The Piano - The Birthday Weekend

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Tatiana's piano student dear friend thurned 19, celebrate.
10.1k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 12/09/2018
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All depicted characters are over 18. All characters events and places are fictional.

Imagination, not reality.


The Birthday Weekend

Finally it was Friday, 5:00 o'clock. I heard talking as Tati opened the door for Penny. I stopped for a second to listen. They moved to the piano. It was easy to tell from the sounds of the opening key board cover and talking that was going on. Tati had wanted to go through their duet together she said. Penny didn't complain but did mention that she thought she was here for a celebration.

"Oh, you are." Tati countered. "But I think we are slightly over dressed for that."

"What do you mean?" I heard Penny question.

"I'll show you." Tatiana said followed by the rustling of paper, a gift being unwrapped.

"Oh, I like!" Penny's voice.

"So will he!" both voices giggled.

"You do me and I'll do you." Tati's voice returned.

More giggling followed by the sound of the piano top lifted and sat the post. Then, after a moment the music they make together filled the house. I couldn't help but stop and listen. The music was amazing and I could listen to it forever. Tati was right, that 6 foot parlor grand piano really did make this house the perfect choice. The house, the yard, everything was as we wanted and had dreamed, and the piano, well the icing on the cake. Funny thought, the birthday and the cake were the reason for the evening. I finished up, put on my soft white rob and went to the kitchen.

I don't know if I was noticed or not. As I moved to the kitchen, the music didn't stop of even skip a beat. I poured three glasses of champagne, took a breath and moved toward the living room. Tati had previously closed the curtains. We were safe from prying eyes and ready to see what came next.

As I entered the room Penny looked up from the music and stopped. It only took a couple of notes and Tatiana stopped also. I crossed the room and placed the glasses on the exposed structure of the piano and proceeded as we had planned. First I looked at Tati. She nodded. I took Penny's hand helping her, leading her to stand. I moved a couple of steps away from the piano and stopped. She looked me up and down. I began.

"Penny," I started, "Tatiana has told me and we have talked about the fact that you are interested in our lifestyle. You are now 19 and have expressed a lot of interest in why we don't live as we want even with you here. I think you already know why, but, we don't force our way of living on anyone and especially not you."

Tati had moved to the end of the piano bench as I took both of Penny's hands and continued.

"You are no longer a little girl. You are our beautiful very close friend. We love you like a sister, even more. We have done so many things and gone so many places together. We really do love you. You and Tati are more than very close. Well, the three of us are." I paused, "We have made plans to have dinner with you tonight to celebrate your birthday. We can either go out, in which case I will go dress or we can stay here and I will not. It, well, it all depends on your decision."

Tati stood next to her. Penny looked at her. After a serious silence between them that was more like telepathy, they both grinned at each other.

"Really!" Penny said to her.

"Whatever you decide." Tati moved close, they shared a soft "more than friends" kiss and she sat back down.

I had never seen them kiss, but it was sweet like loving sisters but longer. They were closer than I had imagined. The thought made me wonder. Penny turned back to me.

I softly held her hands. "I want you to be sure." I was serious and Penny sensed it. "This needs to be your decision if you want to keep things simple, like things have been; Tati and I are both in agreement. You decide. Let us know how you feel. And like I said, I will go dress and we will go out for our celebration. If you choose to stay, you only need untie my robe, your choice."

Penny stood there for a moment contemplating, "I want you to be yourselves."

"Ok," I continued, "I know Tati has told you, and the two of you have talked about the fact that being ourselves means that at home and often other places I, well, we prefer that I am nude. I love the feeling and the freedom. Tatiana prefers, well, loves me that way. Our love and trust allows my and our nudity with those very close, our most cherished friends. This close and open trust frees us to share and enjoy intimate touch, kissing and physically communicating our friendship and love with those we are closest to. Because of your birthday you are old enough and we feel you are mature enough, if you choose, to be much closer to both Tati and I." I stopped speaking.

Penny looked into my eyes as she bit her lip, then at Tatiana, "I want to be part of who you are. I love you both so much. Tati has told me you are comfortable. And I want..."

She reached for the belt and untied it while looking into my eyes. I smiled. She beamed. The robe fell open. My cock was clearing loving the idea. It pointed straight out. Her eyes went down my body and for a moment she watched it point at her. She looked up smiling and biting her lip. I took her hands and held them against my chest. Her bright eyes locked on to mine.

