The President's Advisor


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"That fucking cunt," the President practically screamed. "I will have her head! Everyone out! Tell Amanda to get Tony Pellegrini in here right away."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Wow! I have never seen him so mad," Eve said as she walked to her office, Ann walking with her at her request. "It's like the whole world is turning against him."

"It does seem like dominoes falling," Ann commented.

"Well, at least it's not my problem," Eve said as she flopped into her seat behind her desk and indicated that Ann should take a seat in front of the desk.

"It's going to put a lot of pressure on the Congressional representatives and Senators from the farm states," Ann observed.

"They'll support him," Eve insisted. "They're loyal. They believe in what he's doing."

"Maybe," Ann replied, "but seeing all of these resignations makes me think that when push comes to shove, it's every man or woman for themselves. They'll support him as long as it doesn't threaten their own positions."

"Have you seen the polling numbers?" Eve asked. "High 30s."

"That's his base," Ann observed. "As the President has said, he could shoot someone in broad daylight on 5th Avenue and nobody would touch him. His base will support him come hell or high water."

"That's loyalty," Eve said, nodding.

"Yes, they are loyal," Ann agreed, "but high 30s is not going to get him re-elected. It will also make it more difficult to get any of his agenda enacted because the Senators and Representatives have to take their constituents' attitudes into account. At the end of the day, they all want to be re-elected and the President doesn't vote."

"God, what a mess," Eve sighed, drumming her expensively manicured fingernails on her desk. Picking up her phone, she dialed, then waited. "Jerry, you should go visit Daddy," she said. "He's pretty upset. Maybe you can help him to calm down. Yes, I'll see you later for dinner," she said, closing the phone.

"Do you need me for anything?" Ann asked. "I do have some work that I should do."

"Did you talk to your husband?" Eve asked.

"Yes, I did," Ann replied, nodding.

"What did he say?" Eve asked.

"He was flattered, honored that you'd consider joining us for some fun," Ann replied.

"Really!?" Eve asked, her face beaming.

"Really," Ann assured her.

"You know, the Secret Service goes everywhere with me," Eve said.

"That shouldn't be a problem unless they have to be in the same room with you at all times," Ann said.

"They'd insist on checking," Eve said. "They'd never just let me go anywhere without making sure that there was no threat."

"Let them check," Ann said, shrugging. "They'll find nothing to worry about. They can stand guard in the hallway if they want."

"Won't they...hear us?" Eve asked, her eyes bright.

"Do you make a lot of loud noise when you..." Ann asked.

"No, never," Eve replied.

"Then I wouldn't worry about it," Ann said. "What would you tell them?"

"Well, after we go shopping, could we order some lunch and have it delivered?" Eve asked.

"Definitely," Ann replied, nodding. "We order from Chaia all the time."

"I'd have to tell my father," Eve said. "I can't just go like that, especially not with you. You work for him."

"Then by all means, tell him," Ann replied, "that we're going shopping and then ordering lunch that we'll eat at my husband's office."

"The Secret Service will check him out," Eve warned.

"He has nothing to hide," Ann assured her. "Many members of Congress are clients, as well as a number of foreign governments."

"You really think we could do it?" Eve asked nervously.

"Look, let's go shopping, then order lunch," Ann suggested. "If you're comfortable with things, we can take it from there. Don't put any pressure on yourself."

"God, this is so exciting!" Eve said, her eyes shining. "Will he eat my pussy?"

"We both will," Ann replied, laughing.

"Oh, god!" Eve laughed, clapping her hands. "Uh, did you happen to find any names to replace Secretary Wong?"

"I'm still checking," Ann replied. "I might have something tomorrow or the day after."

"If I can bring Daddy some good news, I can distract him from all of the bad news that seems to be happening," Eve said.

"I'll go work on it some more now," Ann suggested.

"Okay," Eve agreed, nodding. "And thanks, Ann, for everything."

"Don't mention it," Ann said as she got to her feet. "That's what friends are for, to help each other."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"She's definitely going to go for it," Ann said as she rolled her hips, fucking Bill, her hands on his chest as her pussy milked his cock. "She's not even trying not to do it. She'd even factored how to deal with the Secret Service, who, by the way, will probably pay you a visit when she puts it on her schedule."

"What a fucked-up world we live in," Bill laughed, reaching up to pinch and pull on her hard, dark nipples, causing her to gasp as her pussy clamped down on his cock.

