The Possessed


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As she was contemplating her options, the door the cell swung open and Alex, Prudence, and Katrina entered the small room. "How nice of you to visit us Professor Long," said Katrina. "I hope you aren't too uncomfortable, but this is the best poor Alex could come up with on such short notice. You really should have let us know that you were planning a visit."

Cathy was taken aback by Katrina's sarcastically welcoming tone. Worse, she was surprised by the caliber of her visitors. Here before her in the tiny ill-lit room was one of the most powerful and important women on the planet; and next to her stood her lieutenant and the head of Zax, Prudence Ardella. The fact that these women were even interested in talking to her was both telling and unsettling. However Cathy lacked information and knew she needed to be careful, especially with Katrina. If Erin and the others had not been captured and were still on the Island, she did not wish to assist Prudence and Katrina in finding and taking them. Choosing her words carefully she said, "I didn't wish to inconvenience you."

"I assure you, it's no inconvenience at all," said Katrina. "However, time is short and I need the details regarding your obviously very carefully planned visit, professor."

Cathy was taken aback by Katrina's bluntness and cleverness. Without revealing so much as the time of day, she expected her to tell all. Cathy knew she was dealing with one of the sharpest minds alive and was reluctant to say anything for fear of unwittingly supplying Katrina with the information she needed. Cathy decided to stall for time and said, "What happened to my companions?"

"By your companions, you mean Erin and Kelly, I take it?" replied Katrina. "They left in rather a rush. In fact, they were in such a hurry that they seemed to have forgotten you, professor."

So Erin and Kelly had gotten away! At least this was positive news thought Cathy, her spirits lifting a little. Katrina must have noticed for she continued saying, "I wouldn't make too much of their getting away professor. The fact remains that they left you behind and they are not coming back. I can assure you that the next time they set foot on this Island they will not be leaving so quickly or easily. However, as interesting as all this is, it is beside the point. As I said, time is short professor, so please let's get on with it."

Cathy however was not about to give up so easily. Erin and Kelly had escaped and she knew Erin would somehow manage to free her. She therefore said, "I have nothing to say."

"I think not," responded Katrina. "I didn't think it necessary to remind you where you are professor; however I see that I was wrong. The Castle dungeon has many rooms and chambers, most of which contain a variety of interesting appurtenances. These are usually employed for entertainment and pleasure, however Alex here is very skilled in their various uses and she has been known to use them for improving memory and speech among other things."

Cathy looked at Katrina in shock and said, "Are you threatening me?"

"Not at all professor, I merely wished to remind you of your situation, since you seemed to have forgotten. Now what shall it be? As I said before time is short."

Although Cathy was frightened, she was determined not to betray her friends or give any satisfaction to Katrina. Therefore she said, "As I said before, I have nothing to say."

"Very well, professor. You disappoint me. I expected better from a woman of your intelligence," Then turning to Alex she said, "Take her and pussy-whip her. Put her on the horse until she talks."

With that, Katrina and Prudence turned and left the tiny cell. Before Cathy could move, Carmen entered, and roughly grabbing her arm in an iron grip, pulled Cathy to her feet. Following behind Alex, Carmen escorted Cathy through the twisting corridors of the dungeon to a larger cell. The cell was empty except for what looked like an old-fashioned sawhorse along one wall. From the ceiling near the center of the room, a chain hung down about half way to the floor. Closing the door behind them Alex said, "Remove all your clothes."

Not believing her ears Cathy said, "What?"

"Remove your clothes professor," repeated Alex, obviously annoyed.

"I will not!" retorted Cathy.

"Strip her!" said Alex nodding at Carmen.

Carmen, who was still holding Cathy by the arm, spun her around so that they stood facing each other and grabbing the neck of the jump suit pulled it roughly apart so that the garment was torn open from the neck to the crotch. Cathy screamed in protest and struggled trying to free herself from the Amazon's iron grip. But it was no use; Carmen was a giant compared to the petite professor and Cathy's efforts did not even slow the larger woman down.

