The Princess, Her Harem... Book 01


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To witness her cumming?

To slide his cock into her once she had done so? To feel her squirting her juices across his gorgeous cock as her family must already have done? It occurred to Maria that she was discovering previously unknown depths of depravity within herself; and she spared herself the mortification of any more indecent thoughts by kneeling over his handsome body. She leant forward until she could place her mouth against his ear, and then she shivered as the gentle movement of his chest sent daggers of pleasure through her gently hanging breasts.

"I cannot -... I can't wait though, Jason...! I can't wait a moment longer... I wanna make you cum, Darling! I wanna hear you an' see you an' taste you, an' I'll -..." She stopped then, and she swallowed in the realization that she had all but revealed her true nature and her true desire. That there was no point in her pretending anymore. "I'll do anything you want! I'll do anything, Darling, so please, I'm begging you... Please... Please let me make you cum...?"

He turned his head to stare at her then, but for a moment, Maria knelt upon him in oblivion to his presence. She had said it. Even though he was just a beast, she had really uttered those words! Even if she couldn't use it herself, his sperm was still hers by right; so why had she begged for the privilege of bringing him off when it should have been he who begged for the privilege of looking upon her? Why was it that she had once more shamed herself and the country-slaves whom she served? It occurred to Maria that the only way in which she could further shame herself was by accepting his cock within her buttocks, and that her offer had placed her in the position where her own honor might force her to let him do it. She turned towards the beast who lay beneath her though, and she saw her handsome, young brother gazing up at her as if she were the Lady herself; and suddenly, it didn't matter. It was for him, and only for him; and he was not just a beast but her beloved brother as well.

"Please, Jason...?" She whispered meekly and politely, but her hips moved of their own accord as she did so. She lathered her juices upon his loins, and she mashed her gorgeous tits against his chest as it rose and fell against her, and she knew that if he grabbed her hips he would be able to pull her onto his cock. "Can't I be your slut...?"

His slut.

His to use as he saw fit.

His to bugger.

It was another mistake, but Maria whimpered in desperate ecstasy and her eyes fluttered as she shuddered against his handsome body, whilst her pussy unleashed a veritable stream of oily cum onto his rigid, twitching member. He nodded his head in silent response, but then he grasped her shoulders before she could react to his answer.

"Any, anything, Mari'...?" He all but whimpered his question, and Maria felt her heart stop within her breast at the look of eager anticipation with which he awaited her reply. She froze above him whilst her heart resumed its racing once more, and then she buried her face in his chest and drowned in everything about him. His scent and his warmth. His hope, his lust, and the touch of his rock hard cock as it twitched eagerly against her thigh.

"Yes..." She breathed her own response, and then she bit her lip and frowned in bliss at the thought of the horrible, disgusting and immoral thing that she was saying. "Yes, my Darling... Anything...!"

"Oh wow..." Jason whimpered once more at her reply, but Maria could barely hear him over the pounding of her heart; and she gave herself no time to contemplate what he might request. She pushed her breasts even more firmly against him so that they ballooned against his chest, and then she raised her hips ever so slightly so that she could reach both hands between them. She found his cock easily, for there was no mistaking its position between her thighs; and then she stretched one hand about its elegant, rigid girth before guiding it upwards against her loins.

Should she guide him into her pussy?

Should she push herself downwards until his whole length was buried within her cunt? The temptation to do so was almost more than Maria could bear, and she shuddered in delicious joy as she ran his beautiful knob between her gently parted and slickly wet petals. He stiffened and moaned in suspense beneath her, and then she ran his knob from the crinkly hood of her clitoris all the way down until it pressed against the ridge of her perineum. She pulled it back upwards until it caught against the coarse opening of her cunt, and then she paused so that his knob trembled at the very entrance to her womb.

"Do you want to fuck me, Darling...?" She waited for his frown of concentration to decrease in intensity before she spoke quietly. He replied with a weak nod of his head, and she guided his knob back up to smooth and exposed pearl of her clitoris before easing it down to the coarse, wet flesh of her cunt once more. "Do you... Do you want to cum inside me, Darling...?"

