The Princess, Her Harem... Book 01


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And then she gave a whimper that turned into a broken and ragged sob. Her breath caught within her throat as her hands reached forward blindly, and she jerked and shuddered above him as he whimpered her name in wonder. He thought that he had never seen her look so beautiful. He thought that nothing could improve upon the perfection of that moment when she knelt on the verge of a titanic climax above him; but then her fingers finally found their target. She pulled him to her then, and she ground her sopping folds against his burning and throbbing cock even as she rubbed her swollen clitoris against his swollen knob; and he realized how wrong he had been as she reached her climax against his length.

For Maria, that endless moment of pleasure exceeded all of those that had come before it, but for the first time in her life, she was the only one to feel it. The fact that he was a beast precluded Jason from sharing it with her; but he heard the desperately stifled squeals with which she met it, and even if he had not understood them, he couldn't help but understand the torrents of cum that accompanied them. Three times, she squirted against his cock, and three times a torrent of hot, oily girl-cum burst about his cock to spray in two diverging arcs across his body and the bed upon either side of his face. It would later be classified as the most beautiful climax that any slave had ever achieved, and it would be depicted in art classes around the world; but Jason had little interest in art, and he had thoughts only for her. He ignored not just the delicious cum that showered down upon him, but also the exquisite sensations that her torrents unleashed as they burst about his sensitive, swollen knob. He thrust his hands hurriedly upward instead, and he caught her as she fell limply forward.

She shuddered and trembled, sobbed and wept as he lowered her slowly downward, and then she buried her face in his chest once more whilst her hips jerked above his stomach. He bit his lower lip at that, for her hot, wet mound crushed and ground his cock against his loins in a way that could very easily have led him to orgasm had he let it, and he ignored the sensations as best he could. He embraced her tenderly, and he whispered her name in adoration as she panted above him. He held her until the surging of her breasts had returned to a more normal rhythm, and until the juices that she had squirted across his loins had lost some of their heat, and he thought that he was the luckiest beast alive.

"Thank you, Jason..." She disturbed his perfect peace with a whisper of gratitude, and then she smiled before she turned her bright and moist gaze upwards so that she could look him in his eyes. "Thank you for cumming before me, Darling... And I... I am sorry that I, that I made you so wet..."

To Maria's surprise, Jason frowned at her words; and she felt a momentary frisson of fear before she recalled that he had mentioned their family squirting before him. She lay frozen on top of him regardless though, and her heart crawled sickly in her chest as she did so; but he surprised her once more by raising his hand upward until he could caress her still wet and sticky face.

"She, Mom, she says... She says that you love things too much, Mari'..." He paused before carrying on once more, and only Maria's surprise prevented her from showing a frown of confusion. "She, she says that you love everything, everyone...? An', an' you think that you know, you know how much we love you, but you don't really, 'cause we love you more than that...? An' she, Mom, she said that I should tell you that, that I'll give you all the white stuff you want, but only if you promise... Only if you promise not to ask again, 'cause I'm yours...? An' then Mom said that, that if you're still worried then you should give me, you should give me all your tasty pussy-juice stuff in return...?"

"Oh..." A single tearful whimper was all that Maria could manage. She wiped at her eyes and swallowed as her emotions threatened to overwhelm her once more; but Jason continued their mother's message with an innocence that only he could have maintained.

"An'... An' she, Mom, she says that you're still a little girl, Mari', an' you've got a long way to go, 'cause you get all embarrassed when you do it...? An' she said, she said that your orga-, orgasms...? Your orgasms are tiny, an' even Sara squirts more than you do...? So you, you should just go ahead an' stop thinking an', an' just enjoy yourself and spray it...? An', an' you're a Princess, so everyone knows you gotta be prim and proper...? But the Queen, the Queen has never been prim or proper, an' you should let the world see that you can be a good little slut as well, 'cause that's what they all want...? Well, I didn't, I didn't understand that, Mari', but Mom said I should tell you anyway...?"

