The Rubdown Ep. 02


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Elizabeth thought about Terri. She imagined her nude. She imagined kissing her and cuddling with her on a couch. Outside her imagination, Elizabeth's shoulders relaxed. As an experiment, she imagined fingering Terri's pussy. It made her tense back up. "I can handle physical intimacy with men. In fact I handled physical intimacy with two at once a few weeks ago."

Karen didn't miss a beat, "What were their names?"

Elizabeth's lip curled up a bit at the question, but it took her a few beats to remember, "John and Brian. John was a little smaller, so I had him in my ass. But we all left satisfied. I jerked both of them off at the end of the night and since John came last, he got to keep my panties as a trophy. I bet they're on the wall of the frat house." Her attempt to make the psychiatrist flinch didn't seem to work.

"And you're proud of this?"

"I certainly didn't have college boys drooling over me a year ago... or any years ago, really."

"That wasn't an answer."

"Yes, I'm proud of being sexually desirable and sexually adept." Elizabeth leaned back in her chair.

"But I'm guessing you haven't talked to John or Brian since then."

"No, I haven't."

Karen closed her eyes and paused to let Elizabeth fill in more information, but she didn't. So Karen made a few notes and continued, "Do you think Terri finds you attractive? Sexually desirable, in your words?"

"I've caught her sneaking a glance at my ass," Elizabeth smirked at the memory of how Terri looked while blushing.

"Are you nervous that you won't be 'sexually adept' when pleasing a woman?"

Elizabeth thought about eating Terri's pussy. In her imagination it was the hairy, aged mess that was between her own legs before her upload. It wasn't appealing. "I don't know. I mean, athleticism and eagerness makes up for a lot, right?"

"So can you guess where I'm going with this?"

Elizabeth nodded, "Why don't I just fuck Terri without changing my personality or settings or whatever analogy we want to use?"

Karen pointed her finger at Elizabeth then dropped her thumb like a gun's hammer. The word 'bingo' was implied.

"I think of it, of touching her sexually, and it just doesn't appeal to me. I'm trying to think of a good analogy.... Maybe there isn't one. I don't want to offend you, if you're bi or gay, but I think of doing those things and it feels gross, like licking a toilet seat."

Karen smirked, "Gee, why would I be offended by that?"

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. You're being honest. My own sexual orientation is... a bit complicated now, but bi is close enough. So basically it's like you're grossed out by fellatio, and want to change that so you can please Terri."

Elizabeth rolled her eyes to the ceiling, and bobbed her head a little back and forth like she was having a conversation in your head, "I guess that works. But, not to put too fine a point on it, I don't get horny when I look at her"

"And you got horny looking at John and Brian?"

"Oh yes. They're on the diving team." Elizabeth waggled her eyebrows.

"But you do look at her and think 'I want to sleep with her'."

"I mean, now I do. Or I want to want to sleep with her."

"I'll be blunt. You want the easy way out." Karen switched which leg was crossed over the other. Elizabeth didn't pay much attention to the glance of pussy that provided.

"Is that so?"

"If lesbianism is something that was put into you, then you're not responsible for it. If a relationship with Terri starts feeling like a relationship with a man, and you get anxious, you can tell yourself it's the editor's fault, not anything you have to work on. Or you can turn it into something purely physical and close yourself off emotionally. And while that can be comforting, it's going to sabotage your relationship. And all relationships have difficult periods."

Elizabeth mulled that over. She wanted to proclaim that she was too mature for that amount of self-deception, but she couldn't gather up enough self-deception to believe that. "So you don't think I should start switch-hitting?"

Karen didn't take the bait, "Have you ever kissed a girl? I mean, really made out with one?"

Elizabeth thought it over, "If I did it was decades ago and wasn't very memorable."

Karen continued, "There's a certain amount of experimentation new android women, especially single ones, seek out after their upload. Emotionally, you look at a new, young face in the mirror and - at least a little bit - regress back to how you think someone that age should act."

"So you think I'm just going through a phase? That I need to date a girl while away from college and get it out of my system?"

Karen held up a hand with a 'stop' gesture, "Not necessarily. But you've been divorced for what, 25 years now? Is this the first time you've wanted to pursue a relationship with a woman?"

"Changing my sexuality wasn't an option before."

