The Return Ch. 02


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"That Gail is still one of a kind…I feel sorry for the boys."

"…and girls." said Molly with a sly grin.

I arched my eyebrow in response.

"Anyway stupid question but how have you been Molly?"

"Oh I've had better days, months and years I guess…"

"Sounds like Liam really did a number on you. I really can't believe it"

"Oh Rob I wish I could say I couldn't see this coming but I could. He was never settled or completely happy with me. Let's just say the final straw came when I found him in the arms of my closest friend in Sydney. He didn't even bother saying anything except to ask me if I wanted the flat or could he keep renting it. I packed my things and came back here that week.

I feel like I wasted ten good years with that louse but I believe what goes around comes around. Anyway enough of that how are you?"

"Well it's a long story, maybe we can go for a walk after breakfast and I can tell you about it."

"Sounds great Rob…race you to the kitchen." she laughed

It was no contest these days, she won hands down. Breakfast was fun and everybody was telling stories and catching up. It was like the old days and I really felt like this was my home. I loved the Milne family and the surprising thing for me was they loved me too. To be perfectly honest I already missed working with Tom, he was a great boss and like a father to me.


It was a beautiful day as we walked through the leafy suburb of Bruce. Molly had taken my hand in hers as we slowly walked (or casually limped in my case). Molly and I always had a certain chemistry growing up and I think Liam had sensed it, although he never said anything to me. I had always had very strong feelings for Molly but never pursued it due to Liam. She was gorgeous but more than that as I loved her sense of humour and serious side. To me she was the complete package but at this point I wasn't going to do anything as we both needed time to sort ourselves out.

"It's so good to see you Molly. I've missed you."

"I've missed you too Rob but I'm glad you've come home."

"Yes…I don't know what I would have done without you guys especially Tom investing a good portion of his personal and working life in me. I was so darn lucky and I just pissed it all away."

"Don't reflect too much on past mistakes Rob they will eat you alive….believe me. The main thing is you are back and surrounded by people who love you. You are a very special person Rob remember that."

"I've always believed you Molly but I better tell you what's going on. Come on let's sit down at that picnic table."

We walked to the table and sat down to talk. I told Molly everything about the pain of my childhood, my guilt, my murky parentage, death, violence, the drinking, womanising, risk taking and the clarity and resolve to get help. Finally I talked about the manipulation by my ex-girlfriend and Mother regarding the cancer scare. By the end of my story I was visably shaking and was worried what Molly must think of me. So I looked up and saw Molly in tears.

"Damn…I knew this was too much….look at me…..I'm a disgrace. How you must hate me!"

"No Robby, I'm proud of you. I have always had strong feelings for you Rob but you were like this guy on the fast track to success and felt I would just be a footnote in your life. You have shown today that you are human but man enough to admit your failings and do something about it. I love you for it Rob."

Now it was my turn to be surprised as Molly got up and walked around to my side of the table. She took my face into both her hands and planted the sweetest and gentlest kiss I had ever experienced in my life. Oh boy was I in trouble, my mind and body was responding.

"C'mon Rob let's go home and I'll work on that knee of yours."

I had nearly forgotten that Molly was a licenced Physiotherapist and Osteopath. I sure had lucked out that day, maybe things were changing.


I have always hated waiting rooms although this one was bright and pleasant. The receptionist was a young, friendly girl of about 22 and I felt as comfortable as I ever would in a doctor's office. I looked around the room and saw various sporting memorabilia; it was obvious this woman worked with many athletes.

The door to the office opened and I saw a smartly dressed woman of about fifty standing in the doorway.

"Mr Green please come on through."

I got up and walked into the office, my leg was good today thanks to the free treatment I was receiving from Molly. I found a seat and sat down.

"Mr Green this morning's appointment will be mainly a day of getting background on you and I'll have you complete a series of tests. Please let me know if you need anything like water or coffee okay."

"Thanks Dr. Crane I will."

"Please call me Anna."

True to her word the next few hours was spent discussing my background and doing a series of written tests. I was exhausted by the end of it.

"So what do you think doc, I'm a lost cause."

"No I don't think that at all Rob; in fact I think you downplay your coping skills. Your story in many aspects is the worst I've ever heard. I can't imagine what you have had to do to mentally survive. My early prognosis is that you have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder coupled with severe depression.

You have lost a lot including your sporting career, your father, your childhood friends, coupled by the burden of guilt due to taking someone's life in self defence, surviving horrible injuries and to top it off you were then were then told the truth of your parentage. No you aren't a lost cause by a long shot.

You have a great support network for starters with people that love you. You had a shower and dressed yourself this morning so you obviously care about yourself and your appearance. I want you to see Dr. Allen; he is a very good GP for a full medical. I will get my secretary to set it up along with our next appointment on Friday."

Anna Crane was as good as her word. Before I left I had an appointment with Dr. Allen 3pm on Wednesday and the appointment with her was for 10am on Friday. I left feeling a lot lighter and now knew my recovery would soon begin.


