The Renfield Syndrome Ch. 13


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A glance around the room confirmed David's reaction to the dish wasn't an isolated phenomenon, and the already high pheromone levels in the room spiked. It was as if satisfying one base urge had flipped an invisible switch from "hungry" to "horny", and the chosen weren't shy about public displays of affection. At the table up front David could see Angelique and Lori entwined together, the beautiful woman straddling Lori's lap with their mouths pressed together and felt a bizarre stab of envy. David hadn't been able to get close to Lori since Angelique had first led her away and he had no idea how she was taking all this. David wanted to join her at their table and talk to her but had no idea of the etiquette of such an act, the people there looked occupied to say the least as a fivesome was rapidly breaking out. Lori's eyes were closed, and she moaned as if in ecstasy as Angelique ground on her lap, locked in a deep embrace.

The other people at Angelique's table had finished their entrees and had turned their attention to each other. The brunette in white was lying on the table with her sequined dress hiked up about her waist while her redheaded friend buried her head between her legs. Doyle removed his cock from the brunette's mouth and moved to the redhead, coming up behind her and shoving her dress up above her waist and out of the way. Meanwhile, the one who had been identified as Mayor Greenspan was being orally pleasured by a handsome young man as the blonde woman performed a professional looking striptease. She slid out of her gown with plenty of bump and grind as if competing for the mayor's attention, then straddled his lap pushing the offended looking young man out of her way.

Casting his eyes about the dining room, David saw similar scenes playing out everywhere. He scanned the crowd for familiar faces and found only Lori who Angelique was now enthusiastically feeling up, and Doyle who was naked from the waist down and plowing the redhead from behind. The party had turned sexual fast, and Sandra's hand still rubbing the bulge in the front of David's jeans was more than enough proof of that. He turned to look at her and saw a half-mad glint in her professionally sculpted, almond shaped eyes. Without so much as a word of warning, Sandra leaned forward to kiss him fiercely, her bee stung lips still smeared with blood. David mmphfed in surprise as she forced her tongue into his mouth and tightened her grip on the front of his pants. Though he was unprepared for her sexual aggression, the Beast in him was instantly roused by the presence of a willing woman.

Sensing hesitation, Sandra pulled back and said impatiently, "Come on, David! What's the matter?"

"Um, I'm with someone," David said by way of excuse, trying to ignore the vigorous through-the-pants hand job he was receiving.

"Well, you're with us now," Fabian purred in his ear, leaning close enough that David could feel his breath. His expensive cologne was fresh and masculine without being overbearing, and it was tantalizing to David's acute senses. "You should at least allow us to welcome you to the family properly." He laid a hand on David's leg, and when there was no objection forthcoming, he teasingly stroked the inside of David's thigh.

"I didn't know it was going to be that kind of party," David said. "And we just met."

Sandra snorted in aggravation. "Oh bullshit, David. Come on, let yourself go. I know you feel it just like I do. The hunger is in you just like it is with us. So come on and indulge it. Here, I know how to change your mind." Without waiting for invitation, she unzipped the front of David's pants and pulled them open, settling on her knees before him. His boner sprang free as if eager to be released, and Sandra hesitated not at all in popping it into her mouth and fellating him with gusto.

"Oh my, that's delightful," Fabian said, his hands caressing David's chest. "I could watch you work all day, Sandra darling. Of course, we could turn this into a... competition." He whispered the last word in David's ear, and then extended his tongue to teasingly lick the inside. David shuddered but didn't draw away, and so Fabian did it again, more thoroughly this time.

Meanwhile below his waist, Sandra was bobbing on his knob, her technique a blend of mastered skills and sloppy enthusiasm. She licked his cock like a lollipop, working her mouth from the base to the very tip and then back down the other side, then gave his head a thorough tonguing before taking him between her lips and swallowing him down. David's Beast came roaring to life as Sandra eagerly sucked him off, moaning happily around his cock.

David looked over to the other table again and saw that Angelique had Lori's dress pulled down and was fondling her heavy, dark-nippled breasts as the women swayed together, locked at the mouth. The miasma of smells in here was far too thick for David to catch Lori's scent and discern her mood, but she certainly looked like she was having fun.

