The Porch Wolf Ch. 11-20


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Whether it happened at Wiederholt's or at the memorial service, we'd have extra wolves around.

By the time New Year's Eve rolled around, Sharkbait could shift smoothly between forms. I had given her an Alpha order not to phase into her wolf unless an adult told her, and I was confident she would be all right in public. Wiederholt's was a test run; emotions would be much higher at the memorial.

It was a beautiful, warm afternoon, with temperatures near thirty. Brent had driven to Winona yesterday, returning with a trailer with two snowmobiles and gear. Two or three extras would be enough of an escort to let Vicki and Liv out of the house. "Who wants to go snowmobiling," I asked everyone after lunch.

"ME!! Please Unka Leo, go riding and go FAST!" I knew our little speed demon would be up for it.

"Liv? Do you want to go?"

"If it's safe," she said. I told her we'd have two escorts, and she agreed. "Come on, Vicki! We need to get ready." Vicki ran up the stairs to get her winter gear and wool socks on.

"I'll meet you in the garage," I said as they disappeared. Brent was looking like the cat who swallowed the canary. "I take it your sled has room for a passenger?"

"If it's the right one," he said with a grin.

"I'll tee it up, but you have to convince her. Make sure you have a pistol." He took off to get his stuff, along with Craig and Connie. I changed in my room, placing my Glock in a shoulder holster under the light shell I'd wear with my snowmobile suit. Liv was already in the garage getting Vicki dressed by the time I got out there; we finished dressing out, then I opened the door and pulled the sled out into the driveway. Brent and Craig were waiting, their sleds idling. "Liv, do you want to ride with Brent? It wouldn't be as crowded as three of us on this machine."

"Momma, race you!" Vicki loved the idea.

"Are you sure," Liv said as I looked between them.

"It will even out the sled weights," I said.

"Can I drive some," Liv asked Brent.

"Whenever you're comfortable with it, it's all yours," he said. Liv nodded and moved over to sit behind a beaming Brent, who was looking forward to her snuggled into his back, or his arms around her waist, for a few hours.

"Brent, you lead, we'll be in the middle. Craig and Connie, you stay back and watch our six." He moved out, and Vicki was bouncing as we slid in behind them. We exited the driveway and drove north until we caught the trail.

"Ready to open it up, Alpha?" Brent's voice had a teasing edge; I think he just wanted his mate to hold him tighter.

"Stay safe, we'll keep up with you," I replied.

"Go, faster," Vicki added. She could link with any of our Pack members in either form now. Faster is what we did, the bright sunshine giving us the visibility we didn't have the last time out. We were pushing eighty on the flats, and that close to the ground, it felt a lot faster than that.

We went as far as Farmington before pausing for a break. "Having fun, baby," Liv asked as she got off Brent's sled and came over to her.

"SO fun, Mommy," she said.

"Brent, can I drive back?" He nodded and moved back on his sled so she could get in front.

"Sharkbait drive, too?"

How could you say no to those eyes? "I'll have my hands on yours. If I tell you I have it, you let me take over, no arguments," I told her. "Let's start out slow in the first field, the ladies are driving."

"You go first," Liv told me. Vicki had to sit in my lap to reach the controls, and I wasn't going to let her go more than ten miles an hour that way. She had some trouble steering, so after a hundred yards, she was ready for me to take over again. I got her settled and waved for Liv to take the lead position. It turned out Liv was just as much of a speed junkie as her daughter, and we raced home at high speed. We arrived back home just before sunset, just enough time to shower and change for dinner before we had to leave for Wiederholt's.

We took five vehicles north, parking together in the back lot. I let Mike go in first with some of the Winona Pack, while Anita and Brent stayed close to their charges. "We've got a few werewolves here," Mike said.

"It's not uncommon to have some here," I sent back.

"What the hell is HE doing here?"

Ch. 20

"Get ready to leave on my signal," I told everyone. "Someone is inside."

"Who is it?"

"Alpha John Petersen, your brother." Oh fuck.

"Do a walk-through, Brent, see if there are any other surprises." I looked back at our group in the parking lot. "My younger brother is in there, and I don't know why. Stay in the cars until I give the all-clear," I said to them.

"He's HERE," Liv asked, her face showing her panic.

"Get back in the car, please. We may have to leave quickly." She went around to the other side of the truck, leaving Vicki strapped into her booster. "Dad, you are in charge if anything happens. Get them home at any cost."

"I'll take care of them," he promised.