He gave another weak nod, whilst he bit his lower lip and frowned in concentration; and Maria grinned in a daze of pleasure as she dragged his sensitive knob between her delicate folds once more. Should she finish her teasing? Should she wank him as she had planned? To her surprise, Maria found that she held him just below her clitoris; and she uttered a third question even more quietly than she had her first two.

"Will you hold back for me...?"

He smiled at that, and then he lifted his head to kiss her.

"Of, of course, Mari'..." His reply was little more than a whimper, but her heart skipped a beat whilst she tightened her grip about his beautiful cock. Of course, he would. He was her little brother, and she knew in her heart that he deserved every iota of pleasure that she, her family and the rest of the world could give him. Maria buried her face in his chest once more then, and she whispered her love and screwed her eyes shut against the tears of joy that brimmed within them.

And then she pushed his cock downward before dragging it back upwards once more. Seven times, she teased him. Seven times, she let the tip of his knob press against the very entrance to her womb, and seven times, she wondered if he would take the decision out of her hands. Would he give in to his lust, and push his cock into the pussy that so many hundreds of Upper Beasts had drooled at the thought of? Would he grasp her buttocks and ram his cock deep into her, before using her as she longed to be used? He stiffened and whimpered each time his knob caught against the upper wall of her cunt. To her delight, he fought with all of his strength to respect her wishes, though; and to her dismay, his involuntary twitches never quite pushed his knob into her.

Was she really teasing him, though?

Wasn't she just trying to force him to shove his cock into her, so that she could give up on her plan and just enjoy the sensation of him within her? Maria wasn't exactly sure herself, but she grew both dizzier and wetter with each kiss of his two tiny lips against the coarse flesh of her cunt; and on the seventh kiss she realized that she would cum the instant that his cock pushed into her. She steadied herself above him before she pushed herself backwards slowly, and to her delight, she felt his cock ooze a thick blob of cum between her petals as it ran towards her clitoris.

She guided his knob carefully around her clitoris, and then she played it gently against herself as if painting the soft, velvety smooth flesh of her mound with his pre-cum. Would he like it better if she rubbed his knob against the mess of froth and pre-cum that he had already left upon her loins? Would he enjoy it even more if she swirled her thumb against the underside of his flared helmet as she did so? To Maria's delight, she found that Jason shuddered and stiffened beneath her as she played with his cock, and then she grinned in startled glee as she felt not just a single blob of jelly oozing out of him, but a veritable stream of it instead.

So that was how close he was!

He arched and tensed beneath her as his cock throbbed and pulsed within her hand, and his whimpers of helpless pleasure were so endearing that she twisted herself upon him just so that she could stare at his face. She allowed herself to rest fully upon his chest then, and she reached her free hand downward until she could close her fingers about his wet and swollen knob. It was all that she could do to reach her fingers past the flared helmet, but the feeling of his two tiny lips squashing slickly against her palm was more than compensation for her efforts. She grinned in mischievous delight then, and she swirled her fingers tentatively about and against his swollen knob.

Would he like -?

"Oh! Oh, Lady! Oh, Mari'...!"

Jason's gasps of disbelief and pleasure were answer enough, and Maria grinned in delight at the sight of his handsome face screwed up in bliss once more. She tightened her swirling fingers upon his knob even as she started to wank him slowly; and her mind filled with thoughts of his orgasm as he gritted his teeth and held his breath beneath her. Should she make him squirt his seed across her pussy, or should she have him shoot it into her palm? Would he prefer her to swallow his cum straight down once she had licked it from off her hand; or would he rather see his seed upon her tongue before she swallowed every precious drop? It occurred to Maria then that she would have to ask her family for their opinion the next time that she was allowed to write a letter. The thought of what they might say and how they might verify the truth of their opinions was more than her fevered mind could cope with, though.