"Don't worry about her," Fabian said, his hands going to the waist of David's t-shirt. "Angelique will take good care of her. Let's worry about you, get this ragged thing off." David tensed immediately out of instinct. He hated taking his clothes off in front of other people, and this was a roomful of strangers. But Fabian was insistent, and David allowed him to pull his t-shirt over his head and cast it aside. "There, isn't that better? Isn't it freeing?" Then the gorgeous man stood and unbuttoned his own loose-fitting silk shirt with little more than a downward slide of his hand, slipping it off his shoulders and leaving himself topless. His smooth torso had the chiseled look of someone who spent a lot of time in the gym without being bulky.

With the striptease accomplished he moved closer to David again, leaning in well inside his personal space. His hand caressed David's bare chest, toying with his smattering of chest hair, then finger walked lower across his stomach toward his groin. Sandra was sucking him greedily in long slobbering strokes, taking almost the whole of David's shaft into her throat, and then withdrawing it until only his head remained between her lips with her tongue hard at work, then all the way down to the root again. David's breath grew more rapid as Fabian gripped him about the base of the shaft and added his hand to the mix, pulling and stroking in time with Sandra's bobbing head, freeing her hands to exquisitely tend to David's balls. "Willing to share, Sandra?" Fabian asked her.

"Mmm-hmmm," Sandra enthused, expertly turning the blowjob into a hummer. And so Fabian joined her on his knees, looking into David's eyes as he settled in. Sandra happily made room for him on David's rod, taking him in shallowly between her lips so Fabian could put out his surprisingly long tongue and start to lick his shaft.

David watched half-dazed as Fabian and Sandra made themselves comfortable on either side of him and proceeded to give him the blowjob of his life. They alternately took turns and shared him, simultaneously attacking his cock from all sides. Sandra would swallow him down to the root and languidly withdraw, with Fabian's lips and tongue chasing her all the way up. Then they would repeat the process, switching roles so smoothly that David wondered if they practiced this duo act. Fabian was no less skilled at fellatio than his teammate, and he sucked David's cock with the perfect blend of tenderness and pressure, knowing all the secrets of pleasuring another man. David was putty in their hands, even as it felt like a remarkably deviant act, to be sitting in the middle of a dinner club receiving mind-blowing two-headed head from a couple of strangers.

David looked over to Lori's table again to see that Angelique was still writhing on Lori's lap. The dining room was rapidly devolving into an orgy around them, and the two women were center stage drawing a roomful of jealous eyes. He scanned the crowd of frenzied and passionate chosen and finally spotted Roach toward the rear, standing apart from the others. She stood near the exit watching the proceedings with an unreadable look on her face. Of Lucas, there was no sign.


Lori was no longer sure if this was a dream, a nightmare, or horribly, wonderfully real. Whatever it was that Angelique was putting inside her felt more euphoric than any drug she had ever partaken of, and her rebellious body was responding in a most sexual manner. Angelique had her half undressed already and was teasing her erogenous zones alight while she raped her gullet, and Lori moaned around the intruding organ in her throat. It was a sickeningly pleasurable experience, and her insides felt as if they were turning to jelly as her body sent up a rapid series of small, but potent orgasms in response.

Finally, Angelique took Lori's upturned face in her hands and slowly withdrew her tongue from Lori's throat. It went smoothly and easily, and Lori was struck with an inexplicable sense of loss. She was scarcely aware of any of the other diners as she couldn't tear her eyes away from the beautiful woman on her lap. Angelique's violet eyes encompassed the whole of Lori's vision as she smiled at her. "Well Lori? What do you think now? Are you hungry yet?"

"Yes Mistress," Lori heard herself say. Her own voice seemed to be coming from somewhere outside of her, but she knew this was a true statement. The hunger within her was so sharp it was nearly painful, though Lori couldn't determine what she was the hungriest for. Angelique laughed and reached for a forkful of Lori's neglected steak tartare, scooping it up and proffering it in front of Lori's lips. The scent was divine, and the bloody meat made her drool, and before she realized she was doing it Lori opened her mouth to accept the bite. It was buttery and rich and utter heaven on her tastebuds, and she swallowed the morsel hungrily. Angelique smiled like a proud parent and kissed her on the mouth.

"There is no point in denying yourself, Lori," Angelique said. "Pleasure is there to be taken in all its forms. I have learned this lesson above all others over the centuries. Eternal life would be dreadfully boring without it. And what good is endless life if you're not living it?" She forked up another bite of the tartare and playfully fed it to Lori who accepted it, closing her eyes and chewing slowly to savor it.

