The Ride Home from the Game

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Siblings discover something that beats Friends with Benefits.
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Author's note: All characters are 18 or over. This is a quickie story with a little buildup. I tried to proofread it. Let me know if you find mistakes. Also let me know what you think of it in the comments.


Nate stumbled a little as he and his sister Emmaline climbed into the bus. When Emma asked the driver if the bus was indeed going to stop in Fancy Gap, the uniformed man just rolled his eyes and glanced up to the list of stops on the laminated sign taped on the pole two feet in front of her face. The bus driver had been driving this route for twenty years. These white college kids could be clueless when they interact in the real world. He looked at the couple to judge how wasted they were. The woman had painted her face with UNC Tar Heel colors which were somewhat smeared after so many hours partying before, during and after the game. The man was wearing a Duke Blue Devils shirt.

"How was the game?" He asked.

"Duke dominated!" declared Nate with some exhilaration. Now it was Emma's turn to roll her eyes.

"By four points, idiot. Hardly what you'd call 'Domination'."

The driver, satisfied that they weren't so drunk that they were going to be belligerent or vomit in his bus, smiled and warned them that the bus might be late pulling into Fancy Gap because of the storm. Emma nodded and the siblings headed to the back of the bus. They didn't have notify anybody if they were going to be late; The parents were out of town. They'd walked to the bus station this morning, and it didn't matter how late they got home.

The bus was nearly empty, which was unusual after an important game like today's, but the stadium was actually one-third empty because of the weather forecast. Only the die-hards wanted to be out and about today. They plopped them selves down on the back row of the bus. Nate had that twinge of being watched and he glanced up to see the drivers large white eyes in the mirror.

Emma also noticed, then looked at the backpack and half-whispered to Nate to be cool because she didn't want to get kicked off the bus.

Nate looked at her and grinned.

'What are you talking about, Em? You're allowed to have a Diet Coke on the bus, ya know.'

"He's not stupid. I'm just saying be careful. Best behavior."

Why is she always such a rule-follower? He thought.

"Hey Em, your face is all over your shoulder."

"Oh shit, it's coming off!", she said as she pulled her head back to look at her left shoulder.

Nate opened his backpack and down beneath all the full plastic bottles of cola were some mashed-up fast food napkins. He handed Emma several of them and a Diet Coke.

"Put that away!" She hissed. Both of them pointedly did not look up to see if the driver was still watching them.

"Dry napkins won't do anything but smear it around. Diet Coke will take the rust off a nail. I'm sure it will work great on face paint."

"And the vodka will make it work even better!" Ha added with a big smile.

"Would you just shut the fuck up!" She grabbed the napkins and bottle from him.

As she began to remove the makeup, Nate watched her with side eye. She looked to be the stereotypical college girl from a nineties movie. Blond hair, blue eyes, pouty lips. She was not super althletic, but just a little curvy in the right places. He knew she wasn't a natural blond. He wondered if the carpet matched the drapes, or maybe there is no carpet at all.

"Stop farding," he said.


"Stop farding!" he repeated more loudly.

"I'm not farting. What the fuck are you talking about?" She was getting annoyed now.

"You shouldn't fard on the bus. There are other people here, and it is an enclosed space."

She stopped and just stared at him.

"Farding is a verb. It means to apply cosmetics," said Nate as he took a gulp of his own Diet Coke.

"You'd know that if you went to Duke instead of a party school."

Emma shook her head at him in disbelief.

"I'm not 'applying' makeup. And you are such a fucking dick. And a skinny immature gangly-assed troll. I can't believe I went to the game with you."

"Aw, you're just made because UNC sucks ass, and the Blue Devils are awesome!"

That was it. Emma threw the dirty napkins and the Diet Coke at him. The bus came to a stop. Both siblings looked up to see the driver's eyes on them again.

Both knelt down to pick up the napkins and the bottle of coke rolling around on the floor.

They made a show of putting the dirty napkins in Nates backpack. The light turned green, and the bus began to move again.

Emma's face was red with anger and embarrassment.

Nate decided to stop teasing her.

"I'm sorry, Em. I'm just all happy that my team won and couldn't resist teasing you a little. I'll be good."

She said nothing and looked out the window at the snow falling. It was coming down hard now. She looked out the front window of the bus an wondered how the driver could see anything.

Nate looked at her in earnest now. He hoped he hadn't really pissed her off. It was her idea for them to go to the game together, and they had had a lot of fun so far.

"Thanks for going to the game with me," he said.

"It was a lot of fun."

Emmaline just gave him some momentary side-eye and got out her phone.

