The Ranger: (Real Ch. 01)


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The Jaguars were still in the same spot in the tree the next morning. All four of us went to work on skinning and scavenging. Remembering the dream from last night has me missing Gray, Cin and Antonio. I should lay them to rest with Allo."

They showed me a wooden bridge across the stream to the east to get most of the way to the equipment, with a side trip to show them the boat. Heran and Anitha went aboard going through the cabin.

"Do you want us to store the equipment left behind?" Heran yells out for her mother.

"Nope, I took everything wanted already, the rest is yours."

Shortly after, Anitha comes out of the cabin shaking her head, climbing down a ladder, and handing me a large bag of gold coins, smaller to another I found and have in my backpack. "I don't recognize the coin, but, gold is gold."

"Handing the bag back to her, I found one of those in addition to what I had on me, that one is yours."

"I can't take that! It is more than, well, everything."

"Put it back on the boat then." Turning and walking back the way we came, smiling but surprised as I found several thousand in gold meant to pay all of us on board when we finished the raid in Ceragstan.

"I'll take it!" Heran says during the silence with her mother hushing her.

Turning back, I walk over to Saedin, "you could always find and pay enough sailors to get this boat to a dock and sell it?"

"Or, use it to move? The land here isn't great?" Saedin says to Anitha who walks up the beach and hugs him.

"Could we?"

"The sails are a mess, but I could get it from here to Twin River." Saedin looks over at me.

"I did the best I could with the sails." I laugh, "they were down due to the storm that wiped us out." The frown and look I gave the boat ended the conversations until we were back at the cart.

"This is too much," Saedin says as we push the cart back to the house.

"Even without the boat, everything you've given us is too much, we've gone from disaster to enough to be one of the wealthiest in Rivertown, maybe even Twin Forks."

"I'm a ranger, I don't collect stuff. Anything you don't want, give it to someone else, though I recommend you use the jaguar skins and silver to hold you over until settled. Spreading that foreign gold around will get you in more trouble than those cats eating your livestock."



"Practice with Willow, but; other than your family, nobody can know it is enchanted."


"Do you know why?"


"If you were to meet a boy, he cannot know until your mother agrees." I see her tense up.

"I doubt that is going to happen anytime soon." She replies and I let it go.

Back at the house with the gear stowed away under the floor, I turn down most of the food as unnecessary now that I'm not starving.

"What if Willow and I came with you?" Heran says during my hug to leave.

"Next time we meet, if you can hit ten out of ten from forty feet away, it's a deal."

"Things are starting to feel better out here." The woods to the north after about an hour were starting to come back to life, a few deer and when I felt the first pig I knew the town was near to the north-east.

Better kept than any of the many others I've been to with wide crushed gravel roads that show no wear and tear from the animals, carts or rains way out on the southern edge that is mostly homes bodes well for the upkeep towards the center.

I decide a town's attitude by the road leading into it, and the look people give you at first glance. The worst of course is the running and slamming of doors, then curiosity all the way up to the rare wave, though that could also be at the bottom depending on the intent. Hah, way too much time alone this last month, not enough paying attention.

The lack of people is becoming an issue, too early for dinner or dusk and I've only detected a few souls inside some of the homes, stopping at one house when I feel a hybrid wolf inside and can hear it at the door. It wants out, with nobody around I walk up to the door.

"How long since you last saw your pack leader?" I send the image to the hybrid. Scattered thoughts return, it is confused but not hungry, so I move on before attracting attention if that is possible. Again with no guards or walls or towers of any kind. The beginning of civilization starts with the stables, it has two horses, chickens, and a few pigs outback. I'd ask about livestock for Saedin, but I doubt they will be staying there much longer. Moving on we have General goods stores, a women's clothing store is a good sign, with several women inside. They don't see me.

Three guards in standard leathers come out of a side building and head right for me.

"Where is everyone?" I ask and slow down as they look me over. They stop and the middle guard answers.

"North Hall, what is your business here?"

"Shipwrecked and working my way back home." That got their attention as he translates.

