The Really Complicated Family Ch. 07


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Each time I tried to do something to show her how much I was enjoying myself and tried to give her back some of the joy, she would gently tell me off, and lay me back down on the bed and smack my bottom admonishing me for not doing what I was told.

Not having Viv's experience he had spanked Debs until her arse was a fiery red, his hand sore and she had the first inkling of tears in her eyes. It was worse than Viv had ever given her but she was in heaven. Tim had unlocked the true submissive in her and for ever after he could command her to do whatever he felt like, whenever he felt like it. Had it not been for me and our mutual love, I'm sure she would have considered givimg up her lifestyle for a chance with him.

I felt Viv's fingers stop momentarily in my cunt and arse as we heard Debs cry out.

"Holy fucking Christ!" she gasped, "It's soft, it's warm, it's wonderful," she shrieked, then her voice relaxed, "That is SOOOOOO much better than a strap on..."

During what turned out to be my last spanking I lay across Viv's lap listening to the rhythmic 'squeak squark, squeak squark, squeak squark' as Tim got in his stride, and Viv and I lay there in silence with me smiling up at her.

They fucked only once that evening, using one of the condoms she'd had in her bedside cabinet for reasons she could not even remember. She rolled them over his cock, and pulled the end down, it was at least two centimetres from his pubic hair. The de-sensitisation offered by the condom meant that Tim could fuck on and on, for even longer than he did with me just using his excellent self-control. He moved her tiny body around, flipped her over at will, taking her in all of the positions we had experimented with in the many months we had been fucking.

He woke as Debs slid from the bed at something like three in the morning and he watched her pad painfully across the room with a mixture of a sore bottom and a pussy well fucked from all angles. Naked she gently kissed me awake, as I lay in a warm circle of Viv's long, slim arms,

"All change Darling," Debs whispered into my face as she kissed me again, slipping a tongue between my lips and she sat next to me, "Your man is next door waiting for you Darling, thanks for the loan," I sat up next to her still naked, and fancying her like fuck.

"You're most welcome Darling," I said, "You know where he is when you want him next time."

"Thank you," she whispered stroking my face as I saw a single tear form in her eye; she wiped it, and helped me stand up, "I might just take you up on that offer once in a while."

I placed a hand on her boob, squeezing and kissed her again, "Don't you dare forget me though," I said, "or I'll have to smack your arse for you too."

"Oh fuck yeah," she hissed mashing her lips against mine then leaning back and spreading her legs slightly, she took my hand to cup her hot pussy. "Your brother is THE most amazing fuck," she said with a slight tremble in her voice that calmed all my fears, "you hang on to him."

"I intend to Darling," I said squeezing her puss, "I totally intend to."

I kissed her one last time and hugged her, before standing up. Debs sat on the side of Viv's bed and lay where I had been a few moments before; Viv woke just enough to smile at me and blow a kiss and pull Debs into her arms in the way she had me. She put her hands on Debs bottom that even in the moonlight looked pinker than the rest of her body,

"Oh my poor baby," she whispered into Debs face as she kissed her cheek and pulled her into her, "I'll kiss it better..."

"Thank you Viv," Debs said with her eyelids lowered in submission, "that would be wonderful," her eyes flashed open in devilment, "no one is getting near my cunt for at least a week though."

"We'll see," hissed Viv, pulling her into a protective embrace, as I tiptoed into Debs' room and slid in next to Tim who was waiting for me.

In my handbag was my purse and in that were my contraceptive pills. I popped that days one, put it in my mouth and drank some of the water in the glass by the bed. My uterus still throbbing from the number of orgasms and my bottom tingling gently I fell into the most wonderful warm and restful sleep in my Darling brothers arms; it had been a great night for all four of us but I kind of got the feeling that it was only ever going to be the occasional dalliance, rather than once a week, we all knew where we belonged and to whom.

The next week came another big change in our lives, one that would bring the new start I'd been looking for.

The world of county school teachers is actually smaller than you would think; the old friend of mine that I had taken over from as deputy head when she moved up (and had actually recommended me for her job) was getting ready to retire from teaching altogether. For a second time she recommended me as her replacement to her employers - I was even forwarded a copy of the email she sent to the board of governors.

