The Photo Shoot

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Linda answers an add and poses in pantyhose.
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I have been given permission by my friends, Linda and Jim, to post this fantasy. I started looking at Linda's fabulous figure on Social Media and the photos of her wearing Pantyhose are so Hot!

This story is completely fictional as I wrote it after doing "exhaustive" research on her sexy photographs.

I'm a huge fan of pantyhose and really appreciate how beautiful Linda looks in my favorite lingerie. Seeing the images of her incredible legs on display, "fired off" the part of my brain that creates these perverted thoughts.

"Fantasy Write Joe"


The Photo-shoot

Linda was nervous on their drive to the city. She was feeling vulnerable because posing for risqué photos for her husband Jim, was quite different than posing nude for a renowned photographer of a world famous Men's magazine.

Jim on the other hand, had been a regular reader of LEG SHOW magazine for years and knew his wife was as hot as any model appearing on it's glossy pages. The thought of his buddies finding her pictorial in a "dirty" magazine behind the local gas station counter was something he had fantasized about for years.

Linda enjoyed posing for her husband, and deep down inside she shared his fantasy too, but never imagined it would ever be possible.

When Jim spotted the add on the back page of the magazine, he went absolutely nuts!

"LEG SHOW magazine is searching for HOT mature ladies to grace it's pages. Our readers are demanding we feature a "Classier Kind of Gal."

If you're over 50, and willing to strut your stuff for the camera in silky nylon and heels, send us a picture of yourself dressed in your nicest pair of Pantyhose or Stockings.

If we like what we see, we'll set up a photo-session with one of our professional photographers. And If we display your images in our magazine, you'll earn a cool $2500."

Jim was right. Three weeks after emailing her pictures to LEG SHOW, he received a phone call from their editor, and Linda was a finalist for appearing in the February issue.

The couple arrived at their destination thirty minutes before their appointment. Jim didn't want Linda to change her mind, so he immediately got out of the car and circled around to open her door. Linda hesitated for a moment, took a deep breath and finally got out. She was shaking! Jim put his arms around her, gave her a hug and whispered something quietly in her ear.

"No, that will never happen!" Linda said, and she laughed sarcastically then proceeded with her husband to the front door of the building.

There were no signs on the outside, only a little plaque by the door that said:

Randall Photography

Ring the doorbell for access

An attractive woman that looked to be in her mid 40's came to the door. "Come on in. You must be Linda and Jim? I've been expecting you. My name is Holly."

Jim was curious. Holly looked familiar. "I think I've seen you before.... Somewhere."

"I'm sure you know my mother's work. Suze Randall? She's shot for all the men's magazines and most of the glamour websites out there. I've been in the business over twenty years myself, but have always been in the shadow of my mother's work. But I guess that's ok. I still make a good living and I'm well known in the industry. Mom isn't working much these days and I've been able to retain most of her web clients. This has always been a family operation. Even my son works here for us. He's only twenty-two, but he's been an assistant for two and a half years."

"Follow me to the back. Most of this stuff you see lying around is used for scenery and props... I apologize for the mess."

As Linda and Jim followed Holly through the building, they passed a number of rooms filled with interesting and unusual furniture and equipment. They also notices numerous rolling racks just full of women's clothing, including bathing suits and lingerie.

One room looked like a doctor's office. Another large area looked like a fully functioning dungeon with every kind of bondage device and every kind of instrument of torture imaginable. Ball gags, whips, ropes and straps. Several styles of pillories, benches and tables, all appearing extremely uncomfortable for anyone unfortunate enough to be held against their will.

Holly stopped in front of an opening near the back and ushered Linda and Jim into a large room set up like an executive's office. In the middle was a large open desk with a leather chair. On the right side of the room was a tall bookcase with a rolling ladder allowing access to any books on the top two or three shelves. But on the left side of the room was an unusually large table that looked out of place.

The table appeared to be some kind of a display table, but had a number of eye-bolts attached to the top, and the top was fairly high off the ground compared to a normal table.

"Jim, you can sit over here to the side. Make yourself at home."

From the hallway, Linda and Jim heard footsteps headed in their direction. A young lady who looked to be about thirty entered the room.

"Hey guys, I'm Susan. You must be Linda and Jim?"

