and proposed a toast. "To a very pleasant and educational evening."

We chatted, laughed, and nibbled on the hors d'oeuvre and sipped our wine; taking my mind momentarily off what I was about to experience for the first time.

I finished my wine first and as I placed my glass on the counter, she raised her glass and finished hers as well. Then she turned and began to walk towards her bedroom. I quickly followed; my eyes glued to the exaggerated sway of her sensual hips. Monique had been blessed with extraordinarily long, well-formed legs, which seemed to go on forever. I thought to myself, she must have gotten dressed in a hurry; she had forgotten to put on her panties.
