The Pastor's Wife


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A look of guilt swept over his face. I'd come to the truth of the matter and he could make no defense.

"I've contacted an attorney, and I will be filing for divorce from you this week. You will be free to pursue your ministry without the responsibility of a wife."

"Kelly, are you sure this is right?" he stuttered.

"Yes Daniel, I'm sure. There's more. I've met and fallen in love with someone else. When the divorce is final, she and I will be living together."

"You're in love with a woman? You've been having sex with women!"

"No! I haven't broken my vows to you, even though you lied your way through our wedding ceremony and made a sham of our marriage. I've kept my promises to you!"

Angry, I walked into our bedroom and opened the door. My suitcases were already packed and ready to go. Picking them up, I left the house. On the way out I told him that I would be coming by the following day to pack up the rest of my belongings.

When I got to my new apartment, the first thing I did was call Morgan.

"Well, I told him."

"How did he take it?"

"Not too badly. I think he was more relieved than anything. I told him about us."

"You did?"

"Well, not by name. I told him that I had met and fallen in love with a woman and that once the divorce was final, we would be living together."

"How did he take that?"

"Funny, that was the only thing he showed any real emotion about. Sad really."

"Well, I'm not all that fussed. I knew that this was coming, and I don't really care. I feel bad for my parents though?"

"Oh, why's that?"

"They thought you were being a good influence on me."

With that we both started laughing.

"No, you've been a good influence on me. I can't wait for you to meet my family. They're going to love you so much!"

It seemed like the next three months crawled by. Aside from the time I spent with Morgan and Emily, the only noteworthy thing that happened was the letter and exit interview.

Dear FBC member,

It is with deepest regret that we must announce the separation of Pastor Daniel and his wife Kelly. Mrs. Hornbarger has filed for divorce from Pastor Daniel citing irreconcilable differences between them.

We are truly saddened by this separation. We pray for both Pastor Daniel and Kelly in this difficult time in their lives. It is our fervent prayer that the Lord heals the emotional wounds between this couple so that they may live separate and holy lives.

The church board will be meeting separately with Pastor and Mrs. Hornbarger to determine what, if any, culpability lays with Pastor Daniel, and to review his fitness for continued ministry with FBC. Any person wishing to give testimony in this inquiry is invited to contact me for an appointment.


Robert Wilson
President, FBC Church Council

When I met with the board committee that was reviewing Daniel's continued fitness, I had a small shock. In addition to Bob Wilson, and two other members, Frank Somerlyn, Morgan's father, was there."

Bob Wilson started out. "Mrs. Hornbarger, thank you for taking time to meet with us. I'm sure this is very distasteful to you, but the board feels it is our duty to ascertain the fitness of Pastor Daniel for continued ministry here. Unfortunately, some accusations have been made that we must inquire about. The purpose of our inquiry into these allegations is not to judge you, but to ascertain the reliability of the person making those accusations. If there were any way we could avoid this, please believe that we would."

"It has been alleged that you have carried on a lesbian affair during your marriage. Is this true?"

"No, it is not true. As I explained to Daniel, I have met and fallen in love with a woman. When I met her, my marriage was over in all but name. We have not been intimate with each other and intend to not become intimate until after my divorce is finalized."

"I have first-hand knowledge that she has set up separate living arrangements for herself until the divorce is finalized." Frank Somerlyn said.

"Well then. There is one other accusation that we must regrettably ask you about. An accusation has been made that your infertility as a couple is a major contributing factor in this divorce. Without commenting on whether this is the case, can you please tell us about the issue?"

"There's not a lot to say. In order to conceive Daniel and I would require medical assistance. His feeling was that this infertility was the Lord's will, that our ministry receive our full attention. He told me that he was sure that with sufficient prayer, my grief over this matter would be lifted."

At this point, I broke down and the tears began to roll down my face.

"Thank you. I'm terribly sorry that we had to inquire about this. Of course, then we're at the main purpose of our meeting. Do you have any statements you'd like to make regarding Pastor Daniel's continued fitness for ministry?"

"I'm sure as a confessed lesbian, nothing I say would have any weight in your considerations."

"Please Kelly; you've been on the staff here with us for 6 years now. Please know that we love you and respect your opinion. Be sure that we will not be judging your words in light of whom you have fallen in love with."