"Alpha, he moved from the bar to a table with Alpha Todd and his Beta. I don't sense any hostility. The three are the only werewolves here."

We outnumbered them eighteen to three, and we were in a public place. If we were going to out ourselves, it might as well be now. "Position yourselves at each end of the bar, we're coming in."

"Yes, Alpha."

I went over to the other cars and explained what was going on. "Show of force on neutral territory around humans," I said. "I can't wait to see their faces when they get a whiff of Vicki."

"You sure you want to do this," Larry said.

"Better odds here, and less likely to be a problem than at the Memorial. I need to figure out what my brother is up to." Everyone got out of the cars and formed up around Liv and Vicki. "We're just family and friends out for dinner," I said. "Keep it cool and follow my lead, and make sure Vicki is surrounded."

I led the way inside; there were shouts and greetings as we arrived, mostly for Liv. It took us a few minutes to make it to our table, at the side of the room near the back of the restaurant. I kept an eye on the three werewolves as we walked in, watching their reactions. Todd and his Beta looked at me with contempt, while John looked at me with a mix of sorrow and regret. It was when Vicki walked through the room that everything changed.

Todd's eyes got wide, and he looked at me as he took a deep sniff. "The fuck," he whispered to his Beta. "She's got a MANTLE!"

John's reaction was more puzzling. He started to cry as he looked at her, and his wolf let out a low whine. He couldn't take his eyes off her as he watched his daughter walk with the group to the large table. His hands gripped the table until they were white, and I could see his wolf was barely holding on. He excused himself, walking out the front door before he shifted in front of everyone.

It didn't make sense. Why would John act like that, if he wanted her dead?

Following my wishes, Liv and Vicki were sat in the center of the long table, on the wall side, flanked by their guards Brent and Anita. I sat on the same side of the table, at the end closest to the threat, while Larry and Donna sat at the other end. The rest of our group filled in the remainder of the table. Our waitress greeted Liv eagerly, then took our drink orders. "I'll take my usual, Sam Adams and king cut medium rare with potato, salad with ranch no tomatoes," I told her. As she moved on, I looked over at Mike and Anita. "I forgot my phone in the truck, I'll be right back," I said.

"I'll go with you, I've got to wash up," he said. We left the table, but instead of going back towards the rear exit and the parking lot we were in, we headed towards the front, passing the other werewolves.

"What is going on," Todd whispered as I approached their table.

"The Miesville Pack is having dinner," I whispered back as I passed. "You should have the formal notification shortly."

"Oh HELL no." This pissed my former Beta off, and his own Beta had to hold him in his chair. I'm sure his Beta was talking him off a ledge, reminding him they were in public and among humans. I turned my back to him, a reminder that I didn't consider him a threat to me. I had the Mantle, he did not, and if we fought this time? I would have something to fight for.

I waved at the owner and shook Mike's hand at the bar as we passed, then went out the front door into the winter night. It was just below freezing, yet John was leaning against the building in his shirt sleeves. "Watch my back," I told my Beta as I walked to my brother. I opened the link to my Pack members, except Vicki, so they could listen in.

"You're looking good, Leo," John said as I got close.

"Why shouldn't I kill you here and now," I asked him. "Vicki is your damn DAUGHTER!"

"YOU THINK I DON'T KNOW THAT?" He started to shake, then looked at the ground. "I can smell my mantle upon her, the mantle promised to my mate and our children."

"What did you do, brother?"

"I fucked up, Leo. And now, I don't know what to do about it." He told me the story; his own rejection, the arrangement he had with Brenda, and how pissed off she was that another had the Mantle. "She wants the Mantle for our eldest child, and she will stop at nothing to get it."

"How did she find her?"

"Brenda didn't. I did." He slid down the wall, sitting with his head in his hands. "I know I told her to abort the baby. I know I didn't talk to her, support her, or help her. Biologically, she is my daughter. She carries my Mantle, and I'm not worthy of it. I was trying to help her, dammit."

It hit me. "You hired those idiots to kidnap them."

"I'll deny it, and you can prove nothing, but getting them out of harm's way would have been worth it. Brenda is furious, and she hired private investigators to find Olivia and Vicki so she could have them killed. I was going to spirit them away, let them start a new life somewhere far from all this. The idiots couldn't even wait until the two were home alone, they just barged in there and killed the grandmother."

"I'm glad I killed them," I said. "Vicki is my pack, my heir. You have no claim on her, and Marengo Lakes will not get the mantle back."

