The Road to Love


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She quickly settled down and said a few words of welcome to the incoming nurses before introducing Dr. Abbot.

As Doctor Abbot walked past Kate, he bent over and whispered in her ear, "I loved your introduction." Then, he kissed her lightly on the cheek before walking to the podium.

As Kate returned to her seat, her thoughts were spinning out of control. Her heart was racing. It was only a complement and a kiss on the cheek, but she felt her body reacting.

As Dr. Abbot began to speak, a small part of her brain was focused on what he was saying and how good he looked. Most of her brain was replaying what she had heard from over a dozen of her friends and colleagues about the sexual prowess of this super-handsome man. Of all the men she'd ever met, none equaled him in the "looks" department. She had admired him from afar from the first day she saw him.

If half of the stories she had heard about his sexual expertise, stamina, and ability to please a woman were true, he was in a class by himself. Most of the women that described their adventures with him were single, but quite a few were married.

As her heart continued to race, she began to think about her own sexual experiences. Specifically, she was thinking of an old college boyfriend who was cut from the same cloth as Dr. Abbot. Both could only be described as super-dominant-alpha males.

Phil was the boyfriend she was remembering. He was not her most handsome or even her favorite boyfriend, but her time with him in college stood alone when it came to sexual experiences. She was a freshman and he was a senior. She was far from being a virgin. That ship sailed when she was a sophomore in high school and there had been multiple voyages since then. But Phil stood out from all the others. To this day, no one had been his equal. Not even close.

Phil represented her first and only complete surrender to the true essence of an alpha-male. He dominated; she submitted. He knew what he wanted. He didn't ask for it, he took it. Phil was the best sexual partner she'd ever had, hands down. That being said, he wasn't marriage material. She knew what kind of guy she wanted to marry, and Phil wasn't that guy.

She found that guy when she met Jeff. He qualified in every respect. He was handsome, smart, funny, compassionate, and caring. He made good grades. He had a bright future and would be an excellent provider. He was comfortable talking to those in power, but he also could and would converse with the janitor. He treated everyone as an equal. It wasn't an act either; he was a genuinely good guy. He was especially good with children. He would be a great father someday.

Sexually, he was better than average, but he was no Phil. That's OK. He would keep his marriage vows and could be trusted implicitly. Most of all, he was her soulmate. They were compatible in every way. They had the same beliefs, philosophies, convictions, and goals in life.

Eighteen years of marriage has proven that she made the right choice. Everything about their marriage turned out good.

She didn't want to admit it, even to herself, but there was a part of her---buried deep down---that yearned to experience that "Phil" kind of sex again. If there was a way to do it without endangering everything that she held dear, she might consider it. But she knew there wasn't such a way and she regretted entertaining that fantasy, no matter how remotely.

She was jarred back to the present when she heard Dr. Abbot speaking her name. He was saying that she would be on the shortlist for the position of Surgery Nursing Supervisor when Lynn retired at the end of the year.

Of course, Dr. Abbot was not in her chain of command or even in management. Nevertheless, he was the superstar of the surgery department. His every word was important. His influence was unsurpassed in their hospital and he was admired not just in Texas, but across the country. He had been featured in every medical journal that amounted to anything and his articles were read widely in the surgical community.

While she was still basking in his words about her, the next thing she knew he had left the stage and was reaching for her hand. "Let's go up to the hospitality suite and have a celebratory drink, Kate."

She realized that he had called her Kate for the very first time. No more Mrs. Roberts or Nurse Roberts. Now, it was Kate! For the two years that she'd known him, he never seemed to notice her. Now that had changed! She also noticed that he didn't ask her if she wanted a drink, he told her they were going to have one. He held her hand in a tight grip as he maneuvered her toward the elevators. It was like being with Phil again!

The hospitality suite was dark and empty. Lynn had been tasked to close it down, and she had. Mark used a remote to fill the two rooms with soft music and dim light. She watched as he locked the door.

