The Rescuer Ch. 03


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And even more especially, how I said them.

"That was when the main floodlights were off. They're all on now. This column is twice as wide as the others for some stupid reason. You could stand naked in that spot, and no one would ever be the wiser. That was just an observation! Not a suggestion mind you! Or a dare! No. Not that side of the bricks. This one."

I finally just had to give up, and move towards the left side of the oddly extended column of rooftop bricks myself, and hold open my right arm for Jenny to snuggle up against me. Which was also probably what she'd really wanted all along.

A not so shy smile on her face proved that my suspicion about that was right.

Soon her body felt warm and wonderful next to mine. But it was true, anyone looking up at this section of the roof? They would've been totally blinded by the three new floodlights on the outward face of the merlon. Not even the makeshift control center, on the second floor of the Exhibit Hall, could see us holding each other now.

Only a few windows, on the sixth and seventh floor of the warehouse, were high enough to not bothered by the newly improved lighting. But by standing very close to the still warm column of bricks? Even the warehouse roof, that would soon to be transformed into the event space garden and coffee shop I had meticulously planned and drawn out, couldn't observe us.

But because the shielding wall was a little thicker in depth than the others, because it used to house working chimneys, the totally secure blind spot was actually very small. Every foot away from the center of the column increased the risks of being seen.

Jenny started to turn sideways, and wasted no time in burrowing up even tighter by my side. She wiggled around a bit first though. After she had made sure that I could feel each one of her already excited nipples, she pressed the deep valley between her breasts against my ribs. Soon I was shaking with the intensity of a full body hug, and the soft cotton of one of her trademark bohemian sundress designs let me feel the dampness between her legs, too.

I'd had to remove the thick protective hooded robe quite some time ago. As soon as the second finale started blasting the sky with it's furnace like heat, I was roasting inside of it. The audience closer to the stage had been much worse off than us. At least until the gas jets running along some matte black pipes strung high above the audience flared to life.

As the enormous pillar of fire whirled around the monster, the finale team set off a carefully calculated pyrotechnic fireball. As the flames raged high above the museum walls, the hidden gas jets above the strings of golden lights were also turned on. The torrent of flames raced over almost all the audiences heads, mimicking what the lightning had been made to do earlier.

Jenny wouldn't put on her own safety robe, so more than once I'd had to shield her body with my own. Even so, I'd been very lucky to keep her from getting hurt. I was soaking underneath my robe by the time the all clear was given, and Jenny wasn't fairing much better.

The flames had been so real and so close to audience and us... that more than a few of the younger women down below wearing nearly exact copies of Jenny's original handmade dress... still looked to be overheated and flushed.

Even from way up here, both of us could see the sweat still rolling down their skin. I had convinced a local clothes designer to make and sell a few of her unique designs, in some rather exclusive high end shops. The income from that project alone, now already paid for almost all of Jenny's day to day household expenses.

"You're right! The view is better here! So many people! Too many people! Far too many people! Fuck! I'd never be able to handle being down there in a crowd that size! Never! Not even for a single moment!"

It was a true enough statement.

I had sort of 'discovered' Jenny a few years ago, living in an off campus student dive. The old four story house had needed proper rescuing for a long, long time. I'd been chasing it for years, and finally had a break, and bought it outright. Sight unseen.

The building I still knew rather well, just not the majority of the college students that had been living inside of it at the time of the sale. All the other tenants had been moved on easy enough during the summer break. But I was totally surprised to find Jenny had been living rent free, off the books, in the huge fifth floor space she had turned into a bedroom studio.

She refused to be budged out of her huge oddly shaped attic.

The top floor apartment hadn't been livable in decades, but Jenny had done all the repair work herself. And also made lots of very sensible improvements, too. Asking around about why she was so frantic to stay, I quickly found out that it would be far better for everyone involved to leave her in place.

At least for a little while.

