The Perfect Beginning


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"I hope you did the toilet."  She sounded like an elementary school teacher speaking to a little boy.  "You know I expect you to clean it every day."

"I did," he said, proudly.  "I also vacuumed and changed the bed linens," he said hopefully and wanting with sudden desperation to please her.  He knew what he was not suppose to know which was that she was going to break up with him and he already wanted to make it hard for her. 

He really did not even know how obsequious he was being, he was so focused on keeping her...or being kept by her.  By now, this behavior was routine and felt natural to him.

Looking around the house, "Good boy."  And then as if to herself and in a hushed sigh, "I am going to miss this."

It was like she'd reached inside his chest and slapped his heart, and he felt his anxiety growing.

"What do you mean?" he asked desperately.

"Oh, you'll find out.  Anyway, let me tell you about my day.  I know...wouldn't you like to rub my feet while I tell you?  Oh, but first, how do I look?"  

Michele was not used to, and could not get enough outright, overt appreciation of her appearance. 

While she and her friends obsessed about they way they looked, their young age and general lack of attention on the matter made she and her peers feel like they were hanging off the side of a cliff by their finger tips.

She loved hearing about how gorgeous Tim thought she was and hungered for more.  It was a dessert she knew she could enjoy everyday.

Michele could not help but wonder at the prettiest of pretty girls.  How did it feel to be that pretty, to possess elite beauty?  Michele accepted the cult of beauty as did her peers and she knew that if she was as perfect as a few girls at her school were, she'd stare into every mirror as well. 

With Tim, she imagined that this was what it was like.  She saw all the desire and outright need on his face and in his words when he expressed his appreciation for her looks.  She could certainly rush with that.

"How do, you look more beautiful than ever!"

"That's all?" she managed to ask with equal parts curiosity and disappointment.  

"No, Michele, you are by far the prettiest girl I've ever seen in my entire life."

"Do you like my outfit?"  

She was wearing her comfies and the idea that she'd have been wearing them outside throughout the day was preposterous, but Tim got in the spirit.  "I love your outfit, it's totally cute on you!"  Besides, he really did love how she looked in her comfies.  They gently hugged her every curve.

"Good, because it was an important day."  Turning around while twisting to look over her shoulder, "How about my butt, does it look good in these?"  She had a playful gleam in her eyes.

Eyes going wide, "Yes, like better than good.  Like amazing."

Really playing the part for all it was worth, "Do you think it's pretty?"

He looked as though in a trance.  "I...I...I think it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life!  It's perfect!"

Milking it, "Really?"

"Yes!  Really!  It's perfect!  It's better than anything!"

Her smiled widened as she watched him lick his lips. "And if I asked you to get down on your knees to kiss it...?"

Looking down in complete shame, "Yes, I would."

She wore a pleased smirk, "That's a good sissy."  Turning to face him, "What do you think is my best feature?"

"Oh my god, um...I don't really know," he stumbled.  "I love your hair and your skin is beautiful.  I love your nose and you have the prettiest, sparkliest eyes.  I love your mouth, it's really..." he simply did not have the vocabulary.  "And your body is...I can't stop looking at it.  Especially your..."

"My?" eyebrow raised.

Again looking down in shame, "Your...your..." Lowering his volume, "Your bottom...butt," he managed to get out awkwardly.

"But I think your best feature, and this might not be what you when you asked, but I think it is your personality."

This surprised Michele.  And pleased her beyond measure.  Later, upon reflection, she realized it should not have.  It's not like she did not know they were a match.

"Do, I have a...a feature that you like?"

Yes, your always hard cock and your obedience! 

Dismissing his need for validation, "I want to talk about my day."  She had to stay focused, but how she got to act, or just be with Tim, is how she'd imagine it will be when they were a couple.  They would be a couple and it was beyond wonderful.  "Don't you want to rub my feet?" she asked sweetly.

"Yes, please!" he could not have been more eager to please and mollify her as each moment seemed to invite greater anxiety.

"Ask nicely," she beamed her superior smile.

"Ms. Michele, may I please rub your feet for you?"

Michele sounded just a touch disappointed, "Do you think you could ask just a little nicer?" 

Try begging. 

"I've honestly always thought that when I let you rub my feet, it was as much for you as it was for me.  Actually, I've always felt a little generous when I've let you do this; like it might have meant more to you than to me.  Now I'm a little embarrassed."

