The Real Story of O and Sir Stephen


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This being Monday, I have been in a hogtie the entire previous night and there is still some stiffness in the shoulders. Stretching and yoga help, but this morning there is some residual stiffness. I am sitting on a towel placed over my desk chair, an exception to the usual rule that Master has allowed for me at work.

Writing this memoire has brought us even closer although, if you asked me before our child left us, I would have scoffed at you that any two people could become closer that the two of us.. I never knew that Master chose me from the beginning. I can't tell you how delighted it makes me to know that Master was taken with me from the first and schemed and plotted in order to capture me. I had always hoped that was the case but never knew for sure. The same holds true for finally being assured that he was my "magic man" from Roissy. Now it is time to continue our tale. I am anxious to find out what Master was thinking in terms of Jacqueline and whether she was part of his plans.]

During late winter and early spring, Sir Stephen had decided to make sure that I always bore at least some traces of the marks from a beating. I wore these marks proudly. It was clear that the gravitational force of Sir Stephen was drawing me closer to him and further from Rene. Conversely Rene was also being drawn more closely to Sir Stephen who had become the center of the Universe for both of us. It was in the early spring that Jacqueline entered our orbit.

I had first met Jacqueline the previous autumn while dressing models for the winter show. I was immediately taken by her. Her perfect figure and bearing, her imperious manner and her Russian accent were incredibly alluring to me. Even though I was attached to Rene at the time I was still attracted to this gorgeous woman. I had taken girls to bed before, beginning in my University years. I can't say I enjoyed it more or less than sleeping with a man, but it was different. With women I was the aggressor, with men I allowed them to be the aggressor. Since Roissy, this was the first person I experienced an attraction to other than Rene and Sir Stephen.

The first time she modeled for me, I did something I never had done before. I followed her into. the dressing rooms hoping to get a glimpse of her magnificent body. She caught me watching her and dismissed me saying "I have change now," disdainfully. Her meaning was clear. She already knew she had smitten me and had little use for me.

She continued to model for us and our interactions had been frosty, to say the least. I had made no further efforts at seduction in the months following my initial dismissal. It was clear that Jacqueline took pleasure in attracting every person, man or woman, that she encountered, but had little interest in actually having relationships with them. I once mentioned her to Rene whose interest was piqued and he must have, in turn, mentioned it to Sir Stephen.

One day, Sir Stephen came to my apartment, unannounced and quizzed me about Jacquiline before he and Rene took me to lunch beside the Seine. Sir Stephen, in particular wanted to know about her appearance, her posture, her accent (Russian). It was a beautiful spring day, but the cast iron chair was cold on my bare skin and took a long time to warm up. It was decided that the next time Jacqueline was modelling I was to call Rene and he would take the opportunity to "drop by," so he could "casually" meet her.

At this point, I would have been happy to have Rene distracted from me as I was completely enraptured with Sir Stephen and had basically lost interest in Rene. To all outward appearances however, Rene was still smitten with me and the society pages had us already engaged and married. Jacqueline obviously knew all of this. The day came when we were doing fitting for the for next year's winter collection and I dutifully called Rene. He was at the studio within an hour and was in the process of giving me a hug and passionate kiss when Jacqueline exited the fitting room wearing an apres ski outfit that made her look adorable. She gave a laugh and excused herself for interrupting, but it was clear she wasn't sorry in the least, and remained in the room. She viewed Rene with icy coldness. Rene melted. Jacqueline had achieved what she always did, to captivate any and all beings she met. Rene insisted that she join us for an early supper after the session, and Jacqueline, after demurring initially, eventually reluctantly (seemingly) accepted Rene's invitation.