"Very well, I have only this one observation. This church has forsaken the ethical teachings of Jesus for the morality teachings of Paul. For every one sermon on loving thy neighbor, forgiving those who have wronged you, and caring for the poor, there are 51 (if not 101) sermons on sexual immorality, drinking, cultural relativism, and any number of terrible things. These negative messages have converted the congregation from being ministers to the world to being a community of children who are constantly reprimanded and disciplined. We are a gathering of children without impact in our community."

"Yes, well, thank you. We'll contact you with our decision."

That was odd, why would they be contacting me? Shrugging it off, I went home.

Chapter 6

Finally, the day came when my attorney called and said that my divorce decree would be finalized that week, and I could pick it up on Thursday. Excited and nervous, I called Morgan. We agreed to meet for dinner out that evening. She would take Emily to her parents for the night.

I was a jittery bundle of nerves that night. I packed an overnight bag with the lace babydoll ensemble I had dreamt of and a tooth brush. I decided to wear the same dress I had on when we declared our love for each other.

When I met Morgan at the restaurant, she was breathtaking. She was wearing a beautiful crimson dress. It clung deliciously to her curves. A deep V was cut in the dress showing her cleavage. Instead of the glasses she normally wore, she was wearing contacts. A pair of red pumps drew attention to her shapely calves. She was a picture of loveliness.

I think dinner was the most wonderful meal I've never remembered. I couldn't begin to tell you what we ate. All I can remember is the surge of emotions flowing over and through me. I remember the excitement of being with her, and how happy I was. I remember the warm feeling of knowing that I was going to be with someone that loved and cared about me. I remember the sexual excitement I felt. A powerful and sensuous longing, a desire more intense than any I had ever felt. It felt as though any physical desire I had ever known before was like a flickering candle, while my thirst for Morgan was like the sun, a consuming warmth that gave life to all. I remember the anxiousness I felt, the desire to have this beautiful creature in my arms. How wonderful she was and how intense her eyes were when she gazed at me. I recall the desperate urge to explore every inch of her. I recall the yearning I felt for dawn, to have her face be the first thing that I saw.

When we left the restaurant, we decided to take my car. The instant I slid into my seat, she was kissing me, pouring herself into me. Her hot breath tore at my skin, her hand pressed against my breast. I was kissing her back madly, trying to satisfy the lust that was taking me over. My pulse was pounding in my ears, and I was breathless. I wanted so much to continue, and yet I wanted so much more! I got the car started, and we drove rapidly to her home. Leading me by the hand, she brought me to her room. I scooped her into my arms holding her tightly, kissing her with abandon. When I thought I could take no more, I gave her a quick peck on the nose and said "Back in a minute!"

I sprinted into her bathroom. Quickly, I peeled off my dress and stockings and put on the lace babydoll. The straps and top were ruffled, and it had a pleated bodice. It was so beautiful and sexy. When I came back into the bedroom, Morgan had lit candles all around the room. Scattered on the floor and bed were fresh rose petals.

In the corner of the room tied to a rocking chair, was a balloon bouquet. I almost burst into tears when I saw it. They all said simply "Welcome home!" Morgan saw me looking at the balloons.

"Those were Emily's idea."

"They're perfect, they're so wonderful." I blurted.

"The bear on the right is yours" she said, pointing to the two teddy bears holding hands in the seat of the chair. "Emily said that since I was going to have someone to love me, my bear would need someone to love her too."

"You have so much to be proud of in her."

Blinking back the tears from my eyes, I joined Morgan on the bed.

Our bed was a riot of smells. I remember the best scent was Morgan. It was wonderful and fresh, and yet heady and physical. It wasn't strong, but its fragrance overwhelmed my senses. There was the crisp clean smell of freshly laundered linen, a smell that reminded me of being a little girl and the special warmth and security I had felt when I got into a freshly made bed. The fragrance of the rose petals scattered around us brought an earthy intensity of summer.

She had on a beautiful satin and lace thong, and a matching bra. The curve of her hips brought home to me just how much a woman she was. We lay next to each other on our sides; drinking in the moment of our first union, kissing each other. Her tongue probed my mouth, while her hands caressed my face. I relaxed in her arms, eager to surrender to her.

