The Rescuer Bk. 02 Pt. 02


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She kissed me on the lips. A nurse gave me a shot, and I am soon asleep.

Chapter 8 -- HELP!

It's been almost six months now since I got hurt. I am back to full strength, and we are running missions. The last two dozen missions have been easy. No shots fired, no injuries, everyone found quickly. We are all on edge. It's been too easy, too simple, and frankly, boring for a while now. Nobody will talk about it, but we are all thinking that something big and/or dangerous is coming, and that scares us.

Dad has been keeping us on our toes by running exercises against ourselves or Phil's other teams. As a group, we are far better than the other two teams. We had dad as a coach for twenty years and grew up with dogs. You can easily see the difference. I now understand why we were taken sight unseen; they knew dad was going to train us.

Today is another routine mission. A group of new recruits almost done with basic training. They are being taken out near the drug smugglers area. Not quite far enough to guarantee an encounter but close enough. We have done several of these and never saw a thing. Something about this one feels different. I can't put my finger on it, yet I can feel something in the air.

I report in with Phil and tell him my concerns. He feels the same way, now we are all on edge. Intel and satellite photos are double-checked. Everyone is told to bring extra ammo and grenades. We are going in lower and slower, which is safer.

Everyone would rather laugh tomorrow around a beer than not do everything possible today. Word has been passed that we are expecting trouble.


We are three hours in, and we haven't seen a thing. The new recruits are bored, they're not playing it safe anymore. They aren't listening either, that really pisses me off. A short burst of machine-gun fire lays down an arc of lead. Six recruits go down. Bonnie is immediately on them to save as many lives as she can. Their medic was hit. Phil calls in backup, several down, unknown force size.

That was smart. Since we don't know how many we are up against, assume the worst. I run off into the deep forest, Zeus stays near Bonnie. I can move quickly through the woods with my special suit on. It's limited visibility due to the early evening and the light rain. I don't stick out; I am like blowing leaves to the average eye. I run into the edge of the forest and see a hundred tents easily. Oh shit, we stumbled on to their main force. I quickly head back to our group.

I tell Phil, "Retreat! I saw at least a hundred tents. Too many!"

Phil yells out, "Run back to the extraction point, Alpha. Then take up defensive positions. Go!"

I see several bodies being carried. They will be slow. I grab some grenades and stay behind. I see Pam and Paula run by me. I am glad they are safe. As our people stop, I hear more coming, and they are slower. I pull the pins and chuck all the grenades as far as I can. I run as they start going off. That will slow them down some. Zeus is with me, which means Bonnie is safe.

I call out, "Porsche, you safe?" No answer.

I hear Phil scream at me, "Hunter, get back here, we need you."

I giggle, "Aww, Phil. I like you almost as much as my dad. However, I like to fuck Porsche. I must go back for her. If I can, I'll create a diversion."

I hear Phil scream, "Hunter? Hunter? Fuck this shit!"

I run back towards their camp, looking at the dead bodies. No Porsche. At the edge of the clearing, I hear her screaming as four men are walking away with her. She can't break free. I shoot the first one in the back, he goes down. His friends quickly drop Porsche and draw their rifles. Thanks to these new rifles being semi-automatic, each pull of the trigger is a shot. I don't have to load a shell for each shot.

Two, three, and four quickly go down. Number four thought that running in a zigzag would save him. It didn't.

They have a fuel area with barrels of aviation and vehicle fuel. They have a second area with ammunition. I use a shovel to carve out a ditch that allows the fuel from above to flow down to the ordnance. I then open several barrels and start a river of aviation fuel.

We ran to the end of the beach, and I put an incendiary (think flaming bullet, they're used to see where rounds go in the dark) round into a barrel and made a big boom. We weren't far enough away; I was knocked over by the blast radius. Porsche got up laughing her ass off. I grabbed her arm, and we ran for the forest. I am almost invisible, she isn't. We go slow. At one point, several men run right by us.

I have her under my coat so that we were both hidden. After they pass, we head to the front lines, looping around the edge. My problem is that they have the same idea, encircle our group with superior numbers.

I stop and say, "Phil, we have a problem. They are trying to flank and encircle you. I am behind them with Porsche, she is without her gun. Oh fuck, I need to find that gun."

Phil yells again, "Hunter, no! Leave it."