"Anyone else coming this way?" The middle guard asks, and I shake my head.

"Well, you're here now, so head towards the hall, we could use someone like you."

"Someone like me?"

"Expensive bow, those knives are special made, and a stance that shows you are exactly what they are talking about now."


"Not that extreme, nobody around to conscript but us. He repeats the conversation to the other two."

"Good, cuz I don't think I could outrun you right now, might as well go see what is going on. The skirmishes I've heard about causing this?"

"Yeah, was getting better after the war, but the Treaty allows for taxes and occasional skirmishes that keep happening, we've not been hit being smaller, but they are moving their way down."

"Do they take payment in lieu of looting as this is one of the nicest towns I've seen?"

"Thanks, nothing formal so it depends on the raiders, some might want more than money."

"Most raiders don't retaliate if you kill off a bunch, they consider it culling the weak, you got enough to fight off what? Twenty or so of them?"

"If every person in town could fight it would still be doubtful. The few that will, no chance."

"IF, and this is the biggest IF around, IF, I am still here and I knew where they were coming from and where they would likely land, I could possibly make it worth more than they are willing to give with a few helpers that can take orders."

"A bold statement considering you just got here." The middle guard says without looking my way.

"IF I am here, I'd prefer not to be raped by large angry men."

"Why am I going to the town hall if I can't understand the language?"

"You can meet the constable after, if this goes the way I think it will, I'll get double pay to follow you around and translate during meets. My name is Jacob."


"Well Jacob, trade language seems to be known here, so there is hope I can get back home at some point."

"We are speaking Kinoshian, they live well off to the east." Jacob replies. I've never been there personally but it sounds like they would be the best choice to get back." Standing in the hall listening to a language I don't know, allowed me the time to wonder why I even wanted to go back? Boats are no longer an option for the foreseeable future as a mode of travel.

As with most post-war areas, almost all females, children, elderly, it's just a matter of staying clear of the crazy ones. A hard thing to accomplish considering most are crazy even without loss.

After the meeting, I get plenty of stares as the new guy in town, dressed oddly and with the guards. We wait for most to disperse and then they take me to a large fat man, only mentioned as he is the only one in the town that I've seen. A lengthy back and forth between Jacob and the Constable I was offered an abandoned house to stay in along the south road.

"You should stay at my Inn." A woman not unlike Agitha walks up and speaks to me directly. "Food and drink, baths drawn and daily cleaning; companionship based on the looks I've seen thrown your way." She finishes looking me up and down. "A house would just become more chores."

I catch Jacob giving her a wary look, probably thinking she would take his gig. "Can you schedule whatever briefings I'll need? Maybe find a teacher of your language?" I ask him.

"Aye, I can do that, "he snaps around to look at me with a smile. "Handing him a small coin purse people could see without too much concern. "Use this for the teacher, a horse and gear and if you need a room at the inn, put it on my ledger. I'm going to go take my first hot bath."

Turning back to the woman, "I am Kaethorn and agree on every point proffered."

"Katelyn, follow me," she turns, and I follow her back out of the Hall.

"Could use a shave and hair trim."

"Not tonight, you look good like that," Katelyn answers and I laugh.

The town is still sparse but the few people on the street looked a bit more, normal.

"I guess that will free up some time, I do wonder if you might have some time?"

"For the price I'm charging the town and the look on his face, I will make time." Katelyn chuckles and pulls the crook of my arm to her. "I'll give you the gossip and you give me your story, from the looks of you I feel I will be more entertained."

"The women of this town have been fleeing on any boat that would take them when the news of the raiders working their way south reached us. Constable Tremont has been trying to hire anyone that would sign on, but you need to have enough already to make most feel safe enough to take this foolishness on." She pauses and looks up at me. "Offense intended."


"How did you get here?"

"Shipwrecked on the southern coast, met Saedin and his family, they put me up and we caught a jaguar pair scouring the area. A nice stroll on solid land later, here I am.

"Jaguars is what they are called? They've hit almost every animal big enough to eat for a while, we moved what was left to the stables near the guards. Tremont and the town will be happy.