For a while, Maria could not even breathe, let alone move; for Samantha's message had proved to be of the sort that could cause a world to stop in its track and set countless cheeks to glowing like beetroot. It was filthy, disgusting and immoral; and Maria knew without doubt that it would have taxed Samantha's incredible courage just to whisper it into Jason's ear, regardless of whether or not the EnPid system recorded it. Maria's first reaction was not to question Samantha's morals or sanity, but to wonder how she had been born to a slave who could utter such words for her benefit, though. The proper response would have been to have Samantha cautioned about saying such things before a beast, but she never once thought of doing so. Instead, she thanked Samantha with all of her heart; and to her own surprise, she even found herself wishing that she might live up to Samantha's expectations.

Of course, Jason had no comprehension of the forbidden nature of the words that he had relayed. He embraced her in silence regardless, though; and Maria thanked him just as silently for the fact that he offered only his patience and his presence. She knelt over him and lay against him until her heart had ceased its pounding and her eyes had finally stopped brimming with tears; and only then did she recall the words with which she had sought his permission to make him climax. Samantha's words felt like a sign from the Lady, then, and she pondered the possible consequences of what she had said.

What would he want?

Would he fuck her, as she had thought that he would when she first offered herself to him? Would he perhaps let her suck upon the ripe plum of his knob, and clean it of the delicious and precious seed that still dribbled thickly from its scarlet lips? Just the thought alone was such that Maria caught her breath in anticipation. She halted her hand before it could reach his rigid but twitching cock though, and then she pulled it back as she reminded herself that it was his turn to use her, and not hers to use him. She turned her gaze towards him once more then, but to her surprise, she found that he had kept his head raised all the while. He gazed at her as if oblivious to the discomfort that his posture must have caused, and he gazed at her with the devotion that she had seen so often as a child. She blushed a little bit more whilst her heart skipped a beat within her breast, for she had no doubt that he saw only her.

And then she realized exactly what it was that he would be looking at. She blushed even more as she remembered that she still had his cum smeared across her face, neck and breasts; and then she wiped her face with a shy smile before sucking timidly upon her fingers.

His cum.

His seed.

Oh, she needed it so badly!

He tilted his head to one side and frowned as if in confusion at her actions, but she wiped her face clean and sucked every drop from off her fingers. The taste alone was enough to remind her of just how favorable the deal had been towards her, and she moved forward so that she dragged her flushed, sensitive and swollen breasts along his masculine chest. She stopped once his rigid cock had sprung upward between her thighs to throb and pulse against the sodden wet lips of her cunt, and then she held her breath whilst she stared down at him in dizzying anticipation.


He just had to raise his hips, and then he could do what so many Upper Beasts longed to. He just had to grasp her buttocks, and she would work herself upon his cock until he finally released his seed deep into her. Maria blushed a little bit more as her pussy flooded against the beautiful pillar of flesh that it longed for so hungrily, and then she met Jason's gaze before sticking her tongue gently outward.


Jason gasped at that, and it was all that Maria could to suppress a grin of delight. There. He liked it. To her delight, he gazed timidly from the jelly that sat in blobs upon her tongue to her eyes and back; and then she tilted her head forward carefully so that she could show him that the cum that swam within her mouth. He gasped once more at that, and then he grinned with such mischievous delight that she was forced to swallow hastily lest her own joy cause her to spill his seed. She swallowed repeatedly, and she worked her tongue about her mouth until she was satisfied but disappointed that every drop had gone; and then she displayed the contents of her mouth once more. He blushed as if embarrassed on her behalf but excited regardless, and Maria gave a beam of sheer joy before she moved forward again. She crawled over his naked body until she could bend her neck and press her lips against his ear, and then she paused.

By what right did she offer herself to him?

