The Pursuit of Little Red

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Little Red is on the run from the Beast.
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The Pursuit of Little Red

Running through the woods I can barely see 50 ft. in front of me for the fog, but I can hear his heaving breaths and the thuds of his paws on the frosty earth behind me getting closer and closer. I run in a blind panic, looking for somewhere, anywhere to hide where I will be safe.

The frosted path in front of me glistens white and hard, lined by impenetrable woods on both sides with the fog rolling in thick from the left. The air is cold on my face as I propel myself forwards, urging myself on but conscious and panicking that I am heading deeper into the forest and further from the village. His snarling is getting louder and I dare not look behind me, but can see him clearly in my mind, that horrifying beast that is pursuing me.

Then I see it, up ahead, a break in the trees; I have to get some cover -- I can't outrun him. My cloak snags on the branches as I make my way as quickly as I can down the narrow track, which suddenly opens up into a clearing. A sudden silence makes me slow: it is deathly quiet. Scanning the area, I can just about make out the treeline in front of me. I skirt around the outer edge, looking and listening out for anything as to his whereabouts. Then they appear.

Piercing yellow eyes emerging from the fog, I stumble backward but cannot bring myself to turn my back on him. His head lowered, I can hear the low rumble of his growl, his lip curled back and sharp teeth dripping in saliva -- he is completely fixated on me.

I take a desperate look over my shoulder and make a mad dash for it and I am back on the narrow track heading back to the main path, I really need to make it back to the safety of the village. The branches once more clawing at me, catching my bare legs and arms as my cloak streams behind me. Am I going to make it to the track? I wince as the thorns scratch my legs, feeling the pinpricks of blood oozing from the surface of my skin.

A shiver courses over my whole body as he lets out an agonising incessant howl. It sounds desperate and wanting and lingers in the air, but I push on regardless. I can see the edge of the tree: just keep going.

Back on the main path, I turn back towards the village I am still running as quickly as I can but starting to tire. The fog is lifting slightly, and I can see a little further into the distance. As I run, I think I see something out the corner of my eye in the trees next to me and I think it is him, but as soon as I see it, it disappears. I must be imagining things; he would have taken me if it was him.

There is a glimmer of light ahead over the trees, that must be the village in the distance. Suddenly ahead, a shadow moves into the path. It grows upwards and there are those eyes again, I try desperately to stop, and then, there, the smallest gap in the trees. There is no other option but to take it and I know he is now even closer to me.

Up ahead I see a huge sloped rock with a sheer face, it must be about 15 feet high. I dart into the bushes at the bottom, sitting on the cold earth with my knees pulled up to my chest, arms clasped around them hiding my face as I can't bear to look up. The heavy but steady thud is back and I can hear him, just there outside the bushes. The steps head away and it goes quiet. A couple of rocks fall from above and I gasp as one hits my shoulder -- he is up there stood right above me.

Another howl fills the forest.

"Come out Little Red, I can smell you down there!" I stifle a whimper as I imagine my own impending death, waiting for this beast to have his prey. I don't move, I am frozen in place. "I will come down there Red, you reek of fear, so tender" he threatens. I hear him move. Looking out from under my arms I see him stood there watching and stalking slowly towards the bushes where I am. I close my eyes as he is within pouncing distance.

My eyes fly open as a piercing howl rips through the air, and looking out through the bushes I see a magnificent sight. The huntsman, with his sword drawn, has just slashed at the wolf's quarters, a deep gash with blood flowing. As the wolf is caught unawares the huntsman effortlessly manoeuvres around him. His strong muscular figure laced with sweat glistening in the moonlight wielding his sword. He takes another swipe this time across the shoulder and the wolf lets out an almighty yelp.

The beast looks in my direction as he lies on his side with pain in his eyes but that is soon overcome with rage as he spits and snarls rising to face his foe. I can't take my eyes off them, each one certain to kill the other, landing crippling blows with their weapons. The violence and the noise are overwhelming, snarling teeth and metal scraping through flesh with battle cries from both. I am scared and hope the huntsman prevails to save me from this wicked demonic creature. They fight hard going for the kill each time, and I can see everything now so clearly in the moonlight -- even past them to the ravine.