"Did you have any luck with some names to replace Secretary Wong?" Ann asked.

"Yeah," Bill groaned, feeling his orgasm imminent. "I'm going to cum."

"About time," Ann said, dismounting him and leaning over to take him into her mouth, sucking on him, feeling his cock swell, then explode, hot thick cum spurting into her eagerly sucking mouth.

"Here are three names," Bill said when they finished and were enjoying a glass of wine. "Impeccable credentials, Republicans, and each of them has a skeleton in their closet that I'd be willing to bet would never show up on any governmental security check."

"Good, one of them is a woman," Ann said as she read the short list with just a basic sketch of their credentials and qualifications.

"Yeah, she likes a pussy snack from time to time," Bill said with a chuckle. "One of the guys has a thing about glory holes, only he doesn't go there to get his cock sucked, he goes to suck cocks. The other guy has been fucking his married secretary for years and has actually managed to keep it very under wraps."

"God, you are terrible," Ann laughed. "And you're sure that none of that will show up in their background checks?"

"Not even a deep check," Bill replied.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Daddy, I have some good news for you," Eve said the next day in the Oval Office.

"Well, I could use some," the President sighed.

"Here," Eve said, placing the sheet of paper with the three names on his desk. "These people might make a good Transportation Secretary."

"Where did you get these names?" the President asked, looking at her.

"Lots of research," Eve replied. "I couldn't find anything wrong with any of them, though I imagine that you're going to make sure that the background checks are very thorough. I can only do so much with the internet."

"I could use some good press for a change," the President said, sitting back, one hand sliding up the back of Eve's leg to cup her ass and knead it. "This has been a real shit week," he said, his hand moving to her upper thigh, his fingers slipping into her panties to slide over her pussy, then between her lips and up into her as Eve moaned, sagging onto his fingers as he slid them in and out of her a few times before withdrawing them.

"I'm going to go shopping and have lunch with Ann," Eve said, catching her breath, smiling as she watched her father sucking on his fingers which had just been in her pussy.

"Make sure the Secret Service knows," the President said.

"I will," Eve promised.

"I think I'll go up to the Residence," the President said. "I need a break for a while."

"I'll go back to my office and give the Secret Service a call," Eve said.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Where is everybody?" the President asked when he got upstairs to the Residence area of the White House and found it totally silent. "She didn't have anything on her schedule today. She should be here."

Walking down the hallway to his wife's bedroom - she had stopped sharing his shortly after moving into the White House - he turned the handle and opened the door, sticking his head in to see if she was there and froze, his mouth dropping in disbelief when he saw her primary Secret Service agent on his knees behind her on the bed, his cock pointing at her ass and pussy which was gaping open, cum running from between her pussy lips and dripping down onto the bed.

"What the FUCK is going on here?" he shouted, throwing the door open and entering the room. "I'll see you fired and jailed," he threatened the pale-faced agent.

"You'll do nothing of the sort," Sylvia said, not moving from her position on her knees, her face and chest pressed against the bed, her violet eyes glaring at him. "If you do, I'll make sure the press knows exactly why, you pig. You fuck porn stars, hookers, and you expect me to just sit by and smile? Fuck you. I'll fuck anyone I want, whenever I want. Now get out of here, we're not done."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Oh, this is so much fun!" Eve giggled, several bags of Lilly Pulitzer purchases in her hand.

"How can you stand it?" Ann asked. "Everyone crowding around. No privacy."

"Oh, you get used to it," Eve replied. "I just ignore them."

"I could never get used to it," Ann said, shaking her head.

"Well, I think that you'd better get used to it," Eve said. "Whether you like it or not, our picture is going to on every possible news outlet in the world before the end of the day. The whole world is going to want to know who you are."

"Oh, god!" Ann gasped. "I didn't realize...this is terrible!"

"You'll be fine," Eve assured her. "You're my father's Economic Advisor accompanying me on a shopping trip."

"How do your friends deal with this?" Ann asked as they made their way out of the store.

"I don't really have any," Eve replied. "Oh, there are a bunch of pretend friends, but I know they're just using me. They're not really my friends. Any of them would stick a knife in my back if it would give them some advantage bigger than being seen hanging out with me."

"That's terribly cynical," Ann said.

"Maybe, but it's the way it is," Eve replied bitterly. "At least I know it."

"It seems so...empty," Ann commented.