By what right did she lower herself not just below the hundreds of millions of slaves whom she served, but below a beast who should have served them as well? Had she been ordered by the Queen, or had she requested the Queen's permission? Had she ever seen any sign that her country-slaves desired a Princess who was willing to debase and shame herself due to nothing more than the fact that she loved Jason? Might they prefer her to go back on her word? Maria knew that it was impossible to overestimate the importance of what she was about to say. She thought of the beautiful slaves who had sent their son and brother to her though, and of the self-sacrifice that they had shown by letting her enjoy not only his seed within their milk, but also his presence within her mansion. She thought of the handsome young beast who lay beneath her as well, and she thought of how perfect and somehow slave-like he was despite his masculinity; and she knew that she couldn't deny her earlier words.

21: Maria Repays Her Debt.


She whispered in Jason's ear. She smiled at just the sound of his voice acknowledging her words, and then she swallowed before carrying on. "I... I will do anything for you, Jason... Anything that you tell, tell me to..."


Never before had a Princess received such a nervous, timid and underwhelming response to such an offer. As with any Princess worthy of the title, Maria was often humbled to the point of tears by the enthusiasm with which her country-slaves greeted even the smallest sign of her desire. Even amongst her peers, Maria had been disconcerted to find that her arousal and desire were often at the center of attention, though. Jason's monosyllabic response was therefore the last thing that she had expected, but he gave his approval in other ways. He stiffened in delight beneath her as he uttered his response, whilst his already rigid cock surprised her by copying the rest of his body against her hot, dribbling pussy; and she caught her breath and grinned as it did so.

"But... But the first, the first thing, is a bit embar -...?"

Maria shoved herself upwards even before Jason had finished speaking, and he gave a squawk of fright at the suddenness with which she did so. She knelt over him in such a way that her pussy pushed against his cock whilst her beautiful breasts hung gently down before his face, but she did so in oblivion to the panic in which he had tried to apologize. So what if he wanted something naughty? What did it matter what he wanted, as long as it wasn't to repeat his domination of their family within her own buttocks? It was of course obvious then why it was that he had hesitated despite the shameful clarity of her offer; but Maria knelt speechless above him whilst she focused upon the three words that had opened a fresh world of fear and shame.

The first thing?

She had meant to obey him only once, but he had clearly misunderstood! What would she do if he expected her to obey him for the rest of his life? Perhaps he would have him spend her every waking moment in servitude to him, and she would have his cock permanently within her mouth or her pussy. Perhaps he would make her suck upon his cock until he had emptied every drop of his seed into her mouth, and then he would order her to keep it there all day long. Perhaps he might even cum into her lovers instead, and then order her to suck his seed out of their juicy pussies. The indecency and the shame of such a series of events were too horrible yet delicious to imagine; and Maria could not believe that Jason had any desire to order her around. There was something sickly fascinating about the thought of serving him, though; and Maria sagged weakly down onto him as she wondered whether she would go along with his wishes if he desired such a scenario.

"I'm, I'm sorry, Princes Maria...!"

It was only on Jason's third, urgent repetition that she noticed his attempts to apologize; and she thrust aside her increasingly sordid and uncomfortable thoughts.

"Do you remember what I told you before, Jason? Do you remember that I could never be angry with you?" She turned her gaze towards him once more as she spoke, and she grasped his face gently before leaning forward to kiss him tenderly upon his lips. "Now tell me what it is that you want me to do, okay?"

"But it's, you, you might think it's embarrassing, Mari'...?" His voice trailed off, but there was no mistaking the longing within his eyes. He glanced from left to right as he worked up the courage to continue, and then he met her gaze once more and blushed shyly. "Would you mind, Mari'...? Would you do it anyway...?"

What could it be?

What could he desire so strongly that he would risk displeasing her? What could he still consider embarrassing after everything that he had done with their family? She could not tell in which direction Jason's fascinations might lie. That was not to say that she was without a clue, however; for she recalled not just her own reaction to his admission that he had buggered the other slaves in their family, but the enthusiasm with which he had described doing so as well.


He wouldn't. Not that.

But what if he did? What if he asked her to lie on her front, and he grasped her hips, and he pulled -?

No! He wouldn't!

