The Roommate Experience Pt. 03


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She also wanted me to fuck her in her sister's room. I could just picture her gleefully telling Sam all about it afterwards. I drew the line there.

- "Why not?" she said. "I never say 'no' to you!"

- "Tanya, I'm not about to be some kind of weapon for you to one-up your sister. Don't drag me into your ... battles." I had been about to say 'squabbles'. I don't think she would have appreciated that much.

She was angry enough as it was. I ended up leaving hours before I had to.


Rina had her boyfriend over three times in one week. On Friday night, I was out late with Eli, and had a few too many pints. I didn't hear much of the symphony of the springs. But I slept a bit late.

Rina and her boyfriend were gone by the time I got up. Laurie's bedroom door was closed; she was probably trying to catch up on the sleep she'd missed last night. I grabbed a coffee and wandered into the living room.

I wasn't trying to be stealthy, but I guess Rose didn't hear me approaching. She was sitting by the coffee table, listening to a Kate Bush record ... and crying quietly.

I didn't know what to do. One option was to silently back out of the room before she realized I was there. That would preserve her privacy, and her dignity. Or I could make some noise, and pretend that I hadn't seen her crying. I'm still not sure why, but I chose door #3.

- "Rose? What is it?"

She wiped her eyes, and tried to smile.

- "Oh - hey, Joe."

I sat down on the couch next to her. "What is it, Rose?" I repeated.

She shook her head. But then she wiped her eyes again, and pointed to the remnants of a half-eaten croissant.

- "I'm out of control." she said, her voice wavering. "I bought a Danish for you, and a chocolate croissant for Laurie ... and I ate them both. By myself."

Rose was a wonderful girl. She had long brown hair, and a lovely face. But it was hard not to notice her body. She had massive breasts, a roll of fat around her belly, a big ass and thick thighs. Rose was also one of the absolute nicest people I'd ever known. Unfortunately, people who met her only saw her as 'that big girl'.

The bakery next door to us smelled heavenly - especially early in the morning. But it was an irresistible temptation for Rose. She had a terrible time trying to walk by it without going in. At this point, she had to be one of their all-time best customers.

Rose was generous, though. She frequently bought fresh bread, baguettes, or fresh rolls for all of us. And on the weekends, croissants and a cherry Danish for me.

- "I'm an idiot." she said. "I know it's bad for me. I shouldn't go in there at all ... but ... I can't seem to help myself."

- "Rose, how often do you go to the bakery?"

- "Every day, now." She looked like she might start crying again. "Sometimes ... twice a day."

I'm not always impulsive; sometimes I like to think things through. But in this case I just went with my first instinct.

- "Can I help, Rose?"

- "Help? How?"

- "Well, for starters, you could have breakfast with me."

- "What?"

- "Not today. I mean, on a regular basis. Monday to Friday. Coffee, fruit, toast. Dry toast, if you think that's better. Yogurt, if you think we should."

- "We?"

- "We." I said. "We'll have breakfast together, and eat the same thing. We could call it the Jar diet. Joe and Rose."

She shook her head. "But you're not on a diet."

- "I am now. On Saturday mornings, I was thinking we could do eggs, bacon ..."

- "No bacon." she said.

- Okay, no bacon. And then, on Sundays ... the pastry of your choice."

- "I shouldn't have any pastries."

- "Rose, going from every day to only once a week has to count as some sort of improvement."

That earned me a smile.

- "That's really ... nice, Joe. But you don't have to do that."

- "You just said you weren't sure if you could do it yourself. I think you probably could, but if I can help you get started, then that's what I want to do."

That was how Rose and I started eating breakfast together - every single day. On the rare occasion when I couldn't make it, I had Laurie or Rina fill in for me. But nine times out of ten, I spent time with Rose first thing in the morning.

- "Why are you doing this?" she asked me. "I mean, I appreciate it - but why?"

- "You've been super nice to me." I said. "Teaching me to cook, doing the shopping ... why wouldn't I want to do something for you?"

Some days she was grumpy. Or quiet. On other occasions, I was the one in a bad mood. And there were a few days when one or both of us was half-asleep. Mostly, though, we cheered each other up.

Rose was good company. She was one of those people who figured it was easier to smile and be pleasant than to frown and complain. And if she didn't have a good reason to be in a foul mood - then she just chose to be happy. And that rubbed off on me.

It wasn't always easy. She really did have a problem with temptation.

