The Prisoner Wore Panties Ch. 02


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Mary broke the kiss and looked at Danielle earnestly.

"Are you ok? No post coital regret?" she asked.

"Au contraire; that was wonderful. You are indeed a brilliant teacher," Danielle smiled at Mary and then pulled her close and kissed her again.

They lay in each other's arms, softly caressing and kissing each other for most of the afternoon.

"You've taught me everything else about being a transvestite woman; will you teach about sex?" Danielle whispered.

"You seem to be getting the hang of it," Mary smiled mischievously.

"You know what I mean," Danielle punched her softly in the shoulder.

"I want to be good at it; I want to make sure I pleasure you as much as you pleasure me," she stroked Mary's face.

Mary sighed and kissed Danielle which led to more foreplay which led to more fellatio; but this time they took it slow and Mary guided Danielle, teaching her how to use her tongue, her lips and sometimes her teeth to invoke the greatest pleasure.

"You know what you're learning here might become as important to you outside the wire as what you are learning on the stage. Sometimes when a woman is in tight spot she uses her sexuality to overcome adversity," Mary caressed Danielle's thigh absentmindedly.

"I don't know what you mean?" Danielle looked puzzled.

Then it dawned on her.

"Oh no! Oh no, never! I couldn't so that with a man," Danielle shuddered, repulsed at the thought.

"But you like doing it with me, and you like me doing it to you" Mary countered.

"It's different! Were women, or goddamn close to it! I don't know how to explain it. Danielle Collingwood loves having sex with Mary Mayne but could never have sex with Senior Aircraftman Douglas Mayne; do you get it?" Danielle tried to explain.

"Yeah I get it. There are a couple of the other girls who feel the same way. You're not a fag if you only suck transvestite cock," Mary teased.

"Don't make it sound so crude!" Danielle punched Mary again, a little harder this time.

"You do it with men don't you?" Danielle snuggled up to Mary.

"Yes," Mary drew out her answer.

"There is nothing that makes me feel more feminine that being held by a handsome strong man," Mary sighed.

"And then being shagged by him," Mary giggled and Danielle pummelled her with fake punches.

Then she became serious again.

"When you say fuck you mean...?" she left the question hanging.

"You know what I mean," Mary replied sternly.

"Oh yuk! No way! Isn't that...isn't the dirty?" Danielle had to admit her interest was piqued.

"If it's done right it's beautiful; once you've done the preparation you can confidently enjoy the experience," Mary smiled.

"Well not for me I'm afraid; nor am I having anything like that to do with a man!" Danielle said confidently, lighting a cigarette.

"I'm just saying that when you are outside the wire you'd do anything not to get caught. You never say never. If I had to choose between sucking on a Luger or a cock I know which one I'd opt for," Mary took the proffered smokes and lit one herself.

"I can smell those cigarettes from here! Now if you two have finished playing struggle-rug on the blanket I'd like you back on stage please!" Benny kicked the hatch and shouted.

Danielle cringed.

"God do you think he knows? Shit! Everyone will know if he keeps yelling like that," Danielle sounded worried.

"You really are naïve Danielle, all the girls in the production are going to know anyway. I don't know what it is we just know when one of the girls is bonking one of the others; call it tranny intuition," Mary laughed.

She stubbed out her cigarette and got ready to leave.

"We're hardly bonking!" Danielle said self-righteously.

"Yet!" Mary winked at her and backed out of the hatch.

Work on the production continued.

Clash by Night was hardly a big production; there were no musical numbers so the 'Oberdium Theatre Orchestra' was only required to provide background music and the cast was only twenty actors with four principal leads. Few extras were required. There were no really elaborate sets but there was enough work to keep everybody busy.

The Shop worked on fitting out Danielle and Steven with travelling attire and the necessary travel documentation to ensure their bonafides as they crossed the many checkpoints and the random stop and searches that the Nazis and Nazi collaborators conducted. Danielle was fitted out with a couple of dresses to go with the brown and blue pinstriped suits that she would wear in the production. Steven was fitted another suit too so that he had three in total.