Suddenly, with out warning, she rolled me over on my back and straddled me. Her face took on an impish grin as she reached behind herself and took off her bra, arching her back and proudly pushing her chest forward. As it slipped off, she gave her head a shake; her soft gold hair flowed down her back, and one side of her neck. I reached up with my hands. I wanted to feel her breasts, but she playfully slapped my hands away. With a smile, she bent over me, kissing my eyelids, exploring my earlobes with her tongue. She twined her fingers in my hair at the base of my neck and pulled my mouth to hers. I could feel her desire growing in intensity, her need rising ever higher. As she kissed her way down my throat, a small moan escaped my lips. I had never felt pleasure so intense in my life.

Gingerly, she opened the front of my babydoll, exposing my breasts. Eagerly she laid herself out over me, pressing her breasts against mine, kissing me urgently. Small tremors and gasps shuddered through my body. It seemed as though I was losing control over my body. All I could do was lay there and be loved by her. Tearing her mouth from mine, she lowered her head to my breast. Lightly flicking it with her tongue, and then urgently bringing the whole nipple into her mouth. As she did this, I placed my hands behind her head and pulled her tightly against me. I felt myself spreading my legs, and arching my back, pleading with her. I was in a delirium, a feverish pitch of physical sensations stripping me of reason, leaving me only emotion and lust.

When she lowered her mouth to my most private part, I could feel her warm breath upon me. As she delicately caressed me with her tongue, my orgasms started rolling in. My body was like a raging torrent bursting forth from behind a weakened dam. Over and over, I called out Morgan's name as the waves of pleasure crashed over and through me.

I recovered to find her lying next to me again, her face blazing with excitement and passion.

"Oh, I never knew it could be like that!" I sobbed.

"It can be if you love that person." Morgan whispered.

Tenderly, I started caressing her, running my hands over her small frame. Scratching her back with my nails, kneading her shoulders and neck. I dribbled little kisses over her face, her eyelids, then behind her ear. I could feel her pulse quicken as my hot breath blew into her ear. Lingering on her throat, I kissed my way down from her ear to the hollow of her throat. As I moved downwards, I could feel my nipples dragging over her skin, sending small shudders through us both. Small sounds of love, tender moans escaped her lips.

With the tips of my fingers I delicately traced her sides. Following the generous swell of her breasts and then bringing my fingertips over her stomach, subtly outlining her navel. Goosebumps sprang up on her flesh where my hands travelled. Her breasts were marvelous. They were firm and full, with exquisite coral colored nipples. The areola were puckered and crinkly, showing her excitement. Gently, I took first one nipple and then the other into my mouth. Her sighs increased in volume. She pulled me against her, her body shuddering intensely. While I was suckling at her breasts, my hands were still caressing and roaming her body. As they reached her mound, she thrust her hips upward encouraging my explorations. I slid my fingers underneath the lace thong exploring her most intimate place with my hand, feeling the coarse roughness of her hair contrasting with the slick wetness of her.

Slowly, I started kissing my way down her stomach, outlining her navel again, this time with my tongue. Short tremors raced through her body as each kiss was lovingly placed. Hesitating for a moment, I placed my head between her legs. I Pushed aside the flimsy thong, getting my first glimpse of her womanhood. Its ruddy pink interior glistened with wetness. In the candle light it seemed to be something that would take a lifetime to explore. I slipped my tongue into her flower like folds, teasing them out, and then urgently snaking my tongue as far into her as I could make it go. Her body stiffened, and her breath started coming in urgent, ragged gasps.

The taste of her nectar was subtle; her aroma was combining with all of the scents in the room inflaming me. My tongue worked its way around her clit, alternately licking and
spearing it.

"Please, oh please. It feels so good. Oh - Kelly, I love you!" she moaned.

As her orgasm approached, I twined my arms around her thighs, pulling her to me, licking her with increased vigor until she called out over and over. As she came down from her first climax, I started lightly caressing her body, gently kneading her breast, teasing her nipple, and then tracing around her mound again. As I did this, my hand would stop and lightly rub her button, just for a second, before moving on. In less than a minute, I could sense her excitement again reaching its peak. Again, I grasped her thighs and pulled her to me, greedily taking her in my mouth, and circling her clit with my tongue. Time after time, her body shook as raw pleasure and excitement cascaded over her.