He spent a few minutes mixing their drinks from bottles in the mini-fridge. She had no idea what kind of drink he made, but it was refreshing and it generated an immediate buzz. The buzz was different from any that she had experienced previously. She was floating on air and she was sexually excited. She didn't know how much was due to the drink and how much was due to her proximity to Dr. Abbot. She wasn't drunk, but she wasn't in control of herself either.

When they finished their drinks, without any preamble, he pushed her body against the wall and smashed his lips on hers. When their lips parted, he picked her up. Her head was laying on his shoulder as he carried her to the bed. He placed her on the bed as he was simultaneously undressing her. Not a word had been spoken. Was her fantasy coming to pass? If so, what about her fear that it could destroy everything she held dear?

In the blink of an eye, two naked bodies were entwined on the bed. The foreplay brought memories of another time and another man flooding into her mind. It was like a replay of her and Phil. She was in a trance. She knew she should resist. Her mind told her to put a stop to it while she could, but her body was already beginning to submit to this alpha-male Adonis. It was Phil all over again.

Her mind drifted backward in time. She was no one's wife. She was no one's mother. She was a sexy freshman submitting to a dominant senior. She was completely immersed in the moment. She lost count of her orgasms. It was more like one continuous climax. By the time they rolled apart, she was physically spent to the point of pain; and loving it!

From somewhere in the distance, she heard chimes. She peeked out of her dream world just enough to see the grandfather clock in the corner. When her mind finally recognized the time, her dreamworld collapsed into a startling revelation of reality. Euphoria turned to panic. She needed to get home and she needed to go now! Jeff had that big presentation tomorrow. She needed to get home. She knew that he needed to get some restful sleep tonight.

She couldn't go home in this condition. She needed a shower and a douche, but there was no time. She jumped up and sprang into action. After a few minutes of trying to make herself presentable, she gave up and began to cry hysterically. That brought Mark to the bathroom door. "What's wrong, Kate? Was I too rough?" he asked.

"No, Mark, you were fantastic. It's just that I need to get home so my husband can get a good night's sleep before his big presentation tomorrow. I can't go home looking like this. Jeff is smart and savvy. He'll know what I've done. I'm in big trouble."

"Kate, I'm not about to let you go home. I'm not through with you. In fact, I fully intend to spend the night with you."

"Mark, you aren't listening to me. I have to get home. Everything depends on what happens tomorrow. I can't spend the night with you. I have to get home now. Please help me."

"Kate, I understand the problem and I can tell you how to fix it." She listened to his plan. It seemed to be a good one. It made sense to her still-fuzzy mind. It would force Jeff to make the final decision. It would allow her to have her cake and eat it too. It was a win/win. It was ingenious!

She decided to call her husband and put Mark's plan into action. She made the call. When Jeff answered, she said, "Honey, some stuff has changed. Here's the deal, I'm too buzzed to drive. So are most of my friends. We got a little carried away with the free booze. Several of the girls have decided to take advantage of a fantastic deal being offered by the company.

"They invited us to bring our kids here for the night. They're furnishing free rooms for us and they have a game room for the kids. As you know, the conglomerate that bought our hospital also owns Comet X-Ray Gaming. The kids will get to preview their new game system. Our kids will be among the first in the world to try the new system. They'll love it!

"Get this, honey, they are even sending a limo to get our kids for us. All you need to do is pull out those suitcases that are prepacked for when the kids have sleepovers. They're in the spare bedroom closet. The limo driver will call you when he's getting close. He will bring the kids here to the game room. I'll meet them there.

"When they finish playing, they will stay the night with me in my free rooms. We will have a suite all to ourselves with plenty of bed space. We will breakfast here tomorrow morning, then I'll take the kids to school on my way to work. No charge for anything! All furnished by the company. The kids will have an absolute blast. They'll love that new game system.

