The Search Pt. 02


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I nodded through the pain. "Yea. We're all a little vulnerable right now, and I realize that you haven't been comfortable coming to me lately. I'm sorry. We can get past this."

She yanked her hands away. "Jesus Christ, Danny, look it you. Do you hear yourself?!"

She was angry. I didn't understand why when I forgave her.

"I didn't fuck Terry," she continued, "but the fact that you'd be willing to just brush it aside like that to keep me? THAT'S the problem!" She began to pace in front of me. "Everyone goes through a honeymoon phase, Danny. EVERYONE. I've got to admit that ours lasted a long time. But me not wanting to squeeze in a quickie with you in between lunch breaks at work or not wanting to celebrate some arbitrary anniversary every single month did NOT mean I didn't love you. But it did show me that you had an obsessive personality and that it wasn't healthy. In fact, it's only gotten worse. Now I tell you that some random guy's cock was just inside me and YOU apologize? I can't do it."

The new tears that stained my cheeks fell for different reasons now. I didn't know whether to be happy that she had lied or sad that she was giving up on us. I apologized again. Apologies made everything better. "Baby, please. I'm sorry."

"STOP IT! I can't be your whole world, Daneela. Because, as much as I love you, you damn sure are not mine." She put her hands on my shoulders. I thought she was going for a hug, but she gently pushed me away. "I am the one who is sorry. I'm sorry I let the death of our relationship drag on like this as if I hadn't made up my mind weeks ago."

I grabbed her wrists. "Don't DO this!"

"The worst part about this is that I don't think we'll even be able to stay friends. You couldn't handle it."

"No!" Her desire to leave and my desire for her to stay were incompatible. I pulled her back to me, and she shook herself free. I got a tighter grip and she struggled until I had no choice but to hold her down. "You call this a talk?!" I scolded from on top of her.

"Get off of me!"

"I listened to EVERYTHING you had to say while YOU talked!"


"That's not fair!"

"HEL...!" She attempted to call for aid, but I covered her mouth.

She reached up to slap me repeatedly, and I took those licks. Don't hit her back. If I do, then I become the bad guy. After sorting through my emotions, they became clearer. I wasn't sad. I was angry, and she was the cause. I'd stay calm, though, and, once she wore herself out and saw the bruises she left upon the face of the one she claimed to love, she'd see that it wasn't me who was in the wrong.

"I'm sorry, baby. I'm sorry. But, once we have a real..." My vision went white as I felt something impact me in my gut.

It was Yas's knee. I fell forward unable to inhale. She'd literally knocked the wind out of me. Unable to hold onto her, she crawled from under me and scooted herself against a wall to calm her shaking. It felt like an eternity, but I was eventually able to take a breath. By then, Yasmin was at the door.

"I won't tell the others about this," she sniffed through tears, "but, you've got to get help, Danny. You're sick." It was the first display of any emotion from her besides hate, anger, or indifference toward me in a long time. That being said, I really wished it weren't pity. I also wished I could move because I still wanted to stop her. By the time I could prop myself against a wall, she was gone. But, I wasn't alone.

** ** **

It was quite the conundrum deciding on what to do next. Should they call off the search for Sasquatch and instead focus on finding their lost friends, or should they keep going? Most of the morning was gone and still Hal, Woody, Patty, and Big Jake were at a stalemate. It's not like all of them hadn't had conversations like this before. If something should happen to him, Big Jake had made it very clear he wanted the others to go on without him and, in fact, he was still angry Patty and Hal had carried his sorry, broken body back to camp in the first place. The others had similar sentiments, but where he was single and in his twilight years, the others were younger. Some even had families. When he returned to town with one Sasquatch and no James "B.A. Baracus" Martin, what was he to tell Mrs. Martin and the kids? This beast was more important than her husbands life? Something about what Daneela said about love just had him feeling especially sensitive on the subject.

Big Jake brought both hands together. "Who's hungry?"

"You're honestly thinking about food now?"

"I'm thinking about us all taking some kind of break. We're operating on about six hours of sleep between us in the last 72 hours, and we're talking about going back out there."

"I feel fine." Patted insisted.

Big Jake frowned. "We need sleep. We need food. We need..."

"The others," Woody finished. His opinion on who to go after hadn't wavered.

Neither had Patty's. "We are talking about tossing years of work down a hole to rescue five healthy, well-armed men from nothing."