They both fall back and circle each other watching and pacing, waiting to make the move. They suddenly lunge at each other, huntsman with sword raised and the wolf with claws drawn and teeth bared. They come together in mid-air with an almighty thud and the huntsman lets out a wail and the wolf yelps loudly and both collapse in a heap near the edge of the ravine.

From the wreckage, the huntsman appears and gets to his feet. Turning towards me he starts making his way over, then out of nowhere and as quick as lightning the wolf is on his back but the huntsman turns quickly and with one final thrust of his sword plunges it into the chest of the wolf who looks at me with fear and anguish in those piercing eyes. The huntsman then tosses the wolf over the edge of the ravine and I shield my eyes, unable to look.

The huntsman takes a moment to gather himself and rests against his sword. I still don't move. In his low, husky but self-assured voice.

"It's safe now, you can come out" I hear him say but I still can't move. I look up and see him as he moves closer to me and I am glad to be saved. Relief washes over me and I release my knees, stretching out my legs to get up. By now the huntsman is stood outside the bush where am sitting and he bends down. I feel safe and happy that I will be back in the village soon. I wait for an extended hand but I suddenly feel a grip around my ankles and he drags me back out of the bushes on my back toward him.

He throws his sword down on the floor,

"You are a pretty little thing aren't you?" my red hair is streaming behind me on the floor and my dress is now around my waist. Quickly he unbuckles his belt, his trousers dropping to the floor and the reality dawns on me. Stood over me staring "I might just take my reward right here." dropping to his knees on top of me he pins me down holding my wrists as I start to kick to get him off. His full weight is on top of me, I can't move. I can feel his hard cock pressing against me.

Placing both of my wrists in one of his hands above my head, his other hand feels up the inside of my legs. I wriggle and squirm as much as I can in an effort to get away.

"Get off me" I shout. He leans down to my face as his hand forces its way inside my pants. He pushes his rough broken and bloody lips on mine and kisses me with force. I bite down hard and am sure that I draw more blood. He throws his head back.

"You dirty little ungrateful slut," he yells and smacks me across the face with the back of his hand. The stinging in my face, I can feel it start to immediately flush red.

"You will pay for that you little whore," he chuckles looking at me and starts clawing at my panties ripping them from my legs. He pushes one of his knees between mine and I try desperately to evade his moves but he is too strong,

"I will scream you bastard" I threaten.

"Go ahead, I like it" he retorts in a mocking tone staring at me like he was claiming me for himself.

Sliding his knee upwards he forces my legs wide open and with a smirk, he leans down closer to my ear. "I am going to fuck you in every way possible you little slut, you are mine". My torn panties are in his hand and he thrusts them in my mouth "Scream now, just try it!"

I struggle and try to scream but can't. Tears well up in my eyes knowing what is about to happen. I feel a rough and calloused hand sliding and snagging up my leg as it gets closer to my intimate parts and I feel the press of the tip of his cock on my lips. I roll my head back closing my eyes, tears rolling down my face, giving in to the inevitable.

Suddenly his grip releases and I cannot feel him anymore but feel a drop of warm liquid landing and trickling down my legs. I open my eyes to see, over the huntsman's shoulder the wolf, back from the dead. The huntsman tries to scream but he is unable to make any noise at all. I look directly into those eyes which still have an element of pain in them and in a split second the hunter is ripped from me and flung into the air. Instantly his body goes limp as the wolf tosses him to the side. I still can't move but pull my dress down to cover myself up and curl up into a little ball unsure which would have been the safer outcome. I am certain I will now die.

Gazing up I can see the wolf slowly moving towards me, limping from the raw wounds on his body and the pained but also concerned look. As he gets close enough to touch, I shy backwards still looking at this beast in front of me but there is something different. I am still scared and fear for my life, but I feel worried for the beast. The shadow outline of his body blurs slightly as he changes, to stand upright in front of me.

Scooping me up into his arms he pulls me close to his chest and I can feel the warmth from his body and smell the stench of blood but instinctively hold on to him and bury my head in the fur on his chest as he moves quickly back through the forest. I can't open my eyes but I know we are not going back to the village. He covers the ground quickly and I am suddenly aware of the sound of birds in the trees, flowing water, and a faint feeling of warmth hitting the side of my face. He slows down to a walk and I open my eye and release my grip on him slightly.