I give Porsche my rifle, and then I am off, back into the forest. I have a pretty good idea of where she was. A few people are running back and forth, nobody notices me. I find the rifle and her pack. As I am heading back, I am behind a group of eight that are carrying two heavy machine guns. They look like MA-deuces. It uses a fifty-caliber shell like my rifle, but it can fire up to 600 shots a minute. They will wipe up our guys easy with those. This is very bad.

I cry out to Phil, "I need help over here. They are setting up two MA-Deuce heavy machine guns. There are eight of them, and I have seven shells. I need you all to kill one for me, or I am a dead man. We are near the center; I will create a commotion.

"I have to start now. I love you all. Tell mom and dad I love them as well."

I start rapid-fire taking them out. Two, three, four. Eject, insert new mag, five, six, seven, and eight (I started at 2). Eight is trying to hide. I run away from him and more towards the open field that has our people on one end and their people on the other end. The eighth guy moves to the open, and he is quickly killed. I run back into the woods.

I ask, "Bonnie?"

Bonnie answers, "Yes?"

I ask, "Bubba?"

No answer.

I hear dad's voice, "I am here with the other two teams and about twenty experienced soldiers. They are surrounding you. We will let them spread thin and then start taking them out. Hunter, find Bubba."

So, yet again, I am running through the forest, and I have a rifle with no ammo. I do have my handgun, my knife, and a few grenades. I sure wish I had remembered the pistol ten minutes ago. Such is combat, you don't always do what you should. Having people that want to kill you can make you stupid.

I find Bubba; he is full of blood. Honestly, I think he is dead. No time to check, need to get him to Bonnie or a medic stat fast. I pick him up, he is silent. I have a tear in my eye, I fear the worst.

I make my way to the front lines, and there is a new group setting up the two heavy machine guns. Fuck me. I toss two grenades at them and kill all the men and the two machine guns I wanted to use. I do salvage some ammo; I now have plenty.

Dad met up with Phil, they are taking out the wounded via helicopter. There are still a lot of bad guys in the area, and we no longer know where they are. Not with certainty. I am behind or to the side of the enemy. I leave Bubba and take out everyone I see until I meet up with my people. I run back, get Bubba, and then run to Bonnie.

She looks at me, ignores Bubba, and helps another soldier.

I implore her, "Please save him!"

Bonnie puts both hands on her hips and looks at me, "Oh right, you were playing hero out there." She punches me in the face. I end up with a black eye. "Dumb ass was shot in the chest. He's fine. It winded him. He thought he was going to die, and he passed out hyperventilating. Let him sleep, I have no pain relievers."

Forty more troops arrive. Soon, forty more show up, and we are sent home. Everyone is exhausted. Bonnie is wrapped up in dad's arms. Pam, Paula, and Porsche are all draped on me. That worked well until they found me dripping with blood. It seems I caught some shrapnel from the explosion we made. I won't move, I am comfortable with my family around me. Phil shakes his head at me.

Phil says to me with sadness in his eyes, "Kid, what am I going to do with you? At least three times, you disobeyed orders."

Porsche is stroking my hair, she is not pleased with Phil, "Sounds like he did the right thing given what we know now. He saved a bunch of lives by his actions."

Dad has a smile on his face, "Phil, we'll talk later, I think I know how to solve your problem." He smiles big, mine is gone.

Pam objects, "You better not ship him to America."

Dad smiles and will say no more.

The hospital is a mess; soldiers are all over the place. Stretches and beds are littering the hallways, there is a line for the ER. Bonnie gives Bubba a pain reliever, strong enough to make him sleep. Since the line for the ER is so long, mom (she just showed up) took me into a patient room. Mom and Bonnie take out the tiny bit of metal and stitch me up. I get meds to stop any infection and some mild pain killers. Mom is not happy with my black eye one bit.

Each of the sisters has a scrape, cut, or in some way are bleeding. Mom and Bonnie are kept busy for a while with just family. Now that we are all safe, mom grabs Bonnie, and they run off to help others.

Dad, Phil, a man I don't know, and the base commander, Domino Vasquez, come in to see me. Everyone else is kicked out. Zeus won't leave. When threatened, he growls. Dad suggests it's OK for the dog to hear us. Porsche is sitting on my bed, and they allow her to stay. I did not expect that at all.

Domino does not look happy at all. He was a US Marine; he is one tough cookie.