"They could be hurt."

"All of them?!"

"We're going in circles." Big Jake had heard all of this already, and wasn't about to hear them get into it for a fifth time. Woody, who was normally mild-mannered and reasonable was now short-tempered and emotional. Patty's lack of sensibleness was also cranked up a notch. Not wanting to be the reason anyone died, Hal remained indecisive on all fronts but one.

"How's that blip?"

"It's still going."

"As long as it's still going, that beast ain't gettin' away."

"Unless it somehow dug it out and left to float down river in some log."

"If we still insist on having someone watch those campers out there, that means one of us is staying behind. I'm not going anywhere with that leg nor am I in any condition to chase down folk who don't want to be here. That leaves two of us to go after either a squatch or the other team on no sleep and empty stomachs. I don't know about ya'll, but two makes for a poor hunting party or rescue team if the worst has happened. We need everyone -- them campers and us -- at tip top shape to follow through either plan. So," he concluded. "Franks and beans anyone?"

Stubborn, immutable silence from his three companions was, in their own way, a begrudging yes. Big Jake kicked up his feet showing that he wasn't interested in going back and forth from the cabin. Likewise, Hal wanted to stay close to the monitor with that tiny blip on it showing the approximate location of their future fame and fortune as he took a space opposite of Big Jake.

Patty stood up angrily and left the RV with Woody behind her.

"Slow your roll, women," Woody warned. "No decisions been made yet."

"You don't think I don't know which way this is gonna lean? Years, Woody. Years." He was just as heartbroken to throw all of that away. He wanted to succeed just as much as she did. "There's always the flares."

"They could have been dropped or ruined or..."

"Can we eat yet?" Gus called from the fire it. "I'm just's been a while."

Woody looked back at Patty. "We'll talk about this later." He went from fed up to patient in an instant as he turned to the others. "I think we can all agree to that."

** ** **

Hotdogs sizzled on a grill rack near a fire next to a pot of beans that everyone there was probably going to regret taking part in. Everyone had their own plate and spoon, and was ready to be served. All except for Yasmin and Terry, who'd been deep in conversation for a while. She then stood, not to grab any food, but to go to the cabin where her girlfriend had insisted she'd rather stay.

"Hey." Patty got Terry's attention. "What's going on?"

He shook his head innocently. "They're just talking."

"Huh. I was wondering why you so pleased with himself."

"What? I didn't do anything. They're having a conversation. Probably one we should stay out of."

Everyone there knew the type of conversation that was about to happen, and it wouldn't be pretty.

There was a distant cry that caught everyone's attention. Especially Patty's as she'd know her baby girl's cry anywhere. Patty was up and on her way over in an instant.

Woody caught Terry's shoulder when he attempted to go after her. He shook his head and sat him back down. "Take your own advice, son. Stay out of it. If she wants to navigate that minefield, let her."

When Patty got close enough, she was able to make out individual words from the raised voices.

"I didn't fuck Terry, but the fact that you'd be willing to just brush it aside like that to keep me? THAT'S the problem!"

The others made it a point to direct their attention elsewhere, but Patty closed in on the window next to the door and watched everything instead. She watched the fight. She watched the struggle. She watched Yasmin land that cheap shot before storming out and nearly colliding with her.

"The fuck are you doing here?" she asked angrily.

"I live here," Patty answered matter-of-factually.

Yasmin grimaced. However, given what happened only seconds ago and still feeling the weight upon her body, chivalry wasn't exactly her top priority. She left without any more words. Whatever happened next was in fate's hand.

Patty found me inside propped up against the wall. I wanted so badly to scream at her to get out, but I was still recovering. She squatted in front of me to inspect my condition. "Just relax. You'll find your breath soon." I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised she'd been in enough brawls of her own to know the feeling. She gave me a few more moments more before speaking again. "So, that's it then. It's over."

"Please," I wheezed desperately while using the back of my hand to try and stop the small trickle of blood I could feel coming out of my nose from the smacks, "go away." When I felt that woman attempt to use her own sleeve to wipe my blood away, I lost it. "Don't," I gasped angrily. "You ruined...everything!"

She remained calm. "Princess, you know better than that. We met two weeks ago. Your problems with Miss Green are older than that."

"I hate you."

"I know."

I straightened my back as much as I could. "Get away from me."

