The Price is Always Right Pt. 03


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"Why does it turn you on so much?" she asked as she studied his face. When he hesitated she reassured him. "I want to understand, James. So much has happened. I just want to try to understand what you're going through because, honestly, I'm not sure I even understand what I'm going through."

He tabled his questions for her for a moment, wanting to finish his thoughts before the words left him. "I read about it. When I first started having the thoughts, I mean. It's apparently pretty common for men to fantasize about it," he explained. "They think it's because of how, like, taboo it is and I think part of it for me definitely is. I mean look at you. You're gorgeous, professional, classy woman and the idea of you with another man, with Richard. It's just so... dirty. And seeing you with him and the way you reacted. I've never seen you like that." He watched her reaction and noticed her blush as he brought up how she acted with the other man.

"It's... It's just different, James. When we make love you make me feel safe, loved. When I was with Richard it was more... animalistic. It was like he didn't want anything from me but his own pleasure. You don't treat me that way. And the way he talked to me... I hated it but I hated it even more how much it turned me on," she admitted to him before taking another big drink from her wine. "Like fuck this guy for calling me a slut, but also I can barely focus because of how good it feels..." she trailed off again. Her profanity surprised him, but it was surreal to hear her talk about it like this. When they had talked about it after her first night with Richard, it had been shame, guilt, regret. After the poker game they had some of the most intense sex of their marriage and then acted like nothing had happened for a day. Now she was telling him what it felt like, what she experienced in those moments without trying to hide it from him out of shame.

"It seemed really intense," James said coaxing her along.

"Yeahh... When he first started, I tried to fight it. I tried to just focus on getting through it but everything about it. The way he talked to me, about me. And how big he was..." she said, shooting him an awkward glance to gauge his reaction before continuing. "It just built and built and then the release was so powerful."

"I saw. Both times," he said, making his wife blush again. "The second time was something else."

"By that point... it was so... overwhelming that it was like I was watching someone else do those things. And say those things," she told him, acknowledging what she had agreed to in the heat of the evening. "I mean it barely registered in the moment. It was just like, I needed to say whatever he wanted so it wouldn't stop before I got there."

"Would you really have sex with him at work?" he asked her point blank.

"No. I mean. I don't know. I didn't even really think about it when I said yes that night. It wasn't like I thought it out while he had me bent over on the sofa, James," she said defensively.

"Have you thought about it now?" he asked her. He had to know while they were in this moment of complete honesty.

"I thought he would try something the first time he came in after that night and it was such a relief when he left without trying anything. I think... I think I didn't trust myself being alone with him after that night," she admitted. "And I didn't think I could talk to you about it."

James felt his stomach drop as he listened to her. It made him feel terrible that she had been so worried about it and felt like she couldn't talk to him about it.

"You can talk to me about anything, Soph. Anything," he stressed.

"I know but I was afraid that if I brought it up to you, that- that you would want me to. It was all so much and I couldn't get it out of my mind how you looked at me while you watched us. I'd never seen you like that. You looked at me like he does. Like Richard does," she explained carefully.

"Looked at you how?" he asked, trying to imagine it.

"Hungrily. Like the lust was completely overtaking you while you watched. Like it was devouring both of us," she said. It was obvious to James how much time she had spent thinking about all of this as she explained it.

"With everything that's happened, maybe it has," he admitted before they both fell into silence for a few minutes. The sun had gone down now and the air was getting cooler. James was watching a firefly in the distance as he thought about everything his wife had said. This time, it was Sophie who broke the silence.

"So where does this leave us?" she asked her husband.

"I think that as long as we can be this honest with each other, we'll be okay," he said, shoving away a moment of guilt for not telling her about the group text with the other men. It was a small white lie, he thought.

"What should I tell Hank?" she asked him, deferring the decision to him but leaving the door open for him to tell her to go.

"What if we just start with drinks?" he suggested. "If you want to," he added quickly. Sophie studied him like she often did, trying to see his inner thoughts before answering.