"I have my father," Eve said as they arrived at their car, surrounded by the Secret Service detail. "Shopping is hungry work," she said as they entered the vehicle.

"Do you want to get some lunch now?" Ann asked.

"The way we discussed?" Eve asked, her voice almost trembling.

"If you like," Ann replied, smiling.

Eve ordered the driver and in just a couple of minutes they were parked in front of The Residences at The Ritz-Carlton at 3150 South Street NW where Bill's office was located on the top floor. Two Secret Service agents accompanied them up to Bill's office, The Future, LLC, and insisted upon entering first. Bill was there and they seemed to be familiar with him, but did a quick check of the entire condo before satisfying themselves that it was safe for Eve before exiting and taking up stations outside the door.

"Eve, this is my husband, Bill," Ann introduced.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Bill said, smiling as he gently shook her hand.

"Thank you," Eve replied. "This is a beautiful office," she commented, walking over to the floor-to-ceiling glass windows overlooking the Potomac. "It's got a great view."

"That's pretty much why I picked it," Bill replied.

"How about some wine?" Ann suggested. "We have Chaia's menu here, so we can see what to order."

"That sounds good," Eve replied, sitting down on the sofa facing the view.

Ann produced the menu and joined Eve on the sofa while Bill opened the wine refrigerator and produced a bottle of Cakebread Chardonnay.

"Will this be okay?" he asked, showing Eve the bottle.

"Oh! That's my favorite wine!" she exclaimed, surprised delight on her face.

Ann called Chaia and ordered lunch while Bill poured the wine, then joined them, sitting on a chair next to the sofa.

"God, it is so nice to be out of the fishbowl," Eve sighed after taking a big sip of wine.

"I imagine it can get to be a bit much," Bill said.

"It's the price we have to pay," Eve said.

They engaged in some innocuous small talk, Bill pouring the rest of the bottle into their glasses just as there was a knock on the door. Answering the door, Bill found the Secret Service agent checking the packages of food that the Chaia delivery person was nervously holding.

"Thank you," Bill said when the Secret Service agent finally approved, taking the packages from the delivery person. "Please thank Suzanne for me."

"Oh, this is so delicious," Eve said when she tasted her taco salad.

"We love their food," Ann said. "Bettina and Suzanne have done a great job with this restaurant. It's almost impossible to get a seat without a reservation anymore."

"I can always get a table anywhere," Eve said, not noticing Bill rolling his eyes at Ann.

"Some more wine?" Bill asked.

"Mmm, yes, please," Eve replied.

"As good as ever," Ann sighed when she finally sat back, sated.

"It was wonderful," Eve agreed as Bill emptied the second bottle of wine into their glasses.

"Would you like to see the rest of the condo?" Ann asked.

"Sure," Eve replied, getting to her feet, glass of wine in hand as she followed Ann.

Eve didn't appear to be particularly impressed as Ann showed her around until they got to the master bedroom, which Ann had deliberately saved for last, noticing that the cameras were gone, or at least not visible.

"Oh, wow, this is great," Eve said, walking over to the big round bed in the corner, taking in the view.

"We love to fuck here, looking out over the river and the city," Ann said. "Our town home is pretty normal, in a neighborhood with no real view."

"I love having my pussy eaten, looking out over New York from our condo," Eve replied, giggling. "I always wonder if there's someone in one of the other buildings with a telescope watching."

"Well, we don't have to worry about that here," Ann said.

"I like this round bed," Eve said, running a hand over the quilted top.

"Would you like me to eat your pussy on it?" Ann asked, smiling as Eve's face lit up.

"Oh, god," Eve gasped, her eyes wide. "Do you think that it's okay?"

"It's the perfect finish to a good meal, don't you think?" Ann asked.

"What about Bill?" Eve asked, glancing towards the door.

"He can join us in a bit, if you'd like," Ann replied. "Would you like me to shut the door?"

"N-no, it's okay," Eve replied, licking her lips nervously.

"Maybe we should undress," Ann suggested. "Our clothes will get wrinkled."

"I'm a little nervous," Eve said. "I've never done anything like this."

"I'll bet that you're going to enjoy it so much that it won't be the last time," Ann said, unzipping her skirt and letting it fall to the floor, revealing that she was naked beneath, her long pussy lips hanging down.

"This is so crazy," Eve giggled, doing the same, then her silk slip to reveal a pair of sheer panties, her clam-shell pussy clearly visible beneath.