Desperately, "Oh no, Michele, it is! I love it soooooo much!

"Ms. Michele, may I please, please rub your perfect, beautiful feet for you.  It would mean so much to me if I could just make your day a little nicer.  Please? Pretty please?"

She smiled condescendingly at him as she sat on the couch and he began removing her Keeds.  The smell of her sweaty feet was strong and he could not get enough of it.  If he could only taste them...

"Anyway, I had the best day and I can't wait to tell you all about it!"  Changing her tone from joyous school girl to sad little girl, "But you might not like it so much.  You won't be mad at me will you?"

"No, Michele, I promise."

"Really?  Cause it might hurt your little feelings."

He felt his anxiety level rising still.  "No, Michele.  I love you so much, I won't be mad, I promise."

"Good, because if you really loved me, you'd be happy for me.  Do you love me?"

"Yes, yes, god I love you so much!" and he really did feel it just then.

In her spoiled, little girl voice, "And you do want me to always be happy, don't you?"

"Yes, Michele!"

"Good!" she said in her happy, little Princess voice.  "So when I tell you this, just think about my happiness, okay?  Put my happiness first.  Put my happiness before you sadness, okay?  Put my happiness on top and let it sit all cozy and comfy, like a princess, right on top of your sadness."

Feeling so much trepidation and not feeling at all comfortable with her metaphor, "Okay, Ms. Michele."

"You know how my friend Tiffany has been dating this really hot guy?"  

Tim felt his heart stop. 

Tiffany?  Oh god.

"You know the one, the really, really beautiful one...who looks like a model?  Brad?"

Now he fucking hated her.  "Yes, Michele."

"You know, when you are on your knees, I think it more appropriate for you to call me Ms. Michele.  Don't you?"  She smiled at him.

God, she's so fucking beautiful! 

"Yes, Ms. Michele.  Sorry."  He was so mad, but compliance was not in question.

She nodded her smile at him and continued, "Well Tiff and I have been talking about how they are kind of breaking up.  She knows how hot I think he is and she's always told me how into me he's always been and how she thinks we'd be a cute couple.  Don't you think that's sweet of her?  She's such a good friend."

"I'm not so sure, Michele...I mean Ms. Michele."

She just went on as though he agreed with her, "I kind of have a thing for strong men.  So we started...I don't know, just hanging out. When I'm with him, I just feel... well I just feel almost out of breath.

"He told me he had feelings for me and asked me if I'd consider going off my blockers. If I'd had them on me, I'd have thrown them away right then and there, in front of him.

"So last night he and I kind of hung out a little and...well, it got pretty flirty!  He kissed me and it was so, so very!  Like it made me feel better than anything."  With that, she paused to give him an appraising smile.  "So today we both ditched school and hung out at Tiff's house together.  Oh, I know what you are thinking but don't worry, we had the place to ourselves. 

"Oh my god, he is so dreamy.  He has the strongest arms...I felt like a little ballerina the way he was handling me!"  She sighed with the imaginary memory of it.  "Anyway, the very, very best thing happened.  Want to know what it was?"

Please don't tell me you fucked him!!! 

"I...I don't think so."  It was getting very difficult to rub her feet as he was becoming so affected by this.  He reminded himself that this was not real and it was the only thing that kept him from freaking out.  It was getting hard for him to breath.

Petulantly, "If you really love me, love me like you say you do, then you want to know."  Looking him in the eye with mock worry, "You do love me more than anything else in the whole wide world, don't you?  Aren't I your forever and ever?  Aren't I your Princess?"

To Tim, this was no longer therapy, this was utterly real.  "Yes, yes!  God, I love you so much!  Of course you are my forever and ever Princess, Ms. Michele!  You are my Princess and I love you!"

She looked down her nose, giving him her most condescending smirk and with her condescending, spoiled, little girl voice, "You can give my big toe a kiss, but only if you really, really need to.  I'm letting you do this; not for me, but for you, because you need it like so totally bad."