Luckily the neighbor, who had alerted me the property was about to be secretly listed for sale, finally told me enough to change my plans to keep from doing her any irreparable harm.

Jenny had been trading her charms, rather gleefully and eagerly, for the opportunity to have a quiet and unique place to practice and develop her art. Almost all of my extensive remodel of the entire historic home had been done with only a simple verbal promise to bind our agreement.

She could continue staying in the attic, rent free, just as long as Jenny didn't sleep with any of the out-of-town workers. I'd sent the men to live there, on site, while they restored my cherished new property. It was one of the few places I might be able to afford to keep, if the Trust was deemed successful enough.

The rural families of those boys would have been very unhappy with me, if I allowed them to get corrupted so soon in their lives. As more mature adults, the two single dad's taking time off from their farms to supervise the delicate work, had gotten teased more than enough though.

But Jenny keeping her carnal promise to me, somehow, had led to an expansion of our own relationship in a much different direction.

I'd found out that once she gave her word about something, she wouldn't break it. No matter what. Sure, Jenny might tease me about exposing the mutual secrets we now shared, but her inner nature wouldn't allow her to actually betray a confidence. So far, she had never lied to me, or even gotten close. If you asked her an honest meaningful question, she told you her personal version of the truth.


Even if she hadn't been so lovely to look at and be around... her ample sincerity and overwhelming openness sorely tempted my need for such things... and my other limits always got pushed to the breaking point.

I couldn't help but respond to her teasing.

Every single time.

But her honesty and creative drive were just a few of the limited number of things about Jenny that were mentally and emotionally that strong. Her diverse groups of crippling fears were not imagined, or had become so ingrained in her obsessively sheltered life without good reasons.

From the very start, my old memories of Linda made me intent on truly helping her.

I was determined not only to get Jenny past some of her more crippling phobias, but free her up to explore her interests in varied artistic disciplines. A totally self taught natural, she ended up never even applying to the art school she had moved here to attend.

Whatever traumatically devastating emotional event had finally caused her to leave her old home town, it had almost completely exhausted her supply of courage by the time she had moved into the old run down attic. The crowds and confusion of college had permanently put that opportunity out of reach.

Instead, Jenny had found just being around a few people, who inhabited those kinds of places, to be the real draw and inspiration for her own art.

Her unique approach and insights had caught on like wildfire, at the very first private show I had arranged for her.

Ever since her first review in the local paper had come out... we had been doing a rather predictable and enjoyable dance... but one with no real chance of ever getting too far out of hand sexually.

Jenny liked openly teasing everyone in her small inner circle outrageously, and I liked how she did that just as much. But her private sexual aggressiveness towards me had been growing out of control lately. Things had only gotten worse when she was forced to visit the showings of her traveling collection in Japan, England and New York.

The two first visits away from her new studio had taken a terrible toll on her, which she had deliberately hidden from me.

I'd personally negotiated her contract for the four stops of the tour, making sure that she'd only be forced to have one exclusive meeting, with a carefully selected small group of admirers in each city.

No press conferences. No reporters. No photographers. No personally hosting the opening of each exhibit. We'd always intended for Jenny to have a quiet place where she could lurk, well hidden, and voyeuristicly watch people discover her art. Each in their own way.

Absolutely no contact with anyone she didn't want to see.

One of the Trust's three private jets had taken her directly Tokyo. Jenny had loved Japan, and had actually spent two weeks there. Her original stay had amazingly been extended by a full week, so she could explore the rural countryside of the Northern prefectures. But that wasn't where all the damage had occurred. Immediately after approving her installation, and enduring her one required meeting with the museum donors, Jenny's phobias had kicked in hard.

She ended up spending a total of only three hours in Tokyo itself.

We all had mistakenly thought those extra days spent on or near Miyoko's family estate had healed Jenny of seeing so many people at once. There was no sign of any lasting damage, or odd behavior the instant Jenny had gotten inside of the walled garden outside the place she was going to stay for the rest of the trip.