She stiffened above him as her body teetered upon the brink of her own orgasm, and then she fought with all of her might to pull back. She couldn't cum until he had! She had to capture his seed, and then she had to show him what she had so often dreamt of doing with it! Unfortunately for Maria, her task was made all the more difficult by the countless ways in which she imagined the slaves of her family capturing, displaying and eating Jason's cum. She almost lost her battle to an image of the three of them knelt so that they could suck his cum out of each other's pussies, but she emerged victorious in the end.

And it was then that she realized that her hands were working at a furious pace upon Jason's cock. For how long had she been wanking him in that way? For how long had she been filling her bedroom with the obscene slapping of her hands beating up and down upon his cock, and the wet sibilance of her fingers swirling about his knob? Maria realized too late that she had been asking the wrong questions of herself, and she had no time to prepare herself mentally for the glory of Jason's orgasm. He sobbed her name into the flesh of his forearm whilst his handsome body stiffened and trembled beneath her, and her position was such that she was almost thrown from on top of him. She felt nothing more intensely than the throbbing and jerking of his cock beneath her loins and within her hands, however; and it was in that moment that he erupted between her fingers.

To her astonishment and surprise, Jason's orgasm was even more copious than that with which he had filled her mouth only a short while earlier, and she trembled in wonder as he emptied himself. Three times. Four times. Five times. It seemed to Maria as if he squirted his thick, gelatinous cum ceaselessly into the hand that she clutched desperately and greedily about his pulsing knob; and she whimpered in bliss as she felt each jet of spunk splashing into that which had preceded it. How many times had her family accepted his so bountiful orgasm? How much of his cum swam within not only their stomachs and their wombs, but within the milk that had been prepared for her bath? The thoughts were so arousing that she knelt above him in a daze once his orgasm had finished, and then she looked down at him in joy and gratitude whilst he in turn panted beneath her.

20: Maria's Gratitude.

"Oh, thank you! Oh, thank you, Jason...!"

Maria's voice trailed off as she gazed for the first time upon the thick, white cum with which Jason had covered her hand. He thanked her in a daze of pleasure and wonder, but she knelt in complete obliviousness to his words; and she saw only the pearlescent jelly that clung greasily to her flesh.

Jason's seed.

Proof that she had made him feel wonderful.

Proof that she had repaid some small part of the happiness that he had always brought into her life; and an opportunity to show him that she would accept his cum in whichever way he wanted her to. Maria had always imagined that she might show Jason his seed before licking at it like a cat licked at cream, or that she might perhaps use her tongue to sweep it from off of her hand before showing him just how much he had given her. Her mind went blank at the sight of his seed though, and she had no wits for anything so complicated. She instead raised her hand until she could sniff joyfully at its delicate scent, and then she shuddered as if on the verge of her orgasm before gazing down at him in sheer delight.

Would he look up at her and realize how strongly she loved and desired him? Would he understand the feelings that she had too little wits left to utter? Maria cried in timid happiness then, and she ran her hand all the way from her brow down over her right cheek and onto her neck before painting it across her heaving right breast. She smeared Jason's cum across herself, and she raised her hand once more before dragging her hand down her left side instead of her right.

"You'll cum for me again, won't you...? You'll give me more, won't you Darling...?"

Maria was in no state to understand Jason's timid and uncertain nod, for she knelt, flushed and trembling in passion, with her eyes wide in wonder and tears of joy trickling down her cheeks. The beast who could look upon her and refuse her request had not been born however, and she had at least some awareness of how redundant her questions were. She therefore raised her hand once more even though she could not comprehend Jason's timid and uncertain nod; and she turned her attention to the glistening, pearlescent sheen that still coated her hand.

How much remained within that thin layer that coated her palm, and how much lay within the few, precious blobs that had been caught between her fingers? Maria whimpered in breathless rapture as she licked the last of Jason's cum from off of her hand, and then she hunched forward so that she could gaze in wonder upon the jelly that she had smeared across her gently hanging breasts. For his part, Jason was just as entranced as she was. He did not gaze at her wetly glistening and cum-streaked breasts as she did, though; for he was instead captivated by a sight that no beast had ever seen before.