She didn't. She closed in. "It's okay, baby girl. It's okay."

"No it's not. It's over. It's all over."

She got so close I had to look away. I was a beaten mess, and it's hard to be taken seriously when you can't even look your target in the eye. She had my head in her hands in spite of my protests and, with our foreheads pressed together, Patty breathed. Her lips were mere centimeters away from mine. "You're sleeping with me."

"For fuck sake." My impotent anger had turned to pleas. Now couldn't have been a worse time for that. "It hasn't even been five minutes."

"Not fucking. Sleeping. I'm tired, baby girl." A sigh followed. "Sooo tired. The other half of our team has gone silent, and none of us -- not me, not Hal, Woody, or Big Jake -- are in any condition to go after what we came here for." Patty effortlessly scooped me into her arms and walked me over to her sleeping bag. Slipping me inside, she continued. "Big Jake told us about your little runaway attempt."

"I wasn't the one..."

"Whether you intended to run or not doesn't matter." She removed her boots. "I can't risk it. Do you know how insane it would drive me if I let myself fall asleep and you were allowed to leave?"

"...I have an idea."

Zipping herself inside with me, her arms locked themselves around my body which felt extra weird considering I was usually the big spoon. "An hour. Maybe two. That's all I need."

Those were the last words I heard before her steady, rhythmic breathing warmed the skin against my neck. I was locked down by her titan grip, and I could feel a headache creeping in as I bawled like a baby. The last thing on my mind was escape. I just wanted some respite from the last twenty-four hours. Even in the arms of my captor, it was a chance to turn my brain off and just forget for a while. I cried hard until I, too, slept. For how long? I didn't know. The hope is that you'll feel at least a little better when you wake up. I did not. Sleep after a hard cry was never very rejuvenating nor did it do much for one's appearance. The salt from tears left white trails down my face, my eyes burned red, and my head gave off a residual ache. Still, the most unsettling part of waking up was being met by those predatorial blue eyes Patty had. I didn't even remember falling asleep facing her.

I stretched away from her. "How long has it been?"

"A lot longer than two hours. It's nearly dusk."

"Did you stare at me the whole time, you fucking weirdo?"

"Fifteen minutes maybe. How do you feel?"

"Miserable." New tears rolled down my cheeks, although they weren't accompanied by any wailing this time. I wanted to roll over, but she stopped me. "Christ. Just let me be alone."


"Why the fuck not?"

"Because I love you."

"Oh, my God." I rolled my eyes. "You don't even fucking know me, lady."

Like before, she began wiping at my face, and my weak attempts to stop her did nothing. "It's funny how instantaneous love can be sometimes. I dismissed it as lust at first. But, when it started to hurt every time I was physically apart from you, I knew the truth. The way you did everything you could to protect your ex-girlfriend -- the things you did -- and how badly you didn't want to enjoy it." I yanked my chin away, but it wasn't like there was anywhere to go. I was forced to listen to her. "Your love, your beauty, your body; they're all wasted on someone like Miss Green. She could never appreciate them like I do right down to the 'disgusting' parts of yourself you try so desperately to keep from me." She licked at my tear-streaked face. "I know I hurt you a few times in the past. But, you've just got to let me in, baby girl."

"You're s..." The word got caught in my throat, my eyes widened, and my heart stopped at the sudden dejavu. "...ick."

"No, I'm just Mama." She corrected me. "Mama might get angry. Mama might even punish you. But Mama will never leave you. Ever." She went for my zipper.

"No," I protested. She pulled me closer as I pushed against her chest. "You're not going to get your way this time."

She seemed to ignore me. "Let's see if I can make you cum like you did last night."

I heard the sound of flesh impacting flesh before I'd realized what I'd done. There was a pink handprint forming across Patty's face, and I braced myself for her wrath. It came in two folds. I was raised in a household that fully embraced the adage of "If someone hits you, you hit them back harder." Apparently, Patty was also familiar. Also, the rule was meant to be employed in schoolyards and on playgrounds where the worst one was likely to expect were slap fights or the occasional limp-wristed punch from a literal child combatant. Patty was no child combatant. In fact, I thought my nose was broken.