"Sexuality isn't a static thing, Lizzy. What we want and need from a partner changes, even without opening up our brains and fiddling with what's inside."

The two of them sat silently for a little while. Elizabeth broke the silence, "I don't want to fuck this up."

"Why do you think you're going to fuck it up?"

"It's... There's going to be performance expectations. Terri has been out since she was 13. I don't want to force her to tolerate me feeling out what I feel comfortable with physically. I'm a smoking hot sex machine, it's ridiculous for me to squirm and flinch at her touching me."

Karen tilted her head to the side, "You don't think she'll be flattered to be your first female lover?"

Elizabeth didn't answer that.

Karen stood up and walked toward one of the filing cabinets. "Strip."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me. Strip naked. Or leave your blouse on if it makes you more comfortable. We're going to take advantage of being, in your words, sex machines." Karen's small and firm ass flexed as she walked to one of the filing cabinets and started rummaging around one of the drawers.

Elizabeth noted the barcode and serial number tattoo above Karen's ass in the small of her back. It was a good excuse to change the subject as she took off her shoes and skirt. "So you really lean into the whole 'machine woman' thing? Don't try to pass yourself off as a real 18 year old having her first drink?"

"How do you mean?" Karen produced two cables, different than the ones Elizabeth was familiar with at the spa.

"Your, uh, lower back tattoo." Elizabeth stopped herself from calling it a tramp stamp.

"It was a requirement when I was first uploaded. Had to clearly identify the real 18-year-old humans from the evil 18-year-old-looking machines. Even after that law was struck down, removing it seemed like trying to deny what I am." Karen moved back in front of her chair, but didn't sit down.

Elizabeth finished unhooking her bra and dropped it on the floor with the pile of her other clothes. It occurred to her how often Karen must have been the only gynoid in the room all the time when she was uploaded. The process and chassis weren't cheap now, but they were 4 times more expensive and 10 times less reliable back then. "So what is this all about? I thought you said we weren't going to have sex."

"We're not... at least not really. Do you know how to eject your vaginal assembly?"

"Say what?"

"Your pussy. It's a separate unit to make cleaning and replacement easier."

"And you want me to do that now?" Elizabeth cocked an eyebrow.

"That's right." Karen cupped a hand between her legs, closed her eyes and started walking Elizabeth through her onboard menu to reach the option to activate that procedure. Elizabeth opened her eyes back up and watched the seam appear. She had to widen her stance a bit as a rectangle formed on her flesh from her taint to the top of the bikini zone, and as wide as her groin would allow. After that, her pussy went numb and it just slid down into her hand. She leaned over slightly to lower the hand and let more of the component slide out. Except for the rectangle of flesh, it was all dull grey beneath. Elizabeth was too mesmerized to look at how quickly Karen had performed the procedure. Elizabeth almost dropped her genitals when they cleared her crotch, which elicited a bit of a giggle from the blonde.

Elizabeth held the device closer to her face, vaginal opening pointing to her left. It wasn't shaped like anything from health class. The assembly was the same width and shape from one end to the other, apart from the pale skin at one end and curving over one side of the 'shaft'. The cross section of the shaft was roughly teardrop shaped. And while it was all grey, it wasn't a flat tube. There were some metal bands to help it keep its shape, but beneath those Elizabeth could see the thin tubes, fine wires and synthetic muscles that let her enjoy a cock and make the experience more enjoyable for her partner.

"Mesmerizing isn't it?"

Elizabeth whipped her head up to see Karen grinning at her. Karen was casually holding her own pussy in one hand, with a cord running from the butt end of it back to between her legs and into the cavity formed by the missing component. She licked her upper lip and that put it all together for Elizabeth. "You want me to lick my own pussy?"

"I don't think you've tried it before, and it is good practice. Do you need help with the cable?" The other cable was in Karen's extended hand.

Elizabeth didn't immediately accept. "Do we have to do this?"

"Of course not, but this way you can ease into sexual contact with women. It's not going to lubricate when detached, but the muscles and tactile feedback will be the same."

Elizabeth debated before she held out her synthetic pussy, data connection pointed at Karen, "Alright, let's try it. I will admit I'm intrigued by how this will work."