"We'll start with just a drink," she agreed, "Dip our toes in rather than cannonball into the deep end." James nodded his agreement as he thought about the fact that the last time they had agreed she would just serve drinks, and look how that ended up. James couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement over the possibility.

"Ready to go in?" he asked her as he stood up.

"Not just yet," she answered him with a smile. He took his empty glass and went inside, leaving Sophie with her thoughts. After doing the dishes, he went to the bedroom to change into something more comfortable than the khakis and polo he wore to work. He was slipping on a t-shirt when he heard it.

BUZZ. He looked over at his phone on the dresser and felt his heart skip a beat. He walked over and grabbed it. A message from Hank to the group. It was a screenshot with Sophie's answer.

"I'd love to. Tell me when and where."


James sat on their bed as Sophie did a quick spin for him. She was wearing a flowing, light blue dress that ended a few inches above her knees. Its neckline showed the start of the swell of her breasts and it had a cut out in the back where it tied together. She had paired it with a pair of nude pumps and had on the sapphire bracelet again that she had worn for her date with Richard but had taken off her rings as they had discussed again. He wondered how Hank would like this outfit compared to what she wore last time.

Sophie looked gorgeous in it, but it was markedly more conservative than what she had worn the first time Hank had met her. Tonight, she looked like the sexy, upper-middle-class professional woman that she actually was, as opposed to looking like a well, a very expensive escort.

"Stunning," he told her. "Absolutely stunning."

"I wanted to go with something that said, 'I'm not actually a whore'," she explained with a little bit of a cringe.

"I think you nailed it, Soph," he said with a laugh. "He might be shocked to see you looking so different."

"You mean in my clothes?" she asked. "It's just a drink. I'm not going to do anything else without talking to you." James appreciated her stating it again, even though they had talked about it all in even more detail after their big heart-to-heart. They had agreed that they would explore things together as long as they were both completely on board.

"I guess that is sort of what I mean," he said. She shook out her hair again, making sure she got it just right. He wondered again if he was crazy for letting her do this, but honestly, as he watched her body move around in the flowing dress, he didn't care.

He reread the last few messages from the group. Hank had been bragging all week about how he had a date with her to get drinks after she got off work on Friday. The reactions had ranged from Cliff's jealousy to Arthur's hopes that they would get some of the play-by-play. Clarence had wished him luck. Richard hadn't said much, which was interesting. It made James wonder if he was perhaps less thrilled about Sophie agreeing to go out with the other man than expected. James had commented that he was a lucky bastard to see her again, which was a popular sentiment.

Sophie finished putting lipstick on and grabbed her purse. "I'm leaving," she said, coming over to him and took his hand in hers. "Are we sure about this?" she asked him again.

"Text me updates as you can," he answered, feeling a little giddy with the anticipation. Sophie looked at him knowingly.

"That excited?" she asked with a roll of her eyes.

"I wish I could come and watch, honestly," he admitted.

"I think he might notice if you show up every time he sees me," she laughed. "I'll keep you updated, but don't get your hopes up. Just dipping my toe in tonight to see how it goes, right?"

"Right," he reaffirmed to his gorgeous wife. She walked to the door and slipped out, blowing him a kiss before she closed the door behind her. James immediately tried to picture her meeting Hank for a drink at the swanky bar downtown. The man was younger than most of the other men in the group but he was still probably twice Sophie's age. The age factor seemed to be something James focused on when he pictured them together.

The man wasn't bad looking but being so much older than the twenty-six-year-old woman he was with would still draw more than a few looks. What would people think? She could be his daughter. Hell, she was friends with Ben's daughter Nora and Ben couldn't be far off from Hank's age. Or would they be too friendly for people to make that mistake? The minutes passed slowly as he waited for Sophie to get to the bar.

BUZZ came the message finally. He expected it to be from Sophie telling him she had arrived but it was actually from Hank.