Nate took the hint and pulled his own phone out of his pocket and put his ear buds in.

For the next hour, neither sibling interacted.

"So, about Frank...," said Nate out of the blue.

Emma opened her eyes and looked blankly at him.

"You know, the guy who came out of your dorm room when I knocked this morning."

"He's just a friend"

"A friend who makes your face red and mussed up your hair."

"Yes, a friend"

"A friend who makes your dorm room smell like..."

"Shut the fuck up!"

There was an awkward silence.

"A friend with benefits, that's all."

"Ahh, ok" said Nate. "No big deal. I was just asking."

The snowstorm worsened as darkness descended. Nate got out another Diet Coke and gave another to his sister, who had finished off the farding remover many miles ago. There was no danger of catching the attention of the bus driver now. The treacherous road demanded all his attention.

The bus was barely moving. It was going to be hours before they got home.

Nate was drunk and very bored. He eyed his sister. Surreptitiously he shifted in his seat to face her a little more and turned his phone screen so there was no way she could see his screen.

Emma noticed his movements, because Emma was the kind of woman who noticed everything. But she didn't say anything. She was still a little irritated with her brother.

The bus went over a large bump. Emma lunged for his phone and snatched it away, pulling the earphones from his ears.

Nate jumped up but slipped on a wet napkin with UNC Tar Heel face paint on it. He went down.

She hunched over and managed to put the right ear piece in her ear.

"Hah! I knew it! You were watching Porn!"

Triumphantly, Emma watched a few more seconds of the video.

"Incest porn?! Really, Nate? On the bus?!!!"

Nate had regained his footing and was trying to wrestle his phone back from her. She held it tightly to her chest with both hands. Then she noticed that the girl in the video was a blond with a college t-shirt laying on a couch while her step-brother buried his face in her pussy. The girl looked a lot like Emma.

Emmaline was stunned and stopped trying to keep Nate's phone from him. At the same time she felt something odd press into the side of her leg for a moment. She looked down and saw that Nate was tenting his jeans.

Nate was back in his looking straight ahead. The phone and earpieces were shoved in his backpack. Nate's face was a brilliant shade of red.

"You've got a boner, brother," she said with glee.

"A big fat boner. On the bus. With your sister."

She laughed at his embarrassment, feeling the exhileration of triumph.

"Let me get a picture" Emma held up her phone.

Nate pulled his backpack onto his lap. Emma took the picture anyway, still laughing.

"I'm going to post this with the title 'Nate hiding his boner on the bus with his backpack.'"

Nate looked over at his sister.

"You would never do that, because you are a good person."

Emma's mirth turned into a genuine smile.

"What a nice thing to say, Nate". She saw his gaze drop down to her cleavage, which she suddenly realized was more ample than before as two buttons had come undone in the struggle. But she didn't feel the need to instantly remedy the situation.

"You can put the backpack down, though. I'm sure it is gone by now." She pushed her chest out ever so slightly.

Nate said nothing and went back to staring out towards the front of the bus.

Emma reached over and tried to snatch the pack away.

"Cut it out!", said Nate.

"Let me see!"

"No! Leave me alone!"

She pulled harder.

"Fine!" He let go.

She let the pack drop to the floor, and she gazed at her brother's crotch. He didn't even try to cover the obvious stiffy trying to poke through the fabric of his khaki pants.

Then she saw the little dark spot in the center. She suddenly felt a little weak inside. Her brother was sexually attracted to her.

She looked up at his face.

"You are hot for ME?"

He nodded very slightly. The shock of the revelation was sinking in. Sinking in deep, washing over her breasts and pooling in between her legs.

"You left your headlights on yourself, you know."


Nate's gaze traveled back down to her breasts, which featured two nipples standing at attention and making their presence known through both the bra and the cotton blouse.

Emma reflexively raised her arms to cover herself.

"You are so fucking weird."

"It isn't fucking weird to be attracted to a beautiful woman"

"It is if she's your sister." He just called me 'beautiful'... Emmaline beamed inside.

"Well, I guess it is weird but you were never supposed to find out. People think about all kinds of weird stuff all the time."

"I don't", said Emma.


Emma pursed her lips and said nothing. She'd looked at father daughter incest porn before. She even seen some brother sister stuff.

"Do you actually want to fuck me?" Asked Emma, watching his face carefully.

"I wouldn't be dead set against some siblings with benefits action. I don't want to marry you and have babies. But face it, you are gorgeous and fun to be around. What guy wouldn't want to climb in the sack with you."

"I'm not gorgeous. I'm a 6.5 at best."

