The Plan


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"Here is the settlement I'm offering. I have already filed. So, you don't have to unless you disagree with what I'm asking for ... the highlights are ... The prenup is in effect so my trust is out of the question, I'm suggesting we sell anything we don't want and split it 50/50, this of course includes the house.

"Since I filed first, I'm asking for full custody of Caitlin and minimal child support from you. Of course, you'll have a very liberal visitation schedule. I will keep her on my insurance but of course, you'll need to get your own. You keep your 401K and any investments you had coming into the marriage as well as the inheritance you got from your Mom. I wouldn't want to take anything that is truly yours from you. We'll split any investments we started as a couple, Cait and I will stay in the house till we sell it.

"I'm also releasing $200k from my trust for you to set yourself up with. I would recommend you get a prenup and protect it if you get together with Jason as you planned. I would hate to see you lose anything; I want to make sure you can be self-sufficient on your own since I'm asking not to pay any spousal support." I paused to watch her soak in what I just laid out for her.

"I think I should get Caitlin; a girl is going to need her mother as she matures." She said flatly.

"I agree completely, but you can do that remotely through visitations and calls. Frankly, I don't trust Jason with our daughter. I already know that he plans on trying to turn her away from me with gifts and his suave personality, since he couldn't produce his own kid, he wants mine.

"And I think I'm being more than generous allowing him to have my wife already, he doesn't get my daughter as well. I understand you will want to negotiate the custody part; I suggest we let the lawyers earn their keep and try to be civil." I suggested as a peace offering when I saw her face go red during the discussion about Cait and Jason.

"He would never hurt her, and it will be up to you if you drive her away! Separating her from her mother is a good way to get that done!"

"Well, either way, she stays with me until we get something else figured out. You can stay here in the master bedroom for a few nights or the week, until you get things figured out.

"Kelsey, I still love you with all of my heart. I thought we were going to conquer the world together ... but you're killing me here, and I don't know what else to do.

"My world is coming apart and I'm trying hard to be fair and kind. I really don't want to hurt you the same way you have hurt me. Trust me though, if you go nuclear or let Jason get involved in our business, I will reply in-kind ... and darling, I have resources that neither of you have." My tone changed and she could finally hear the anger in my words. I could play hardball if pushed; she had seen it before.

"So please, let's put this on simmer and let the lawyers figure it out. I would really like to be polite and courteous with you at any time we meet. I feel it will be important for Caitlin to see us be sociable, I plan for both of us to be deeply involved in our daughter's life." I pleaded with her; I really didn't want this to be a knock-down-drag-'em-out fight.

"I'm off the rest of the week, and according to the law you have to be officially served, that is scheduled here at the house for 9 AM. I didn't want you embarrassed at work, so you may consider calling in and taking a few days off as well. I know it will be tense for us both being home, but I thought we would sit down with Caitlin tomorrow night or keep her home Wednesday to explain what's happening ... Thoughts?" Kelsey had stopped eating all together by now and looked a little pale and sickly. I think the full effects of her actions were finally settling in on her. She only had herself to blame; I was fat, dumb, and happy until she fired off this shit storm.

She looked up at me, did her best impression of a fish out of water, and then said "Ok Matt. You have obviously planned well and got ahead of us, I'm not sure how ... but you did. I'll call into work first thing and at least be home through Wednesday, do you think Alex can keep her tomorrow night as well? Maybe just keep her out of school tomorrow and bring her home Wednesday morning so we can talk?"

"Larry the Sleaze," I said proudly before continuing as she gave me a confused look. "My PI, Larry found this out after I got some hints that something was rotten in Denmark. I'll call Aunt Alex right away; I think that's a great idea." Kelsey gave me a little head nod as I mentioned Larry while she picked up the papers, I gave her and said good night. I guess she needed some alone time to process the event and watched her head into the master bedroom where she closed and locked the door, which wasn't a problem since I had moved the majority of my everyday clothes and needs into the spare room earlier.

I called my aunt and explained we had a little family issue we were working through and of course she agreed to keep Caitlin one more night and drop her off Wednesday mid-morning. I also spoke to Caitlin and let her know she wasn't going to school the next day, she was still confused but ok with it. I told her that Mom and I would explain everything on Wednesday.