Jim smiled and said "Hello," and Linda said, "Yes, this is my husband Jim and I guess I'm the lucky lady, Linda."

"Linda, I'll be your makeup artist for the shoot, and I'll also play around with your hair a little bit... so if you don't mind, I'm going to take you back to the dressing room and get you ready for Holly. Your makeup looks great, but we need to do a little touch-up because of the lighting Holly will be using. And your blonde hair is beautiful, so I'll probably just add a few curls to it and maybe pull it back on the sides. I'll try to find a pretty hair clip to place in the back. I think I can have you ready in about twenty to thirty minutes."

Down the hall, Susan got busy working on Linda.

Back in the "office," Holly did her best to make small talk with Jim, but she was focused on getting the lighting set up, and checking her cameras and lenses.

At one point Jim heard Holly's phone go off. She read a text message and quietly said with frustration, "Punctuality is NOT one of my son's strengths!" and tossed her phone on the desk next to her camera.

After touching up Linda's makeup and curling her hair, Susan stepped back from Linda, "I think we're ready. Take a look in the mirror and tell me what you think?"

Linda was pleased. "I spent more time than this on my makeup and hair before we left the house," she said as she looked at herself in the mirror from different angles. "I like this."

"You were much easier to work with than most of the Diva's in this profession. You're a really pretty lady!"

Susan turned to her side, "Holly left a pretty dress over there with a flared skirt that should be your size. Put that on as well as the hosiery we picked out for you. There's a package of Hanes suntan pantyhose on the chair behind you. I also set out several pairs of white heels. I think one of them should fit you fine. Of course, you can leave your bra and panties here with your other clothes. When you're ready, you can come join us back on the set."

Susan walked out.

After about 10 minutes, Linda returned to the set in the pretty outfit Holly had selected for her pictorial.

Jim was beaming with pride, as he stared at his wife, looking her up and down. "That dress is really classy, Honey. You look so sexy!"

"Can you turn around for me so I can get a good look at your outfit?" Holly asked.

Linda spun around causing her skirt to rise up, putting more of her sexy legs on display.

Jim was smiling but Holly stayed focused, "Linda, why don't you lift up your skirt for me so we can check the lighting. Pull it up above your waist for us."

Linda took a deep breath and grabbed the hem of her dress and lifted it to her waist. Her thighs and calves shimmered under the lights. She looked so vulnerable standing there with her dress pulled up, while standing in front of Susan and Holly.

"Just a bit higher please? I need to see the top of your pantyhose."

Linda followed Holly's instructions and lifted her skirt higher.

"There, that's good. "Now turn around and face away from us and lift your skirt in the back."

Linda complied and Holly said, "Yes, I think this is going to work. Up-skirt shots can be difficult. It can take some time to get the lighting just right."

"Ok," Holly said. "Let's get started, shall we?"

"Come over behind the desk. We'll start out with a few preliminary shots of you in the chair behind the desk. You're playing the part of a Secretary and you work for the youngest executive in the company."

Linda sat down in the chair. The hem of her dress lay just above the top of her knees.

Holly took up her position at the side of the desk and started snapping pictures. "Now push the chair back so your feet are clear of the desk. Look at me. Now look down at your legs."

Snap, snap.

"That's good, now cross your legs like a proper lady."

Snap, snap.

Linda crossed her legs as instructed and glanced over at Jim. Holly took a number of pictures from various angles. She took several from floor level and even a couple while only just a few feet from her while focusing on her legs and feet. Linda seemed to like the attention she was getting.

"Place your heels up on the desk and cross your ankles. That's it..."

Snap, snap.

"Slide the skirt up towards your waist a little and show us those thighs..."

Snap, snap.

Linda didn't know what expression she needed on her face, so she gave Holly a big smile.

"Ok, Linda, your smile is great, but why don't you try giving us your concerned, pouty look. Pretend that your boss is upset with you and you're not looking forward to what he's going to say about the mistake you made."

Linda made a good attempt to show Holly a very concerned look.

"Now uncross your legs and separate your feet just a little."

Snap, snap.

Holly moved to the front of the desk. She took a number of full-length shots before asking Linda to toss her hair back.

"That's great. Yes, I like that."

Holly then got down on the floor and sat directly in front of Linda's open legs. Aiming her camera under the desk, Holly began snapping pictures of Linda's lower half and up under her skirt.

