The Programmer


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"And that's when he grabbed the phone off me and took off on the scooter. My fucking phone! I can't afford another one!" she heard Stacey yelling.

"It'll be OK, Stacey," she heard Tim say, "we can get you another one. We can get you a pay in installments plan or something. Hey, it's OK. It's OK."

"And my laptop's been really weird too. Do you think it might have a virus?"

"Let's ask Eloise when she's awake."

Eloise came into the living room to find a fully-dressed Tim sitting talking to Stacey, while late afternoon sunshine streamed through the window. She saw no sign of anything being wrong, and when Stacey told her the story of her phone being stolen, she realised why it had never appeared it was coming back to the city. She gave Stacey an old phone out of her tech drawer, and when the girl hugged her tight, it was as much as Eloise could do to resist ordering Tim to pin her down right there so she could try and enslave her right away. Eloise breathed away the tension, and Tim winked at her. He really was all hers now.

Chapter 2

Eloise woke early and went downstairs to fix her own breakfast. She longed for the day when Tim, her perfect house husband to be, would make all her meals for her, but she had to hold her nerve. She had sent him away to her secret studio apartment in another city, to wait out the weekend while Stacey was away. In the kitchen, Eloise was surprised to find Lisa already up and making breakfast for herself. If she had plans Eloise didn't know about, that would be a complication.

"Hey honey," said Eloise, "this is an early start for you, hey?"

"Oh totally, totally, but I've got a massive essay to finish and I really need to get some gym time in too."

"I thought you'd finished everything already?"

"So did I! I made a mistake early on and now I have to rewrite everything, but I'm so fucking stressed, so I'm going to the gym first. I'm going to burn it off, you know, really burn it, I need to-"

"You can't hang out this weekend then?" Eloise cut her off.

"Oh god, Eloise, I'm so sorry -- I forgot we had plans. Oh, shit..." Lisa trailed off.

"It's all right, honey, it's OK! I tell you what, I'll drive you to the gym, we can work out together, I'll drive you back, and I'll keep you fully caffeinated and fed today while you work on that essay, yeah?"

"Ohmigod you're the best! But really, I'm really sorry. I was so looking forward to a bit of a girl's weekend with you and then it just totally slipped my mind."

"That's OK, yeah? It's a shame though, I was going to show you my new game that Tim's been really getting into?"

"Oh, what's that?" said Lisa, suddenly focused on Eloise at the mention of Tim's name.

"It's a puzzle game I made. I mean, I don't know if you might like it too? There's lots of science stuff in it, you could tell me if it's all correct? It's been nice having him test it though -- it's really given us something to talk about. He can be so shy, can't he?"

"It's so hard to get him talking!"

"So hard. He's a good listener though."

"Oh he is! I've never met a boy who listens that well."

"Maybe if you get done with your essay sooner you could try the game?"

"I mean, maybe?"

"Or we could save it till you need a break?"

"Oh, yeah, that could work!"

"We'll talk about it later."


Eloise watched Lisa wolf her breakfast down and she ate hers just as fast, then they grabbed their gym bags and Eloise drove them both there. Eloise had been running around their neighbourhood with Lisa a few times, but had never come to the gym with Lisa before. They had decided to take a quick swim, then visit the steam room before making a hasty return home for Lisa to work on her essay.

In the changing rooms, Lisa surprised Eloise by getting completely naked in front of her without a second thought, and Eloise decided to play along by getting naked too. She knew she had the body of a goddess, and she took her time between finishing getting undressed and putting her bikini on, chatting casually to Lisa and taking note of the surreptitious glances Lisa cast at her. This was a good sign. Eloise had felt some attraction from Lisa in the past, but she'd never been sure of how strong it was.

Swimming with Lisa confirmed Eloise's suspicions. The girl had the hots for her as well as for Tim. Eloise chatted and laughed with Lisa in the pool, and Eloise made sure she let Lisa see all her best poses and even gave Lisa a few physical hints that she might be into her too. Eloise swam in front of Lisa so that Lisa would have a great view of her perfect bottom, and to her delight Lisa kept suggesting just a couple more laps -- but insisted Eloise set the pace by going first.

In the steam room, Eloise complimented Lisa on her beautiful pixie haircut, and on how well her swimsuit went with her complexion, and Lisa returned each of the compliments in kind until Eloise was absolutely sure that Lisa was getting hot and bothered. Eloise's mind had been processing and planning at lightning speed while she swam, and she could see several ways forward.