Karen set her own pussy down on the chair and connected the cord to Elizabeth's vaginal assembly. Elizabeth tensed up as Karen reached her small hand inside the cavity between Elizabeth's legs and made the connection. A little red 'new hardware detected' message appeared in the corner of Elizabeth's vision. When Karen placed the detached pussy back in the redhead's hand, Elizabeth could feel it twitching just slightly as the synthetic muscles reacted to her stress and to the odd orientation.

Karen picked her pussy back up. "I think we can work from the assumption that Terri is going to like what you like when it comes to cunnilingus. But just like any other sex act, listen to your partner." Karen slowly licked the entire length of her slit while keeping eye contact with Elizabeth. "I assume your partners are frequently eating you out."

Elizabeth blushed a bit. "The good ones are."

"So you just lick how you'd like to be licked. This is all about getting used to having your tongue on a pussy." Karen simulated a deep breath as her tongue flicked over her clit hood, inviting the little nub to swell.

Elizabeth moved her mouth toward the slit. She inadvertently exhaled and checked between her legs for if something had come loose. It took a few beats for Elizabeth to realize her brain thought her pussy should still be at her crotch, and the breeze she had created should have been coming from a different direction. She placed a short, closed-mouth kiss on her outer labia and got a similar disorienting feeling.

Karen could read Elizabeth's confusion and hesitation, "If it helps, try thinking of it like there's someone else between your legs perfectly mirroring your movements."

"So that feeling like my lady bits are still between my legs is normal?"

Karen nodded while she chuckled, "Lady bits?"

Elizabeth emitted an amused snort, "shaddup". She extended her tongue as much as she could and gave her gash a big lick. Might as well dive into the deep end. It made her flinch about halfway through the motion. But eventually she got the hang of it. She got so far into it she moved her other hand between her legs to stroke herself, only to dip her fingers into the gap in her chassis and touch cold metal.

Karen had stopped pleasuring herself and was sitting down with her legs apart, keeping track of Elizabeth's reactions. "You don't have to use just your tongue, fingers are allowed too."

Elizabeth moved the pussy away from her mouth, letting her arms drop back to her sides. "I feel a little ridiculous." She glanced down and got a good look at the exposed metal between Karen's legs. Sometimes it was easy to forget they were robots, but this definitely wasn't one of those times.

"You seemed pretty focused a little while ago."

"Fine, I'll admit it feels good."

"And ridiculous is better than anxious. I doubt you'll feel ridiculous when Terri's pussy is on your tongue."

The image flashed through Elizabeth's mind again. In Elizabeth's imagination, Terri had the pretty, smooth pussy that Elizabeth had just been pleasuring. And while the thought of being naked with her wasn't much more exciting than it was before, the thought of putting her lips on Terri's skin wasn't revolting at the moment. "Assuming I get that far with her."

"Like any new relationship."

"It still doesn't feel... real."

Karen stood back up. She took the cushion off the seat of her chair and dropped it on the ground in front of Elizabeth's chair. "You're right, kneel down."

"I thought we weren't going to have sex."

"We're not, but if you want a more realistic angle, this is how to do it." Karen was picking some old textbooks off her bookshelves while keeping her pussy in one hand. It meant carrying the books in the crook of one thin arm.

"When is your next patient?"

"Oh, nine o'clock." Karen dropped a stack of books on the chair and held out her hand, indicating that she wanted Elizabeth to hand over her vagina.

"Then why am I here at six?"

"We're old ladies. We're always up early."

Elizabeth chuckled and handed over the component before kneeling. "I can always try this at home and report back to you."

"Oh, I expect you to do this a few more times at home. Once you experiment a bit, it might even become your favorite way to masturbate." Karen rearranged the books to pin the device in place so it would slide around much.

Elizabeth smirked at the improvised setup in front of her. But she couldn't help but envision Terri in the seat, legs spread, with that beautiful smile on her face. "You need better vibrators."

Karen cackled, "Maybe so. Well don't let me stop you."

Elizabeth took the hint and leaned back into the gynoid cunt before her. Her hips squirmed as she slid a finger inside the channel. The lack of lubrication was obvious, but there was enough leftover that it wasn't painful. She found her favorite spot and started swirling her tongue over her clit. Karen could hear a soft moan escape as Elizabeth added some lightly sucking kisses to the swirls. The redhead attempted a second finger, but she was a bit too dry and stuck with a single finger massaging 'inside' her. She could feel the walls clench and spasm lightly against the finger.