We have entered a clearing in the forest. Trees are lining the outside but at the far end are sheer cliffs of grey rock stretching miles high and a glistening waterfall cascades at one end. I can see the opening to a cave at the foot of the cliffs and I can hear what sounds like a river. He carries me on until we are not far from the cave and sets me down on a rock. He looks at me with want in his eyes but not in a predatory way, he seems more caring. But I also sense hurt and pain. I am curious.

Backing away from me he turns and heads closer to the cave and sits on a rock at the edge of the water and starts to check over his wounds. His breathing skips as he inspects himself and I cannot help but feel empathy for this creature. I rise slowly to my feet and gently approach him from the side. As I get closer, he lets out a low rumbling growl. I check myself but do not stop. If he wanted to kill me surely, he would have done so already.

As I get closer I can see the wounds that have been inflicted on him. I walk past him to the river, tear off a length of fabric from my dress and bend down to plunge it into the cold water. Turning back to him I almost drop the cloth as I see him transform into a fully human form. His claws gone, fur gone but now entirely naked with only his eyes giving away what he had been before. I look at his body still covered in blood and gently wipe some of it away. He lets out another low growl but I continue, expecting to find the wounds but what I now see are nothing but small scratches at the surface which are disappearing before my eyes.

I don't quite know what to do, his intense gaze never leaving me but studying everything I do and every move I make. Suddenly aware that that cloth is now sodden in blood and my dress too is spotted with blood and sweat I feel disgusting and go to the river and wash off the rag. I step down into the river, over the rocks, until I am waist deep and take off my dress and start washing it. I then turn to throw it onto the rocks and his eyes are still fixed on me but this time with a different predatory look, more lustful this time. I return to the water and start washing my hair, all the time conscious of being watched but not returning his gaze. The river is strong but the cold water feels so good against my skin.

Walking in a little deeper I am trying to be careful, sliding across the rocks gripping with my toes until the water is just below my shoulders. I sink just under the surface wiping my tear-stained face and relishing in the untouched beauty of this place. I feel a hand on the nape of my neck moving my hair to the side and clasping around the back of my neck as the other lightly traces along my shoulder to the top of my arm. So light is the touch that it sends a shiver over my whole body, though I try to reason that it was also down to the cool waters of the river.

He lifts his hand away and I turn to face him, this animal, beast, man, or whatever he is that saved my life. Those unmistakable yellow eyes seem to look straight into my soul and I reach out and hold on to his strong forearms, stand on my tiptoes, and lay a kiss on his lips. He still has not said a word to me and to be honest, I am not even sure if he can talk.

I let go of him and the stare is real. There is a more carnal glistening there now and it is clear what he wants. A nervousness washes over me making my arm hairs stand on end, I drop my gaze looking down at the water, and awkwardly mutter.

"Thank you."

He takes hold of my chin and lifts it so our eyes meet once more and I shift uncomfortably and bite my lip. He grumbles under his breath but unflatteringly says to me.

"I am going to kiss you," he waits for a response as if it was even a question, but I am weak looking at him now.

He lowers his lips to mine and kisses me lightly first but in a matter of seconds, it has changed to a more forceful, passionate kiss. Like he is struggling to control those animal instincts inside him. It builds and builds and I am compelled to return the passion as I have a deep feeling inside me wanting this man in front of me. I bring my hands up and run them through his hair resting my arms over his shoulders and taking hold of him as I press my lips stronger against his letting him know I want this, I want him.

I feel his hands creep around my waist and pull me closer to him so our bodies are touching. I can feel his hard cock pressed against me and my heart races as all I can think about is wanting him to be inside me. What am I thinking though, this thing is a beast, he was going to kill me before? What is happening? But I cannot resist him, I want him and feel that familiar throb between my legs longing for him. Though I have touched myself on occasion, at the age of 21, I have not yet been with a man, saving my virginity. Nerves kick in and I coyly let out a whimper as he kisses down my neck and without control I arch my head back letting out a moan. He bites down on my neck and my body shakes against him; my mouth opens as I gasp against the pain. A light trickle of blood dribbles down my collar bone and he holds me tighter as I pull him toward me again.