She had used words like 'totally reliable', 'the most natural school teacher it's been my pleasure to work with' and even a 'totally focussed on the education of young people in her care'. She obviously didn't know about Tim!

So for the first time in my life I'd been head hunted; it was a primary about thirty miles away from mine in distance but thousands in concept. This was no post-war social housing estate, nice as it was; it was a very sweet rather twee little nest of commuter belt villages further out into the Surrey countryside and just from the look of the properties in those villages and the cars outside them I knew what I was going to get.

It would be very serious professional yummy mummies taking career breaks from the management team, the architectural practice or solicitors office, all parked up with the four wheel drive Chelsea tractors they had to buy now they had children to protect but still hankered after the MG's, VW Golf's and other silly single girl sports cars they had owned.

They'd be nattering to each other for twenty minutes outside school dressed in their designer skinny jeans and horsey and yachty jackets on before heading for the local tea shop for half a salad sandwich and a skinny latte which would be left to get cold.

It was - totally; interviewed by the board of governors I had dressed appropriately buying labels for the first time in my life. It was an investment, and when I showed Tim the pay scale he said simply, "how fucking much?"

But it worked brilliantly. My VW Golf had the soft top down, I'd held my tinted hair back with a pair of Ray-Ban sunglasses I'd borrowed from a mate at my school. Just as I practised, I trotted out all of the bullshit management speak I'd been listening to since Tony Blair came to power and they lapped it up.

An older lady, a councillor asked what my husband did and was he in teaching, and I gave her a sharp look; my friend had warned me about this old harridan that was of the Margaret Thatcher mould and smiling at me and placed a hand over her other hand hiding the ring finger; I did likewise. I hadn't spoke of husband or children and was not about to shout out that I was not actually married but got regularly shafted by my younger brother.

One of the Yummies cast the councillor a filthy look and, misinterpreting my guilt for anger mumbled something like, "Marjorie, I don't think you're allowed to ask that kind of thing these days."

I smiled and nodded but had recovered,

"My partner and I are very settled," I said, "extremely long relationship, childhood sweethearts in fact," I said to the worried looking councillor.

"Thank you Mrs Barnes," said the chairwoman of the board of governors, "we have a one more candidate to interview, would you like a tour of the school before you go?" I nodded and smiled and the councillor took my arm and led me through the office to the main hall.

Then to classrooms and to all the perfect little Edward's, Samuel's, Zac's, Jack's, Henry's, Megan's, Martha's, Tamara's, Annabel's and Isabel's I just knew would be there in their perfect Osh Kosh and Debenhams clothes. And they all were; sweet, well behaved and robotic - the Stepford school in fact. I'd soon change that if I got the job.

The councillor showed me out just in time to welcome the next candidate, a younger girl who didn't seem to have put in the amount of work I had in the fashion stakes. I found the local tea shop, stopped outside and, low and behold, it was half full with yummy mummies, eating half a sandwich with bottled water and complaining loudly about their bio rhythms, their pregnancies, how awful it was about pooooooor Louisa, how great the latest hair colour looked and how they were looking forward to the next child.

Feeling I didn't have much chance I thought 'fuck the audience eat something bad' and asked for a BLT on crusty white bread, mayo if they had some. I was starving having skipped breakfast through nerves that morning.

The sandwich was wonderful and I ate all of it with my yummies watching my every mouthful in part pity, part jealously, but thought fuck 'em and was well pleased with my decision.

I arrived home after some shopping just after Tim got in and we shared our news of the day, mine being about the interview. Within seconds of Tim asking 'well go on, how do you think you did?' the phone rang and I took a deep breath and picked it up. I leant towards Tim so he could share the earpiece.

"Ahh Good afternoon," said the voice, "is that Mrs Elaine Barnes?" I said that it was and Tim looked at me mouthing 'Mrs?' with a confused look on his face.

"Yes it is," I said, "how can I help?"

"Mrs Barnes," said the educated voice, "can I first thank you so much for taking the time to come out and see us today," Tim and I looked at each other and shook our heads, it didn't bode well. "Secondly, it's my great pleasure to offer you the post of head teacher at our little school,"

I was stunned. I didn't think for a second I'd had a chance.

"Thank you," I said, "Thank you very much, I accept."