But what if he pressed his cock against her anus, and then he pushed forward as if going to penetrate her? In which way would she react? How could she deny the fact that as awful and sickening as it was, she couldn't help but wonder at how it would feel to have him within her buttocks; and that she longed to feel him emptying his seed deep into them? Maria's heart pounded within her breast whilst her head swam dizzily at the thought that he might desire to dominate her; but as if she were in a dream, she heard herself speaking without any conscious intention to do so.

"Anything, my Darling... Anything you -."

She caught herself too late. She glanced wildly towards one of the cameras through which her Knights would almost certainly be watching her, and for a moment, she stared at it. She wondered what they would say, and what they would urge her to do, and her pussy flooded once more. She turned back to Jason then, and her words came out as a whimper.

"I will do anything that you want, Jason... Anything..."

"Oh..." He smiled at that, and then he grinned before lifting his head to kiss her gently upon her lips. "Then, then can you shoot your stuff again, Mari'...? Can you shoot it all over me...?"

"Yes!" Maria exclaimed almost before Jason had finished speaking, and then she blushed brightly at the realization of what she had just agreed to. "But, are you sure, Jason...? Are you sure that that is what you want? I could... I could do other things if you wanted... Things that you might enjoy more...?"

Like anal sex, perhaps?

Maria shoved the thought aside desperately.

"No..." Jason blushed and shook his head as he spoke. "I, I want your, your cum, all over me, Mari'... I'm just a beast an' I'm not beau-, beauti-...? Really pretty like you, but... But I want to show you what you showed me so, so please could you, could you shoot it all over my face...? I promise not to waste it, Mari'...?"

It was the most obscene request that Maria had ever heard. Despite that however, there was something incredibly sweet and innocent about the way in which he uttered it; and Maria felt her loins tremble as yet another wave of juice dribbled past her already sodden folds. She nodded her head in response, and then she pushed herself upward before smiling happily down at him.

"I said that I would do anything that you wanted, Jason..." She shuffled forward until she knelt above Jason's neck, and then she gazed down at him. "Just tell me what to do, okay Darling?"

He nodded his head in silent reply, but to Maria's surprise, he kept his eyes upon that which she had placed before him. She felt his ragged and broken breath washing across her pussy as if caressing every inch, but even that was as nothing compared to the knowledge that he stared at what no other beast had ever seen. He worshipped every crinkle of her folds and the bulges of her pussy and mound; and he caught his breath and whimpered as her juices dribbled slowly out of her pussy to hang down towards his chest. He looked at her as if he had never seen anything so wonderful, and she grinned in dizzy delight whilst her loins fluttered with dizzying intensity.

Did he like her pussy so much?

Could she really entrance him so easily, after all that their family had shown him? She wanted only to push her sex forward and kiss his lips with the crinkly, wet petals of her cunt, but she reached downward instead. She pulled upon the hood of her clitoris so that he could stare at the rigid and swollen pearl beneath, and she saw his eyes go wide as he grinned in wonder at the sight. She reached further downward so that she could spread her folds and show him the cunt with which she longed to accept his cock, and her heart pounded within her breast at the sight of his eyes following the oily juices that spilled from her. He whimpered voicelessly at that, and he swallowed before licking his lips as if unaware that he did so, and she stroked herself before him.

She was his.

She was his plaything.

His toy to use in any way that he desired. She was his tits and his pussy, and she would be his bottom as well. She would accept his cum into her in every perverted way that he might desire, and he would never, ever stop fucking her. Maria whimpered above Jason as she frigged herself urgently before him. She groped her beautiful tits and stroked her fingers deep within her pussy, and she knew that she could cum within moments if only she let herself do so; but a thought arose unbidden, and she couldn't help but utter it.

"Have you looked at Mom this closely, Darling...?"

He smiled and nodded his head in response to her words; but he did so without once tearing his gaze from her urgently stroking fingers.

"And Pam, and Beth, and Sara... Have you looked at them this; this closely, Darling...?"

Again, he nodded his head, and Maria trembled above him as she squeezed and pulled upon her hard, right nipple.