He served her pleasure as though it were his own and completely without thought as he pursed his lips so deeply they covered the entire underside of her big toe. Her smell was so strong and so heavenly.  And then he did what he had no idea he'd actually do when he licked the bottom of her toe with the very tip of his tongue. So little of his tongue actually touched her toe, he hoped she might not notice. The salty, acrid taste almost made him black out. To that point, it was the most sexual thing he'd ever done in his life and he let the kiss linger for good 4 or 5 seconds before coming back to himself.  And she was right.  He needed to serve and submit; it really was his pleasure. He wanted to lick her feet clean.

"Does that help you? Does kissing my feet calm you down?"

"Yes, Ms. Michele. Thank you."

She smiled knowingly, "Why of course it did. And you're welcome."

She continued, "We made out like all day long!  He's like the best kisser ever!  He touched me everywhere and nobody has ever made me feel like that!  Oh my god, it was so incredibly hot.  Don't hate me, but I got so never before!"  And with mock sadness, "He was so much better than you. Different league. Not even close."

Her smile bore into his skull and burned his mind with a hot, white fire.

"If you really love me, you will be so happy for me.  You do still love me don't you?"

"Yes but..."

"You're not mad at me are you?"

Hell yes he was mad at her, but he was way more hurt and devastated.  And he did still love her. 

With a look of concern, "I mean you two are so different.  He's a real man.  You understand, don't you?"

And with this statement, he sensed her pulling away and the effect was instantaneous.  He was mad and what she had done was wrong, very wrong, but he needed to appease her.  Even after what she'd done, he still loved her.  "I'm not mad...maybe just a little, but no, not really.  I...I guess I understand."  He did not understand at all, but always trying to make her happy is what he did, it was natural to him.

"Good, because I always want us to still be friends.  You've been such a good, loyal, little boyfriend.  Don't you always want to be friends?  I mean, you totally deserve to be friends with me and I want to still let you."

And with that statement, the exact same thing Tiff said to him, the part about still wanting to be friends, he felt the cold knife blade spike through his heart.  Once more, he knew despair. "Yes," he whispered.

Sun shiny smile once more on her face, "Good, because we are breaking up now."  And with real happiness, "I'm breaking up with you."  Michele loved this and it dawned on her how much she enjoyed Tim being on his knees before her as she pretend broke up with him. 

She knew she had real instinct for this, for working him.  And the hurt on his face was darling!  Squeezing her thighs together felt so sinfully good!

"Brad is going to be my very First," she smiled at the imagined anticipation.  "I kept you a virgin for years now.  I liked that.  I like keeping you a virgin.  I just liked owning your virginity. It made me feel safe.  I put your virginity in a little cage and made it safe and sound...and all mine. Locked away.

"I told you I was not ready, but here's the secret: I'm ready.  Actually, I've been ready...I just don't want to do it with you.  It needs to be with a real man.  And now I've found one.  Aren't you happy for me?"

Shocked, devastated silence.

"Oh, I've got the best idea!  If it's okay with Brad, I'll still let you come over and clean.  That way we can still be friends," she said with the most gleeful and charitable smile.  "But only if my Man says it's alright.  Oh, and that way, you can even help me pick outfits for dates with Brad!  We'll have so much fun!  Just a couple of girls doin' girl stuff!"

He knew what he had to do and it really was not all that hard.  Saving his relationship was the most important thing to him.  And what if Michele was right and this is the thing that keeps him from losing the next one?  He'd not begged Tiff.  He'd endured it stoically and look what that got him.  He was glad he was still on his knees. 

"Please Michele...I mean please, Ms. Michele, don't break up with me!  Please don't!  I love you so much and you mean everything to me!"

"Awwww, you are so cute, why you are begging!"  She was so delighted.

"You are soooooo beautiful, so smart, so wise and so strong.  You are the most incredible woman I've ever met and I love you deeply.  Please don't leave me.  I...I need you so badly!"

She smiled with pride. She felt so empowered and so much self love in that moment.

And then came the unexpected.  Looking back at it, Michele thought it should not have been so shocking, she should have anticipated it, but she was learning after all.

"I'll do anything!  I'll do anything you say.  I love you so much I'll do anything you say.  No one will ever love you more than I do. Like if you tell me to do it, I will.  Anything.  I'll obey you.  I'll obey you forever.  Please, please, please...please keep me!  Anything for you, anything for your love!"