"It's showtime, boys," Hank's message read. James took a deep breath and decided to make himself comfortable on the sofa with a strong drink in hand as he waited for more texts. The men made a few bawdy responses to Hank but nothing too exciting. Finally, he heard from Sophie.

"Here. I love you," Sophie said in a text. He waited eagerly for updates, the minutes seeming to take eons as they ticked by. He let his fantasies run wild as he waited, imagining all of the sordid things that could happen quickly enough.


Sophie walked through the lobby of the hotel. She had never been here before but the bar was easy enough to find. She tried to keep her nerves in check as she looked at everyone she passed worried that there would be someone she knew. She knew that she just hadn't gotten over Mr. Miller being at the poker game the weekend prior.

Of all of the people to be in the game, it had to be her best friend's father who had known her since she started college. No chance he wouldn't recognize her and though she wouldn't see him all the time, there was a high chance of seeing him in their normal social circle.

She tried to focus on Hank as she walked into the bar and looked around. He was sitting at the bar at the end, already with a drink in hand. Sophie had to admit for a man in his 50's he was handsome and seemed to be pretty fit. He was wearing a long sleeve white dress shirt without a tie and black slacks. Putting one foot in front of the other, she walked down the bar towards him. She studied him closer as she reached him. He had a little grey along the edges of his light brown hair that made him look distinguished and lines one his face that told her he smiled often.

"Well hot damn you didn't have to put every other woman in the city to shame just to come get a drink with me," he said as he looked her up and down, admiring her. "I don't know how you did it, but you look even more gorgeous than the last time I saw you." It was nice to have him compliment her in a way that wasn't as egregious as the way Richard did. She actually didn't mind Hank at all and hoped that tonight would be easy. He pulled her chair out for her and as she sat, he pushed it back in for her.

"Thank you. You look very handsome yourself, Hank," she said, returning the compliment. It was strange to be out on a... well, a date, with a man other than James.

"You're too kind. I'm just glad you had time to meet me for a drink. A woman like you, I'm sure men are fighting for your attention," he said with an easygoing tone.

"Ha, maybe a few," she said. Hank was as charming as she remembered as they talked. He asked her about her work and her life. She made sure not to give anything too specific away but tried to tell him things as close to the truth as possible so she could remember it.

He told her about his business. He had started as a ranch hand before he had saved enough to get into cattle where he had been exceptionally successful.

"You still help with the cattle yourself?!" she asked him incredulously.

He responded by showing her the callouses on both hands. "I think that men were made to work with their hands," he said, "And I enjoy it. So I make sure that I go show those young studs how it's done every once in a while." Sophie was starting to relax by the time she finished her drink. She was no longer worried that every new person who walked into the bar would recognize her and see her having a drink with a man who wasn't her husband.

She reached out and took his hand, feeling the callouses of his rough hands. There was no faking it. He definitely spent time doing manual labor.

"Isn't it a little dangerous?" she asked him.

"Only if you don't know what you're doing, darling," he said in his country accent. As she released his hand he lowered it and sat it on her knee beneath the bar. Sophie hadn't expected it and had to stop herself from reflexively pushing it away. As their conversation continued, he left it there for a minute, buying Sophie a second drink for the evening. Subtly he started moving the hand but not far. She had shaved this afternoon and she knew that her skin was silky smooth in contrast to the rough hand that was resting on her knee. She watched him carefully as they talked and she knew he was enjoying the contact.


A few more minutes passed, and finally, another text from Sophie.

"Hey, it's going fine. We've just been talking. I came into the restroom to update you. I'll let you know when I leave in a few minutes and give you all the details when I get home," she said. James knew this was what they had planned, but it still felt anticlimactic after what had happened the last two times. He couldn't help but feel disappointed. He finished his own drink and started on a couple of chores to keep his mind occupied. BUZZ.

He eagerly unlocked the phone but it was just a message from Arthur asking about how it was going. Both sides seemed eager to find out more about what was happening between the two. He returned to his chores, passing a few more minutes before he heard the vibration of his phone again.