Their documents identified them as Mr and Mrs Stephan and Danielle Bouvier; French citizens and Nazi collaborators. They had a backstory to justify their journey. Danielle was an interpreter who had been seconded to work at the headquarters of the 17th Infantry Division Frankfurt. She deciphered captured documents, translated radio messages, and on occasion translated for the Wehrmacht and Gestapo when they interrogated Allied POWs.

The couple had been allowed to transfer to Calais to be close to Danielle's ailing mother. Calais was the Command Post for German forces in the Pas-de-Calais and Flanders region and she would be working for the occupation forces there as an interpreter.

There was also a very strong French Resistance organisation in and around Calais. The SFIO Liberation-Nord were mainly concerned with spying on the Germans and disrupting German operations, waiting patiently for the Allies to liberate them but they had also returned many POWs to Dover just across the English Channel.

Danielle and 'Stephan' would travel most of their journey by train via Cologne, Lieg, Brussels, Ghent, Ostend and Dunkirk, and finally Calais. They would contact a small German Resistance group immediately after their escape who would hide the couple until the initial kafuffle had died down. They would then travel by legitimate means, mainly rail, until they reached Calais. It was considered safer that way; they had the appropriate paperwork which they were confident would stand up to scrutiny so there was no need to behave suspiciously.

Danielle's main concern was Steven Boyd. To carry out their ruse he would need to be deferential to his 'wife' whose language skills were highly prized by the Germans; he was really just accompanying her. Also his German was awful; she was determined for him not to speak unless absolutely necessary. His French was passable and likely to fool the German's but any French national would immediately pick him for a foreigner.

He was a liability and so was his ego.

Danielle and Steven had to practice their backstory as well as their roles in the play. To some extent the production rehearsals helped, but when they rehearsed their roles as Mr and Mrs Bouvier Steven refused to let Danielle be the dominant partner.

"You need to let me take the lead; you need to act like a husband who is grateful to have such a pretty wife and allowed to accompany her," Danielle tried to explain.

"The Germans will not respect a man who hides behind his wife's pinafore! I need to act like I'm in charge at all times," Steven countered.

"And when the Feldjägerkorps border guard starts talking to you in rapidfire German what are you going to say husband of mine?" Danielle asked sarcastically.

"I'll defer him to you," Steven answered snootily.

"As soon as you open your mouth they will know you're British. You might as well offer them a cup of tea and crumpet!" Danielle stamped her foot.

"You might look like a woman, you might sound like a woman, and you certainly behave like a woman; but you're really just a Corporal and I'm an officer in the Royal Airforce! You will do what you're told!" Steven snapped.

Flight Lieutenant Steven Boyd once again found himself outside of Wing Commander Smyth-Waddington's hut.

"Look Steven; I'm not asking you to shag her. I'm just asking you to pretend you're married to her and be the faithful deferential husband," Smithy lit a cigarette; he pointedly did not offer one to Steven.

"But she's not a she! He's a Corporal! A fucking tailgunner for god sake! I'm a fucking pilot!" Steven was exasperated.

"See there! That there! That's the attitude that is going to get you both captured or killed. If you can't behave yourself and get your character weighed off, you're for the high horse. I'll have your understudy take your place not only in the play but in the escape," Smithy growled.

"Final warning!" Smithy turned his back and was about to walk away.

"By the way old chap; I wouldn't get all uppity about Collingwood being only a Corporal. He is better educated than you and comes from a far better family. Rather than looking down your nose at that pretty little thing maybe you should ask her about herself. You should do; you are married to her," Smithy chuckled at his own joke as he walked away.

Danielle was good student, not only of her role in the play and her role as married French interpreter, but she was an especially good student of transbian sex as Benny's girls called it. She practiced with Mary almost every day and was soon an adept fellatrix. They experimented with every perversion imaginable except one; until one afternoon they were canoodling under the stage in their favourite hidey-hole and Danielle was on top of Mary.

