The Possessed


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Erin was surprised by Prudence's demand. She had not expected this and before she could catch herself she said, "What kind of assurance?"

"Let's say that Professor Long will continue to be our guest for the next eleven months, until we have had a chance to wrap things up."

"And if we refuse?" said Erin knowing the answer.

"The good Professor will find herself a permanent resident of the dungeon."

"Very well," said Erin. "But only for eleven months, no longer."

"Agreed," said Prudence.

"Agreed," said Erin.

Prudence nodded and her image vanished. Kelly jumped up and let out and excited yell. "We did it! We did it!"

Pam and June stood and approached Erin. Bending down both women hugged Erin and offered their congratulations. Erin let out a long sigh of relief and slumped back in her chair. Finally, she thought, it was over. Only one thing left to do.


Dianna sat with Lisa, Candy, April, and Phoebe in the main recreation area of the dungeon. Laura had returned them all to the main dungeon area yesterday, exactly one month to the day after April and Mari had delivered their babies. Like Dianna, none of the other four mothers had been allowed to see or hold their daughters after giving birth. April, Candy, and Mari had quickly accepted the situation, but Lisa had taken her loss surprisingly hard. Diana and the others had not expected this reaction, given Lisa's tough personality.

The four women sat around Lisa, their lactating breasts dripping milk, making light conversation as usual, to take Lisa's mind off her troubles. "It's sure nice to be back!" said April, looking around the room at the other slaves.

"You can say that again!" said Candy.

"I wonder why they put us back with the others," said Dianna.

"Good question," said April. "I guess they decided not to impregnate us again. Erin must have done something, though what I can't say."

"Yes," agreed Cindy. "I never thought I'd say this, but she sure saved us."

Lisa's brow furrowed and she looked up saying, "We all owe her an apology, but it's unlikely we'll ever get a chance to give it to her."

"Maybe not," said Dianna. "She promised me that she would get us out of here. I'm still hopeful that one day, she'll find a way to free us all and unite us with our daughters."

April sighed and looked at the others. "Maybe," she said, maybe."

Phoebe looked at the four-diapered women and said, "I think we should be more optimistic. Our situation is greatly improved. After all you don't want to end up like Mari."

The others looked and her and silently shuddered. Mari had been a case study in lack of adaptability. She had withdrawn into herself almost immediately after becoming a slave, and their latest ordeal had not improved her condition. She was close to becoming incontinent and sat staring into space most of the day.

"Perhaps your right," said Lisa after a few moments. "But it's going to take a miracle to get us out of here."

"Miracles do occasionally happen," said Dianna optimistically.

"Yes, but the operative word is 'occasionally'" retorted Lisa.

"Phoebe's right," said Candy, "we have to remain optimistic and hopeful."

"It's all we have," said April. "It's all we have."


"Is everything ready?" said Katrina. She was sitting, legs crossed, in a well padded leather chair in Prudence's office in the Castle.

"Yes Mistress. Tomorrow morning a transport will bring Professor Long to the place called the 'ranch', Varinia's headquarters, if you will," answered Prudence.

"And the rest?"

"Well, as you know Mistress, the impregnation program with the diapered slaves has been terminated. We expect that Varinia will publicize the law regarding the offspring of diapered slaves as soon as Professor Long is released. Our models indicate that within a month at most, this law will be nullified."

Katrina nodded her head and Prudence continued, "We fully expect to be grand-mothered in on the law and Echo is ready to start working with the slave's offspring. As soon as the youngest begins walking, she will start. This is expected to happen in a few months."

"Good," said Katrina "And Varinia?"

"We are still working on plans to neutralize them Mistress. I'd like to review our options with you and get any ideas you have."

"Fine; send me what you have, and I'll look it over."

"Yes Mistress."

Prudence remained silent for a few minutes and then said, "I hope you are not too disappointed with the outcome of the program Mistress."

"Not at all," said Katrina. "You did a splendid job. We will soon have the largest holding of diapered slaves of any organization on the planet. We would have had to eventually discontinue the program for economic reasons, anyways. Producing substantially more diapered slaves would have depressed their value."