With Cathy still struggling, Carmen spun her around again and pulled on the back of her jumpsuit at the neck, pealing it off her body like the skin off a banana. With the jump suit around her ankles, Carmen turned Cathy once again, and grabbing her right wrist, encircled it with one end of the open handcuffs she was holding. After securing the handcuffs on her right wrist, she grabbed Cathy's left wrist and did the same.

Cathy continued to kick and scream during the entire procedure, but Carmen proceeded as if she had the smaller woman's full cooperation. Taking Cathy's fastened hands she connected the handcuffs to the chain hanging from the ceiling and pulling on one end, tightened the chain until Cathy's arms were suspended above her head. Without pausing, Carmen grasped the center of Cathy's bra and pulled it off, breaking the shoulder straps and exposing her breasts. Cathy screamed and twisted, pulling against the chain, with no effect. Next she grabbed the waist of Cathy's panties and ripped the fine undergarment open on each side between the waist and leg opening. Without pausing, she bent down and pulled off Cathy's shoes, socks, and jumpsuit. Alex handed her a spreader bar and Carmen fastened it to Cathy's angles after placing it through a large mental ring fastened to the floor.

Finished, Carmen stepped back, leaving Cathy completely naked with her legs spread open. Cathy continued to struggle and protest, still without effect. Finally Alex said, "Save your energy, professor." Cathy stopped struggling and quieted down. Looking at Alex, she saw that she was holding what looked like an old fashioned fly swatter, except that the wide flat end was not square and solid, but rather triangular in shape and made of strands of a hair-like material similar to a broom.

Holding the device in her right hand, Alex approached Cathy and stood before her. Cathy was frightened now and breathing hard from her recent struggle. Looking at Alex she said, "What are you going to do with that?"

"This!" said Alex, lashing out with the crop at inner portion of Cathy's right thigh. Cathy yelped in both surprise and pain as the stinging blow landed on her tender skin. Before Cathy could say anything, Alex struck her again on the left thigh. Without pausing, she continued to strike Cathy on her thighs and then her buttocks. Within a few minutes Cathy's inner thighs and ass were bright pick and stinging under Alex's well placed blows. Cathy screamed and pulled on the chains holding her arms above her head, but the best she could manage was to twist her body against the unyielding restraints.

Just when Cathy thought the worst might be over, Alex moved around her twisting body and stood directly in front of her. Taking the crop, she struck her square on her exposed vulva. Although the blow was not hard, a shock of stinging pain swept through Cathy's entire body. Screaming, Cathy twisted frantically in her bonds, but managed to turn her body only slightly away from Alex. Without pausing, Alex struck her again on her pussy and continued as Cathy screamed and struggled before her regular and constant blows.

Within a few minutes Cathy was reduced to tears and she pleaded with Alex to stop her torment, "Please, stop! Oh god, please stop!"

After a few more well-placed blows, Alex stopped and said to Carmen, "Unfasten her feet and position the horse between her legs." As Alex watched, Carmen bent between Cathy's legs and started unfastening the spreader bar. Looking down, Cathy saw that the skin between her waist and knees was a bright pink color. Her vulva stood open and swollen as it throbbed with a heated dull ache. When Carmen was finished unfastening her feet, she stood up and moved around and behind Cathy towards the sawhorse that stood against the far wall. Taking the wooden device she quickly moved it up behind Cathy and slid it between her legs. After making some adjustments to the height, she stood back, next to Alex.

"Unfortunately, we must leave you alone to contemplate your situation. Carmen will return later to see if you have changed your mind," said Alex. Turning, both women left the cell, closing the door behind them.

Cathy looked down and evaluated her situation. The 'horse' consisted of a two by six inch plank about four feet in length which ran parallel to the floor and between her legs.. The plank was suspended by four angled legs. Carmen had adjusted the legs such that, if Cathy stood tiptoed, her swollen pussy just cleared the top edge of the board. However, when she attempted to stand on her feet the plank cut her pussy in two; the lips of her vagina roughly separated by the two-inch board. Worse, the entire weight of her body rested on her throbbing and swollen vulva, painfully compressing her clitoris against the wood.