She finished her sentence, "want you to be you."

Our eyes met.

"Then, take it off my shoulders Penny." I said almost in a whisper.

Her eyes went from mine to the robe. Her hands reached up but I caught them. I kissed both of them in turn then let go. She placed them on my shoulders. Her thumbs ran under the cloth. She slid it back. I let it drop to the floor. Penny started to move back but I again caught her hands. I brought them towards me. She wrapped around me as I hugged her close and held her where she stood. Her head on my shoulder, arms around my waist, we hugged. When we released the hug she was looking, understandably, down at my hard cock. With a finger I gently raised her chin and her gaze back to my eyes.

"Again Penny, a large part of how Tatiana and I live is not just the freedom to look at, enjoy and share physical beauty, but also share our feelings through intimate touch. Remember, I love her very much. She is my world. She has told you how much I love; we love the incredible power of shared touch. We love you very much. Our gift to you is not just our complete trust in you but giving you the freedom share visually and physically our friendship and love for you. I'm rambling. Do you understand what I am trying to say?" I looked deep into her eyes.

She nodded.

"Are you also ready for that?" I asked.

Again she nodded.

As I was talking I had led her finger tips slowly down my chest until her touch found my cock. The fingers of one hand I helped to wrap around it and held it there. Her other I led to my balls. Those fingers naturally cupped, softly holding, caressing, touching. Her eyes had followed her fingers down my torso and she watched herself now holding my stiff cock. I let go and she loosed her grip but held softly on. My hardness grew in her hand.

"My beautiful Penny," she looked up as I spoke, "Part of me being me, is loving and sharing, even giving myself to the woman, women I love and am intimately close to. I feel life should be full of beauty, passion, feelings, openness and sharing those feely with those we hold closest to our hearts."

Tati was there beside us. I had not noticed her stand. I glanced her way as she handed me one of the glasses of champagne. With her freed hand Tati wrapped her fingers around Penny's. Both now held my cock feeling the flexing, pushing the hardness to grow. She motioned with her eyes for Penny to take the other glass. Penny again bit her lip. One of the sexiest facial expressions a woman can make. She let my balls hang free and watched herself trace a finger around my cock's head then up my body until our eyes met. We shared a smile. She again bit her lip, looked at Tati, smiled and took the glass. Tati picked up the third glass. Their two hands softly squeezed my shaft.

"Finally, to us." Tati said as she began small strokes on my cock with Penny's hand.

Penny bit her lip, "Yea, to us, finally."

We drank.

"Enjoy him!" Tati said taking her glass setting hers and Penny's on the piano.

Penny moved both hands around me. She slowly stroked circled, played, and explored. Tati stood by her, an arm around her waist, watching the motions of her fingers and hands.

"Spread your legs dear." Tati said moving to closer to my side.

I did.

Penny looked up at me then back at my cock in her hands, "Wow!"

Tati's hand snuck between my legs from behind and began playing with my balls.

"Down here." Tati said taking Penny's hand and leading it between my legs. "He loves this!"

I watched Penny as fingers slowly traced the line between my legs to my balls and back again. Each ball was softly explored and rolled around. The stroking on my cock had ended but Penny's hand was still there.

"Stroke him Penny. Isn't it wonderful to just be able to touch, stroke, love, caress and feel the power of his manhood! It changes things to simply be able to enjoy and love the beauty of a man." Tati said.

Penny nodded but bit her lip, "May I kiss him?"

"Anywhere you want, love." Tati returned.

Penny rose on her toes and leaned in. I wrapped her in my arms and we kissed. Her hands left my cock and wrapped around my neck. Tati joined the hug with her arm around my back and we stood there for a moment. My cock pointed nicely at 10:00 o'clock and at least the 10 ft grand stage with the head pushing into Penny as she hugged me. The kiss ended.

"You ok?" I asked.

"Yea!" Penny responded with a beautiful smile!

"Well, it looks like I am grilling steaks then, doesn't it!" I said with a bit of a chuckle. "Are you sure you are ok?"

"Yes!" Penny said, bigger this time. "You really do!"

