The Pearl Ch. 06


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She was aware of her limitations. She took the tip into her mouth and began working it. Surprisingly, it wasn't as intense as working the pearl but it still felt wonderful. I continued writhing under her. Amazingly, she managed to stay on. My dragon's cock isn't too dissimilar in shape from what I had before, and clearly she knew her way around a male's equipment. She couldn't take me in very far, but what she could manage she handled expertly. Her tongue circled the tip and worked into the folds. She released the head and ran her tongue repeatedly along the shaft until I was as hard as granite.

She returned to the tip and studiously worked it as she pushed her breasts to the section she couldn't mouth. Slowly, she arched her back running her breasts along my shaft. I promptly became one hundred percent, irrevocably, in all ways, hers.

In what felt like no time at all, and certainly much sooner than I would have liked, I felt my climax roar up. There was no chance of holding it off, no hope of making things last any longer. I was simply too young, too inexperienced and she felt way too amazing. It began in the pearl and shot its way up the shaft, causing my back legs to buck. Dakota read the signs, and pulled back right as I came. The roar that exploded out of me rattled the windows and my claws drug furrows in her carpeting as my tail wildly banged between the walls of the hallway. As I came back down, I laid my head and neck back against her love seat. The first thought I was able to form wasI have got to master human form.

Dakota slid off me and left the room. When she returned, it was with a wash cloth. She picked up the towel she had used earlier and washed down my sperm-splattered scales and shaft. Though this was obviously the closing act, it was as sensual as everything else. When she was done, she wrapped the wash cloth into the towel and discarded both. She climbed back onto my stomach and lay down. Propping her head up on her hands, she smiled up at me.

"Was it good for you?" she asked, with a mischievous little smirk.

I surveyed the damage to the rug. "I think I owe you your security deposit. Or a new rug."

She looked over at the damage. "Yeah," she conceded. "But I'll worry about that later."

As great as all of this felt, the nagging doubts scuttled back threatening to crash my high. Total buzz kill, but still I asked, "Now what?"

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"Now what, between us, after, you know, all of this?"

Dakota sat upright and began to enumerate on her fingers. "Well, you can roll over and fall asleep. You can take my number and pretend to enter it in your cell, only to get it wrong. You can go out for pizza and I never see you again. Any of those sound good?"

"Dakota, I'm being serious," I chided her. "But pizza does sound good," I added after a moment's consideration.

She laughed and pushed off of me. She threw on her clothes from earlier and grabbed her phone, wallet, and phone book. I rolled over and carefully laid my paw over her hand before she could call.

"I'm being serious," I repeated.

"I know you are. But nothing has changed from what I said earlier. We're friends, but there's something more. Friends with benefits; how's that grab you?"

The benefits were first rate that was for damn sure. "Oh, it grabs me," I agreed. "Okay, friends with benefits."

She gave me another one of those smiles that melt me. "Good. Now that all that's settled, what do you want on your pizza? And how many, for that matter?"

"We can just split one," I answered.

"My ass we can. That's what, a warm up? If you want, you can try to raid my fridge, but," she gave me a long once over, "I don't think you're getting in the kitchen that way. Besides, I don't think I'd have anything left afterward."

She was right. The two biggest transition challenges between dragon and human were the appetite and maintaining the human form. Still, I felt bad that she always paid.

"I'll make it up to you," I promised.

"You already have," she responded with the sweetest smile imaginable. "And when you work out with the river what you're getting paid for being a guardian, let me know."

I smiled at her joke, then considered how many pizzas I wanted. I already decided I wanted everything on them, the "supreme" version. I finally arrived at five, extra large. Dakota phoned in the order, adding a couple of two liters and a small pizza for herself.

After she hung up, she looked at me. "I don't mind how you hang out, but I can't help thinking that is not the most comfortable form for the house."

"I've tried," I confessed. "But my body's still coming down from those wonderful things you did. I don't think I'm shiftinganytime soon. Hope you don't mind."

She stood up and casually stroked my fur. "Of course not," she said. She walked over to a small beat box-style stereo. "Any particular kind of music you like?" she asked.

I was a Top 40/pop kind of guy, but was really curious about what she liked. "Anything really," I said. "Whatever you like."

As Dakota perused her music collection, I took a belated look around what I assumed to be her living room. The architecture was very simple with clean lines. There were two outside walls, one of which was dominated by a huge picture window with the drapes closed (thank God) and the front door. The other wall, which had her love seat pushed up against it, had a smaller window. The love seat was centered between two wall lamps, and end tables rested to either side. The wall connected to that one had a small chair tucked in the corner and a long couch running almost the length of it. The doorway to the hallway that my tail was still running through was in this wall. Built-in bookcases stretching from the floor to the ceiling that were crammed with books dominated the last wall. The stereo was tucked on a shelf with some accompanying CDs, but no television. A few knick-knacks lay scattered here and there, and some really pretty pictures that looked like illustrations from old books decorated the walls. But to judge from the bookcases, her primary love was books. No wonder she was becoming a librarian; she had already started her own home branch.