- "You're helping, Joe. But it's awfully hard to walk by the bakery on my way to the bus stop. It's like a friggin' magnet. I can feel it pulling me."

- "So go to the other stop." I suggested.

- "What other stop?"

- "The one in the opposite direction."

Rose looked at me as if I'd lost my mind.

- "Joe, the stop is 50 yards from our house. The next one is like ... three blocks that way."

A plan was taking shape in my head. I explained it to her.

- "Rose, it's perfect. After breakfast, you just walk me to Perth Street. Six blocks. Right in front of the garage where I work, there's a bus stop for both of us. The #7 for you to go to school (Rose was a university student), and the #19 for me."

"The beauty of it is that I'm going to the same place, whether I go to work, or to school."

- "And I get a little exercise? But, Joe, what if the bus goes by while we're between stops?"

- "Rose, the #7 goes by every ten minutes during rush hour." I said. "But don't kid yourself: walking isn't enough exercise. It's just a start."

She was willing, I'll give her that. And Rose could always see the wisdom of what I was suggesting. Of course, she had her moments of weakness. Sometimes, I think she was simply daunted by the enormity of the task (and I don't mean that as a joke).

- "I'll never lose enough weight." she said, one Saturday morning.

- "Rose, stand up." I said. "Hold out your arms." She did.

"Look at your arms." I told her. "They're not fat."

Rose made a face. "How many girls do you know with arms this big?"

- "Not many. But I don't know many girls as tall as you, either. What are you, 5'11"?"

- "Five ten." she said.

I poked her thigh. "See that? Big, not fat."

Rose turned sideways, and pointed at her ass. Then she grabbed a handful of her belly, and shook it.

"Okay, you have some fat on your stomach." I said. "But my point still stands, Rose. You're a big girl. It's not all fat."

Our other roommates weren't blind. Rina thought we were 'cute'. She called us the diet twins. Laurie didn't tease me; instead, she just kissed me on the cheek when nobody was looking.

I didn't feel like I was making any great sacrifice, or anything like that. After all, I still had to eat breakfast, and I still had to walk to the bus stop, or to the garage. The only difference was that now I did those things with Rose. It was no great hardship.


- "Stephanie's getting married." said Rina.

- "Who's Stephanie?" I asked.

- "You met her at one of Ro - one of the Christmas parties. Blonde, freckles." Laurie held her hands about a foot from her chest. "Big ... arthritis."

I couldn't even picture Stephanie.

- "Okay." I said. "Why tell me?"

- "She's having a stag - but the female version." said Rina.

- "Strippers?" I said.

- "Ha! I wish." said Rina.

- "We're all going." said Laurie. "We'll probably be wasted, so we're all staying at her place, in the East end. You'll be on your own for dinner Friday night."

That gave me an idea ... I called Uncle Ray, and arranged to borrow a car for the evening. He had a couple of them parked behind the garage.

I called Tanya, and asked her out. There was a really good band playing across the river - she wouldn't even need fake I.D.. I also told her that I'd be picking her up.

- "Cool. And afterwards?" she said.

- "Here. You're staying overnight." I said. "Don't bring pajamas - you won't need any."

- "Now you're talking." she said.

Tanya was one of a kind. She'd been ticked off at me, last time I'd seen her. I didn't have to apologize, or grovel, like Anne used to try to make me do. All I had to do was offer her a night out, that ended with lots of sex, and she was up for it.

I wondered if she was really a guy in a woman's body. She had the most incredible sex drive - and didn't need to be wooed, or seduced.

We saw a cover band, who specialized in metal acts, from Black Sabbath and Van Halen to Zeppelin and Aerosmith. It was loud, and we both enjoyed it. Tanya didn't complain about staying for the second set. But the moment that was done, she took her hand off my leg, and grabbed my hand.

- "Let's go." she said.

Once back at the apartment, Tanya did her level best to kill me - again. She was like an old-fashioned bike, with only one speed: wild. The pace was frenetic. She was so incredibly vocal, too: dirty talk, grunts, moans and explicit directions.

- "Where do you get all this stuff?" I asked her, between rounds two and three.

- "I read Penthouse Forum." she said. "Plus, my first boyfriend was kind of kinky."

I didn't want to know about that.

Tanya raised herself on one elbow, which raised one of her wonderful breasts against my ribcage. "You know, Joe - you could have been my first."

- "Go get a shower." I told her. "Then I'll be your first 69."

Tanya grinned, and hopped out of bed.