Since standing on her feet caused such intense discomfort, Cathy was forced to remain on tiptoe to relieve the pressure on her abused pussy. However within minutes her ankles and toes began to tire under the strain of supporting her entire weight, and soon her toes started to tremble. At this point she was forced to 'rest' her ankles and toes by standing on her feet. However, this placed all her body weight once again on her sore pussy. After about five minutes, Cathy found herself bobbing up and down on her toes in a futile effort to continuously shift the discomfort between her trembling ankles and toes and her aching pussy.

As her vain efforts continued, Cathy found herself covered in sweat and moaning under the intense discomfort. She realized that she would not be able to sustain her current situation for long, and would soon be forced to acquiesce to Katrina's demand for information.


The trip back from the Island had been conducted in a dark and somber silence. After briefly explaining the situation to June, Erin had retreated to the front of the watercraft to look out at the smooth sea and think. Her decision to abandon Cathy on Zax Island weighed heavy on her and she found herself second-guessing herself. Although Erin had little direct experience with Carmen, she was well aware of the Amazon's reputation. The three of them would have most likely prevailed against her, however with two of the grounds keeping staff in support and others probably on the way, the contest would almost certainly have gone against them. Still they had not even tried, and pangs of guilt gnawed at Erin. Worse, Cathy had been reluctant about the whole affair, and it seemed ironically unfair that she had been the one to be captured.

The others had been equally affected by the situation and the mood aboard both watercrafts had been one of dejected failure. Upon reaching the coast, the seven women had docked their vehicles and started back to the ranch. Kelly had wanted to regroup and return immediately to the Island to get Cathy, but Erin had quashed the idea saying, "They will be better prepared this time and are probably waiting for us to attempt something foolish like that. Our best bet is to return to the ranch and evaluate the information we obtained last night. With any luck we will be able to leverage this knowledge and have Cathy released."

"But we can't just leave Cathy in the dungeon. God only knows what they will do to her!" protested Kelly.

"Kelly we can't go back now. We'll just end up in the dungeon with her. We need to use our heads now," said Erin.

The others saw the wisdom in Erin's words, and Pam and June supported her decision. "After all," said Pam, "the mission was not a failure. We did get what we went there for."

The group therefore returned immediately to the ranch, dejected at the loss of Cathy but hopeful that the cache of data they had obtained would prove worthwhile. Erin had reflected on this during the return trip and was forced to agree with Pam. The trip had not been a complete failure. They had successfully raided the dungeon and obtained the information they had sought.

Upon reaching the ranch, Erin directed Stacy to examine the copy Kelly had made of the medical records in the infirmary. Cathy had warned them that reading the data might prove impossible. Copying was one thing, reading was another. While Stacy worked with the copied records, Pam, June, Kelly, and Erin met and examined the recordings they had made of the dungeon. These consisted of video and audio records of their surroundings. However foremost in their minds was the pregnancy of Lisa, Candy, and the others; the fact that the new slave Dianna had already been forced to bear a child weighed heavily in their discussion.

"What could they be doing?" asked June.

"It seems that our idea of impregnating the diapered slaves was correct but did not go far enough," said Erin. "Never did it occur to us that the slaves would be forced to carry the fetuses to term. Unless Stacy uncovers something in the medical records to provide us with more clues, I am at a complete loss for determining the reason."

"I am forced to agree," said Pam. "Impregnating the slaves and forcing them to bear children is truly bizarre".

"Maybe," said Erin, "but we might be looking at this from the wrong angle. We have been thinking about this from a technical point of view; perhaps it not technical at all."

"Then what could it be?" said June. "Why bother having the slaves become pregnant and have children. This seems primitive. Modern reproduction is so much more efficient and easier."

"Reproduction!" said Erin. "You might have something there...when we first talked about what Zax might be doing we discussed reproductive cloning, but eventually dismissed the idea."

"True," said June "Too many problems, especially from the legal perspective."

"Exactly!" said Erin "But there was one advantage, and that was Zax could effectively increase the number of slaves it owned, since the clones would be identical copies that could be passed off as the originals."

"Yes, but we concluded that avoiding eventual discovery would be impossible" June reminded Erin.

"Yes, very true. But suppose Zax's plan is to increase the number of slaves. Pregnancy is another way of 'reproducing' using their slaves" said Erin.