Given her rank, it was only to be expected that Maria had frigged herself directly or indirectly before almost every slave upon the planet. She had frigged herself immediately before every one of the Northern hemisphere's rulers and most of the Southern hemisphere's as well, either of her own volition or by their command. She had also of course frigged herself on countless occasions after battling her peers; for a victorious Princess frigged herself as she feasted upon her fallen opponents' pussies, whilst a defeated Princess frigged herself as she was fucked senseless. Maria's peers were not the only ones who had watched her doing so, however; for the EnPid system recorded every moment of every slave's life with few exceptions, and there almost no restrictions on what another slave could view. It was therefore truthful to say that in all of Kritoria there was not a slave alive who had never frigged herself as she watched Maria doing likewise; and the same was true of almost every non-Kritorian slave as well.

For Maria, pleasuring herself had therefore become little more than a reflexive reaction to those times when she was consumed by her arousal yet had no one with whom she could make love or of whom she could request service. She could therefore frig herself with as little thought as she could breathe, although having said that, very few slaves couldn't do so. That was not to say that she was unaware of the fact that Jason lay beneath her; and on an intellectual level at least, she was all too aware that she need only scoot forward half a foot or so in order to accept his cock within her sodden pussy.

Her joy at that moment in time was so complete that she had no wits with which she could contemplate anything beyond the fact that she had finally captured Jason's seed, however. Her situation was furthermore compounded by the fact that an aroused Princess was almost never more than a few seconds away from being fucked or gobbled by one eager slave or another. Her body thus accepted Jason's failure to pleasure her as a sign that she was either alone, or that a Queen had forbidden her peers from offering her the aid of their tongues, fingers or strapons.

The journey of her hand down to her pussy was thus preordained, and the whole world would have stopped in its tracks had she not moved to stroke at the crinkly hood of flesh that just failed to cover her charming clitoris. She did not stroke herself as if in a daze, though; for even though she herself could not comprehend anything beyond the taste and texture of Jason's cum, her body was all too aware of the pleasure that blazed through it. Her stroking was therefore not the slow and gentle frigging of a slave who awaited the attention of her lovers, but that of a slave who knelt just beyond the verge of going crazy.

And it was that fervent and frantic frigging that captivated Jason. Maria rotated her hips forward and upward so that her beautiful pussy faced a little bit more towards Jason's face rather than his balls. She moved the hand that had clutched at her swollen tits all the way down to her delicate, dripping wet petals; and then she eased two fingers into her hot, wet cunt. She stroked within herself urgently, and she pumped and rubbed her fingers at the uppermost fleshy walls of her cunt even as she mashed her clitoral hood against the sensitive nub beneath. She stroked with such fevered passion that her oily juices showered and splattered across Jason's cock; and then some small part of her mind reacted to the sight of Jason lain panting beneath her. She followed his gaze with her own then, but whereas he stared in wonder upon her frantically moving fingers, she instead stopped at the sight of his youthful and still utterly rigid cock thrust upwards before her.

It was the most beautiful cock that she had ever seen, and the only one that she had ever desired. It twitched and leaked before her, and she swallowed in mindless, speechless wonder as it oozed blobs of thick, white cum as if rewarding her for her attention. She frigged herself all the harder at that, and she panted and sobbed in pleasure as her dazed eyes returned to Jason's face once more.

"I love you, Darling...!"

Maria gave a desperate and tearful cry, but she spread her knees even as she did so, though. She lowered herself until her buttocks brushed gently upon Jason's thighs, whilst her delicate petals almost kissed the crinkly sac of his balls. She shuddered and trembled above him, bewildered and overcome by the sensation of her impending climax; and then she moved unconsciously once more. She scooted forward until Jason's elegant and youthful cock thrust still leaking and twitching against her flushed and trembling mound; and then she frigged herself ever more urgently as he stared at her in breathless and speechless veneration.

"You'll cum all over me, won't you, Darling...?" She cried out once more as her eyes fluttered closed and drops of her juices splashed across his rigid cock. "You'll fuck me... And cum in me... Won't you, Darling...?"