Domino looks me over, then uses his loud, deep voice to ask me, "I hear you dis-obeyed orders several times today."

Oh shit, my voice breaks up from fear, "Sir, yes, sir."

Domino is furious now, "Cut the crap kid. Why be formal now, you obviously don't believe in protocol or following orders."

Oh shit, I am in deep trouble. I think it's best not to answer. Was there even a question?

Domino almost screams, "Well, no smart-ass answer? No defense?"

I can say with a reasonably steady voice, "Sir, no, sir."

Domino gets in my face, "Stop the bullshit, this isn't formal, stop saying, sir."

I start saying, "Sir, Ye..." I go silent.

He presses his advantage, "So you can follow an order. What, you pick and choose which orders to follow?"

I smile and explain, "They took my sister. OK, she isn't my sister, but she was raised like she was. Bonnie is my only true sister. Porsche and I are close. I found four guys carrying her back to their tents. She is pretty and amazing; I don't think I need to explain what I thought their plans were. I made the decision that nobody gets left behind."

Domino scoffs at me, "So, you risk your life for a piece of cute tail?"

He is pushing my buttons; my anger is rising. He looks at me differently now.

I continue, "I did blow up their fuel, ammo, four sets of machine gun crews, saved my brother who was behind enemy lines, and saved our rifles from being recovered by the bad guys."

That surprised him, "Your rifles? Don't you use our standard sniper rifle?"

I ask dad, "Are these people cleared to know about our rifles?"

Dad nods his head, yes.

I tell our story, "Dad helped some CIA guys and his wife many years ago. As a present, mom and Penny got the latest sniper rifle technology. Since then, new rifles show up from time to time. When Bonnie and Porsche turned eighteen, each of us was given a semi-automatic .50 caliber sniper rifle. These things are the best rifles I have ever seen, they saved my life several times today. We can't lose them.

So no, I find all kinds of reasons to disobey orders as I see fit based on the data I have and the opportunities that present themselves."

Porsche moves closer to me and rubs my back, that feels awesome.

Domino stands up, looks at Phil, and says, "Approved."

He then looks at me, "Get some sleep soldier; we need you saving the world as soon as you can."

Everyone left but Phil and dad.

Phil says to Porsche, "Can you follow orders?" She nods, yes. "Please gather your family. Bonnie and Kim as soon as they can get free."

It took thirty minutes before Bonnie and mom show up. Dad closes the door. Bubba is in my room, but he is asleep. We don't wait for him.

Phil starts off happier than I expected, "Hunter did some amazing things today. He did some stupid things that endangered his life. I like to think he did them for the right reasons. He made a difference today. A big difference.

"He stopped a rape, distracted the enemy, and stopped the use of a heavy machine gun that would have torn us to pieces. We faced superior numbers and experience. I suspect many of us are here because he didn't follow orders. Yet, the Army can't have everyone doing what they want. We punish people that don't follow orders.

"Therefore, it is with a heavy heart that I am promoting you to the rank of Lieutenant."

The room is silent. What the hell did he just say? No! Not me! I am too young!

My reply is brief and clear as day, "You bastard."

Phil looks hurt, then mad, and then he starts laughing his ass off. Of course, they all catch on and follow suit.

Phil says over everyone, "I looked over the battlefield, and the job you did on those machine guns was exceptional. We'd all be dead if not for you. They would have ripped us apart. You, running wild behind their lines, made a huge difference. I didn't know about Porsche or her rifle. I knew they were special but not THAT special. By the way, the little guy here was CIA. He never said it, but I have seen them before. I would bet anything he was one of them.

"Domino's not often impressed. When the reports started coming in about you, he had to check it out. Everyone that filed a report had nothing but awesome things to say about you. As soon as you heal, you are taking my place, and I finally get to wind down my career. I'm tired of being shot at. I'll miss your family and the dogs the most."

Everyone gives him a hug.

I am sad, so with teary eyes, I ask, "Will you be around to show me the ropes?"

Phil smiles, "I'm giving Domino one year of training you. Some in the field, most back here on base. I am going to recruit your dad again to help with that part. I suspect you will pick up leading easily."

Phil is called out of the room.

Mom, Penny, and Mary all hug me hard and tell me how proud they are. Dad has a tear in his eye. Porsche is crying, I ask her to come in bed and cuddle with me.