The strains of something I had never heard before came from the stereo. It had something of a rock beat, but with none of the instruments I would have expected. I couldn't recognize some of them.

"What's that?" I asked as she sat down next to me.

"Abney Park."

"Never heard of them."

"Not a lot of people have. One of the women I work with turned me on to them."


She lay against my side, just behind my front leg. I lowered my head to hers and she kissed me on the edge of my snout. I smiled and licked her up the side of the face. She wiped the excess slobber from her face with her shirt.

"Thanks," she said.

"Just returning the favor. Speaking of which, how did you know to do that with the pearl?" I asked.

I was surprised when she blushed slightly. "Did Chang fill you in on what happened with your pearl?"

I nodded. "Yeah, but just basics."

"Well, when it umm, entered, it felt really, really, good." She ran her hand through her hair and fidgeted slightly. "So I figured if it felt that good for me, it had to feel pretty good for you, too."

"Oh, it did," I confirmed. A thought struck me. "Do you still feel it? The pearl, I mean."

Her hand went to her stomach. "Yes."

I wasn't sure how I felt about that. On the one hand, I still felt that piece of her and I liked it. On the flip side, neither of us expected this and it was another level of being entwined, a further complication to what was already a fairly complex situation. I expressed this to Dakota.

"I know," she said. "I'm kind of in the same place. When I think about it, it's a serious freak out. But itfeels nice." She ran her hand lightly across her stomach. I was kinda glad I didn't feel it. "It feels like you and I like that." She fell silent briefly. "So, I don't know what I think or what to think either."

"This is such a fucked up place to be," I said.

Dakota nodded. "But at least we can blame Qiang for the situation."

I laughed. "You're right, it's all his fault. I'll be sure to send a strongly worded letter."

"That he'll promptly ignore."

"Most likely."

At this point, the pizza guy arrived. Dakota gave me a moment to concentrate on blocking myself. When she couldn't see me, she answered the door. The driver seemed a little surprised no one else was there. Dakota tipped the driver, and took the six pizza boxes explaining she lived for cold pizza. I almost laughed. Dakota shut the door and listened as the car drove away.

"Okay, want to come back before I trip over you?"

I unblocked myself from her. She set my pizzas and soda in front of me. I tried again to shift back, but no dice. I remembered that Chang had said that dragons mated with humans, I could only assume that they were just way better at shifting than I was. I ate my pizzas, and managed my two liter by first piercing it with my teeth, then using the teeth to hold it in place as it drained down my throat. Then I finished what Dakota didn't of her meal. After dinner we just fell to talking... about our families, school, work, just small stuff. Turned out Dakota worked at the campus library. Shocking, I know. Eventually, it became pretty late.

"What do you want to do?" she asked.

I hadn't given it much thought. Actually, I figured I would go back to the river. But if staying here was an option, I wasn't going to turn it down. "I don't know," I dodged. "What would you like?"

"I've never spooned with a dragon, but I'm open to new experiences. Can you stay or do you have to go back to the river?"

I didn't feel any sort of compulsion to go back. But since I hadn't been away from the river for any significant length of time since I became a dragon, I really had no idea.

"Give me a sec," I requested. "And if I disappear, it's not my fault. It's the river." I closed my eyes.

"Now that's one I've never heard before. Points for originality."

I opened one eye. "Hush," I said closing it again. I reached out for the river and contacted it easily. Privately, I expected maybe a little bit of jealousy. Instead, the river was overjoyed. You would've thought the river had gotten laid, or seen to at any rate. As far as the river was concerned, whatever Dakota wanted was good. I was going to have to ask Chang about that.

I opened my eyes. "Well, my watery chaperon has okayed the sleepover."

Dakota got up and went out into the hallway, climbing over my tail. From a back room she returned with blankets and pillows.

"Do you need a blanket?" she asked. "I know I don't have a single one large enough, but I think several might to the job."

"No, I'm good."

Dakota laid a blanket on my side. Lying down, she propped up a pillow while covering herself with another blanket. I carefully eased my tail into the room and curled myself around her. I could tell by her breathing, she fell asleep quickly. I watched her sleep. I didn't think I would fall asleep, so many thoughts and feelings spun around in my head. But after a few minutes listening to her breathe, I dropped off myself.

* * * *

I awoke during the night. I could tell I was lying on blankets, but in my sleep befuddled mind I couldn't quite remember where I was. I reached out a hand and laid it on a rough patch of scales. Memory swiftly filled in. I smiled and snuggled against him, leaving my hand where it lay. Even in the darkness of the room, when I looked I could see the coils of his body curled around me. As he breathed, I could feel the slight movement of his body through the down comforter I was laying on. It was comforting, like lying in a lover's arms while listening to their heart beat.

Still, I certainly never expected to use the term "coils" in regards to a lover, or a friend with benefits as we decided upon. It wasn't a bad thing; he certainly couldn't help what he was, but it was strange, and a little off-putting to say the very least. I was the one who initiated everything, though, and I couldn't say I didn't know exactly what he was from the moment I touched him.