Karen took the opportunity to disconnect the cord connecting her detached pussy to the rest of her chassis. While Elizabeth was easing off and blowing hot and cold over her own genitals, Karen was sliding the assembly back into place. She had to adjust the location of the skin near her thighs a bit, but in a few minutes, the seams were once again invisible.

Elizabeth's hips were starting to grind in the air as she brought herself closer to an orgasm. Karen thought about confirming it was ok for Lizzy to bring herself to completion, but that might interrupt Elizabeth's train of thought. At the moment, Elizabeth was imagining Terri giggling happily in between moans. It made Elizabeth happy to imagine making Terri happy. The intensity of her rubbing increased along with the frequency of the tongue moving over her clit. The moaning got louder, and it took an effort to keep her tongue moving as she approached the peak. But once she got there, Karen could see Elizabeth's body tense up and shudder.

Elizabeth seemed happy with one. She leaned back to sit on her heels and turned her head to look at Karen. "OK, I'll admit that was good."

"Yeah, I would have offered some extra lube, but I don't want to answer any questions about why I have that lying around the office."

Elizabeth smiled and wiped her finger off on her thigh, "That's fair." She noticed that Karen's parts were back in place and figured the fun was over. She stood up and extracted her pussy and the cord connected to it from the books.

"Need some help getting it back in place?"

"Umm, no. I think I'll try this myself." Elizabeth pulled at the cord to remove the end attached to her body, then more gently removed the connection to her vagina. She very carefully lined up the component, triple-checking that her clitoris wasn't going to end up at her taint, and with a sound of metal on metal slid it back into its proper place. She fumbled with the edges of the skin more than Karen did, but she eventually lined up the synthetic flesh well enough that it sealed back together.

Karen handed Elizabeth's panties to her. "So do you know your self-work for the rest of the week?"

Elizabeth slid them on. "Yeah. Try to envision myself in a relationship with Terri, then once I'm comfortable, ask her out on a real date."

"That's right. And if you start getting the same feelings you get when thinking about a relationship with a man, really think about where those feelings are coming from, and if they're healthy."

Elizabeth leaned down to pick up the rest of her clothes and move them to the chair. "I still think it would be easier, for both of us, if you did the editing."

"It definitely wouldn't be easier for me."

"Why not?" Elizabeth hooked her bra in front of herself, spun it around and put her arms in the straps.

"Have you ever thought about what I could do in your head?"

"Frankly, yeah. I can't go a day without getting a warning message from an interest group or a manufacturer warning me about keeping my brain secure. But I know you would never ever ever do that."

"True, but have you thought about why?"

"You're an honest person, and according to the Spa's literature, you've been trained not to mess around with people's heads. Or at least not mess with them any more than a normal psychiatrist." Elizabeth kept getting dressed.

"Trained is one word, edited would be more accurate. Anyone doing my job, with the permissions necessary to do my job, has to have their personality edited."

Elizabeth stopped. "Oh. I'm sorry"

"It's not like I'm a totally different person. And I knew what I was getting into. But the editing made me consider editing someone against their will to be as morally repugnant as... I can't even put it into words. It's worse than rape or murder or betrayal. It makes me sick just thinking about it. And doing it for someone who wants it done voluntarily is about the only thing that makes me feel bile rising in my throat."

Elizabeth took a step and hugged the other gynoid, "Oh, I had no idea! I never would have asked if I had known that!"

Karen patted Elizabeth on the back. "It's a part of my job. And if you still need it done, I'll do it. But it's not an easy thing for me to do."

Elizabeth broke the hug, "Thank you. You really are great, and not just because you're hot and casually nude." The redhead smirked and slid her feet into her sandals.

Karen smiled back, "And my bosses love it when I make clients' minds feel secure."

"We need to get a coffee sometime. Give me a call, ok?"

Karen nodded and walked toward the door. "Will do."

Elizabeth was the one who opened the door, checking that there was nobody who would catch Karen's nudity. "Do you need me to grab you some clothes?"

Karen laughed, "I have half a rack of outfits in the server room. I'll be fine."