"But why me?" Lori asked when she had swallowed the delectable bite, her gazed fixed on Angelique's eyes. On an impulse, she raised one hand and reverently touched the woman's cheek. "You're so beautiful..." she said, not knowing where the words were coming from, but knowing they were true.

"I knew the moment I laid eyes on you that I wanted you for my own, my precious girl," Angelique said, touching Lori's hair affectionately as she looked into her eyes. "You can keep no secrets from me as I can see into your very soul. You are laid bare before me, I never choose wrong. If you need proof of this, you survived the birthing frenzy with your mind intact, and recovered in only a day." She fed Lori another bloody bite from the plate, who accepted it gratefully.

"You didn't... give me... a choice," Lori said in a faraway voice. Her hands moved from Angelique's face to her hair, to her shoulders, and downward in an exploratory fashion, gingerly moving over the woman's generous curves.

"Now you're sounding ungrateful, Lori," Angelique chided, feeding her another bite of the raw meat. "You could not possibly comprehend the gifts I have to give you. I could just as easily have made you prey, rather than making you a predator. And in my world, there is only one or the other."

Lori mmm-ed around the bite, her hands moving over Angelique's fine, feminine form. She couldn't remember the last time she'd seen a woman so ethereally beautiful. Too beautiful to be real, yet no surgeon's scalpel would ever have the audacity to touch her. The bloody meat had only whetted Lori's newfound appetites and she was hungrier than ever, and Angelique herself had completely overtaken Lori's hierarchy of needs. She wanted to eat her, to breathe her, to fuck her, and to spend eternity with her. She opened her mouth to beg for a kiss, and Angelique obliged her before she got a word out. Lori sighed in pleasure, her hands moving to the gorgeous woman's breasts and cupping them, and suddenly realized that between her own legs she was soaking wet.

Angelique's tits were already barely constrained by her slit-to-the-naval gown, and she teased the fabric aside to expose them to Lori's wandering hands. Lori's own dress was already off her shoulders and down to her waist, and Angelique returned Lori's attention ardently, teasing and pinching at her large nipples. She laughed then and presented her own bare boobs, urging Lori to nestle her head between them as the two women groped each other without restraint.

Lori didn't believe in aphrodisiacs but couldn't remember a time she had ever been this horny for either a woman or a man. She wasn't an experienced lesbian by any means, but what she lacked in skill, she made up for with sudden enthusiasm. It was too easy to let herself go and throw herself into the experience of fucking this sublime woman, the new sexual hunger in her too great to be denied. Her curvy body ached to be touched and Angelique was expert as she administered to her erogenous zones.

Angelique finally rose from straddling Lori's lap and stood before her, looking down with an affectionate smile. Her high slit dress was easy to move out of the way and she wore no underwear beneath. Angelique's pussy was as immaculately shaped as the rest of her with a tidy patch of pubic hair, and Lori found herself wanting to bury her face between the woman's legs and worship her that way. As if reading her mind, Angelique lifted one leg and rested it on Lori's chair, displaying her pink lower lips just inches from Lori's mouth. Entwining her hand in Lori's frizzy hair, Angelique pulled her in and Lori went without resistance, kissing her pussy as reverently as statue of the Virgin Mary. Angelique laughed delightedly and tightened her grip on Lori's head, and Lori eagerly opened her mouth and began tonguing her wet slit as Angelique stood imperiously over her.


David was having the night of his life up until Fabian attempted to introduce a finger to his ass. He instinctively clenched and recoiled as he did any time anything approached that orifice. David's history with anal play was traumatic, and ever since he was a young teenager he had a genuine phobia about it. He couldn't even experiment by himself with a finger, even though he had heard of the legendary orgasms that stimulating the prostate could produce. It fed into his bisexual impostor syndrome of being "not gay enough" to be part of the community.

Thankfully, Fabian withdrew his probing digit without comment and didn't press the issue further. He and Sandra graced David with another minute to appreciate their skills and teamwork, and then Fabian stood and held his hands out to David, urging him to stand. Sandra remained on her knees and immediately extracted Fabian's cock from his pants, taking hold of both men as they faced each other. Fabian smiled and put his arms around David's neck, as below the waist Sandra put her mouth and hands to work on both men at once.