"Yes, Mistress," said Prudence. "Still we could have easily doubled our holdings over our final yield."

"Possibly," said Katrina. "But I learned a long time ago not to trouble myself over what might have been. The fact is the program was successful and it's time to move on to other things."

Prudence looked her Mistress and mentor in the eye, and both women nodded in mutual understanding. It was time to move on to more fertile endeavors, and both women knew exactly where these lay.


The transport landed on the lawn in front of the main building on the ranch making almost no noise and with little disturbance of the air. Erin, Pam, Kelly, and June and most of the other women of Varinia waited expectantly. Erin and the others had been patiently standing near the entrance to the building for almost an hour, excitedly talking and waiting for Cathy.

As soon as the transport had settled on the lawn, a door opened silently and Cathy stepped out onto the grass. She looked tired, but otherwise unharmed; looking up she saw Erin and the others and walked quickly towards them. As she moved away from the transport, the vehicle rose as silently and calmly as it had come and departed towards the west. As the transport left, Erin and the others started towards Cathy, meeting her midway on the lawn. Erin was the first to reach her, and the two women embraced when they met, hugging and holding each other tight, as the other women surrounded them.

"You look great!" said Erin, holding Cathy at arm's length.

"Thanks" said Cathy. "I feel so much better, now that I'm here with all of you!"

The women laughed and Erin said, "Are you OK? How did they treat you?"

"I'm OK," said Cathy. "Let's go inside and I'll tell you the rest."

After proceeding to the great room and sitting down, Stacy brought refreshments for all, and Cathy related what had happened the night of the raid. The women listened in silence as Cathy told of her capture and subsequent treatment at the hands of Alex in the dungeon.

"I'm so sorry," said Erin, tears in her eyes. "I hope you can forgive me."

Cathy, patted her friend and lover on the shoulder and said, "It was my decision to go. I hope you can forgive me for being clumsy and talking."

"Don't be silly," said Erin drying her tears with her hands. "No one could have held out under such mistreatment. Besides you gave nothing of importance away."

"Thanks," said Cathy. "So how did you persuade Prudence and Katrina to release me?"

"It wasn't all that hard," said Erin as she proceeded to tell Cathy how they had secured her release. When she was finished Erin looked at Cathy and said "there's just one more thing left to do, and I thought you would like to do the honors."

"What's that?" asked Cathy.

"Stacy, Pam, and Kelly have prepared a general net-flash about the loophole in the diapered slave law. It even contains hints that one of the larger slaveholders may have already taken advantage of this provision in the law. The message is all set to go, and we thought you would enjoy initiating it," said Erin.

"Thanks!" said Cathy. "You bet I would! But I feel a little guilty; after all many of you contributed much more than I did..."

"Nonsense!" said Kelly. "We all agreed weeks ago that it should be you that initiates the message."

Cathy looked around the room and the other women nodded at her in agreement. Erin rose and stood beside her, and said, "Go ahead, you've more that earned it."

Cathy activated the main display for Varinia's port to the net and activated the message object that Kelly indicated. In a flash the message object disappeared and a soft synthetic female voice said, "net-flash sent. Object posted and received."

A cheer went up in the room and Kelly hugged Cathy, Erin, Pam and June. The women talked for a while catching up after being separated for almost a year. Meanwhile Stacy sat monitoring the net traffic, waiting for a reaction to their message.

"So they actually gave you a room in the Castle?" asked Kelly, surprised by Zax's hospitality and a little jealous.

"Yes," said Cathy, raising her hand to quiet the laughter and joking comments of the other women. "A few days after my capture and forced confession, my situation changed dramatically. Alex and Prudence could not have been nicer. They gave me a large room on the third floor with a view of the sea, a wardrobe, and full access to most of the Castle and Island. They even offered me use of some of the slaves, but I declined, naturally."

"It must have been after my conversation with Prudence," said Erin. "I guess they figured that their cause would not be helped by mistreating you further."

"Probably," agreed Cathy. "In any event, my situation improved substantially and I wasn't about to complain."