When she could take no more, I slid up next to her, laying my head upon her breast and pulling her close to me. I knew that I had never been so emotionally or physically satisfied in my life.

We spent the rest of the night, exploring her each other. We would make love, each time slower and gentler, more loving, and yet more passionate than the last. Finally, at dawn our bodies were too tired to keep up with our passions. I remember looking at her lovely face as the sun's light crept into the room, and realizing how wonderful and magical the love that we shared with each other was.

Chapter 7 - Two years later...

"Morgan, wake up." I poked her.

"Mmmph." Even in the dim light, I was struck by her beauty and how much I loved her.

"Morgan, wake up. It's time honey."

"Oh, right!" she said, coming awake quickly.

Quickly she hopped out of bed and reached for the phone.

"Momma, its Morgan. Yes, it's time. Oh thank you momma, I love you too." she said, and then she hung up the phone. Quickly she dialed another number.

"Hi mom. Yes. We're bringing Emily right over."

"Let me go wake up Emily." she said to me, hanging up the phone.

While she woke up Emily, and got her ready to go, I reflected on the past two years. They had been the most wonderful of my life, and today was going to make it even more spectacular.

The board at FBC decided that Daniel was in need of restorative counseling before he would be fit for continued ministry and he left on sabbatical. His replacement's first sermon was a shocker,An Examination of the "Clobber Verses". Half the church walked out of that sermon, and it made the papers. But the next Sunday, there were a lot of new people, and the Sunday after that, there were even more. In six months, there were twice as many people attending as there had been. FBC changed its nature too. New ministries are sprouting up all over the place. There is now a group that helps single mothers to enter the work force, and another group that works with substance abusers. Morgan and I had a commitment ceremony in the church with the new Pastor officiating, and our parents and her ex-husband Craig came. The Children's Pastor, quit in protest over the changes and I was invited to take over the position. Taking over that role was a dream come true for me. I'm now enrolled part time in seminary, working towards becoming ordained.

Last year, Morgan and I decided to have a baby together. Emily's daddy agreed to be a sperm donor, and Emily is so excited that she's going to have a sister. Life is so good! I can't wait to see what the rest holds for us!

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Only_connectOnly_connectover 3 years ago

A nice story. It's calm, matter-of-fact and told in a cutely naive way... is that down to the attitude of Kelly the narrator, or the writer?

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
A tough mom

So the mom is the man in the relationship and the men or Wimpy so you’re making men look like they are wimps and women or the tough ones and this is why she falls for a woman because men are to sorry is that what you’re trying to convey .. like the mother is so manly

vpettprovpettproabout 6 years ago

I love this story 5 big stars!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Loved the ending, should hv been longer though...excellent all in all

LcnmdLcnmdabout 9 years ago
So good!

This is such a great story of enlightenment!

Thank you!


AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
I am...

of the opinion that the "clobber verses" and the secular rebuttals to those are both inadequate in establishing a path to God.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Thank you, thank you, thank you. There is so much wrong in what The Church has become, and is doing, that it's heartbreaking. This kind of restorative liberation is what the world needs. This straight Christian man is drawing great inspiration from the courage displayed here, both in the story and by the author. My compliments on the exceptional writing....and btw the sex was crazy hot too!

yesireadpornyesireadpornover 10 years ago
it made me cry

i loved it! the way the emotion evolved was fantastic! you are a true wordsmith and story teller, thank you for writing this!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
I have alwas believed that god was all parts

of all. as we are created in his her image that meant that all parts of humanity are acceptable to god this was an excellent well written story about love t he clobbler versus are something new to me I shal be looking into them

BugattiTBugattiTabout 11 years ago

Wonderful story, thanks a lot.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

This is a very sweet and loving story and I'm glad I took the time to read it. However, it feels out of place on an erotic site. That's not a bad thing.

jclementjclementover 11 years ago
Great, Once Again!

This is very timely in the fall of 2012. Women, their roles in society, and their reproductive rights are much in the fore as the presidential and key congressional elections approach. I, for one, would hate to see this country ruined by fundamentalists. Besides that it is a very nice, well written story, with a lot of love and romance.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Just beautiful. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

just wonderful. as a woman still searching for her one true love, i applaud this story. wonderful writings, was able to picture everything crystal clear.

please write more!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Great Love Story


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