They were kissing passionately and practicing frottage through their knickers; Mary wore nylon knickers and Danielle satin and exquisite friction of their erect penises rubbing together was driving them both wild.

Mary had her legs open and Danielle was between them, their skirts were hiked up and they were rubbing against each other like minxes.

Mary reached down and extracted Danielle's penis from her knickers so Danielle was expecting either hand relief or fellatio as was their usual lovemaking routine. But Danielle was surprised when Mary took Danielle's penis guided it to her sphincter.

"Wait Mary I'm not sure... oh my god!" Mary had thrust upward and impaled herself on Danielle's cock.

As her penis slid all the way inside Mary, Danielle was astounded by the pleasurable feeling of Mary's tight anus gripping her penis. Almost automatically she began to thrust, as she did Mary who lifted her legs and wrapped them around Danielle's flanks, encouraging her. They kissed as Danielle drove her rampant penis in and out Mary's slick passage. She began to fuck Mary harder as she felt her orgasm approaching and Mary rose up to meet her.

"Am I hurting you?" Danielle was concerned that fucking Mary so hard might cause her pain.

"Oh yeah! Your hurting me so hard I just came in my knickers," Mary sighed.

Danielle felt Mary's anus grip her penis and convulse; she glanced down and saw that Mary was ejaculating into her panties. This invoked Danielle's climax and she gripped Mary and drove herself deep inside her lover and spent herself. The two transvestites clung to each other kissing and uttering words of the utmost depravity as they both orgasmed.

Later as they lay in each other's arms smoking Danielle worked up the courage to ask her lover the question that was burning away at her.

"It's doesn't hurt?" Danielle turned on her side to face Mary.

"What doesn't hurt?" Mary knew what Danielle meant but she was determined to drag it out of her.

"You know. When I fucked you. I could tell by the look on your face that you were enjoying it and of course when you came in your knickers it was obvious," Danielle patted Mary's damp knickers; Mary's skirt was still hiked up out of the way so as not get stained by her semen.

"I'll be honest with you; sometimes it does hurt but in a nice way that's hard to explain. It usually hurts the first time and always if lubricant isn't used," Mary explained.

"But I don't remember lubricating you?" Danielle was confused.

"I had pre-lubricated myself. I'd prepared myself and lubricated inside my anus with Vaseline," Mary explained.

"Really?" Danielle was no wiser.

"Ok. Let me change my knickers and we are off to the camp hospital," Mary disengaged herself from Danielle.

"Meet me out front of the hospital in fifteen minutes," Mary said stubbing out her cigarette.

"Ok now what?" Danielle asked twenty minutes later as they entered the door to the field hospital.

"Follow me," Mary led Danielle to the dispensary.

"Benny's Girls are allowed in here to take what we call our necessaries. The camp doctors would rather let us take an ounce of prevention than administer a pound of cure," Mary winked at her.

She strode past the orderly as if he wasn't there; the orderly was too busy administering to real patients to worry about one of Benny's Girls. He knew what they wanted and it was no problem

"Ok open your purse. These are the necessaries," Mary threw a douche, a roll of surgical tape, and a tube of Vaseline into Danielle's purse.

They went back to their deserted barracks and laid out their plunder on the table beside their bunks. Since the first week of production, Mary had moved into Danielle's barrack hut. They were friends and lovers as Danielle and Mary and mates as Danny and Doug. It was a strange arrangement but it worked.

"What do I do with this?" Danielle held up the douche.

It had a red rubber ball on one end with a plastic pipette coming out of it that had a rounded end.

"There is no way not to be frank about it I'm afraid sweet's. You fill the rubber ball with water, put some Vaseline on the stem, and stick it up your bottom and squeeze. Evacuate and then keep repeating until the water comes out clear," Mary said candidly and lit a cigarette.

Danielle shivered with disgust.