One of his hands loosens on my waist and slides down between my legs. He immediately finds my clitoris and starts playing and toying with me. My breathing falters as he does this, and I hold on tighter trying to remain upright but starting to become delirious with the pleasure that he is giving. I can still feel his cock pressing in now against my hip and I take it in my hand. I start to tease his cock with my hand and I hear the low growl under his breath. He quickly thrusts two fingers up inside me and I bury my head in his shoulder with a groan, my nails digging into his shoulder and the other hand clasping tightly around his cock.

He spins me around, so I release his cock and he brings me back against him. One hand comes up around my throat and squeezes lightly and the other reaches around and continues playing with my pussy and clit. His cock now pressing against my ass I want him to take me. I want him to fuck me, I want him!

His fingers expertly playing me as I wriggle and writhe against him all the time, him holding my throat so I cannot move too much. Feeling his fingers inside me I want his cock so badly and I struggle to control my moaning as he builds me up. He whispers in my ear.

"You smell of sweet innocent sex, I can feel how tight you are getting, you want me inside you don't you?"

"Yes," I mutter quietly.

"I didn't hear that," he growled.

"Yes, yes I want you!" I blurt out.

Turning me back face him, he looks into my eyes.

"I want you my Little Red and I am going to have you. Put your arms around my neck."

I do as he says and with that, he grabs my hips, lifts me up in the water opens my legs, pulls me on to his rock hard cock and I wrap my legs around his waist. As he thrusts himself inside me over and over again and all I can do is try to hold on as his breathing increases and I can see the glint of the animal inside him. It is there all the time.

As his arousal builds further, he stops, and with me still attached to him and his hands holding my ass he walks up and out of the river to the shore and lays me down on the lush green grass. Looking down, brushing my hair from my face,

"You don't know what you do to me Little Red, when I see you walking through the forest I knew one day I would have you and you would be mine!"

With these words, I am like putty in his hands. The sensations of his thick hard cock sliding in and out of me are almost too much to bear. He growls again, then grabs me flipping me over on my stomach, pulling my hips up, and holding my head down. He starts to fuck me really hard, bending down mid-thrust and biting my shoulder, and as I push back against him drives his cock as deep as it can go.

I let out a gasp struggling to contain myself and I moan and whimper as I really want to cum.

"You want that Little Red, I can feel that you want it. Ask me for it, beg me to let you cum?"

I want to with all my being but hesitate slightly and he slides out of me leaving his cock pressed on my pussy.

"Don't stop," I whimper.

"How much do you want it Little Red?"

Almost with a pout, I mutter, "I want it so bad." I push back slightly trying to take it in; he holds my hips still.

"Then beg me for it, and I will oblige." With a gentle push parting my lips I can't take any more.

"Please, please make me cum."

With that, he plunges his cock back deep inside me and fucks me so hard, like the animal he truly is. His breathing is ravaged: he is growling, taking me over and over as I build up closer to the edge, the erotic noises spurring me on. I am so close my pussy tightening around him, I dig my nails in the grass holding on as he continues the assault on my willing and wanting pussy.

"I am going to cum, please can I cum," I cry out.

"Yes, Little Red, now, cum for me" with this I let out a scream as my body convulses into orgasm, as he relentlessly takes me over and over not letting up for a second. He is growling, this time more focussed he is reaching his peak.

"Cum in me my Wolf, fill me please, don't stop" his fingers dig painfully into my hips like talons gripping, and I uncontrollably tense up pushing back against the pain but it feels good. He lets out an animalistic howl - different but not dissimilar to earlier- as he shoots his warm cum into me.

I am stifling back the tears, my body giving in to the enormity of what has just happened. I feel satiated and full but completely overcome with emotion and in some pain too. I take a chance and look back behind me, his cock still inside me whilst leaning over my ass resting himself along my back. I see some small trickles of blood running down the side of my hips where he must have dug in when he came, and I can't help but let out a slight sob.