Ann was very aware of Eve eyeing her as she removed her blouse, revealing her hard, dark nipples protruding from her chest as she finally stood naked.

"My breasts were pretty small before..." Eve said, removing her blouse to reveal a sheer bra, her hard, pale nipples visible sticking out. "Didn't you ever think of getting implants?" she asked.

"No," Ann replied, reaching up with both hands to find and pinch and pull on her hard, dark nipples.

"I had to," Eve said, reaching behind herself to unhook her bra, letting it fall forward to reveal her surgically perfect C-cup breasts. "In our society, breasts are a must."

"It doesn't bother me," Ann said, kneeling in front of Eve and reaching for her panties. "My nipples are hypersensitive and Bill never lets them alone," she explained as she peeled Eve's panties down.

"Oh, god," Eve was panting as Ann gently pushed her back onto the bed, climbing up after her, lifting her legs and pushing them up towards her chest, looking down at her fat outer lips spreading apart to reveal the tiny inner lips and clit glistening pinkly.

Looking up at Eve, whose mouth was hanging open as she leaned on her elbows, her eyes never left her face as she slowly extended her tongue and dragged it up through Eve's pussy, tasting her tangy, spicy flavor before sinking her tongue into her honey hole, then gluing her mouth to her as she drank.

"Oh, that feels so good," Eve sighed, laying back, her arms spread wide as Ann continued to eat her pussy.

Ann smiled into Eve's pussy when she felt Bill's hands on her hips, followed by his cock sliding into her pussy as she knelt on the bed eating Eve's pussy.

"Oh, god, oh, god," Eve gasped, arching her pussy up against Ann's mouth as she came, her whole body spasming as her orgasm tore through her.

"That was nice," Ann said when she lifted her pussy-smeared face from Eve's pussy, smiling as she crawled up her body, pulling away from Bill's cock and leaning down to lick Eve's lips, knowing that she would be able to taste herself, then continuing up until she was kneeling with her knees next to Eve's ears, her spread pussy poised just above Eve's face.

"God, I just love your pussy lips," Eve said, reaching up and wrapping her hands around Ann's thighs as she pulled her pussy down onto her mouth, sucking her long pussy lips in, tasting the musky flavor of her juices as they flowed liberally from her pussy.

Ann felt Eve gasp into her pussy, her tongue in her hole, and looked back over her shoulder to see Bill pressing Eve's thighs wide apart, his tongue in her pussy.

"Ahhh," Eve moaned, her whole body trembling as she came, Bill's tongue busy in her pussy.

Ann reversed herself so that she was facing Bill, taking Eve's ankles in her hands, sighing when she felt Eve's tongue once again busy in her pussy. She smiled when she saw Bill get up, his mouth and chin covered with Eve's pussy juices, Eve stiffening momentarily when Bill began rubbing his cock up and down between her spread pussy lips, then relax, moaning as Bill fed his cock into her.

"Oh, god, that feels so good," Eve gasped as Bill's cock filled her pussy, surprising Bill by its tightness as he began to fuck her.

Ann hooked Eve's legs beneath her arms and leaned over, letting her tongue slide along Bill's cock as it slid in and out of Eve's pussy, also teasing her tiny button of a clit while Bill fucked her. Ann climbed off of Eve's body, allowing her to see Bill for the first time, her eyes wide as she watched him fucking her.

"Your pussy is nice and tight," Bill told her as he really started fucking her with some force.

"Your cock feels so good," Eve gasped as he continued to fuck her.

Ann knelt next to them, watching as Bill's cock continued to sluice in and out of Eve's pussy, Eve laying back, her mouth open, softly moaning as Bill fucked her. After several more minutes, Bill pulled his cock from Eve's pussy and crawled up her body, sticking his glistening, gooey cock into Eve's open mouth, her eyes wide as she closed her lips on him, her tongue rolling around the head of his cock, tasting herself.

Eve arched her hips when she felt Ann's mouth on her pussy once again, at the same time Bill let himself go without warning, hot thick cum pumping into her mouth, causing her to cough and gag before she gulped reflexively, swallowing as Bill continued to empty his balls into her mouth, not withdrawing his cock before squeezing every drop of cum possible from it into her mouth.

Eve lay gasped, swallowing, trying to clear her mouth of the cloying taste and thickness of Bill's cum, her whole body vibrating.