The other women laughed and Erin looked at her dearest friend and smiled in relief. Before Cathy could continue further, Stacy said, "I'm getting initial reaction to our flash."

"Well?" said Erin.

"It appears that some of the other large owners of diapered slaves are both surprised and shocked by the news. There is talk already of closing the loophole, though a few owners are interested in discussing how to take advantage of the law."

"Great!" Erin said "Finally some good news!"

The others agreed and another round of cheers rose from the women in the room. Even Cathy joined in this time, tired as she was.

Over the next several weeks, Stacy and Kelly monitored the traffic and kept Erin and the others posted on the situation. To Erin's surprise, Zax confessed to impregnating their diapered slaves and forcing them to bear children, five to be exact. Then in a sly move that surely Katrina was behind, Zax apologized for their secretive behavior but claimed that upon discovery of the loophole (quite by accident, of course), they had wanted to demonstrate both the possibilities and potential abuses that might occur if the law was allowed to stand. In their opinion, the loophole should be closed immediately.

"Hypocrites!" yelled Kelly when she heard the news. "Damn hypocrites!"

"Maybe so," said Erin, "but you have to give Katrina credit for going on the offensive instead of assuming a defensive posture. She's sure a sly one!"

Cathy and the others nodded in agreement. "There's none slyer," said Cathy.

Of course the debate was hot and furious, and Zax took plenty of criticism for its behavior. However, in the end most of the diapered slave owners realized it was in their best interest to close the loophole before the value of their investments decreased. The financial markets agreed and within a month the law was changed and the loophole closed.

The women of Varinia celebrated by throwing a large party; however, their joy was tempered by the fact that the celebration doubled as a going away party for Cathy. "Are you sure you need to go back?" asked Kelly when it was time for Cathy to leave.

"Yes, it's been over a year and my sabbatical is just about up. If I don't return, I risk losing my position at the University."

Erin looked at her old friend, sadness in her eyes. Even after all that had happened she still could not commit to a permanent and formal relationship with Cathy. Cathy sensing her lover's conflicting feelings said, "Don't worry Erin. After spending even a few days in the dungeon, I realize how difficult it must be for you. I've come to understand that there is a gulf of experience and emotion that stands between us and that must be understood and overcome. It's for the best that I return now."

"Thanks," said Erin, searching her friend's face with her eyes and seeing the sincerity in her expression. "You're the best friend I've ever had and ever will."

Cathy turned away, hiding the tears that had started to flow from the corners of her eyes. Erin put her arms around her and the two lovers walked towards the waiting transport. The two women hugged and held each other one final time, and then Cathy turned and entered the waiting vehicle. Erin stepped back as the door closed and the transport rose and departed. She stood watching the sky until the craft, with her friend and lover, vanished from sight. When the transport could no longer be seen, June put her hand on Erin's shoulder and said, "Don't' worry, she'll be back soon."

"I know," said Erin, wiping away a few tears from her eyes with her hand.

"Come on, let's go back in and join the others. It's been awhile since we've had a good foursome."

Erin turned and looked at the older women and grudgingly smiled. "It has, at that, hasn't it?" she said.

"Might as well enjoy while we can; you never know what tomorrow might bring!"

The two women turned and walked back together towards the main building. She's right about that, thought Erin. And she didn't know how right she was.

The End


Echo Pierce was a small petite woman with light brown hair, green eyes, large full breasts, and narrow hips. As befitting her profession, her demeanor was serious but understanding. She extruded a no nonsense air that reminded most who met her of an old-fashioned governess. And in truth, much of her current assignment required that she act exactly in this manner.

Echo had worked for one of Zax's subsidiaries when she had received a totally unexpected message from Prudence requesting that she attend a meeting at the Castle. A dominant personality by nature, Echo had always secretly dreamed of being invited to the Castle (although in reality, she never expected that the opportunity would ever arise), and she therefore jumped at the invitation. A few days later she arrived at Zax Island and was introduced to Professor Manuela Fritz and Alexandra, the head slave Mistress. Prudence had explained Zax's program of impregnating their diapered slaves and forcing them to bare children who (when they came of age) would automatically become diapered slaves. "I hope you understand the need for secrecy in this matter," Prudence had concluded.