"Well," said Eloise, "I guess you really need to go home and get on with that essay, huh?"

"Oh god, I know. I'm really sorry about our weekend."

"Don't be sorry, honey, I can still spend time with you. That was a great swim. Shall we hit the showers?"

"Yes!" blurted Lisa.

Eloise led Lisa out of the pool and back into the changing rooms, staying a little way ahead so that Lisa could get a good view of Eloise's fine round bottom. Eloise stripped naked and got her towel from her locker, then she made her way to the open showers to see if Lisa would follow her. The would-be mistress's heart pounded as she waited to see what Lisa would do, and when she walked into the shower area they greeted each other with huge smiles and increasingly obvious glances.

Eloise took her time showering, and so did Lisa. They chatted about this and that, the people they knew, and Eloise dropped Tim into the conversation just to see what would happen. Lisa barely noticed the namedrop. She just kept bringing the conversation back round to Eloise, until the would-be mistress realised Lisa was trying to work out if she was seeing anyone.

In the car back, Eloise couldn't help but notice that Lisa was restless, worried and horny at the same time perhaps. That damned essay was getting in the way of Eloise's seduction, and when they got home, Lisa seemed to lose her nerve and ran upstairs to her attic bedroom to get to work. Eloise gave her a few minutes to calm down, then she made her way up with a cup of tea and wished Lisa good luck.

"I'll be downstairs in my room if you need anything, honey. Anything at all," said Eloise.

With her bedroom door locked, Eloise booted up her computer and ran the commands to access the feeds of the hidden cameras she had placed in Lisa's bedroom. She watched as Lisa struggled to focus, typing a few staccato phrases into her essay then getting up from her desk and walking to her door. Waiting by the door. Starting to open it... Shaking her head and sitting back down. Damn.

Eloise decided to let the girl build up some tension. It would make her easier to distract and seduce. In the meantime, she called up the cameras that she had placed in the studio apartment where she had stashed Tim. As ordered, he was naked and collared, sitting on the floor with a sketchbook, practising drawing the human form from still images. He wasn't very good yet, but he was trying hard and she knew he'd excel at this. All the brainwashing she'd done had given him a singular focus.

A singular focus. Eloise felt the surge of pleasure that came over her when she had a great idea. She put the camera feeds onto another monitor and got to work on an adapted version of her VR brainwashing game, built specially for Lisa. The beauty of it was, she only needed level 1 to get Lisa hooked, and the girl would keep coming back for more just to get her essay finished.

Eloise replaced some of the suggestions from the first level of the programme with an instruction to focus on the task of getting that essay done, and done well. She left herself in as puzzlemaster, and she condensed the game so that Lisa could feel some effect from the suggestions in just a short amount of time. Now the game's priming effect would help Lisa clear her mind, and she would see that it improved her focus dramatically, if only for a short time. Then she'd keep coming back for more.

Eloise got dressed in the skimpiest, flimsiest outfit it was reasonable for her to wear around the house, and took another cup of tea up to Lisa's room. Lisa's eyes almost jumped out of her skull when she saw Eloise, who asked her, "How's the essay going?"

"Not well."

"You stressing out honey?"

"Fucking hell, Eloise! How the fuck am I going to get this done! I can't think straight. I'm so fucked. Fuck fuck fuck."

"Take a breath, honey. It's OK. I tell you what, I might have something that can help. Give me an hour, and if you still can't focus, come downstairs and knock on my door. It'll be ready by then."

"What is it?"

"That's a surprise! But it's a sort of psychological tool that can help you focus your attention -- I use it all the time and it really helps me. That's all I'll say -- but I can't promise it'll help, so you should really try and focus yourself first. You can do it, girl!"

In truth, the programme was already finished, but Eloise thought this version was more believable, and it made Lisa even more vulnerable to what she was going to do. Fifty-three minutes later, Lisa knocked at her door and Eloise handed her the VR goggles and had her sit down on the edge of her big oak bed.

"This is a game designed to help the player focus on task and goal completion. It uses puzzles to enhance attention and provides visual and auditory cues that help the mind relax. It's done wonders for me -- I've adapted it a bit for you. Will you give it a try?"