I had not been to the Mouche club before. It is a private club next to the Seine on the Rive Droit. Although sharing a name with the tourist boats (Bateaux Mouche), the Club Mouche could not have been more different. Exclusive and affluent, with a gorgeous dining room overlooking Seine from the Premier Etage, it was a wonderful setting. I was astonished to see that Sir Stephen was there, sitting with a beautiful young girl, probably one of his students. I was stricken with jealousy. I had never imagined my Master with someone else. And she was so beautiful and young! He was sipping his usual Gin and rose immediately upon seeing our threesome, and introduced himself. Rene invited him to supper and he agreed instantly. Sir Stephen gave the obviously crestfallen etudiante some cash, presumably for a taxi, and sent her back to whence she came. (Rive Gauche, [smiling]}. It seemed to be too much of a coincidence for this to be accidental and Sir Stephen did not allow accidents [grinning]. I felt pity for the poor girl. She had probably hoped to seduce the famous surgeon when, in fact, Sir Stephen was using her only as prop in his staged drama. I, of course rejoiced at her being sent away. As the bard says, "All life is a play", and Sir Stephen was clearly the Director. Rene and I (and now Jacqueline) were merely players.

At supper, Rene shamelessly tried to impress the ice goddess. Jacqueline was playing the same game I did earlier. Disdain, mixed with flashes of flirting. The irony was not lost on me. Jacqueline had changed places with me. I began to despise the coquette. I truly believed that she was only interested in Rene to compete with me as she had made her disdain for me obvious. Sir Stephen seemed aloof and bemused. I assumed he had a plan, He never left anything to chance. It seems that Jacqueline was no exception.

The next time Rene, Sir Stephen and I were together Sir Stephen announced the plan., Between luncheon (Coquilles St Jacques, magnifique!) and dessert Sir Stephen informed me that I was to seduce Jacqueline by any means necessary. I was incredulous and asked why. Sir Stephen told me for 2 reasons; firstly he wanted to see me make love to a woman, and secondly Rene wanted to recruit Jacqueline for Roissy. I was sidere. I think the American word is flabbergasted. I did not think Jacqueline was attracted to me and I did not believe that Jacqueline would ever agree to be initiated at Roissy. I mentioned this to Sir Stephen and he told me that was His concern, not mine. He assured me that Jacqueline would respond to my advances. I began to protest, but he motioned for me to be silent. I had my instructions and he expected me to carry them out. Period. End of story. Sir Stephen told me he would not mark me for a while so my skin could clear before seducing Jacqueline. He once again assured me that Jacqueline would be receptive to my advances and that the next time they were together, I should, as the Americans say, make my move. I sighed as I did not have a choice regardless. Master's wish was my command.

Sir Stephen

Being a good General means sometimes altering plans in mid-battle. When O informed me about the seductive Jaqueline, my plan was to bring Jaqueline and Rene together so he could seduce Jacqueline and supply her, as a replacement for O, to Roissy. I was determined not to share O with the boors of Roissy again and I had promised to sponsor Rene for membership before I, in fact, relinquished my membership. So that was the original plan.

After quizzing O extensively about Jaqueline, I resolved to put my plan into play. Firstly, I had to set a meeting between Jacqueline and Rene and myself. The plans were put into place. O was to call Rene the next time Jacqueline was modeling and Rene would come to visit and invite Jacqueline for an early supper at the Club Mouche. This is an exclusive private club along the Seine to which my sister and brother-in-law were members. The club would be nearly deserted at that hour. After Rene had convinced Jacqueline to join him and O for an early supper, I would already be at the club, having a drink with a student. When the three of them entered, I would be delighted at the chance meeting and invite myself to join them.

Thus the 4 of us sat down on a rainy day, on the second floor in an otherwise deserted restaurant. Boats were passing silently beneath us. It was if we were in a different plane than the rest of the world. Just as I had planned.

After a few moments of observing the interactions at the table it became clear to me that my plans needed to change. Jacqueline was clearly more interested in O than in Rene, and not only that, I sensed she was more of a Domme than a sub. Jacqueline would flirt with Rene, but pay more attention to O's reaction to her flirting than to Rene's. All the chemistry was between the 2 women at the table. Jacqueline was clearly flirting with Rene to tease O, and by the look on her face (a scowl) Jacqueline's plan seemed to be working. As the repast wore on Jacqueline continued to flirt with Rene, and I continued to believe this was to only to invoke jealousy in O, who was her true target. There was an outside chance that she was angling to pry Rene's attention from O in some sort of competition. I would have to pay close attention to how things progressed and be prepared to change battle plans again, if necessary. There was always the chance Jaqueline would seduce Rene for his title and money. Only time will tell, I thought.