"Sorry darling; that's the practicality of anal sex but I can tell you it's well worth it," Mary exhaled smoke in a series of rings.

"And where am I supposed to carry out this disgusting ritual?" Danielle lit a cigarette.

"Best done in the bog dearie. You can do it in the garden though if you'd like to fertilise the veggies," Mary said facetiously.

Danielle's anger was rising.

"How can I do it in the bog! They'll all be watching me," she slammed the douche down on the table.

The airman's latrine was just a series of holes cut into a long bench over a trench with a roll of toilet paper at each end. There was no privacy.

"We get to use the officers bogs when we are enfemme you ninny. You wait until then," Mary smiled smugly.

Danielle realised that she had been stupid. She knew that once dressed they could use the officer's heads, which were individual stalls instead of an open free for all.

"Then you squeeze Vaseline inside you but keep some handy because you will likely need to lube up the offered appendage," Mary laughed when Danielle blushed.

"The tape?" Danielle lifted the roll off the table.

"Ah. That serves a practical purpose. You know how Benny often complains about the bump in the front of your skirt and I promised you I'd show you how to gaff the first time I... well shall we say relived you?" Mary explained and Danielle nodded.

Mary looked around to double check the barracks was clear. It was mid afternoon so everyone should be at work.

"Ok. Stand up, hike up your skirt and pull down your knickers," Mary said around her smoke.

"You're joking right?" Danielle was shocked to be asked to do such a thing in the open barracks.

"Just do it!" Mary insisted.

Danielle stood and did as she was told

"Ok you feel under there?" Mary put her fingers under Danielle's groin.

Danielle placed her fingers there and located her inguinal canals where Mary had her fingers.

"You push your testes back up where they came from. Do it gently and stop if there is any pain," Mary instructed.

To Danielle's amazement she was able to push her testes up into her body leaving her scrotal sac empty. Mary then showed her how to wrap the sac around her penis and push them back between her legs. She used a piece of surgical tape to keep the tuck secured.

Danielle pulled up her knickers and was delighted with the result. She had a smooth appearance with no evidence of any genitals.

"Ok now you know how to gaff. The douching and lubricating is up to you; you don't have to do it at all if you don't want to. But if you want to be fucked it's essential," Mary stubbed out her cigarette.

"Let's get back to the theatre; we have to rehearse the second act again in ten minutes," Mary rose and Danielle tossed all of the items in her purse.

Three days later Danielle winced as Mary's penis slipped past her sphincter and into her anus; she bit down on her tongue to stop herself crying out as Mary slowly buried her penis inside her anus.

Mary soothed and told her it was all going to be ok and she would soon be feeling the most glorious sensation she had ever felt.

Danielle called her a lying bitch and tried to expel Mary's penis from her back passage.

Fifteen minutes later Danielle was rutting like a whore in heat; rising to meet Mary's thrusts with her ankles locked behind Mary's back as she begged Mary to fuck her harder.

Mary came deep inside Danielle and Danielle creamed her knickers. After, they lay sated and panting in post coital bliss. Mary leaned over and kissed her lover.

"I told you it was amazing," Mary beamed.

Danielle just lay back and smiled up at the boards above her head; she felt the most contented that she had ever felt in her life.

To be continued

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Oh to be a prisoner with You.

My Lovely Michele, you really know which of my buttons to twist and turn . As ever you writing is so well woven and the lovely bits are stunningly sensual.

Hugs & Love

Kathryn 💋💋💋

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
RAF aircrew ranks WW2

Great story, loving it!

Just one thing. From 27 May 1940 the Royal Air Force introduced a minimum rank of sergeant for all aircrew instantly promoting all aircrew holding lower rank to sergeant. At the time Daniel was shot down he would definitely have been a sergeant. Otherwise great accuracy. I'm wondering if you have read or had access to the book "Barbed Wire", life in Stalag 383?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

keep it going

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Absolutely outstanding as usual

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Please keep the episodes coming xxxx

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