Lisa nodded mutely and slipped on the goggles. Eloise's heart started to pound in her chest again. She wondered if Lisa would take against the game, if she would break down completely from the stress, if she was taking too big a risk and just needed to wait. No, this was fine. Level 1 had a really small effect on the mind, and the worst that could happen was that it didn't work, in which case Eloise or Tim would seduce Lisa the old-fashioned way to get her into the goggles.

Eloise was relieved when Lisa relaxed into the game in the first few minutes. The calming sounds and sights had been Tim's idea, an insight that his artistic mind had provided, which idea Eloise knew she would never have had on her own. It was too simple for her complex mind, but she had to admit it was elegant. Fifteen minutes later, Lisa left Eloise's bedroom feeling calm and focused, and she spent ninety minutes working non-stop on her essay while Eloise tinkered with her code.

Lisa came back a little afterward, reporting that the feeling of focus was gone and looking just a little hopeful, plaintive even. Eloise sat her down and gave her an adapted programme, with a lowered dose of brainwashing. Lisa left feeling just as mentally prepared as the first time, but this time she came back within the hour.

"Didn't it work?" asked Eloise.

"It did! Really well at first, but then it faded away faster than before. Has that ever happened to you?"

"Yep, it's normal I'm afraid.

"Fuck. What do I do now?"

"Well..." said Eloise, then shook her head.




"We could try level 2."

"What's the difference?"

"It's more powerful and it'd last longer, but when it wears off you'll feel more tired and confused for a while. I think we should try level 1 again. It's less risky."

"Won't it just wear off faster this time?"

"It might, I don't know. But probably it will, yes, if I'm being honest with you."

"Well how long would level 2 last?"

"I think about six or seven hours for me usually, so probably the same for you."

"With focus like that, I could finish the whole essay!"

"Are you absolutely sure? You'll crash hard afterwards, you won't even be able to stay awake. I'll have to keep an eye on you, if that's OK?"

"Yeah, that's OK -- if you don't mind?"

"Of course I don't mind!"

"Then let's try it."

"All right! Level 2 here we come. You have to do Level 1 again though. It works in steps."

"Sure. Let's do it!"

"So keen! Put these on."

Lisa put on the VR goggles and took the controllers that would enable her to solve the puzzles. Eloise pretended to have a bright idea and made Lisa have a bottle of energy drink to really help her stay engaged with the programme, then gave her the controls back. Just like with Tim, a few minutes later Lisa's body stilled and her breathing slowed as the cocktail of hypnotics took hold. Eloise shut the bedroom curtains, and checked the tracker on Stacey's phone and the others she had peppered through her things. All in the same place, hundreds of miles away, just where they should be. Perfect.

Lisa went through the programme, completing level one and making it to level two, where a sexier avatar of Eloise started to lead her through the puzzles, while the glitches and the drugs opened Lisa's mind to deep suggestions and reprogramming. Lisa was already quite helpless, but Eloise was ready with her tazer and rohypnol just in case things didn't work. The programme Eloise had adapted kept a lot of the mind-focusing elements that Lisa had wanted, to make the girl less suspicious, but over time it dropped those and just became a pure brainwashing routine.

To be sure, Eloise let Lisa run through the second level a whole extra time before she started her onto level three. Lisa twitched and jerked on the bed as level three kicked in and the special audio-visual glitches took away the last of Lisa's resistance. Eloise was hot and bothered as she sat at her desk watching Lisa being enslaved. She sent Tim a text summoning him to lock up the studio apartment and return to the house, and then after checking Stacey's location, Eloise took her knickers off and started to masturbate at a slow pace. She had all day to cum as much as she wanted now.

In the VR programme, a helpless Lisa followed a naked Eloise avatar through the landscape of puzzles. With each one that Lisa solved, a new part of her slave-self was allowed to come to the fore. Softly at first, then in almost a shout, Lisa started to recite the oath of slavery to Eloise, the same words that Tim had spoken three months before. Eloise exulted. She was finally getting what she deserved as a superior being.

Eloise watched for the physical signs as dopamine flooded Lisa's brain with each new puzzle solved, each new aspect of her slavery that was revealed to her. She let Lisa stay in the programme a long time, and having learned her lesson with Tim, Eloise asked Lisa a series of questions designed to test if there was anything that might make her resistant to becoming a slave, just as Tim's fear of nudity had. Eloise was greatly satisfied to find nothing blocking Lisa. Her newest slave.