Snap, snap.

"Ok, now put your feet back on the floor and spread your legs just a little...lets see more of your pantyhose."

Linda complied.

"Wider now...."

Snap, snap...the camera clicked and light bulbs flashed.

"Yes, that's it. Now open those legs as wide as you can. There you go honey, let's see your camel toe underneath your pantyhose."

Snap, snap.

Holly moved a little to the side of where she was sitting to get a different angle of Linda's legs.

"Ok, now extend your left leg straight out. Yes...

Lift your leg up a little..."

Snap, snap

"Lift it higher...


Snap, snap

Flash bulbs continued going off and the sound of the camera clicking away was mesmerizing to Jim. He was enjoying this, immensely.

"Now reach under the waistband of your pantyhose with your hand....NO, not that far...."

Snap, snap

"That's good...

Now go a little further....

Ok, slide your fingers over your lips..."

Snap, snap

"If you want to finger yourself, go ahead...

Slide a finger between those lips, LInda....

Rub your with that clitty, LInda..."

Snap, snap

"Ok, Now pull your hand out of your pantyhose and play with the hem of your dress a little. Maybe flip the hem back and forth, then smooth it out with your hands... That's good."

Linda wasn't ready to stop rubbing herself. She was doing her best to follow Holly's instructions, but was having difficulty concentrating. Linda was still a bit nervous and she was getting horny. She felt funny fingering herself in front of these two women.

Holly recognized Linda's nervousness, "Would you feel better if we got you a drink? Both of you look like you could use a glass of wine?"

Jim said, "I think both of us would appreciate that."

"Susan, be a dear and go to the 'fridge and bring back the bottle of white wine I put in there a little while ago to chill. And bring us a couple of glasses back.

We'll take a quick break while we wait for you."

Susan returned in a jiffy. She popped the cork and poured a glass for both Jim and Linda.

Linda's hands were shaking as she took the glass from Susan.

"Yes, a glass of wine would help a lot," Linda confessed.

Jim also took a glass and a sip.

Linda took several more sips and eagerly finished most of the glass before Holly was ready to start back.

"Ok, Linda, I want you to walk over to the book case. Do you think you can manage stepping up on the ladder a few steps? I want to get some shots of those beautiful legs."

Linda grabbed the ladder with both hands and stepped up on the first step. Holly began by taking full length shots, then moved up a little closer.

Snap, snap.

"Step up a couple more if you feel comfortable, Linda."

Linda didn't seem to mind and she stepped up two more steps.

Snap, snap.

"That's fabulous. Now bend your right leg at the knee. You can take your foot off the step if you think you can stay balanced."

Linda moved her leg upwards, froze it in place for a few more shots, then put it back down.

Holly continued taking pictures.

Next, Holly laid down on the floor right under Linda and took several shots up her dress. Jim really liked seeing this and smiled to himself.

Snap, snap.


Linda and Jim were suddenly startled when a young man hastily entered the room!

"I'm here, I'm here," said the handsome young man. "Hey guys. I'm sooo sorry I'm late!" the young man said in a loud, hurried voice.

"This is Aaron, my son," Holly said without much enthusiasm.

"He's still learning that he can't keep our clients waiting."

Aaron turned just as quickly to walk out of the room and said over his shoulder, "I'll do a quick change and be right back."

Linda was so startled that her face turned white. She didn't know what to think. She was already nervous from the entire situation, but now she was getting a larger audience to watch her pose. And to top it all off, she was still amped up from fingering herself just a few minutes ago.

She summoned up her courage and finally asked Holly, "This is your son?"

"Yep, That's my son. He's still learning about punctuality," Holly said with sarcasm in her voice.

"And what does HE do here?" Linda asked.

"He does a little bit of everything, but today, he's going to be your boss in this scene."

Linda was stunned. She was more than twice his age, and that alone embarrassed her. After a long pause... she asked Susan to refill her glass. Susan topped it off, then walked over to refresh Jim's glass, too.

"Did you think you'd be alone in this shoot?" asked Holly.

"I don't remember the editor telling me that part." Linda said hesitantly.

"Don't worry, Aaron is good to work with. He'll help you stay relaxed and he'll see that you stay in the right position for each shot.