Her much shorter jet trip to London, a month later, went ok. But again it had been a ruse. Jenny had seemingly handled the short afternoon in the city quite well. But that was just on the surface. She didn't let anyone know how panicked she actually was, on the inside, both during the two airport town car trips and at the museum itself.

Maybe Jenny had been able to deceive everyone because she knew that it would over so quickly, and that her stay at the nearly abandoned old country house was only a short second flight away in the jet.

Some had questioned my decision to send her to the old rundown ruins, but Jenny's sketchbooks had proven them all wrong. They were filled with wonderful studies of the overgrown plants taking control of the old gardens, and unique angles and views of the house and grounds itself. The elderly couple who still lived there rather simply, constantly had to keep an eye on her, and curb back some of her higher acrobatic climbing adventures on the old weatherworn stone work.

We'd actually pre-cleared Jenny five more extra days to enjoy herself there, but her overwhelming personal need to continue to work on the animated creature ended that sketching adventure early.

The New York leg had been a total disaster though, from start to finish. The last few seconds of the flight in over the city had upset her, far beyond all of her friend's worst fears. By phone, I had to immediately delay and change the sponsors meet and greet location. The more intimate setting of our family's old penthouse suites, was the best I could manage from afar on such short notice.

Even with the two days I had allowed for it, Jenny never fully recovered after the drive from the private airport into the heart of the city. Her panic attacks had begun on the plane, and had only gotten worse on the limo ride to our family's old digs. She never even got to properly see how her art had been arranged, in the small museum my family had so much history with. Just pictures and a short video of a walk thru, on a laptop, a few hours before the event doors got opened up.

Luckily, once we had learned of her troubles flying over the city, Emma had been able to immediately break away from her work here in town and at the farm. She took a second jet to go stay with Jenny, in the family penthouse. The meet and greet with the donors had mainly been Emma showing off the never before seen family stronghold to the snooty guests, with Jenny keeping in actual shadows as much as possible.

The unexpected access to my family's oldest collections had more than satisfied the critics we had to placate at all costs.

How Em had gotten Jenny to stay beyond the third day, and then another full week away from her new art studio? I'd had no idea. Nor deep down, did I really want to know.

But I knew.

Having those two women spend any real length of time together was a real mistake... whose long term effects might not make themselves fully known... until the complications might even ruin everything the Trust had spent over a decade trying to accomplish.

I felt a soft cheek rub into the skin of my neck, and a deep and very contented sigh, made me keenly aware of the trouble to come a bit later tonight.

Although she couldn't bear to be physically near the people her troubled mind considered to be strangers, once settled in to a hiding spot, Jenny liked to watch people almost as much as I did.

Together from the safety of the roof top, we observed the confused crowds down below finish sorting themselves back out. The student musician finally got a group of his university mates together, and had begun playing a very intriguing mix of science fiction theme songs from movies and TV shows. He had obviously spent a lot of time rearranging the tunes to be performed by a small collection of classical musicians, and his wonderful adaptations were filled with more than a little bit of camp and irony.

The staggering amounts of food had actually gotten all completely organized rather quickly, and the rest of the main audience was now going back and forth from each of the charity auction locations. As more and more people left, out of the only door left open to the back street, soon I would be able to use the crowds surrounding the museum block as cover to go back to work.

I was just off my extra shift for a few hours, and really shouldn't have come here tonight all.

But my own dreams, worries and premonitions hadn't left me alone. Not until I had found a way to take off for an early, and for much longer 'lunch' than I had ever been known to take.

Jenny startled me by standing up on her tip toes and whispering in my ear.

"You're doing it again! How in the hell do you always know exactly where I am hurting the most? That feels so damn good!"

I winced, because I hadn't even realized that I had started working on Jenny's lithe body. Massaging her skin and muscles, thru the thin soft cotton, was second nature to me by now with her. But I actually had two people in my life these days whose bodies I was far too familiar with.