Eloise got onto the bed and whispered into Lisa's ear, "So long as you serve me faithfully and well, your heart will be happy and your mind will be whole. You are now my property. I own your body, your mind, your soul, and anything else that you have. I own all that you are, and all that you will be. Relax into my service. Relax into my ownership. Relax into your true nature, as my slave. Relax, relax, relax. Surrender control to me. Relax. You are now my slave. Your only purpose in life is to serve me."

"I am your slave," said Lisa.

"Good girl. Take off the VR goggles, stand up, and strip naked for me."

"Yes, mistress," said Lisa. She swayed a little, still unsteady from the drugs, but she took off her clothes as ordered and adopted one of the display positions the programme had introduced her to. Eloise gave Lisa some more detailed orders about how she would only act like a slave when no one was around except Eloise and Tim, for the time being, and about how she would gradually drop her other friends from her life. Lisa nodded and smiled.

"Wait here, slave," said Eloise.

She went into the bathroom and came back with Lisa's towel, then she had Lisa lay down on her back on the big bed and spread her legs. Eloise went into a drawer and got out a waxing kit, and she savoured applying the wax to Lisa's fine brown bush of pubic hair, which she would never be allowed to grow out again. Eloise gave Lisa a piece of wood to bite down on, then she made the girl scream by ripping off her bush in a few quick motions. Lisa's new owner stroked her slave's newly smooth pussy and grinned. Her new property was perfect.

"Shuffle up the bed and put your arms together above your head," said Eloise.

"Yes, mistress!" she replied.

Eloise locked Lisa to the bed and then ring-gagged the slavegirl just in case she had any remaining impulses from the free-mind that Eloise had hopefully taken control of. Eloise left her there, returning to her computer where she checked the trackers to find Tim was on his way back, while Stacey was still far, far away. That settled it. Eloise hopped up onto the bed, then she lowered herself down onto Lisa's face and ordered her to start licking.

The girl knew what she was doing and Eloise soon floated in bliss. Her plan was two-thirds complete and now she owned a perfect pixie pussy-licker to go with her willing and able house husband to be, Tim. Lisa's deft tongue played expertly with Eloise's clit, and Eloise panted and moaned to keep the orgasm at bay as long as she possibly could. It hit her hard and filled her mind with fizzing light and heat, and made her skin tingle all over her body.

"Good girl," said Eloise, hopping off Lisa's face, "now put your legs in the air and spread them."

The gagged slavegirl tried to say "Yes, mistress" but couldn't manage it, and Eloise giggled. This girl was seriously cute. Eloise went down on Lisa, to show her new slave that she would get as much pleasure as she gave, if only she obeyed. It took Lisa seconds to gasp out her climax, which carried on for three powerful minutes until she was completely spent. Eloise thought it was a shame she'd orgasmed so quickly. She'd wanted to spend more time exploring her new slave's body. Still, she had their whole lives together to do that.

Eloise questioned Lisa more to check that she was thoroughly brainwashed, then she ordered the bound slave to sleep, using a trigger word implanted by the VR programme. She needed to get on with that essay, after all, and a power nap was just the thing to reset her body a bit. Tim arrived as Lisa woke, and Eloise had the boy join them in the bedroom.

"Tim, you will now act as a slave in front of Lisa or in front of myself, or both of us when we are both present, so long as no one else is around to see."

"Yes, mistress!" he said eagerly.

"Get naked."

"Yes, mistress!"

"Tim, Lisa is superior to you. When her orders do not conflict with mine, you will follow them. My orders always take precedence. Comply."

"Yes, Mistress!"

Eloise smiled as Lisa watched Tim intently from the bed. The boy was naked quick as a flash, and he stood proudly in a display position while Lisa eye-fucked him and he did the same back to her. Eloise giggled and tutted. She went over to Lisa, stroked her hair, and ungagged her.

"Do you want to fuck slave Tim, Lisa?"

"Yes please, mistress!"

"Well, you can't yet. Tim, Lisa has to finish a difficult essay today and tomorrow. You are going to motivate her, in a way. Come here and let me put you in your chastity cage. Don't pout, slave."

"Sorry, mistress."

"There, good. Lisa, I will now unshackle you. You will then use the bathroom and clean yourself up, after which you will go straight to your room where you will sit at your desk and write your essay. You will focus on the essay to the exclusion of all other things except going to the toilet and eating and drinking when you need to.