"You are 8.5 on a bad day. To get to 6.5 you'd have to be wearing a man's full length winter jacket, hung over, and have your hair matted with vomit."

"Shut up" she said. She secretly loved the complement.

They rode in silence for a minute or so, looking at each other. Nate's hard on was struggling on with no sign of diminshing. Emma's nipples remained just as resolute, and she felt a tingle in her pussy.

She finished her 2nd Diet Coke and burped.

"Let's see if there is anything to this."

"To what?" Said Nate.

"To a possible siblings with benefits kind of thing."

Nate said nothing. He moved closer, put his hand on the side of her face an brought her gently into a kiss. Not a brotherly kiss, but gentle lover's kiss. Emma tightened up and didn't return it first, but relented and gave herself over to a wave of passion that engulfed her. Nate brought up his other hand and caressed her. When the kiss ended he kissed her neck and whispered in her ear.

"I really do love you, Em. With all my heart."

Emma was overcome with desire and shock at the same time. She hadn't expected to feel anything. This was something so much more than fooling around with Frank. She leaned towards Nate and encircled his neck with her arms and attacked his mouth with lustful abandon. Her tongue parted his lips and met his. She felt her pussy throb with anticipation as her brother snuck a hand up to squeeze her breast. She knew she was going to let him fuck her tonight. She couldn't wait to get home. She felt like she wanted to fuck him right now in the bus, or maybe in the bus station somewhere.

The bus came to a stop. They looked out the window. They were at the Mt. Airy bus stop. There was still another twenty minute drive before arriving in Fancy Gap.

The bus driver picked up the microphone. This is the end of the line tonight. Route 52 is closed by police, and there is a state of emergency. There's a motel next to the bus station. Anybody needing a place to stay should try to get a room for the night.

As they stepped off the bus, the driver called out to them.

"Y'all have a good night tonight!"

Nate and Emma waved goodnight to the smiling driver as the snow poured down on them and around them. He couldn't know they were brother and sister.

The two siblings didn't even discuss getting separate rooms. Emma didn't know what to expect as she opened the door, and felt for the light switch. She felt Nate's hand close over hers, preventing the lights from going on as the door clicked shut. Then he was kissing her neck with her back against the wall. There was enough diffuse light from the window that Nate could take in her beautiful features as he made his way all over her face and neck.

His hands went to the small of her back and pulled himself to her. She felt the knob of his hard rod pressing against her excited pussy through their clothes as he gently probed her lips with his tongue. She was lost in euphoria as she raised her hips for a better angle against his erection.

Then Nate pulled away and undid the last few buttons of her blouse. In a moment both his hands were under her bra, freeing her breasts. He fondled the luscious orbs with abandon and brought his mouth to her nipples. As he sucked and licked her, she reached down for his cock. As soon as she reached into the front of his khakis, Nate groaned and quickly pulled back.

"Oh God, what's wrong, brother?"

"Shit! I'm about to cum..."

"I'm not even touching you!"

"We don't have any change of clothes. I don't want to cum in my pants, Em..."

Emma took charge. She quickly knelt down, yanking his pants and underwear down with her. His cock popped free and into her face. Without hesitation, she took his member into her mouth.

"Holy shit, Em! Fuck. Here it comes," groaned Nate. He began spurting his seed into his sister's mouth. He reached down and gently touched the sides of her face while he fucked her mouth with a very slight movement of his hips.

"Oh fuck, Emma. So fucking good. Oh shit."

Emmaline felt his cum splatter into the back of her throat. She swallowed and swallowed as he pumped his load into her.

When he finally finished, and his cock plopped out of her mouth she stood up and started to say something.

It was cut off as Nate embraced her and moved her clumsily to the bed. He fell over on her, grinding his still fully-erect dick into her crotch and kissing her all over her face. Then he was upright again, pulling off his shirt and getting his pants off his ankles. Emma followed suit and got herself fully onto the bed, and opened her legs for her brother.

Nate wasted no time diving into Emmaline's nicely trimmed pussy with his tongue. She was nicely trimmed but the carpet definitely did not match the drapes after all. Not that it made her pussy any less alluring. Knowing that intimate detail about his sister made him smile.

Emma was already soaking wet and his face was soon covered in her lubricant. Just like his porn video, Emma thought. She pulled on him to come up, and he did, with his perfect cock positioned right at her entrance.

Emma wanted him to know that she wanted it as much as he did, so she suddenly braced herself and forced them to roll over. She didn't want any possibility that Nate might feel all rapist-guilty in the morning. She locked eyes with him as she held his throbbing member and eased him into her velvet pocket. Nate was mesmorized by how beautiful she looked as his sister took his length into herself. It was whole package - the pretty face, the luscious breasts, the shapely hips, and the expression of utter lust and love.