Yet I was still forbidden from properly enjoying either one of them.

Except for the size of their breasts, in general terms Keeley and Jenny had almost the same body type, but that wasn't why I had started helping either of them.

I just couldn't be that close to any woman in that much pain... no matter how well they tried to hide it... without giving in to my inner nature and doing something to ease their suffering.

The soft purring of Jenny's wonderfully expressive voice hit me hard, elsewhere, as I finally realized just how intimately I was rubbing her. My hands had travelled much lower down the small of her back than was wise, but it was where I could somehow tell she had deeply bruised herself today.

In fact, after a moment's more of conscious concentration, I knew that her entire body was covered in much shallower injuries. Working with such heavy and unwieldy segments of the monster's arms, for so many days in a row? It was like constructing a torture cabinet from the inside.

Not wanting to, or even able to explain myself, I just gave up and did what we both knew I really needed to do.

Jenny moaned loudly in anticipation, as I turned to face her, and bent my knees slightly. Avoiding the worst of the bruises wasn't easy, but I was eventually able to encircle her entire back with both of my arms.

I splayed all of my fingers out wide along her spine, and hugged her tight, even as I very slowly straightened out my legs.

By carefully pressing the palms of my hands deeper against the bare skin of her back, a slow series of pops announced the sudden end to the worst of her discomfort. I kept slowly raising her up, letting gravity do most of the work, until her toes just dangled in the air.

Jenny shuddered helplessly like a marionette... until she was almost purring in my ear... and every single inch of her body trembled in intensely welcomed relief.

And as always when I did this for her... unfortunately... something else.

When her ankles tangled themselves up against the backs of my calves, Jenny ground herself even harder against my hips. Her thin dress made it clear to me again that she wasn't wearing either panties or a bra. The thick nipples that she loved to show off to her friends thru her dresses, and rarely bothered properly covering up during my visits to her new studio, swelled even harder as they pressed deep into my own skin.

I slightly shifted my fingers away from her spine, and let my left hand go down to the small of her back again. My right hand went higher, until I could directly pull the center of her shoulder blades even tighter to my chest.

More pops and sighs followed, as I felt her entire body suddenly go limp in my worried grasp.

The continued tremblings were undeniably sexual in nature, and her intense pleasure broke thru some of my own frustrated control. My cock leapt up to almost it's full hardness, rather too quickly, giving Jenny an even better target to rub her clit against. I'd just had on dress pants and a thin black knit shirt underneath the safety robe, giving her more access to my body than usual.

At times, Jenny could come with the slightest of provocations.

I'd never met anyone like her in that respect. When Jenny felt safe and wanted, her extremely intense sexual side was always very close to the surface. That made her uniquely in touch with all of her thoughts and emotions, and it showed up brilliantly in all of her art.

But that very gift made her extremely vulnerable to manipulation by the wrong sort of people.

Getting Jenny out of the old historic home and into her own place, with the right neighbors on the floors below, had been my main goal ever since I had found her in the old attic.

The soft feminine purring and murmuring in my ears had no actual words attached to them... just expressions of pure need and intense emotions... and absolutely no sense of shame because there just wasn't any understanding of that curse inside of her.

Most people would be too judgemental about such things, without ever pausing to realize the real truth about it.

Jenny didn't even have the concept that sharing her own body... at least with those she wanted to feel close to... could even be a thing to feel guilty about.

The Artist didn't even think of sex as Sex. For Jenny, her craving for pleasure and intimacy was just as natural, and unavoidable, as the need to breathe, eat, drink, sleep, enjoy and create. Life was all one package for Jenny, and not something that should ever be broken up, separated, categorized, forbidden or become a source of shame.

Not able to or wanting to do anything else, I held on to Jenny even tighter, letting her relax much further than she had in weeks. Soon she wasn't even trying to physically hold on to my shoulders. Her ankles wrapped around my legs more fiercely, as she began grinding her entire pussy around on my clothed shaft.