"But why use pregnancy?" said Pam. "The daughters of the slaves would be free women; otherwise every slave holder would be breading her slaves."

"True," agreed Erin reluctantly.

"Maybe not," said Kelly who had not spoken up to this point. She was still angry with Erin for her decision to leave Cathy behind. Everyone in the room turned and looked at her. "Maybe Erin's right; the issue is not technical but legal."

"How so?" said June.

"Well," said Kelly, "consider this: it's only the diapered slaves that were impregnated. They have the least rights, under the Servitude Laws. Suppose there is some legal loophole about their offspring. Maybe their children would not automatically be free."

"But then, why haven't other diapered slave owners done the same thing?" asked Erin.

"Maybe they aren't aware of the loophole," replied Kelly.

Erin looked at Kelly and thought. It would make sense. Such a loophole would allow Zax to increase its holdings of slaves very cheaply. If true, the entire process would be a boon to the organization. Within a generation they could double their holdings and quadruple them in two. After that, the numbers were staggering, in fact...

"Let talk to Cassandra about this," said Erin. "She should be able to locate any loophole, if it exists. The others agreed and Erin sent Cassandra a message with the details. About an hour later the counselor's image flashed before them.

"What's going on? I got your message, but I'm not sure I understand," said Cassandra.

Erin explained what had happened. How they had executed their plan to raid the dungeon and what they had found out. She also told Cassandra about Cathy.

"So you went ahead with your foolhardy plan," said Cassandra. "And they have Cathy. That's just great!"

Erin looked away but said, "Yes. Unfortunately, they have Cathy. However, callous as it might seem, let's talk about that latter. Can you find if such a loophole exists?"

Cassandra looked back angrily but said, "Are you sure about all this? Maybe it's just another ruse. Katrina is a very clever person she might be trying to use this as a way of entrapping you."

"I saw it with my own eyes," said Erin. "Further we recorded it. Look."

Cassandra looked away, her eyes fixed on something none of the women in the room could see. Erin watched her expression and saw her eyes widen, an expression of disbelief filling her face. "I would never have believed it, if you hadn't shown me," she said finally.

"Well, can you find out about a loophole?" asked Erin again.

"I don't know. I'm skeptical there is one, since such a loophole would surely have been discovered by now."

"Can you try?" pleaded Erin. "It might be the only hope we have for getting Cathy back."

"OK," said Cassandra. "I'll try, but even if there is such a loophole, I don't see how it will help with Cathy."

"How's that?" said Kelly, looking surprised.

"Well, remember what I told you? If what Zax is doing is legal, then everything you have showed me is proprietary. You can't legally use it to embarrass them or anything else for that matter. They would have the right to sue to prevent such release. In fact, it would be better if their actions were illegal."

Kelly and the others looked dismayed, but Erin said, "Let's worry about that later. For now, find out if a loophole even exists. If it does, I'll take responsibility for whatever needs to be done to have Cathy released."

"OK," said Cassandra, "but I'd like to talk about Cathy now, before I go."

"Sure," said Erin.

"As you know, there is nothing anyone can do for her as long as she is on that Island," began Cassandra. "Legally, they can do almost anything they want to her, especially since she was clearly part of an illegal attempt to enter their property and take private information."

"Yes," said Erin.

"My guess is that Zax is probably going to question her. If she refuses to talk, know better than I what they are capable of." Erin and the others nodded and Cassandra continued. "I want to know what you are prepared to do, if they refuse to release her after they get what they can from her."

"I'm not sure," said Erin. "But my guess is they have little to gain by holding her. The fact that she is a professor at the University might make it politically difficult to keep her indefinitely. However, maybe I'm wrong. If what you find out doesn't help us get her released, I'm prepared to trade myself for her, if necessary."

Pam, June, and Kelly were stunned by Erin's statement and Cassandra eyed her sympathetically. "You might be right about the University connection," said Cassandra. "I hope you are, for your sake and hers. Let me have a day or so, and I'll let you know what I find out."

"OK," said Erin. "Good luck."

Cassandra nodded and her image vanished.

"I sure hope she finds something," said June.