"Wonderful Mrs Barnes," she said, "knowing what you want and what you believe in, it's just the kind of direction our little school is looking for to lead us into the twenty first century." She went on to say seeing as my friend retired at the end of the summer term, I should start at the beginning of the Autumn term after the holidays and that way I could let my school know I was away and allow them to fill my post in the few months before. I thanked her again, put the phone down and jumped onto Tim's lap grabbing his shoulders and shaking them.

"Well Mrs Barnes, that's fantastic,"

"Thank you so much Mr Barnes," I replied.

"So, do I take it then," he said, "for the purposes of St Agatha's Country School for the educational privileged that I am Mr Barnes?"

"Yes," I said, "I think so, how's this..."

I laid out the plan I'd been working on ever since he'd moved in.

We move closer to this new school, it was actually closer to his grammar school. We buy the new place as Mr and Mrs Barnes, no one knows us there, no one will look askance at us or count the number of sheets on the washing line or look twice if we perhaps walked to the local pub hand in hand or snogged in the car on the drive.

He agreed at once; it was April we had five months to make it happen. My house sold fast and with the profit I made on it and the money that Tim had banked, we picked out a lovely four bedroom detached place just outside the village with my school in it. Four bedrooms because I was going to definitely invite the Camden crew to come for weekends in the country.

I gave the head teacher my resignation and her face burst into a huge grin. She of course had provided a shining reference for me, and was pleased as well as sad to be losing me. I'd only told a few people that I was going for this job and I finally told my fellow teachers and we all hugged and cried. At the end of term the Head announced to the whole school I was leaving and I was presented with flowers, cards, and book tokens as a going away present.

Over the holidays Tim and I moved. The stuff that had seemed to fill 'our' little two bedroom place got lost in this one and at last Tim had somewhere for his model trains although it did all stay in the boxes for a few years. We didn't have to decorate that much as the last owner had great taste and our furniture fitted well with their colour scheme.

We carried the last few boxes in, and Tim called me outside to his camper van, opening the glove compartment.

"Here you are Mrs Barnes, a little something for you," he bent to one knee, took my hand and slipped a diamond encrusted white gold band over my ring finger on my left hand. I could only stare at it in astonished joy, and before I could so much as utter a thank you, he picked me up and carried me over the threshold. "I now pronounce us Husband and Wife," he grinned, kissing me.

Our tongues clashed and he carried me up the stairs as I was and through to the master bedroom, placing me carefully on the bed.

"No," I stammered, "I've prepared a little something too, go and have a shower and let me know when you've finished," I said, "Trust me!"

He did as he was told and headed for the bathroom with a distinct bulge in his pants. I got busy in the kitchen and the garden, before heading to the bathroom when he was done. It wasn't easy as we had barely moved in and everything was in bags.

I made the bed, left a tray of champagne, strawberries, whipped cream and a large gooey cake, before snatching a bag from my wardrobe. Originally this feast had been to celebrate moving in, not the commitment we were about to make.

Tim and I had been lovers for almost eighteen months by this stage but I was as nervous as a virgin bride.

The bathroom was on-suite and it was with trembling fingers that I opened the door into the bedroom. I stepped though into the room and Tim gasped; I was wearing a white lace almost full length nightdress that I had bought just for an occasion like this a year ago, as we became closer and closer.

I carried a small posy of flowers from our new garden that matched the crown of them in my hair over the thin veil (the tiny net curtain from the hall window actually) that I had pinned into my hair. With eyes down I walked to where Tim was sat on the side of the bed. He stood up, stunned to silence.

"My Darling Tim," I said desperately trying to control my emotions and looking up into his face, "You are the only man in the world for me, I want to spend the rest of my life being your wife, I love you more than life itself, you ARE my world."

He took my hand, dropping to one knee again, holding the wedding ring he'd bought, kissing it and my hand,

"My Darling Elaine, you have made me the happiest man in the world, I want to spend the rest of my life with YOU, looking after you and making love to you. I am the luckiest man in the world and I thank the heavens every day that I found you, and that you love me. You are my world Elaine and I promise I will be your husband and I will look after you every day in every way for the rest of my life."

By this stage I had tears pouring down my face and Tim raised the veil from my face and we kissed, softly, passionately, laughing at the sheer joy we had discovered in each other and the promises we had just made one another.