Dinner was very enjoyable again that night although less crazy due to Gail being on campus at university. We all talked about our day and I then went through some tapes with Tom on some potential signings the Raiders were looking at. It felt like old times and I could tell Tom felt relieved as my advice on the players in question was similar to his thoughts.

Tom and Betty went to bed early as they both had a big day tomorrow. Tom had to go to Goulburn for a meeting and Betty had a presentation to give for new recruits at the bank she worked at.

That left Molly and me. We decided to watch a movie together as I had caught Molly up on the doctor's visit and she could sleep in tomorrow as she presently only worked part time as a physiotherapist on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays for a practice in Bruce.

Molly selected a comedy. I knew it would be an Adam Sandler movie as she absolutely loved his movies. She called it 'mindless escapism'. Sure enough she put on Mr Deeds. I had seen the movie several times before so I just sat back and relaxed. Molly snuggled up to me and the movie ended all too quickly.

As the credits were rolling, we both looked into each other's eyes. I knew I was falling hard for Molly but I had to take it slow if I wanted any sort of future with her. The kiss was just as sweet as I had remembered and my desire for her was overwhelming.

I had never felt this way about a woman and the kissing was starting to get more frantic and we were soon clawing at each other. Finally my brain kicked in and I stopped kissing her.

"Molly we have to stop."


"Because I really care for you and I hope this doesn't sound bizarre or freakish but I can see a future with you and I don't want to blow it. I need to get my issues sorted out first so I can give us every chance.....that is if you see a future with me?"

"Oh you sweet man....of course I do. I meant every word I said yesterday. I love you Robby and I will help you anyway I can."

I gave Molly a tender kiss and whispered in her ear "I love you too Molly."


Dr. Allen was a humorous man in his forties who liked to smile. He reminded me of Will Ferrell he had that same lanky frame coupled with a devilish wit. He made me do all the usual things expected for a medical review. He already had a preliminary report from Anna Crane so he knew my background. Dr. Allen left me to get dressed and I then returned to his office.

"Well everything seems to be in order Rob. You have excellent general health apart from your knee problem. I would advise you to continue to getting treatment on the knee and it's good to see you like to swim and workout.

Dr. Crane has given me your report, we are both in agreement to start you on 50mg of Zoloft, and I have the script written. I want you to give up alcohol and obviously continue with your counselling. I would recommend getting into a routine, as you need structure. Do you have any questions?"

"No doc quite frankly that seems fair and reasonable."

I left Dr. Allen's office with a few firm decisions already in my mind. The first thing I did was drop by the local gym and sign up for a six month membership. The gym had everything required including a large pool. I then headed home.

Arriving home I found a package on the front doorstep addressed to me. Sure enough it was the paperwork from Paul's lawyer. I read through the papers and everything seemed in order so I signed the papers and called the lawyer as instructed.

I actually knew the lawyer as he had done work for my Dad years ago. Seymour Chandler was a good and fair man I trusted him completely. I reached his office and was put through.

"Rob my boy. How are you?"

"Good Seymour. Just wanted to let you know the paperwork is signed."

"Excellent. I will send a courier to you and he will be there in the next hour to collect the documents. Just to let you know I will send the cheques out tomorrow so you are now essentially debt free. I presume you already know there is funds in your bank account from Paul at the moment but your weekly wage will commence as of now. It will be in your account each Thursday. Let me know if you need anything else."

"Thanks Seymour."

Things were definitely looking up on all fronts; I just hoped my luck would continue. With that thought I went to find Molly.


I bailed up Tom that night I was hoping he would agree to my proposal. We had just finished dinner and the ladies were cleaning up so we adjourned to his study.

"Tom, I spoke with Dr. Allen today and he has told me I need routine and I'm hoping I can ask your help with that."

"Of course Rob what do you need?"

"I know a major part of your time is taken up with the video reviews and stat analysis of upcoming players and potential recruits. What I am offering to do is to review the tapes and prepare the reports for you including putting together proper highlight packages. I don't want reimbursement but it will give me structure doing something I love."

"That's an unbelievable offer Rob. I would be a fool to refuse as this will free me up to do proper scouting. I'll drop some tapes off in the morning and you can begin."

"Thanks Tom that's such a relief. I also want to pay rent and there is something else I need to speak with you about."

"Ahh...I was waiting for this, it's about Molly isn't it."

"Damn Tom you could always read me like a book. Yes...I mean I really love your daughter but my intensions are honourable and I promise to take it slow and not hurt her."

"Look Rob, Betty and I couldn't be happier. We had always hoped this might happen, never liked that Liam. You have our blessing and support. Just give her time and I am glad you are going to take it slow. C'mon let's go see what the girls have for dessert"


So began my routine I would go to the gym every morning and then work on player reports for the rest of the day. Twice a week I would meet with Dr. Crane and I started making real progress into my problems.

I kept in close contact with Paul and Denise mainly on the business elements but also some occasional gossip. The Beasley's were angry about my abrupt departure and unfortunately Paul was hassled every week about my whereabouts.