"Yes we really do!" I returned bending down and picking up the robe. I laid it on the couch, collected the champagne glasses and started toward into the kitchen. Where I sat them on the counter.

"Wow, you really do!" Penny was talking with Tati now.

"Yes we really do. He will not wear clothes now unless we go out somewhere. So you can look all you want, touch all you want, kiss all you want, play with his balls, love that cock of his all you want just remember one thing. I love him more than life and am willing to share him but not give him away, alright, understood?"

"Yes Tati, I know, I understand. You know I love you both like my own family. Well even more and I would never..." Tati cut her off.

"I know. We love you too. That's why I, well we, can bring your trust closer." Tati said. "Now," with a giggle, "let's go watch him cook!"

They walked into the kitchen arm in arm as I was retrieving the steaks. The grill was already lit. I got a whistle from Penny and they both laughed. Penny loved tying the apron around me with a "We don't want you to burn him!"

"No, you may have to kiss him better!" I said.

She blushed and bit her lip. I walked out on the patio and put the steaks on. I puttered around the grill listening to what Tati and Penny were saying.

"He really does feel natural nude so don't feel funny or out of place or, well, strange. OK? For us, it's perfectly natural." Tati was reassuring Penny.

"But still, I know we have talked and everything but I just..." Penny had started.

"Look, Pen, we love you, you know that. He loves you. So go to him, talk, like you have a million times. It may seem a little odd but you'll get used to him that way and, we hope, begin to enjoy it. Just relax and enjoy him. He really wants you to!" Tati continued to reassure her.

"Ok, but it is so cool and he is so well, sexy and wow!" Penny was enjoying the new me.

Tati returned, "Yes he is." She hesitated, "So go out with him. Remember he has held you, hugged you, kissed you, carried you around, we've done all sorts of things together."

"Yea, but he was dressed!" Penny giggled at the thought.

"So go out there stand really close like you have a hundred times. Run your hand up and down his back, touch his ass! He has a very nice ass! And get to know him though touch. Ok?" Tati was still reassuring her. "Remember, I want you to. He wants you to. Go on."

I looked in at them as Tati turned to prepare the salad and Penny came out the opening left by the long sliding door. She came up to me and again hesitated. I put the tongs down and wrapped my arm around her shoulder hugging her close to me. She naturally put her arm around me.

She looked up, "Feels a little awkward."

"No," I returned, "it feels wonderful, natural, like it always has.

I bent down and kissed the top of her head. In a moment she began softly sliding her hand up and down my back. Her head rested against my shoulder. Her hand slid to my ass.

"Your touch feels good." I whispered and kissed the top of her head again, reassuring her.

She nodded.

"We didn't want this to be pressured. But wanted to give you what you have asked Tati about and talked with her about several times. We wanted this to be your decision. That is why I had you remove my robe, your decision. But we, well I wanted you to know that touch can be very fun, very loving and very intimate. That is why I had you hold my cock after my robe was off. You didn't seem to mind it." I paused.

Penny shook her head in the negative looking up and smiling.

I continued, "Tati and I, we both really enjoy intimate touch with the trust and feelings it shares." I was still whispering, my lips close to the top of her head. "So, go ahead!"

Her other hand slowly slid under the apron and rubbed my tummy. Her finger circled my navel. She looked up and smiled.

"See, fun and intimate!" I smiled back.

She let her hand slide lower until she wrapped those slender fingers around my somewhat softened cock and squeezed.

"Explore me, stroke me, let your fingers discover every little part." Again I kissed the crown of her head.

The hand on my ass began running softly up and down the crack and around the cheeks. The fingers of the other traced the length of the shaft and felt it beginning to harden. She looked up.

"I like your touch. It feels good. And my cock likes it too." I smiled and softly reassured her.

A finger began circling the head and following the rim around and around.

"You're so soft." She whispered, but kept exploring.

I reached for the tongs and began turning the steaks. She wrapped her hand around my now stiffer cock and began stroking its length.

"I like how it grows!" Penny whispered.

I set the tongs back down, looked at the time.

"Back up a couple of steps." I said.

She moved back and tugged on my cock as I followed her the few feet. There I leaned back against the brick wall at the end of the grill. She moved a little and cuddled back in beside me. Tati came out and placed the salad and some plates on the table. She came to us kissed me on the cheek but again softly kissed Penny on the lips.