"David, you're so tense," Fabian said as down below Sandra hungrily gobbled his meat. He leaned close, his breath hot in David's ear and whispered, "Indulge your hunger. That's why we're here tonight. You need to let go of yourself, David, it's what Angelique wants for us. It's who we are as her chosen." Fabian kissed him then, just as Sandra displayed the impressive feat of fitting two cocks in her mouth at once. David groaned with desire as his spit-lubed shaft rubbed deliciously against Fabian's as Sandras tongue danced around them. He had been thoroughly warmed up and the Beast was demanding more, the hunger within him raging like a wild animal. David surrendered and kissed the handsome Fabian fiercely, his hands wandering over the tall man's muscular chest and chiseled abs. Fabian smiled and returned the favor as Sandra worshipped their cocks from below.

"One of you fuck me," Sandra commanded with a growl in her throat. "Don't make me wait, do it now. I don't care who and you can put it anywhere, just fill my fucking holes!" Her eyes were glinting with carnal desire, practically glowing red in the dim light of the dining club. She stood and tore at her own clothes with enough ferocity that she ripped a seam of her expensive evening wear getting it off. Her hourglass figure looked as surgically enhanced as her face, her huge globular tits having almost no sag at all. Sandra turned around and bent over the table impatiently, presenting her ass and shaved pussy to be invaded as the men chose.

"Go ahead, David," Fabian purred in his ear, the metaphorical devil on his shoulder. "Take what you need and give her what she needs. I'll stay on this end for a while, I have never been able to get enough of Sandra's blowjobs."

"Flatterer," Sandra smirked. With a cock in each hand to direct them, she arranged herself between the two men, presenting her backside to David and devouring Fabian's meat ravenously. David glanced over to Lori's table and saw she was fully engaged in worshipping Angelique's pussy, her face buried in the woman's crotch as she stood imperiously over her. "Hurry the fuck up!" Sandra snarled between slurps of Fabian's rod. "I need cock and I need it now."

Overcome by his hunger, David guided himself to Sandra's eager, soaking wet cunt, sliding in all the way to the hilt on the first go without any tease whatsoever. Sandra howled, "Yes!" and redoubled her efforts sucking Fabian's cock as David took hold of her hips and fucked her from behind, their flesh slapping together under the force of his thrusts.


Lori whimpered when Angelique's lower teeth emerged, but she didn't pull away. She felt them prod at her lips and tongue, some long enough to scrape her cheeks as she devoured Angelique's cunt. The fangs were long and needle sharp, making Angelique's gaping sex look like a vertical maw, and Lori was acutely aware of how close she was to getting her cheeks pierced. But the hunger was alive in her now, and she was more than ready to embrace Angelique's inhumanity to sate it. She tongued the small forest of semi-translucent teeth without hesitation, diving in so fiercely that she felt them stab her flesh.

Then Lori was pushed down to the floor on her back. Angelique wasted no time in taking the female dominant position facing Lori's feet, pinning Lori to the ground with her head trapped between Angelique's legs. She pulled the skirt of Lori's gown up to expose her crotch to the room, forcing her legs apart and opening her mouth with a sigh of great anticipation. Once more, Angelique's alien tongue emerged from between her lips, extending a foot or more with the barbed tip probing at Lori's exposed nether regions. From between Angelique's legs, Lori cried out in pleasure and eagerly presented herself, licking Angelique ferociously with her lips and tongue being pierced bloody as her pussy bit back. Angelique ground down harder and extended her own tongue further until it wormed its way deep into Lori's cunt, completing the circle.

The experience of being fucked by Angelique's snakelike tongue was a singularly unique experience. As it plunged itself into Lori again and again, it seemed to find all the perfect nooks and crannies inside to drive her excitement ever higher. It pulsed against her G-spot as the barbed tip went far deeper, teasing her cervix in a way that was so pleasurable it was painful, or quite possibly the other way around. Lori spread her own legs wider, welcoming Angelique to fuck her ravenously hungry hole as she ardently worshipped her fanged cunt in return. Her body trembled with desire as the first orgasm was pulled from her by Angelique's writhing organ thrusting into her. It pulsed and throbbed, ejaculating deep inside her and filling Lori up with joy and Angelique's dark essence in equal measure.