"Uh", he groaned.

"Fuck yes!", cried Emma.

"Do you like having your sister put your hard fuckstick in her wet little cunny, Nate?"

"Do you want to fill my love hole up with your cum?"

Nate grunted and his mouth started to form an 'O'.

"I'm sorry, Em. You are just so fucking lovely I can't hold it."

"It's ok. Let it go. Give it to me, my brother!"

With that, she thrust her tits down towards his open mouth, while she moved her hips with abandon, sending waves and waves of pleasure up from her vagina. As the feeling from his attention on her nipples joined that from below, she knew she was going to pop off very soon.

"I'm cumming, Nate. I'm cumming! Fuck your sperm into your sister, now! I want it deep in me, brother, fucking deep!"

Nate grabbed her gorgeous round buttocks with his hands and pulled her down to his body as he began to spray his seed deep into her body. Which each thrust he pulled her more tightly to him. Emmaline let herself fall fully down on him and wrapped her arms around his neck while she humped her pelvis against his. She felt the streams of cum spurt into her while his balls rubbed against her ass cheeks. Emma cried out an unintelligible sound as her mind temporarily ceased to function in the sea of pleasurable stimulation.

When the orgasms died down, they stayed motionless for a moment before Nate rolled them back over. He kissed her ear, then down her neck, on her nose, and her eye.

"God I love you so much, Em."

Emma's eyes were still not in focus. But as the older sister she thought she had to make sure he wasn't getting the wrong idea.

"I love you just as much, brother. But this has got to be a loving-sibling version of Benefits, right?"

"Yeah, I know, Em. I get it. But I want you to know I've never desired a woman more, and never had felt anything like it. Its like my whole body felt so so good, not just my cock You are like a hydrogen bomb of pleasure."

Emmaline rolled her eyes. Who says things like that? But she let it go; She wasn't going to nitpick him on his metaphors where there was more fucking and sucking to do. She would fuck him again tonight, she would be holding his head while he ate her creamy pussy. And they would fuck again in the morning. When they finally get home, he would fuck her all over their parents house until they finally got home.

And then, when dad wasn't home, they'd fuck in the garage. And when Mom wasn't there, they'd fuck in the laundry room downstairs, and when both parents were at work, they'd fuck in the kitchen, or on the couch or their beds. And if they both were home she'd be in the bathroom furtively fucking him in the bathroom with the shower running. Sometimes doggie style, sometimes with buttocks on the counter and her legs spread for her brother.. Maybe over her head. She felt like she had won some kind of huge sex lottery.

Emma snapped out of her reverie, sat up and leaned to down to plant a kiss on his half-deflated penis. Before devouring it once again she said, "Well we've only been in the room for about five minutes, I hope you don't think you are done for the night. Your sister has other ideas."

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OseekerOseekerabout 2 months ago

5 stars for a 'quickie'.....

Porn videos HAVE to aay 'step' brother or 'step' sister, mom etc.

Interesting that a story can be full incest though...

The 'taboo' element takes it a step further into sublime doesn't it?

I don't desire a family member personally but I sure enjoy reading about it....

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Very good, But please continue with Love Muffins.

Ignore the comments re "w...e college kids", other Anons are sometimes too Anal.

Oh, just noted both start with an "A"! Couldn't resist posting comment as Anonymous.


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

5 Stars, Great story, a few misspells, but overall, a good effort.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

White college kids. Pointless detail.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I'm a little confused why two schools from North Carolina were playing in Canada, but aside from that pointless detail, it's a good story

MikeOrMikeyMikeOrMikeyover 1 year ago

5 Stars. More please.

NudeInMaineNudeInMaineover 1 year ago

Sexy. Sibling sex, being so taboo, is such hot sex. Having your brother’s penis inside you, filling you with his cum…..hmmmm!

RavenOnCaRavenOnCaover 1 year ago

I am from Ontario Canada, and have driven that highway from MtAiry (Mayberry) to Fancy Gap many a time. Beautiful view, and deadly road in nasty weather. Drove it many times in both transport truck and personal vehicle. Love Mt Airy. Lone Star Restaurant is the best. Now for the story, how come I never get brother sister times like this.... wow. Short but sweet, but very good story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I stopped reading at “white” college kids.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Fun story. I liked Em's turnaround. As far as the technical details - you did a good job with your own proofreading - showing that it really can be done. The only two things I remember were apostrophes; 'it's' for 'it is' and the other was the plural possessive form of their parents' house.

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