As I reeled from the impact, I felt my clothes being removed. First, my pants and underwear. Then my shirt. This was the first time I'd been completely naked in front of her. I didn't know whether to try and cover up or continue to nurse my face. Soon, I wouldn't have to worry about either option. My right leg fell over her shoulder. Then, my back arched reflexively when something pushed its way up my ass. I have to admit that my anus was uncharted territory so, for a second, I did go a bit cross-eyed. Patty already knew to cover my mouth before anyone could hear me. I instinctively grabbed at her wrist, but knew better than to fight.

"I tried being nice, but you don't want nice."

"What do you want? An apology?" The probing continued, and I tensed as her thumb entered the front door.

"I told you what I wanted. Or," A darkness fell over her face, "maybe Mama should just break a switch off of one of those trees out there and beat your ass like you know you deserve."

That shut me up. With no other choice, I closed my eyes and forced myself to relax. Acquiring what was probably the closest thing to consent Patty had ever known, she pushed both fingers as deep as they would go to cause the desired whimpers. It didn't take a team of scientists to figure out my body so, yes, I admit it felt good. But I took comfort in the fact that it still wasn't enough. I could fight this long enough for her to get frustrated. Without being able to play me like a fiddle to whatever tune she desired, she'd eventually give up before she humiliated herself any further. So, I submitted.

"That's better. Also, you hit like a girl," she teased, though she wasn't through being mad at me.

"You look like a man --ahh." I reflexively slammed my legs closed when she gave my clit a quick slap.

"Why can't you just be good?" Her fingers continued to feel around my insides like she'd left her keys in them. "I say I want to make you cum, and you hit me. I tell you to let me in, and here we are doing it the hard way."

Through clenched teeth, I counted the wooden beams in the ceiling for a third, fourth, and fifth time before moving on to sitcom jingles. The jingles did the trick, and she had to have noticed by now that things weren't escalating like before. I could feel her change things up every now and then. She'd move deeper. Then she'd toy with the entrance. All the while, I was singing the lyrics to Family Matters. 'It's a rare condition in this day and age,' I sang in my head, 'to see any good news on the newspaper page.'

With a frown, she tilted her head to the side. "Stubborn today."

'Well then there must be some magic clue insiiiide these gentle walls,' I smiled internally as I felt fingers turn and twist. 'Cause all I see is a tower of dreams; real love bursting out of every -- ghk!' If it were possible, my eyes would have had hearts in them. It was the finger in my asshole that did it. It found whatever it had been searching for way in the back.

"You had me worried for a second there, Princess." With the jig being completely up, she had no reason to hold back or think twice about her movements.

It was me who had to cover my own mouth so that no one ran in here trying to save a distressed animal only to find me twitching in a puddle of my own juices instead.

Patty just marveled at the sight. "I didn't know you were such a slut for anal."

Neither did I. I'd never bothered exploring those parts, and it took me completely by surprise. I couldn't believe it. I thought this kind of thing only happened to men. She couldn't help but smile as I flopped around with the back of my hand jammed halfway in my mouth and a tune in my head that was slowly growing more warped.

'aS dAyS gO...bYyYy?' the melody went on.

"No need to be embarrassed about it, baby girl. Everybody's got a spot." She put pressure on my pelvic area with her other hand to both keep me still and to make it worse.

It's the bigger love of...of the...nope, gonna cum. "GNNnnNnNGHH!"

I. Fucking. Exploded. And it wasn't while half-dressed in a poorly lit latrine in the dead of night. It was the middle of the day, butt naked, with my o-face clearly visible for any and all to see. My body was just so damn pleased with itself. I forgot my own name. I forgot why I was there. I even forgot how much I hated Patty. The only message firing in my dumb monkey brain was, 'Again! Me want more! Me want her babies!' It wasn't my proudest moment, but it was mercifully quick as a vice grip under my chin snatched me back down to earth.

"Hit me again," she hissed, "and I'll make you take the whole fist next time." A vein pulsed on the side of her forehead, and I didn't dare do anything other than nod my head. Her switch flipped again, and she went from immediate threat to disappointed parent. "Why do you make me say these things, baby girl? Do you think I like hurting you?" I watched anxiously as it flipped once more but, this time, it was on remorseful 'partner'. "I'm sorry," she sighed. "Sometimes Mama gets a little carried away when she gets angry." I leaned away, but she still managed to rest her hand on my cheek. I could tell just by looking at where he eyes focused that I probably had a bruise. "Why do you have to be so fragile?"