Aaron returned to the room dressed in a suit and tie. He actually looked like a young executive. Linda admitted to herself that he was a very handsome young man!

Linda looked at Jim and Jim shrugged his shoulders. Jim was really exited about the situation, but he didn't want to act too excited, for Linda's sake. He wanted to support her, but he was looking forward to what might be next.

"Ok, now that Aaron has graced us with his presence, Linda, can you step back up the ladder for a few more shots?

And Aaron, you stand back and look at her like you're about to reprimand her."

Aaron put on his "angry" face and peered at Linda for a few shots.

Snap, Snap.

"Ok, Aaron, now show us how Linda is beginning to look intriguing while up on the ladder. Stare at those legs and show us your pleasant surprise...."

Snap, Snap.

"Show us that you didn't realize how sexy this woman really looks in that dress."

Snap, snap.

Aaron moved in closer.

"Aaron, grab the hem of her skirt. That's it.

Now lift it up a bit...."

Snap, snap.

"Now lift it higher....

Snap, snap.

Ok, Aaron, look under her skirt...

Look all the way up it. Cock your head so we can tell you're getting a good view up her skirt"

Snap, snap.

"Take a look at her pantyhose...."

Snap, snap.

"Let us see how pleased you are seeing her on that ladder while you lift up her skirt."

Snap, snap.

Linda was embarrassed. But Holly and Susan remained professional, making the whole scene very surreal.

"Aaron, kiss her thighs....

Now pull her skirt up as far as you can and kiss her behind...."

Snap, snap.

"Run your tongue along her pantyhose starting at the back of her knees, then go up higher..."

Snap, snap.

"Rub her pantyhose with your hands as if you just adore those legs of hers...."

Snap, snap.

That's it."

Snap, Snap. Snap, Snap.

"Ok, I think thats enough shots on the ladder."

Aaron suddenly stopped what he was doing. Linda looked over at Holly and then stepped down from the ladder.

Linda couldn't believe what was happening. On the one hand, she was embarrassed having Holly's son touch her so intimately.

On the other hand, the feel of his hands and lips and tongue gently caressing her pantyhose covered legs was raising her temperature.

That stirring feeling was beginning to come back to her pussy. She knew she was beginning to get wet.

Embarrassment was setting in again. She knew that as soon as the camera focused on her pantyhose gusset, it would be obvious she was getting wet from Aaron's touch.

Linda took a few more sips of wine and caught Susan's eye again. Susan jumped up and filled her glass to the top.

Linda focused on the glass of wine as she sipped. Hoping her nerves would calm down.

After downing another half glass of wine, she could tell it was beginning to relax her, just a bit. She took a deep breath and looked at Holly, and then over at Aaron. She thought she was ready to start back.


Linda was startled as Holly began to speak again.

"Ok, Linda,...

The boss is very upset with you. He's ready to punish you. Are you ready to be punished?"

Susan giggled because she knew this was way past Linda's comfort zone. After all, Linda was just a simple amateur.

Linda looked confused. What was going to happen to her next. Was she going to be whipped? Spanked? Some other kind of torture? Was she ready for this? Was Jim going to put a stop to it?

She looked at Jim. Jim was staring at Holly and Aaron. Linda knew in her heart he wasn't going to speak up. She resigned to her fate, whatever that might be.

"We're going to move you over to the display table, now. This is where you're going to be reprimanded by your boss."

Holly and Susan began moving the lighting to the other side of the room. They checked to make sure no unwanted items were in the way of the shot and Susan tested the light with the light meter. After about 5 minutes, Holly declared that everything was ready for the next scene.

Aaron grabbed Linda by the hand and walked her over to the side of the table.

Linda stared at the eyelets on top. What are these for, she asked herself. She then noticed two more eyelets coming out of the floor, just a foot or so away from the table's edge.

She turned back to Aaron and saw Susan putting several items in his hands. It looked like leather cuffs and some rope. The cuffs were the kind that she'd seen in sex dungeon pictures. They had d-rings coming off of them.

Holly spoke up again. "Aaron, lets get a few shots of you placing the cuffs on Linda's wrists."

"Linda....Linda we need you to act surprised and frightened. Give us your best look of being frightened. You're appalled at what this young executive plans to do to you. You've been a secretary for this company since before Aaron was born.