Porsche sobs, "They took me. They were going to use my body all day long." Big sob and a blowing of the nose. "Then they were going to kill me if I wasn't fun enough. Otherwise, they were going to sell turns with me."

All laughter and fun left the room. Everyone is shocked by her comments.

I set her mind at ease, "Each of them left this world with a large hole in their torso. No blood, I tore out their hearts with my shots. Zero chance of surviving. You will NEVER see them again."

I look at the others with a solemn look, "I will never leave one of you behind. Never. I went back for Porsche and Bubba. I really thought Bubba was dead. No sign of life and lots of blood. Yet, I brought him back. I know that all of you would do the same. We are family and stronger for it. You all gave me the strength to do what I did today."

Penny smiles, "Face it, you wanted to fuck Porsche tonight."

Porsche holds me tighter.

Mary holds out her arms for her daughter, "Baby, come to me. Let me hold you."

She won't move from my arms, she won't talk. I text a friend.

Everyone is concerned for Porsche now. They try to talk to her, get her to open up. She has shell shock eyes and ignores all but me.

A private, John, the size of a football team knocks lightly on the door and then walks in. Everyone stares at him as he stands in front of Porsche.

He puts his hand out, "Officer Cadet Porsche. You are required to come with me and talk with a friend for an hour or two. I'll protect you on your way there and back. I'll guard the room while you are inside having your private discussion."

Porsche looks at me, as I say lovingly, "Trust me on this, it will help."

Porsche gets up and puts her hand out to John. He knocks it aside and picks her up and holds her in his arms like a sack of groceries.

John blushes, "You're too pretty to walk. John will protect you."

John may sound like a guy with an IQ equal to his shoe size; he is actually a 135 IQ, the smartest man I have ever known, and a great friend of mine.

After John leaves, all eyes are on me.

I look smug, "John's the smartest man I know. He is taking Porsche to a specialist that will help her deal with the trauma she experienced today. He is awesome. She'll be back with a smile on her face. John works in intel and knew all that had happened. When I texted him our issue, he knew what to do."


Three hours later, Porsche is carried back to the room, and she is blushing.

She says to John, "Thank you so much. I can walk, you know."

Now John blushes, "Duh, I like holding you."

I am strict with John, "OK, cut the crap. She's obviously feeling better. You know that's my girlfriend, right?"

John sets her in my bed. Instantly, she is attached to me and kissing me. The room has a collective smile going.

With a chipper voice, Porsche explains, "Julie was amazing. We will have more sessions, but I feel better already. Her first question hit me like a ton of bricks. Julie asks me, Porsche, did you really think Hunter would not move heaven and earth to recover you? That man is in love." Collective awwwww.

"That was the definition of dead men walking. She explained how trauma works, what I will feel, and what will help." She shows me a prescription, signed by a series of incomprehensible squiggles. "Julie has prescribed a week staying within a few feet of Hunter and all the sex I can stand."

Pam is not happy; I call Pam to me. She turns away, embarrassed. John is more than happy to assist by picking her up effortlessly and placing her on my side opposite of my injury. Carefully, Pam hugs me, then collapses on my chest, crying.

While crying, she asks me, "How did you get a black eye?"

I push her away a bit so she can see me, "Bonnie."

Mom screams, "Bonnie?"

I explain, when I got back to the group, finally, "First thing she does is strike me in the face with a haymaker. I never saw it coming."

A nurse behind my family laughs out loud, "You spend an hour running amongst the enemy. You finally save everyone, get back to your family, and your sisters socks you in the face. That's an awesome story."

I give her my unhappy look, and she says, "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone you got beat up by a girl. You need a better story for everyone else, stud."

John announces, "Bonnie, Pam, Paula, I need you to come with me. Julie wants to see you."

Bonnie objects, "Why? We are fine. We survived."

John asks with a smile on his face, "Why does Hunter have a black eye?"

They daisy chain hands, and John pulls them out.

For the ninety minutes, they are with John and Julie, Porsche hugs me hard and falls asleep.


The girls come back in a great mood. John is first, and then each sister comes back, hand in hand still. Wait, there is one more.

I inquire, "Julie?"

She smiles, "Ohoo, he is cute and smart. Interesting. I expected a dumb jock that was too stupid to realize what you did."

I laugh, "Yeah, right. You probably know more about me than I do now. You know exactly the type of guy I am because you read my file before talking to Porsche. You interviewed my family and you asked John about me."