As I put things away and got ready for bed, I could hear Kelsey murmuring through the door as if she were on the phone and later light sobs as she mourned the loss of our marriage.


I could hear Kelsey was up early and making plans about with her work as she came downstairs in casual clothes. Right at nine, she answered the door and accepted her official service and packet - minus the photos and transcripts. She would have become familiar with those last night in her room. Right after she grabbed her keys and purse and took off, she didn't mention where to, but I figured it was to meet Jason, her lawyer, or someone else to commiserate with.

I got a call from Bill later in the afternoon to let me know that both Jason and their company had been served with our suits. It also appeared that Jason was served with Shannon's countersuit around the same time and was coming unglued. Bill mentioned I should probably stay low and watch out, apparently the server mentioned some threats towards me from Jason.

I never figured Jason would be too stupid since he was getting everything he wanted. But, just in case I went to my gun safe and pulled out my 1911 in .45 ACP, made sure it was loaded, Cocked and Locked, and tucked it down in my chair as I watched TV.

I was standing by the sink a few hours later when I saw a black BMW come to a sliding halt in my driveway and an irate Jason jump out and open his rear door, pulling a baseball bat out. I figured I better retreat to my chair where my cell phone was located and call 9-1-1; knowing that the door was locked, I felt secure.

I dialed 9-1-1 and told the operator that my wife's boyfriend was in my driveway with a baseball bat, they dispatched some units my way. Just about that time I heard a second vehicle arrive outside, figuring it to be Kelsey from the screaming and pitch of voices I was hearing. Then there was a high-pitched yelp.

I jumped as my front door splintered from a firm kick and a furious Jason stormed through yelling at the top of his lungs, "YOU MOTHERFUCKER ... YOU GOT ME FIRED AND FUCKED UP MY DIVORCE!" He was seething and foaming at the mouth, I slipped my right hand down onto the grip of the pistol, the feel of it calmed me. Jason was swinging the bat around wildly and I could hear Kelsey screaming from outside, begging him to come back out.


I allowed him five more feet before I pulled my pistol from the seat cushion. His eyes were narrowed and could tell his judgment was compromised; his bat rose above his head, but it wasn't going to be very ineffective at 25 feet.

The crack of the round in the chamber was deafening, the first round penetrated a couple of inches below the sternum, xiphoid process, and to his right. The round grazed a rib as it penetrated his liver and exited somewhere in his back. I was always taught to triple-tap at my targets and working off instincts the second round ignited fractions of a second after the first. Due to the recoil and having more control of my weapon, the second round was on target. Hitting the center of the sternum and a couple of fingers above the xiphoid this time, I knew I was on target. The bullet shattered his sternum and punctured his heart.

Jason slowed and I think it was just momentum that carried him the next hobbled step and I'm sure he was already collapsing as the third round exited the barrel. I caught a glimpse of movement by the door, but I was too focused on the task at hand to pay any intention. The final round entered Jason's slightly open mouth splintering teeth and exited at the base of his skull. If Jason wasn't dead after two rounds, the third round separating his brain stem made sure the job was done.

The round exited and lodged itself into the splintered front door, just missing Kelsey's own head by hundredths of an inch. She wasn't unscathed; Kelsey was splattered with her lover's skull and brain matter, which landed in her screaming mouth. Jason's body fell to its knees and then landed with some force on its belly and face.

I could hear screaming now through my ringing ears, it surprised me at how loud the pistol was in close quarters. I was starting to hear sirens and the yelling of the responding officers. Not knowing how extreme the situation was, they laid Kelsey on her belly and handcuffed her in front of the open door, her screeching and screaming had not reduced until she started vomiting when she released what she was covered in and tasting.

I was still shocked at the events which unfolded in front of me and finally focused on the gun pointed at my face and the screaming officer, "FREEZE ...DROP THE GUN..." he was ordering and I gained some of my senses dropping the weapon and followed his commands to lay down on the blood-splattered floor.


The next couple of weeks were hectic and overwhelming.