"What's really great, honey, is that this will also ensure that you get some good rest tonight. With all of us out of your hair, there will be nothing to interrupt your sleep. Since your company is serving breakfast at the office tomorrow, you can even sleep in a little longer than usual.

"I think it's a win/win, but it's entirely up to you, honey. If you would rather drive down and pick me up, that will work. Of course, you would need to bring me back to pick up my car in the morning."

She had followed Mark's plan perfectly. She had offered an attractive experience for the kids while ensuring that he would get a good night's sleep before his presentation. Best of all, she put the onus on him to make the decision. It was a perfect plan. Mark sure knew how to manipulate people to do his will.

Jeff didn't say anything. Kate began to worry. "Honey, say something. Did you hear me? The company is doing this fantastic thing for us. They're paying for everything. They've never done anything like this before. This is a great deal for everyone. Say something, Jeff."

"I would be happier to see you and the kids in the morning before I leave for my presentation. I gain confidence from you guys and it reminds me of why I'm doing this. You know I don't enjoy giving presentations, but this one could ensure that we have a future in this town and this house.

"Having said that, it appears that you have it all arranged. It's not like you to set up something like this without consulting me. It's a first for us, but since you want it so much; I guess I'm forced to go along with it. I'll have the suitcases at the door."

Jeff had found a way to undermine Mark's plan! She needed to get control back. She said, "Honey, as I said before, it's your choice. I'll come home if that's what you want."

"What I wanted, Kate, was for you to be home by now like we planned. You threw me a curveball, babe. You gave me no choice. All I can do now is try to handle your curveball. Just send the limo as you planned."

At that point, Kate realized that she had backed him into a corner. Mark's plan wasn't able to fool Jeff. It wasn't Jeff's choice after all; it was hers and he had let her know it. Regardless, she had to press on.

"Good deal, honey. They're estimating that the limo will be there in twenty minutes or so. The driver has your number. He will call when he's getting close."

"OK, Kate. I'll have them ready. Be sure to call and let me know when they arrive so I won't worry about them." He didn't mention worrying about her, just the children. She knew she was getting paranoid. She wondered if this was worth it.

"I will, honey. You call me when you're ready to go to bed. I want to wish you good luck with the presentation just before you go to sleep."

"I'll do that, sweetie. You guys have a good time. I'll miss you tonight. I hate sleeping alone."

"So do I, honey. I'll miss you too, but this should make everything easier. We'll tell you all about the new games tomorrow."

While she was talking with her husband and realizing how many lies she was feeding him, she had a moment of extreme guilt. Yes, he would be sleeping alone, but she wouldn't. Also, it was Mark that was paying for everything, not the company. He was paying for her services. Didn't that make her a prostitute? Then she felt Mark fondling her breasts and the moment passed.

Mark said, "It will be nearly an hour before your kids arrive. We need to make good use of that time;" and they did.

They were just coming up for air when the limo arrived. Kate was barely able to talk when the driver called. Mark grabbed the phone and gave him the room number of their adjoining room.

As she was hurriedly dressing, Kate admitted that there was now a new sexual standard for her. It was no longer Phil. She would judge all future sexual experiences by how they compared to sex with Dr. Mark Abbot.

Her legs were rubbery as she walked next door to greet her kids. She hugged them and gave the driver a big tip. She introduced her kids to her lover, but she called him her boss. Mark took them under his wing and began showing them the features of the new game system.

"Where are the other kids?" asked Ellen. Mark told her that everyone had a game room of their own. "That way you won't have to compete with other kids to use the system," he explained.

Then he demonstrated each game. He played the games with them for nearly a half-hour. Kate watched with pride as her lover won over her kids. It was plain to see that Mark had made quite an impression on Roy and Ellen.

She forgot to call Jeff to let him know the kids had arrived safely. He failed to call her when he went to bed, so she didn't get to wish him luck with his big presentation. She didn't even think about those things until much later.