"I don't want her to get the mantle back. I will not see my child killed so Brenda gets to pass on the Mantle to one of her own."

I slid down the wall next to him. "The FBI knows about you, we told them."

"I know, as soon as they approached my house, I ran. When the time comes, it will end with me. I have proof I ordered the kidnapping with me; the confession will ensure the FBI closes the investigation. It will harm no other Pack but my own."

"What are you doing here? The FBI will be looking for you, and I can't let you near Vicki or Liv knowing you're responsible for her grandmother's death."

He nodded. "I'm no longer Alpha at Marengo. I broke my mate and Pack bonds with Brenda before I left, so she wouldn't be able to use the bond to track me." He winced as he tried to stand up. "I'm getting a hint at what you went through, although I never loved Brenda at all. It was a business arrangement. Now that the failed kidnapping is in the press, she knows who the girl is and where she is. She'll be here soon, and I'll be waiting for her."

"What happens when she gets here, John?"

"She gets killed, or I die protecting my daughter. I couldn't come to you after what happened, so I went to Todd to buy his help. He turned me down."

I shook my head. "I don't think Todd likes me, or my new Pack," I said.

"Protect her. If Brenda and I die, her mantle can't be taken away." He looked over at the entrance. "Todd knows it's better to ingratiate himself with another Pack Alpha than to associate with a disgraced lone wolf. Watch out for him, Leo. He's always been an opportunist."

"I'm not weak anymore," I said.

He nodded his head. "I love you, Leo. I'm sorry it ended up like this. I'll grab my coat and go; you guys enjoy your dinner."

When we got back inside, John went to the coatroom and I walked back towards my table. Todd and his Beta were staring at me. I walked right up to them and sat in the chair across from Todd. "Long time no see, Alpha Todd," I said.

"You're banished, Leo. Nobody will deal with you anymore."

"I'm back. My birthright remains, my mantle intact, and I've gathered the required number to get recognition. Nobody is going to care that a weak Alpha kicked me out of his Pack, even your own Pack members. Isn't that right, Beta?" His Beta was looking at me with wide eyes, knowing I'd just gotten him in deep shit. "I hope you've been treating my old Pack members well. Once they know they have an option, we'll see how many you keep."

"You can't do that!"

"Actually, I can. Your Alpha order only lasts as long as they remain in your Pack." I pulled out my phone, sending a group text. I waited until the Beta's phone dinged; he looked at it and his eyes got wide. "There. Every member of your Pack now knows that I am back as Alpha of the Miesville Pack, and I'm accepting new members."

"You son-of-a..."

"Quiet, we're among humans. As you can sense, I not only have the Mantle, but I have an heir with one as well. I know what you're thinking, that Marengo will reward you for helping to kill her. Understand this, Todd. If you harm her or assist Marengo to do so in any way, there is nothing in the world that will keep me from killing you. I will make it slow and painful, and kill your family in front of you before I let you die." I stared into his eyes, my wolf forward, his strength backing up my words. "I don't need your help, Todd. Stay the hell out of this, and you just might live past the weekend."

He got up, tossing money on the table and pushing his Beta ahead of him. I got up and went back to my group. My beer, a Sam Adams, was waiting in my place. I took a few of the crispy bread pieces while I waited. "Sorry about that, I had to do some business," I said.

"What did he want," Liv said.

"He wanted to catch up, but that won't happen tonight," I said.

"He's my daddy, isn't he," Vicki said. Liv's eyes got wide, and it took me by surprise as well. "You talk, and I can hear things."

"He's my brother and your father. He was mated when he met your mother, and that kept him from claiming you as his own. It's nothing you did, Vicki. He loves you, but he has to leave you with your Uncle to protect you."

"Leo, will I ever get to be with my father?"

"I don't know, Vicki. He's done some bad things, and he might not have the chance." I didn't want to go on; how do you tell a girl that the father who abandoned her mother also was responsible for her great-grandmother's death? I started on my salad as the awkwardness continued. The silence went on for a few minutes.

Liv finally broke the quiet. "Leo, do you do anything special for New Year's Eve? Any family traditions?"

"I go and get prime rib if it's Tuesday, watch the ball drop in New York at eleven, call it good and go to bed," I said to laughs. Carts rolled out with our food; I'd warned Mike that our group ate a lot of rare and medium-rare beef, and he was ready for us. The plate-size slab was almost two inches thick, smothered in mushrooms, with raw horseradish on the side. I looked down to where Vicki was chewing her first piece of prime rib. "How's your dinner, Sharkbait?"