It could not have been more clear to Michele: Tim viewed himself the way she wanted him to.  He viewed himself as a possession.  She thought it interesting to just then realized that was her intention all along.  It was all leading to this, but not until looking at it objectively did it become clear what her plan was.  People get to make choices, they can leave you, they can end a relationship.  Possessions don't have that choice.  Possessions get owned and used. 

He's my thing.

She was so happy.

"Well isn't that adorable.  Your begging is kinda a sissy way. And it is kinda funny too, just how much you need me, because I don't feel that way about you at all. Why don't you keep rubbing my feet while I think about it. A part of me wants to keep you and you know how much I value your obedience.  Your obedience is adorable. It's not like I don't want my own good, little boy.  I admit, I've always enjoyed your dedication.

"Just know that there is a good chance I'm still going to break up with you.  But maybe you can still be my boy-maid.  Oh, that sounds so nice.  Would you be willing to be my boy-maid...even if I still break up with you?"

Totally broken, "Yes."

"That'a boy!" And then she went beyond the beyond. "But if I let you be my good, little boy-maid, I'll still own your virginity, okay?"

Broken, "Okay."

Oh my God! He would too! He'd do it!

"I just wouldn't feel right if you weren't a virgin any more. It would be important if I could brag to Brad that I keep your virginity so he'd know I was safe with you.

"It's important for you to see it from his point of view. You couldn't be a threat in any way at all. He'd need to know that you were completely beneath me, that you were just my friend and only my maid and that I keep you a virgin boy. I'll keep you as a boy. My guy wouldn't want an actual man spending time alone with his girl. It only makes sense, after all. From his point of view, it does seem reasonable, right?"

"Yes, Ms. Michele."

"We'll make it like, formal. We'll make a ceremony and you can give it to me to own. I'll keep you safe, little boy." Michele had a little spontaneous orgasm with this.

She had to collect herself by taking several deep breaths before breaking out of character, "Oh my god, that was so fun!  You are really good at this, Timmy.  Oh my god, you looked so upset when I broke up with you!  I thought you were about to cry!"

Shaken "Oh, well I guess you just sort of touched a nerve.  I did not expect you to bring in the whole Tiff/Brad thing."

Laughing at him, "And oh my god, you are so good at begging!  It's like natural for you or something.  I so hope you find her, your Princess Charming.  By the time I'm done with you, you're going to make the best little sissy-boy-toy."

Tim wondered why that stung so much as he was fully aware that he agreed to all this.  Quietly, "Thanks," he replied while trying not to accept it as an insult.  "It was just play acting."

"Oh, it was real," she countered.  "Like, you know, spiritually.  That was all real and we both know it. It's why you got so emosh."

"That kiss on my toe was very sweet and I think maybe my favorite part was when you agreed to be my boy-maid, even though you knew in your heart that I was going to break up with you.  God, a kept virgin, boy-maid would beyond wonderful!  Oh my god, to own my very own boy-maid!  That's the dedication we are looking for!  You go, boy!"  She laughed.

This hurt.  It hurt badly.  How could she not know how hurtful she was being when she laughed at him?  He wanted to die.  Unknown to him, a part of him was dying.  Yet she was encouraging him. 

And it makes her so happy!

Once more his therapist, "Tim, you have to be real about who you are and what kind of relationship you are going to be in.  Assuming you even find the kind of girl you need to be with, begging should be normal and like natural for you.  You have to stop fighting your nature and give in to who you really are. All I ask is that you be honest. Like, get real with yourself.

"Strong girls, bossy girls, girls like us, we might even expect that from you.  It shows your level of dedication and shows you know your place.  She's going to want that. It shows you know who the boss is.  And there's nothing wrong with that, nothing at all.  Oh my god, you'd be so lucky."

Understanding what he'd just done, knowing in his heart that it was so real, he felt deep and profound humiliation. 

This is me.  This really is who I am now.

She smiled a predatory smile at her poor, pathetic, broken, little boy.  He had eyes only for the floor. 

Look at him!  He's so incredibly weak and vulnerable!  God I LOVE this! I LOVE this!

All Tim could think about was how out of reach Michele was to him, how above him she was. 

She'll never like me. 

Once more, he was so consumed with his shame and feelings of inadequacy, he was unaware of his erection.

"Oh!  I know!  Here's a good one!"  It was more than a good one; it was the best one.  She loved that this stuff just occurred to her, it was so natural.  

"Would you beg her to love you?"