I decided that Initially it would be O, and not Rene, to seduce Jacqueline, and once that had been accomplished I would have to improvise and change course according to the action on the battlefield. As Sherlock would say, "the game is afoot!" Or as the French would say, "Les Jeux sont fait."


{After returning home, I cleansed myself for this evening's play date. I wasn't going to make that mistake again! I ate lightly at dinner, knowing I would have some exertions this evening. Master seemed in a good mood. After the maid had cleared and cleaned, Master asked me pointedly if I had prepared for the evening. I blushed and assured him that I had. Good, he said, "meet me in the playroom with your wrist and ankle cuffs locked on."

Waiting for Master to enter the playroom was always bitter-sweet. I knew that some sort of pain was on the horizon, but accompanying that pain would be enormous pleasure. As usual, I removed my clothes and put them in the entry closet and entered the play room. Traditionally such places are referred to dungeons, but Master preferred this appellation in case we made a mistake in front of our child or other Vanilla person. I methodically locked my collar, wrist and ankle cuffs on feeling the tingling and wetness in my loins that always accompanied the preamble to our play sessions. Fortunately, Master no longer required me to kneel in anticipation in order to avoid stress on aging joints. Instead, I was allowed to stand in presentation position. Legs apart, hands behind my back, hands on elbows.

After what seemed like an eternity, Master entered, dressed in a similar smoking jacket to the one he wore when we first met, although ironically he had given up smoking decades ago. He kissed me deeply on the lips and his tongue probed the back of my throat. He then placed 2 fingers into my forward orifice and one finger into my rear hole. I immediately responded to his caress but he pulled out before I could attain relief. Then he took me to the spanking bench and bent me over. I was on my knees with my wrists attached to the front of the horse and my ankles attached at the back. Master then placed a blindfold on me. Without use of the one sense, other sensations increase in intensity. Master placed some cool grease on my nipples and attached something to them. They were not clamps and the sensation was only a dull pain. He then placed something into my rectum that felt like a normal plug but somehow cooler, as if there was metal coating it. Another cool phallus slipped easily into my lubricated canal. The two intruders were held in with a chain the attached to a belt cinched around my waist. These objects would not be coming out until Master removed them. Finally a rubber ball gag was strapped tightly into place.

I heard Master fiddling with something and then, without warning, shocks began coursing through my body. First one nipple, then another, then the anal plug and then the vaginal plug. At first they were unpleasant, but not painful. Then Master began fiddling with the dials until I began to jerk with each shock and then continued until I began to shriek with pain. I heard him mutter to himself something about calibration. Then my cycle of horror began. Randomly, shocks would be given to one of the 4 places. They would vary in intensity from painful to excruciating. There was no pattern to the timing, the intensity or the location. As I shrieked in agony Master first came over and stroked my hair, now wet with perspiration and kissed me on the cheek. Then he went behind and sat next to my bound ankle.

He cupped the palm of His under under my loins and said, "you can orgasm as many times as you like, just remember to thank me after each one. I furiously began to rub myself against his warm hand. His fingers began to help. Finally the pleasure began to intrude on the pain and I was able to climb the mountain and crash over the side. The intensity of shocks increased, but I kept going, grinding, responding to His touch, another, and another

Merci, Merci, Merci, Merci Maitre. And finally the words I longed to hear, yet regretted hearing, "Encore une fois, Cherie" as He cranked the dial higher.]

I had my marching orders. The following day, after the rehearsal was over I marched into the dressing room and gave Jacqueline a passionate kiss on the lips. She did not pull away, nor did she respond, but merely accepted the advance as if it was her due. I repeated the kiss and embrace and, once again, Jacqueline was neutral in her response. Then she whispered, "pas ici" and took my hand and gave it a squeeze. I took her to my apartment subsequently and Jacqueline allowed me to make love to her. There wasn't much reciprocity but there was some feeling of affection from her, and I was satisfied.

The following day, I reported the results of my advances to Sir Stephen and Rene. Sir Stephen was delighted and complimented me on a job well done. Rene pouted. He probably had hoped Jacqueline would reject me in favor of him. I was delighted because I had pleased Sir Stephen. He instructed me to continue to take her to my bed and to find out more about the lovely Jacqueline namely where she lived, her family, her friends, her financial situation.