There are no customers and I doubt many stay here considering current events. How do any of the places around here make any money?

"How did you end up on our shores?"

"Ahhh, one royal pain in the ass took the lands of another royal pain in the ass. We were heading there to take it back and a storm hit us."

The door to the room was open, and the bath is about half full being filled by someone who could pass for a daughter or niece of Katelyn. The same shade of black hair, dimple on the chin and the shape of the nose. She keeps stealing glances and looking away when our eyes meet.

I hear Katelyn scold the girl up and down indicating me a few times.

"She had eyes for a fool that will get himself killed, I just needed to set her straight."

"Tell her I agree with you." And without pausing Katelyn turns and I suspect she did exactly that.

"So, who is this fool you are talking about?" I ask trying to look innocent. Her daughter laughs and I look at Katelyn. "I figured as much, she has your and Agitha's chin, nose, and eyes."

"How is Agitha?" Katelyn asks.

"She was having a rough time with the Jaguar, no livestock, no crop." Stowing my stuff away and sitting on the bed with a grunt. "First time in a bed for so, so long."

"They are doing much better now; Saedin is looking to take the boat and move here or Twin Rivers? I believe that was the name. He has the Jaguar skins, and everything left behind on the boat to trade."

"Good! I only moved here to be close to her."

"Sabina?" I ask and she nods. "Thank you for the bath, I'll be down shortly." She nods again and looks at her mother who nods and she leaves. I start removing my boots and clothing and feel Katelyn's hands reach in as she starts helping me.

"Do you really think you can make a difference here?"

"Raiders or no raiders, nobody will sign on to live here just to move again later. There needs to be enough stability to make a future bright enough to draw in more or this place should just fold up and move north."

The tub is warm-ish but still feels amazing. Katelyn's soap and hands feel even better. The groan from both of us causes her to chuckle.

With her hands roaming all over me she whispers in my ear. "This isn't that kind of establishment; you are just going to make me cover your entire body?" She stops short of my more private area.

"Hmmmmm, I spent weeks floating around thinking I would never feel anything as good as this again, didn't want to do anything to interrupt."

"Well then, keep your paws to yourself and you can stay here." Katelyn drops the soap into my lap and stands up. "After spending a day with Anitha's cooking you will want to eat ours hot to mask the difference. I will also wish to speak with you in private later," she grabs my clothes. "Do you have another set of clothing?"


"These should be back in the morning, are they enchanted?" she asks, and I shake my head and look at them and her questioning as to why she would ask.

"They smell good after such a long time of wear, with blood and dirt I just figured. Well shit, this is awkward. Anyway, come down and eat." Her blushing face turns and shuts the door behind her.

At least I got something out of a month of ocean spray and swimming in that stream a few times. This would be the perfect place to build what my teacher had if I can. A perfect refuge in the middle of the woods blending nature and humans in balance. I'd spent several years with my teacher in a place like this with more than twice the amount of people.

*Thank you for making it this far, please leave a rating and I will get back with the next chapter, next Friday.

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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Only ever read one other book that made a distinction between hunting arrows and war arrows. My suggestion is to add an explanation for readers who aren't that familiar with archery.

mharrisonmharrisonover 1 year ago

Good story so far.

Do find it a little confusing sometimes as to which character is speaking. Might just be me as others seem to comment about ease of reading. There seems to be quite a number of times where text that is descriptive is within speech marks as if being said by a character when it is in face not.

Hopefully this is helpful/constructive as it's still a good story and I'm looking forward to reading more :)

Many thanks for sharing with us.

16BattleshipGunner16BattleshipGunnerover 1 year ago

Great start, can't wait to see how the story goes. Nice writing style, easy to read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Good start, is this following actual DnD? Or ?

janus48janus48over 1 year ago

A nice easy read! Now on to chapter two.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Very intriguing start

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

More please

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

My 2 cents

This is interesting . I will wait for the next chapter to see how you continue it. Thanks for your time and imagination.

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