He rushed over and read the message from his wife. "Leaving. Be home in a few," she said. He took a deep breath. Only a few more minutes before he would get to hear about what happened. He watched her location on his phone as the Uber brought her home.

The anticipation was killing him as he waited impatiently. He paced a few times and finally he heard the door opening. Sophie stepped in looking just as she had a couple hours earlier.

He couldn't wait to ask her questions. "Well, how was it? How was he? Did he try anything?" he asked.

"Whoa now, slow down with the interrogation," she joked as she set her purse down.

"Sorry, I've just been on the edge of my seat since you left," he told her with a smile, waiting for her to be ready to answer his questions. She stepped out of her heels and took a seat on the sofa where James joined her.

"He was, shockingly respectful," she admitted with a laugh. "We just talked and had a few drinks at the bar. He told me all about his business, where he grew up. He asked me a lot of questions. As if it was a normal date," she told him.

"Oh," James said, disappointed after all of the bluster about being able to sweet-talk her. "That's all?" he asked.

"Mhmmm," she said as she ran her fingers through his hair playfully before pulling him in to kiss her. James could taste the alcohol on her lips still. He ran his hand up her leg and felt her respond, knowing where this led. He laid her back, following her down with his body on top of hers as they continued to kiss. When they broke apart she spoke again.

"Oh, and he asked me to go up to his room with him afterwards," she said with a little smirk at him.

"What?" he asked, his mouth suddenly dry.

"Mhmmm, I told him not tonight," she said. Not tonight. It implied maybe another night she would let him. I bet Hank loved that even if it wasn't what he wanted today. His hands were all over his wife, under her dress as he kissed her again.

Sophie reached down and started trying to unbuckle his belt. He paused kissing her to help her get it undone. "How did he take that?" he asked.

"Pretty well. Since I told him I'd love to but I couldn't tonight," she whispered to him as she got the buckle undone and quickly unbuttoned his pants. "That is, if that's something you're okay with," she whispered into his ear as she unzipped his pants.

James felt like he was in heaven as he and his wife made passionate love right there on the couch while he fantasized about her with Hank. He heard the buzzing of his phone as he pushed himself into his wife, knowing that all of those men would be envious beyond belief knowing that tonight she was all his.


"I'm so glad your back is feeling better Mrs. Wilson. Just keep doing those home exercises like we talked about and it'll keep feeling better. I'll see you next week. Have a great afternoon!" Sophie said to the elderly patient she had just finished a session with.

She walked back to her office in the back, hoping to knock out the rest of her notes quickly since her last appointment of the day had canceled. She wanted to get home to have time to pick up before James got home.

They had spent most of the weekend in the bedroom after she went out with Hank. James couldn't seem to get enough of her and her own libido seemed to be on fire. She didn't know how long it would stay like this but she was enjoying it for the moment and she wasn't sure if James was going to come home this afternoon and want to drag her back into bed.

"Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes," a booming voice said from the door to her office. She spun around in her desk chair but she already knew who it was. There was no mistaking his voice for anyone else.

"Richard, what are you doing here? You don't have an appointment today," she said warily.

"No, I just came in to see you," he said. "Your husband dragged you out the other night before I got to keep my promise."

Sophie felt herself swallow hard, knowing exactly what he was talking about. She remembered exactly what he had told her before the poker game.

"Do a good job tonight and I'll fuck you until you can't remember your husband's name," he had said. It wasn't the kind of line you forget about and it was something that Richard had clearly intended to do before she and James rushed out suddenly.

"This is my work, Richard," she said, keeping her voice down so that the girl working the front desk wouldn't overhear anything. "Keep your voice down so she doesn't hear you. Or better yet, just go."

He stepped toward where she was sitting and she reflexively leaned back away from him as he towered over her. "You go out with Hank the other night but now you don't have time for me, sweetheart?" he asked her.

"You don't own me, Richard," she told him defiantly. "I can do what I want."