The former was accomplished easily. I simply invited her back to my apartment and she nodded her head oui. We undressed separately and entered my large bed and I began to kiss and fondle her. Perhaps the best way of describing our activities would not be love-making. It was as if Jacqueline allowed me to make love to her. After she climaxed she rolled over and went to sleep. Just like Rene, she was unconcerned with my pleasure, only her own. "Why are beautiful people so selfish?" I wondered. Sir Stephen was the opposite. Jacquline and Rene did not care about my pleasure, Sir Stephen seemed to care more about my pleasure (and pain) than his own pleasure. Rene and Jacqueline were beautiful and elegant. Sir Stephen was powerful and confident. Rene and Jacqueline both seemed, how can I say it, unfulfilled or perhaps unsatisfied; and definitely shallow. Sir Stephen was preternaturally confident and content with who he was and what he was. Perhaps because he held human life in his hands all day, the vagaries of Paris social life must have seemed banal.

Be that as it may, at Sir Stephen's instruction, I became Mata Hari and endeavored to answer all his questions regarding the lovely Jacqueline.

It took me several weeks of driving her home (in the Bentley with Sir Stephen's driver) and hinting before, finally, Jacqueline invited me up. I immediately could see why she had resisted. Her apartment was in the Marais, the old Jewish Quarter. Although some of the buildings had been renovated, hers was not one of them. The apartment was a mess. With clothes strewn about all over all the furniture. She lived in squalor with her mother and 2 sisters. I could see she was embarrassed and made an excuse and we left as soon as it was polite to do so.

After relating this to Sir Stephen, he directed me to invite Jacqueline and her family to move in with me. This was, perhaps the most onerous of all the tasks he had every required of me. I knew better than to argue or complain, so within a week my apartment, my sanctuary had become a zoological garden. I now had a live-in lover and instant family, a bunch of impoverished Russian emigres. And this was the situation when Sir Stephen took me to Ann Marie's.

Sir Stephen

[I had always been interested in electricity as a means of causing pain with any obvious external damage. I had done much research and rejected the idea of using a cattle prod or taser on my most precious belonging. Finally, I read about a system of electrodes that could be placed in orifices and attached to nipples. I ordered the items along with a variable power supply, and was anxious to try them on O. Her reaction, as always, was superb. As soon as I had calibrated the amperage by observing O's responses, I began my program of alternating stimulation. As I reached under her loins, I could feel her arousal around the chain holing her plugs. She began to rub against my hand and climaxed several times before slumping in exhaustion.]

If I am honest with myself, I did not know why I had instructed O to invite Jacqueline and her family to live with her. I partly had hoped that one of Jacqueline's sisters might interest Rene, but they were neither pretty enough nor classy enough for him. In any event, the die had been cast (or les Jeux sont fait) as they say in Monte Carlo. I would have to improvise. In any event May was arriving and I had to return the states for 2 weeks so I had arranged for O to attend "finishing school" at Anne Marie's. Not a garden variety finishing school, but a school for subs. Upon her graduation, O would be marked as my belonging.

Chapter 12 Anne Marie


[It has been a glorious week. Master and I went to parent's weekend at our son's college. The leaves were changing in New England and the drive through Massachusetts, Vermont and New Hampshire was breathtaking. On the way, we spent the night at a B&B in Franconia Notch, one of our favorite places in the USA. We hiked in the canyon up to the waterfall, ate lovely food and then had a yummy session in the evening. We have a "toy suitcase" that contains mobile instruments and, of course, my collar and cuffs. Master is a master with ropes, and therefore manages to restrain me in exposed positions in whatever hotel or inn we are in. If there are no bedposts or bedframes to use, Master also has restraints that work by being threaded under the mattress. The main challenge is to avoid rousing the neighbors. Gags can help, but it is a popular misconception that gags are capable of silencing all noise. This is definitely not true, I can tell you from experience [grinning]. In addition, some instruments make loud noises upon contacting my skin that would definitely arouse suspicion of our wall mates. Paddles, riding crops, canes, are out of the question. A nice whip or cat is usually quiet enough to be used in finer hotels. In a B&B, however, with thin walls and friendly neighbors, those implements, too, are out of the question.