Jason was pronounced dead at the scene. I learned later through police reports and eyewitness accounts that apparently, he was served with my lawsuit and the updated divorce papers from his wife around the same time. It didn't take him long to figure out the photos came from me. Kelsey was standing next to him when he opened the envelope from his wife and confirmed that she had a matching set. Moments later they both were called into the VP's office where they confessed their affair not realizing what the outcome would be. Knowing that my suit against the company would never go anywhere, and it didn't, the executives felt that they needed to make a statement by firing the managing director for participating in an affair with a subordinate. Which they did.

I became evil personified for Jason at that moment, and he felt I needed to pay for my standing up against him and ruining his well-laid plans. Grabbing one of his souvenir bats from his office he decided to come to my house. Kelsey saw him through a second-floor conference room window and figured out where he might be going. She met him in our driveway and tried to calm him down before he hurt me. Of course, neither of them knew I was warned ahead of their arrival and was prepared.

Kelsey received a black eye when Jason stiffed-armed her as she tried to slow him down from entering our house. Other than that, she received no other injuries but would have nightmares for months that kept several counselors in business for a while. I spoke with her a time or two, between the police interviews, prosecutors, and court room visits but we never had a serious conversation about what occurred in our house. Kelsey became a shell of her former self, I guess losing her husband, lover, and daughter in less than 24 hours will do that. She never recovered.

Kelsey stayed around for the divorce and maybe a month after it was finalized. She never even obtained an attorney or contested the divorce; I won custody of Caitlin easily. Much to my surprise, she never accepted her portions of the financial settlement. Bill had kept it for her but finally returned it to me a year later. She also never returned to our home and stayed with friends and family until she disappeared.

She had a couple of supervised visits with Caitlin, but they were hit or miss. I made sure Caitlin was available for every planned visit whether we had confirmation from Kelsey or not, she would show up around every fourth visit. I was told that Kelsey became addicted to painkillers and other narcotics that were prescribed to calm her and help her become a functioning adult and by the time she disappeared, she was jobless, friendless, and broke.

Neither Caitlin, I, or anyone she knew, had any contact information for her, and we never heard from her again. We have no idea whatever came of her; we lost a wife and a mother.

The house was sold; Caitlin and I bought another home in her school district and tried to pick up our lives. We both saw counselors after the traumatic event. Me for six months but eventually had to just bury the hurt and pain and move on. I had a daughter to raise as well as a life to lead. Caitlin spent a few years with a counselor on and off, partly due to her mother's reaction to the event and the abandonment. She had several issues to work through.

It took me three years to be squared away enough to even think about dating. Several months later I met a wonderful woman, named Jo, who was understanding and respectful to Caitlin's and my experience. We dated much longer and slower than either of us wanted but eventually moved into a physical relationship and about 16 months later we married. We raised Caitlin and Jo's daughter as a family but never expanded it, our lives stabilized and improved over time. Our only hiccups were at Caitlin's major life events: her graduations from high school and college. I Hired Larry each time to try and find Kelsey, but each lead led to a dead end. The general thinking was that she must have died alone and dissolute somewhere.

It was a horrible experience, but we have made the best of it and moved on. I was so glad that I had time to create an action plan and the right people in my corner to execute it accordingly.

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KaeyoKaeyoabout 11 hours ago

The MC was an idiot and an indecisive wuss.

AnonymousAnonymous6 days ago

Stupid husband too much Civilization with her lover with shake hand ohhh my, have a gun more powerfull hahhaha

AnonymousAnonymous6 days ago

better ending... Larry the sneeze had the cheating skank slut kidnapped by a Mexican cartel. She now works at a whore house in Tijuana. Nobody north of the boarder ever saw the cunt again, but nobody gave a flying fuck about that piece of trash.

AnonymousAnonymous13 days ago

Absolutely LOVED this story.

Everyone got what they deserved.

doctrptdoctrpt22 days ago

My only point of contention in your entire story is that she disappeared without a trace. That takes money, a lot of money to effectively wipe your name from the books without a trace. Unless she got in to things that took her down an even darker path, she really didn't have the means (if the story is accurate) to do so.

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