She smiled as Liv cut her regular-size prime rib into cubes for her. "Regular" size meant it was only an inch and a quarter thick and maybe twenty ounces. "I love it, Unky Leo!"

"She'll never eat this," Liv said and she finished cutting it up. "I eat the regular cut for three meals, and I'm three times her weight."

"I'll bet you she finishes her slab off and comes after yours," I said.

Thirty minutes later, she was cutting cubes of her leftover steak and scraping them onto Vicki's plate. "I have no idea where she's putting that."

Anita just laughed. "Her metabolism has changed, and she's using up a lot of calories."

"Who wants dessert," I asked.

Liv rolled her eyes when Vicki raised her hand and said, "ICE CREAM!"

I had my turtle cheesecake as Liv wondered where it all went.

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oldpantythiefoldpantythiefalmost 2 years ago

Great story, loved it. Got to say, there were several places that kind of got to me. Wish there was another chapter or so, but understand it's probably not going to happen. Five stars and thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Shark bait is just adorable!

Ravey19Ravey19about 2 years ago

Love the story and little Vicki

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
I second the thanks!

I read Dominant Species twice, and am delighted to find you've shared another excellent story. Thank you for bringing a joyful read into my days :)

bobosupremobobosupremoabout 4 years ago
Thank you

Right now, with all the craziness in the world I needed a break and to find some happiness. While reading about "Shark Bait" I've been grinning like a fool. Thank you for your contribution.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Great addition

Moremoremore cant get enough from my favorite wolfy author

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

I'm not a writer. I'm not eloquent with words. I'm not comfortable with the non-con elements. Or privileged birth equals horid acts are exempt from societies standards. I'm a simple redneck. Yet! Yet I keep coming back to you're stories. Depth of character is key, for me.keep it up. (BTW, God bless auto-correct)

IlliterateScholarIlliterateScholarover 4 years ago
re: Great as always ....but

Also... Because he says that he broke his mate link (So she couldn't track him), he is probably no longer an alpha, which will put him at a disadvantage when he tries to kill his ex-mate.

This story takes a split from the "romantic" spin on were legend wereby mates are unable to knock up anyone but their bonded mate and they are bonded for life. I guess that convenient plot tool is useful for erotica because it allows weres to fuck like bunnies without any consequences (since they could also heal from any STDs they might acquire, in those stories). It is interesting to read a werewolf story in which the wolves aren't practically invulnerable and have the same lifespan as a regular human.

This is a really well-told story, and I have seen very few spelling/grammar mistakes, all of which seemed more like typos or brain farts than an author's misunderstanding of the language. It has been a joy to read thus far (I am such a grammar nazi that seeing proper use of the English language is intensely refreshing), except for all the tears and pain you have to wade through to get to this point. Hopefully we'll get to see Leo's life start looking up before you end up killing him off at the end.

GJ! 5*

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Brilliant again!

Another stonking good instalment......please keep this story going and make it snappy you are a great writer

LiterKnightLiterKnightover 4 years ago

For the confused anon: as far as I can tell, Leo's brother's mate was born with the mantle. Then, she mated John, which shared the mantle with him, as they'd be the alpha pair together, so the first child (of either) of them is the one who receives the mantle, even if it's not the child of the original mantle holder, as is the case here.

It's a little like having a family heirloom, sharing it with your new husband, then finding out that they've given it to their illegitimate child.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Yes!!!!! Land shark aka Sharkbait

Love your new story line . Wishing you another great and long story .

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Great as always ....but

....but I’m confused .... I confuse easily .... how is it that the younger brother has the mantle? If it came from his-arranged ‘marriage’ can’t she kill him and get it back?

So now I’ll go back and read it again and maybe figure it out.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Thank you

Thank you for sharing. Right now I’m feeling just a little impatient for the next instalment. I’m lycan it a lot:)

LiterKnightLiterKnightover 4 years ago
Very apt description

If 'new wolf' refers to the series as a whole, then yes, everyone wants the new wolf. Excellent continuation of the story; it was a bit of an expectation subversion to have John not be a horrible person and want his daughter dead, which is nice. I won't be surprised if he ends up dying heroically to protect Vicki. It should also be fun watching Brent woo Liv.

ZZchromosomeZZchromosomeover 4 years ago

Your stories have it.

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