I also couldn't say I didn't enjoy it. He wasn't the first guy to eat me out, but oh, that tongue! He did things with it I'd never known were possible. Just the thought of it up inside me made me shudder. Some of that was to be expected; his tongue was long, thick, and textured somewhat like a cat's in the most delightful way. But more that that, Sebastian was a very considerate lover. I've had a few guys attempt oral sex, and to describe their efforts as perfunctory would be complementary. But Sebastian took his time, thoroughly working my sex, finding every hot spot I had and working those, too. Additionally, his attentions stirred up those traces of him that were still within me and the feeling was like being spit-roasted - a slow, erotic burn. It was no wonder I came so quickly.

Of course, I had to show him just how great that felt.

Working the pearl was an impish urge, I'll admit, but it worked so very well. He clearly didn't see it coming, so to speak. And when his package showed, it was my turn to be surprised. I shouldn't have been; he's fairly big. Perhaps not in comparison to the other dragons, not that I've spent much time ogling dragons, but Sebastian was more than enough dragon to me.

Mouthing his cock was completely intimidating, and as everything else seemed to be with Sebastian, totally worth the risk. The feeling of him on my tongue was like nothing I'd experienced before, and the taste was surprising. Sweet and complex, and definitely something I would like to savor again. He was the first guy I had ever been with who was so large I had to augment my mouth with my breasts to properly fellate him, but he didn't seem to mind. Neither did I, actually. My sexuality this night had been marked all over, from throwing my clothes at him to foreplay with his pearl, with wild abandon. That was the crux of my situation.

There was a part of me that craved order and stability. Predictability could be my watchword. And yet, here I was, curled in the coils of a dragon who I not only professed my love to but practically seduced. My body warmed at those memories and the ghost feeling of his pearl flared briefly. I couldn't remember ever being so forward with a man before. There was something about him that brought out a wonderful spontaneity in me.

At our first meeting, I found him terrifying, some creature out of legend I couldn't possibly comprehend. But then I actually brought this creature who by all accounts doesn't exist three of everything from a fast food place. I almost didn't go back. Almost. But after the second visit I knew I wasn't going to stay away, regardless of how much it rattled me. There was something about him that called to me. Something in his spirit was sweet and gentle. It was separate of the dragon, but I think it was the reason he was chosen to become a dragon.

So while that rational part of me found this whole situation a freak out and railed against the riotous disorder Sebastian was innocently making of my life and my carpet, I knew I was committed. I knew I was in over my head, but I loved him and that was pretty much all there was to it. I also knew I might get burned. I didn't know dragon culture. I didn't know if what we were doing would be accepted or condoned. Judging from Chang's expression upon taking Sebastian's pearl, he didn't seem to have a problem. That gave me hope. But from reading the books, I didn't get the impression one dragon was the sole arbiter of behavior and morality. While the books did indicate that dragons got involved with humans, they were always emperors or princes, princesses and the like. I was pretty sure there wasn't any royalty in my family tree. There was a distinct chance the odds were against this. But I had said I was willing to get bruised, and that hadn't changed. Whatever happened, for worse or for better, there was no turning back now. I would see this through to the end and would live with the consequences. Even if I had to explain my actions to Chang himself.

Que-sera-sera, whatever will be, will be. As I drifted back to sleep, I took comfort in the peace of the moment. I would never lose what had already passed between us.

I would never regret it either.

To Be Continued...

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Never heard of Abney Park - cool band.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Thank you

...for a great story, and a just as great music tip. By now I've listened to "Airship Pirates" four or five times! There are too few really good dragon stories on this site, or dragon stories whatsoever.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Dry opinion

Full of passion, yet attentive to details and logic. Excellent work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Kinky dragon sex, and yet

overall quite a sweet chapter after all the previous drama. Well done change of pace.

livingescapistlivingescapistover 13 years ago
Another awesome installment

Your story continually entertains and enchants me. The characters continue to grow, as do the relationships between them, your writing style blends humor and touching moments together seamlessly, and they way you ground the character's reactions in reality makes it all the more believable.

I admit that I've been looking forward to the physical expression of love between Dakota and Sebastian for a while, and it did not disappoint; the tender but heated tone was excellent, and I think you handled the logistics of a dragon and a human quite well; the bit with the pearl was an inventive twist, too.

Also, this is unrelated to most of the story, but Abney Park for the win!

*ahem!* But, back to the matter at hand, thank you again for sharing this wonderful story with us, and I hope that life grants you the time and inclination to write more for us soon.

MizTMizTover 13 years ago

You continue to create a great tale. You story involve old Chinese legends which are fun to read and at the same time I'm left with the feeling that I'm watching a new legend in the making. This chapter in particular fells like the stuff of legends. That Dakota accepted the "Dragon" before the man can only be the stuff of legends. Am I using the word "Legend" a lot. I'll be watching for the next chapter to see how this legend is coming along.

WickedWendyDruWickedWendyDruover 13 years ago
So beautiful

Such a lovely scene - even reading it again I'm struck by how beautiful these two are together, and how magical their love is... You've really done a fantastic job with this tale! I'm so privileged to edit for you, milady. Keep up the excellent work!

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