In case you're thinking that I could have been more romantic with Tanya, let me set you straight. Sam's little sister didn't have a romantic bone in her fantastic body. In bed, she wanted to fuck - the harder and faster, the better.

Out of bed, she was funny, and sharp. But Tanya liked to cut people up. If she thought you were an equal, she'd treat you as an ally. If not ... you'd quickly become the butt of her cruel jokes. Soft and mushy were despicable traits, as far as she was concerned.

When she came back from her shower, I pinned her to the bed with my body, so that I could go down on her at my own pace. She twisted and writhed until she got her lips around my cock, and then tried to suck out my soul. I don't know who won.

I don't know what time I woke up. But I decided to try - one more time - to introduce Tanya to the joys of ... a slower pace.

In the bathroom, I soaked a face cloth in hot water. It was still warm when I brought it back to my room. Tanya was still asleep. I gently washed her privates with the warm cloth. She moaned a little, but I wasn't sure if she was awake or not.

Then I lay across her, with my upper body pinning her stomach and hips to the bed. And I went down on her again. She woke to my lips and tongue at work on her pussy. She groaned.

- "Oh, fuck, that's good."

I lifted my head up. "Good - lie back and enjoy it." I said.

Being Tanya, she could only do that for three or four minutes. Then she started thrusting her hips, and trying to grind her pussy against my face.

- "Oh, fuck, Joe - that's so good. Right there. Oh, God - right there!"

I had no idea that Tanya was so religious. "Oh, God. Oh, my fucking God. Like that - just like that - oh my God!" As usual, she didn't whisper - Tanya was shouting "OH GOD!" when she came, hard - while trying to strangle me with her powerful thighs.

"Oh, fuck me." she shouted. "You have to fuck me - right now!"

I was ready, and more than willing. Tanya started wrestling me, but I was equally determined to keep her pinned to the bed, with me lunging between her thighs.

"Oh! Like that! Just like that, Joe!"

I pounded her hard, as fast as I could.

"Oh, Joe! That's it! SHIT! I love your cock! GIVE IT TO ME!"

Not for the first time, I was glad that we had no near neighbors, and that the lawyer's office was closed on Saturday. The bakery was open, but if they could hear Tanya screaming ... well, so be it.

She came again, a moment before I did, and then fell back on my bed. Tanya just moaned. I had finally rendered her speechless. Mission accomplished.

I got out of bed, feeling pretty damn pleased with myself. I remember glancing at my clock radio: it was 9:54 A.M..

As I stepped into the hallway, on the way to the bathroom, something felt odd.

The hall wasn't very long. It was only eight to ten feet to the kitchen. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw something I hadn't expected. I turned my head.

My three roommates were sitting at the kitchen table.

They were all looking at me. All three had their mouths open.


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Madeira1076Madeira1076over 1 year ago

The last sentence was worth 5 stars, awesome writing.

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanover 1 year ago

LOL with the roommates. like him helping Rose

Richard1940Richard1940over 2 years ago

I think the last anon commenter needs a sense of humour transplant. I know he's German, but despite that even he should be able work out that titzenbum = tits 'n bum

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

"She was, as the Germans might say, all Titzenbum."

Well, I'm German, but I never read or heard the word. It doesn't resemble any german word. Even googled it out of sheer wonderment - but nothing even close came up, german or otherwise. Funny little word, wonder where you found it.

First part may be a mixture of "Titten" (boobs) and "Zitzen" (teats, nipples of cows or goats), but "Bum" leaves me totally perplexed.

That said, thank you for your great stories. I've read most of them and liked them all very much. You're a wonderful writer, really.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
the roommate experience

OK, why all the minuses?

That's not good penmanship, and you KNOW what I mean. Poor writing doesn't score well.

Northpacific2017Northpacific2017about 6 years ago
It has all been said,

It has all been said, so I will, rate it, and as a reader ask for more.


arrowglassarrowglassabout 6 years ago
Great finish!!!!!!!!!!

Cannot wait to see what happens next and what is said???

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Either LMAO or envious of Joe, great!

KnightofoilKnightofoilabout 6 years ago
Another good one

I honestly thought that Ronnie would be with Tanya. That whole future building line, but she does not make money for him to mooch off.

The Tanya thing will not last. Joe is a nice guy. He needs a real person. Janet the third sister? Ha!

The room mate reaction to him being. Sex god. That will be interesting.

jay_pearcejay_pearceabout 6 years ago

Loved the finish... It was bound to happen, but still somewhat unexpected. Well done.

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