When the kids had mastered the new system, Mark returned to the room he was sharing with their mom. He made sure to engage the deadbolt on the door between the two rooms. The kids were so wrapped up in the games that they didn't pay any attention to what was developing right under their noses in the adjoining room. It never occurred to them to be suspicious of Mom's super-friendly boss.

So, while the kids were playing their games, the adults began to play some games of their own in the adjoining room. The games in both rooms were going well until the new game system locked up. Ellen tried everything she could think of to get the system working. She finally decided they needed help from Mark.

She pushed on the door and to her surprise, it wouldn't budge. There was no knob to turn. She knew that her mom was in that room with her boss. She wondered why the door was locked. For the first time, Ellen became suspicious. She didn't know a lot about infidelity, but she knew enough to worry about this situation. She thought about knocking on the door, but then she turned to Roy for help. She didn't want to explain her concerns to him or to worry him. She knew he was very good at solving mechanical problems, so she said, "Roy, this door is stuck. What can we do to open it so we can get some help from Mark?"

Roy took a quick look at the gap between the door and the jamb. He removed his knife from his pocket. It was a multi-function knife that his dad had given him for Christmas. Luckily, he could make use of the small gap between the door and the frame. That gap made the deadbolt visible. He could use the gripper tool on his knife to move the deadbolt a little bit at a time. He soon had moved it enough to free the door.

Ellen turned-off the lights in their room. She nudged the door open just enough to see into the adjoining room. It was mostly dark. There was one light on. It was the light directly above the head of the bed. The light that was usually used for reading. Nobody was reading, but what they were doing was plainly visible.

Ellen couldn't believe what she was seeing. She wanted to cry. She knew what this could mean. She let out a gasp. Roy wasn't sure about what was happening, but he knew it wasn't right.

Ellen told Roy that their mom was being abused by Mark. She wanted to help their mom and she wanted a video of what was happening. She handed her phone to Roy and asked him to start recording as soon as she went through the door.

The lovers on the bed were really getting with it, not suspecting that they were being watched by her children and would be recorded for posterity. They had tuned out everything but each other. The universe had narrowed down to only the space that they occupied on that bed. All that mattered was what they were doing, and they were doing plenty.

Ellen didn't realize she was watching an alpha-male with his submissive female. She did realize that her family's happiness was in jeopardy.

Kate whimpered when Mark entered territory that had always been off-limits for her. He was hurting her. She asked him to stop. He didn't. She began to sob, "No, no, stop. Stop it! I don't do that. It's too painful. You're hurting me!"

Ellen noticed blood on the sheets. She heard her mom's objections. She couldn't wait any longer. She opened the door and ran into the room. Roy started recording as she jumped on the bed and grabbed Mark's neck. She tried to pull him away from her mom.

At that moment, Kate turned and saw the face of her daughter. She screamed. Mark used his strong arm to push Ellen away. She fell off the foot of the bed. As she hit the floor, her head banged against the edge of a wooden desk. The desk was jolted. A drawer opened. It contained a Gideon Bible.

Roy had recorded everything. When Ellen hit her head, many things began to happen simultaneously. Ellen fell into unconsciousness. Her head was bleeding profusely. Mark was picking up his clothes and hurriedly attempting to get dressed. Kate was frozen on the bed, looking at the ceiling and sobbing. She was oblivious to everything that was happening.

Roy grabbed the room phone. When the operator answered, he yelled that a man was hurting his mother and his sister. The door between the rooms was open and he could see them in the adjoining room. His sister was bleeding!

The operator told Roy to stay away from the man. She said help was on the way.

Roy ignored that advice and ran into the room. He grabbed a towel and pressed it to Ellen's bloody head wound. Mark was running for the door just as the hotel security officers banged it open. One of them grabbed Mark. One came over to help Roy. The lady with them was trying to talk to Kate.

A few minutes later the police and the EMT team arrived. The room was filling with people. One of the EMTs yelled into his phone that he had a girl with a severe head wound and a woman in shock. He requested the dispatch of an additional ambulance.