Needless to say we made love, for once not on my hands and knees but it the good old fashioned missionary, so we could gaze into each-other's eyes and grin like a couple of soppy kids.

"Are you OK with not getting married?" he asked.

I smiled,

"We don't have a lot of choice Darling," I said, "I'm not sure the Church of England or Surrey Police would be too pleased if we turned up at the village church in a Rolls Royce and Mr Barnes and Miss Barnes getting married."

"I'll make it special," he said, "I promise,"

I took his face in my hands and kissed his lips passionately.

"You already have," I sighed.

I've only taken that ring off twice in my life.

We did what we said and met everyone in the small communities; 'Oh Mr and Mrs Barnes, both teachers, such a lovely couple, she's the new head teacher at the school. He teaches at the Grammar in town," I could hear as I dried my hands in the tea shop bathroom, Tim was outside looking in the window of the shop next door waiting for me. I paused, 'Oh yes, lovely couple, you can see how much in love they are, never more than ten feet apart!' I heard the narrator say, and my chest almost bursting with pride I stepped out, thanked them for lunch and we walked home, hand in hand.

That night Tim suggested an early night, and seemed distracted by something; I knew if it was bad he'd tell me simply because we discussed everything. A good night's sleep would sort everything.

He got up at three thirty and I heard him walk downstairs. Hmm, I'll give him half an hour then go find out what his problem was. But at four he was back and presented me with a cup of tea and two slices of toast.

"Tim," I gasped, "it's four in the morning, whatever..."

He smiled at me handing me my toast that I'd put down,

"Yes," he said, "and the taxi will be here in an hour and half, eat your breakfast." He said.


"Taxi." He replied. His beaming grin told me not to worry too much and naked he pulled me through to the furthest guest bedroom and the two suitcases open on the bed.

"Caribbean paradise holiday," he said stroking my back then putting his big strong arms around me to cup my boobs, "14 nights, just check I haven't missed anything."

His packing was fantastic, he'd put in swimwear even going as far to buy more including bikinis' next to this was night wear, shorts, tops, shoes and a couple of long flowing dresses, "we can buy stuff there if I've forgotten anything," he said, and pulled open a drawer and removing our passports and a dark blue envelope that must have contained tickets. Being a school teacher in the South of England meant you had to have a passport that was recent, I'd done coach trips to France once a year for the last ten!

"Delayed honeymoon Darling," he said turning me in his arms to kiss me. It was added to the list of some of the most wonderfully romantic things that he'd done for me.

At Heathrow he took care of everything. This was of course pre-9/11 and flying was so much easier. I walked round the shops and bought myself a pair of Ray-Bans like I'd borrowed for my interview then bought a pair for Tim, classic 'Blues Brothers' black Wayfarers and he looked brilliant in them.

Once sat on the plane and strapped in, I had my next surprise; our destination wasn't the Caribbean it was Hawaii! I'd only ever flown short flights to the Med – Spain, Portugal – and once to Paris on a hen weekend.

"You said the Caribbean!" I chided him, still holding his hand in my excitement.

"Well, we go past the Caribbean," he said, "anyway I was aiming for Caribbean 'style'" he said, "just to make sure you had the right gear packed."

I did; we landed at Oahu airport 15 hours later tired but relaxed to find it was still daytime, eleven hours behind GMT! We took our hotel's bus to our beachfront paradise, and it was just that. Given our floral Lei's at reception we were shown to our oceanfront room loaded with everything we could possibly have wanted.

I had a shower to freshen both my body and mind, and I put on my a peach bikini, grabbed a bottle of factor fifty, and walked out onto a white sandy beach for the first time in my life, and joined Tim laying on a lounger. He was sipping at a long drink with all kinds of fruit and things in it and passed one to me. He sprayed the sun cream all over me and I let him rub it in. Feeling more yummie than I had ever I put on my Ray-bans and walked down to the ocean, feeling fucking brilliant.

The next morning after a great breakfast, he asked me to rub sun cream on his back and I did; he said that my ring was scratching his back and asked me to take it off. He tucked it into the tiny pocket on his shorts, and promised to give it back later in the day. I found out later what he meant.