Molly and I were also starting to get closer and we often went out for dinner and to the movies. I felt like a teenager again in many ways. We would often have heavy make out sessions but stop before it went too far. That all changed one night about three months since my return to Canberra.

It was a Saturday night and we had gone out for dinner and took a romantic walk around the city. We then headed home as it was getting late. I knew thing were different that night, I could see the look in Molly's eyes so I wasn't surprised when she followed me into the pool house and then into my bedroom.

We slowly and lovingly undressed each other. Molly had a beautiful body and was perfectly proportioned in every way. I gently placed her on top of the bed and kissed her lips. I could feel myself stirring with my erection digging into her leg. I eased my way down her body planting kisses until I found her centre. My tongue found the warm tight place and I slowly brought her to the orgasm she required.

"I need you in me now Rob." she panted.

I could read the desire in her face and no doubt she could see mine. I entered her and suddenly found the world had stopped, time had ceased. I knew this was the woman for me. I couldn't believe how tight and wet Molly was and our pace slowly increased. We both groaned in delight as we came together.

"Wow. You're incredible Molly."

"So are you Mr Green...God why did we wait so long. I'm not letting you go now mister."

"Darling they'll need a crowbar to separate me from you."

"Speaking of crowbars Robby...."

We made love three times that night and then fell asleep in each other's arms and that's how Gail found us later that morning.

"About time you two."

"What the hell...don't you ever knock Gail."

" two better get up because breakfast is ready. Looking good you two by the way." she said running off giggling.

We both smiled at each other, grabbed our clothes and went to breakfast. It was a very happy household and our relationship was sealed.


"I think you need to confront your Mother and lay all these issues to rest" Anna said.

"I don't know Anna, what would that achieve?"

"Clarity, peace…at the moment you are letting her have control of your life. I believe you need to let go of this pain. I am not saying a reconciliation but I'm just saying this may be a tool to let your pain dissolve away."

"I'll think about it but it would have to be on my terms."

"I agree but don't dismiss this idea, just think about it. You seem to be doing so much better and you have made amazing progress. This new relationship with Molly is healthy and I really believe you are ready to reenter the world and make some long term decisions."

"I do too Anna infact I am going to ask Molly to marry me. It may seem fast after 5 months but then again we've known each other for years as friends."

"Wow that's incredible news. I wish you all the happiness in the world as you deserve some. Our time is up but I'll see you in a couple of weeks for our final session."

"Thanks Anna, I'm looking forward to it."


I was nervous but I had talked to Tom and Betty and they had given me their blessing. It was just a matter of timing and everything had gone to plan. We had a beautiful dinner at an exclusive seafood restaurant, followed by dancing at her favourite club. We were now having a romantic walk around the lake and I was approaching the exact spot I wanted to propose. It was under a willow tree where we had picnicked many times.

I stopped and gave Molly a kiss. She kissed me back.

"Wow what's got into you tiger?"

"Molly you know I love you right."

"Of course Robby and I love you."

I then got down on one knee and reached into my pocket.

"Oh my God…" said Molly tearing up.

"Molly would you do me the honour of being my wife?" I said as I held out the open ring box.

"Yes, Yes, Yes….YES."

I was dragged to my feet and Molly smothered me with kisses. I then delicately placed the engagement ring on her finger.

We got home just after 1am and Molly woke the whole house. Tom and Betty were beaming whilst Molly and Gail were jumping up and down screaming and yelling. I was then smothered in kisses from all the Milne ladies and got a hearty handshake from Tom.

In the early hours of the morning we finally made it to bed where I was ravished by my beautiful new fiancée. Life couldn't get any better.

To be Continued...

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JbRobertssonJbRobertssonabout 5 years ago
Great story...

Interesting plot, great characterizations, flows smooth. Well done. 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
Another great chapter

You really are becoming a fine storyteller; your tales flow and your characters and plot hold my interest and leave me anxiously waiting for more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
Loving this..

the previous comment before was the one that made me actually go to the first chapter of this story and read it from the beginning. (saw it in the feedback portal section- thanks ;) This is such a great story. Will definitely be looking forward to the next part. Totally amazing so far.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
Building Nicely - KUDO's Author

Very Nice work Author.<P>

More should be reading your tale.<P>

With High Regard

lancewmlancewmabout 15 years ago
Chapter 2 is really moving

Picking up steam. This is good story, getting better.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
very interesting!

like the protagonist's character. he is not perfect, but he is also not a martyr. like the story so far. waiting for the next chapter.

bruce22bruce22about 15 years ago
Nice Development

The audience is smaller in Novels and Novellas but you do not have many negative criticisms either. I admit that I only started reading this one because I liked your first story.

This one is coming along quite nicely. It seems to me to be fast paced for a novel.

KOTKKOTKabout 15 years ago davidpaul....

you are back with a BANG. Your stories are quite interesting & important thing about your stories is that everyday new chapter arrives. This chapter was good & the story is getting much better.

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 15 years ago
Much better than the 1st chapter

None of the huge gaping Plot holes of the 1st one.

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