"I love you my Penny!" Tati said at the end of their kiss.

My cock flinched at the sight of them kissing and it didn't go unnoticed. Tati winked at me and went back in the house. Penny's big eyes smiled up at me. She got a devilish little grin on her face and stroked a little harder.

"Mmmm, Enjoy it. Love it. It's harder from your touch. Let your fingers touch, slide, move, explore discover how much my cock loves your touch and what your touch does to me. But, first, um, let me turn the steaks!" I smiled at her. She giggled softly and let go.

We moved back to the grill and turned the steaks over for the last time. Her hand on my ass and finger tips sliding up and down the crack. The steaks looked great, tasty and Penny looked more relaxed. Tati placed more on and arranged the table said, "Nice," then again disappeared into the house.

"Those need just a couple more minutes but I think we can get rid of this now, untie me, would you?" I turned around.

Penny untied the apron. I turned and faced her. "Take it off me now sweet Penny, happy birthday!"

She smiled; "Thanks!" took the string and moved it over my head. She crumpled the apron in her hand as she threw her arms around me. I hugged her back lifting her and holding her tight against me. As I held her I turned, took a few steps and leaned against the edge of the table. Setting her down, she planted a kiss on my lips then smiled up at me! I unwrapped her from my arms and with a toss the apron was on the end of the grill.

"Those steaks do need about 2 minutes. I miss your hands." facing her, I smiled.

Penny bit her lip. So sexy! And both hands began exploring my balls, my cock. Stroking, rolling, and tracing the head, rubbing a finger tip in the small hole at the top collecting the slick sticky pre-cum there. She held up the finger. Tati was next to her now, an arm around both of us. She hugged in close and licked Penny's finger tip.

"He's tasty, try some...mmmm" she giggled and went to the table.

Penny stroked my shaft a few of times tighter like she was milking me. Again she slid a finger tip over the hole in the tip of its head collecting a drop of clear liquid. She pointed her finger up and looked at it again. Tati handed me a plate and looked a Penny.

"Go ahead, or I will." Tati encouraged her on.

Penny licked her finger expecting something bad from the look of her squint and wrinkled face. But her eyes went wider and her face relaxed. One hand still held my shaft and the other joined it this time. As it stroked the other rubbed the head searching for and finding another taste of pre-cum. She licked it of her finger again.

"Wow, I didn't know." She breathed out.

"Pre-cum's the best! It's sweet isn't it?!" Tati returned. "But the steaks will be over done!"

I kissed Penny's forehead and she let go. I handed her the plate, served up the steaks and we sat down to our meal. We each began to plate when I noticed the wine had not been brought to the table. Humm, was that on purpose? I said as much adding that I would go get it. I stood and they both watched.

"I don't know if I will ever get used to that." Penny remarked looking me up and down.

Tati, "He is beautiful, isn't he."

Penny, "Yes, he really is. I still cannot believe you are so relaxed being nude with us. Well, with you (meaning Tatiana) I can understand, but even with me here."

Tati, "Oh, he loves it dear."

"She's right. I really do love being nude. I am, if you couldn't tell by now, a bit of an exhibitionist and here at home unless someone is here who we do not want to, shall we say, share with, like you when you were younger and her other students, I am nude. Now, if you fine ladies will allow, I'll go get the wine." I moved around the table and headed for the kitchen.

"Wow!" Penny said as I moved.

"It is our first rule." Tati said.

"Really, rule?" Penny returned.

"Yes, we agreed sometime ago that if we enjoy him being nude so much, that is how he is at home and anywhere else we can get away with it! And I've had him nude quite a few places!" Tati said with a smile, wink and bit of a giggle in her voice.

"Like where?" Penny's interest was piqued.

"Well like here." Tati said.

"That's not what I meant." Penny returned.

I came back to the table with the wine. Being up and having them watch me started the fire within to rise a little and my cock was standing out from me I'd say about a parlor grand, nice and pointed but not fully erect. Their eyes were on me and my bouncing cock as I uncorked the bottle. I stood close enough to the table that my parlor grand bounced and stood above the edge of it. I moved to each in turn and poured the wine. Penny only said "thank you" but Tati held my cock and leaned in and kissed the tip. Penny's eyes went wide.

"Have you ever seen such a beautiful cock?" Tati said.