"Yes Mistress," answered Echo. "However, I am confused. I am neither a medtech nor slave trainer, so why tell me all this?"

"We need the services of a psychtech to help us with the slave's offspring until they come of age. The law requires that they be educated, not worked, and raised in an environment free from adult punishments."

"OK," said Echo, "but forgive me, I still don't quite follow."

"Well" said Prudence, "the law requires a certain minimum standard of treatment for these children. That is until they become legal adults. At that time they will be publicly humiliated and diapered. When that time occurs we wish their upbringing to be such that their indoctrination into slavery has the maximum possible effect."

Echo was shocked by Prudence's statement and excited as well. "Let me see if I understand you correctly," she said. "You want the girls raised in such a way that they are completely unprepared for what will eventually happen to them. Is that right?"

"Yes," said Prudence. "Moreover, the personal humiliation and embarrassment they experience during and after their indoctrination should be maximal, and more than would be experienced by the average woman raised in society at large."

"OK" said Echo, becoming very excited. This was a psychtech's experimental dream: experimenting with adverse techniques on actual subjects. Prudence was giving her the opportunity to disprove, validate, and test almost every modern psychological theory about child rearing and development. Being extremely ambitious she said "and will I be able to publish my results and findings?"

"Yes, but not until after your charges are diapered," said Prudence.

"OK. Just two more questions."

"Sure," said Prudence.

"Am I free to use whatever methods I choose; and why me?"

"In answer to your first question: yes, for the most part. We will, of course, want to review your plans. In addition, they must satisfy the letter of the law. With respect to your second question, our research shows you are one of the leading investigators in the area of child psychology and discipline. We examined many candidates, and you by far were the most qualified," answered Prudence.

"Thank you," said Echo.

Prudence nodded and continued, "The position has certain perks that you should be aware of. First, you will become a permanent resident of the Castle and be entitled to all the privileges that entails, including use of the dungeon and slaves. Second, the appointment is for life." Echo raised her eyebrows at this, and Prudence elaborated, "Zax has realized for some time the need for a resident psychtech to help with the training and management of its slaves. Just as we employ a resident medtech to handle medical problems, we wish to similarly have a psychtech available to handle psychological problems. I hope this is agreeable."

It was, and Echo moved into the Castle about a week before the first baby was born. Now she had five charges under her care. She had requested, and been granted, the use of three of the regular dungeon slaves to help care for her new charges. These slaves handled most of the physical tasks: diaper changes, feeding, physical supervision, etc. This left Echo free to monitor progress and plan and execute her program. The program was both simple and direct, and based on historical precedent. The children would be raised in a Victorian environment, but without the religious overtones. The latter would cause problems by giving the girls a psychological support to sustain them in their ultimate fate. This would not do, and Echo had been careful to eliminate this aspect from her plan. However, most of the other aspects of the 19th century philosophy remained: inhibitions regarding sex, modesty, etiquette, hang-ups over body and body parts, especially genitalia, etc. Echo hoped in this way to test the limits of the Venkatesan Modification, and perhaps see if it could be enhanced by environment. It was a unique opportunity to investigate the age old 'debate' of Nature versus Nurture, and she was quite excited.

Echo had demanded that the slaves attending the children be given excessively modest clothing: dresses that covered the body from neck to feet, leaving only the head and hands exposed. Even she donned this attire when in the children's presence. The children themselves (although only toddlers), were also dressed in clothes that covered most of their bodies.

Prudence had devoted an entire wing of the Castle to house the children and their attendants. The rooms were decorated formally in the old-English style of the Victorian era with wallpaper and heavy carpets. Although the rooms were light and airy, Echo made sure that the overall atmosphere and tone was one of strict formality.

Today, Echo sat in the nursery and watched her charges play, as the slaves (or nannies as she now referred to them) supervised. Echo noted the behavior of the girls as they toddled around the room, interacting and playing with their toys (mostly female dolls and wooden blocks with letters of the alphabet on them). Looking up from her notes, she smiled. Things were going well and the children were making fine progress in the desired direction.