The Seeker and the Source Pt. 05


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Her mentor.

"Augustes O'Malis, you are charged with the crimes of treachery and deceit. We found you onboard armed with the intent to steal away the prince's mate along with causing bodily harm to those who tried to subdue you." Said a guard, ignoring the shrieks of protests coming from Aurelia. The prince held her arms tightly.

Augustes lay kneeling before them, his grey hair covering his steely face, dried blood embedded in the dirtied strands. His skin hung in shreds on his lean but muscular frame. He fixed a scowl when he beheld his ward in the arms of his enemy.

Tears welled into Aurelia's eyes as she took in the state he was in, desperately wishing to wrap her arms around him and whisk him away.

"Before we send your spirit to the Aether I have a few questions I would like to ask you. Now, my dearest mate, is here to ensure you provide us with honest, truthful answers."

"Illandriil, please don't do this" pleaded Aurelia

A sting cracked across her face rattling her head as bright red bloomed across her cheek where Illandriil had struck.

"Never address me in that manner!" Illandriil said darkly. She was not allowed to address him so casually especially in front of others. He immediately regretted slapping her for it though. He silently warned himself to not be so rough with her in the future.

"And never pity a liar" he continued.

She shot him a dark glare through her bleary eyes as she rubbed her cheek. A navy blue aura flicked across her skin and travelled along Illandriil's skin where his hand held her wrist.

"Tell her Augustes, how would you have killed her after caring for her so well?"

A navy shimmer outlined the head of the questioned as he responded matter of factly.

"When she had turned twenty, I would have cast a sleep spell so she would at least go peacefully, carried her up the steps of the temple of Akash, and sliced her throat."

"And when would you have told her that this was her fate?"

Augustes shook his head gruffly.

"Never would have. There was so much at stake. What's one life to the freedom of thousands from oppression? The end of a war. In fact if you hadn't been so stupidly weak we would still have you, the camp would still be alive. But you just couldn't help yourself could you?" he sneered

"Now you stand in front of your old man, chained like a whore at his feet. After everything I did for you. We sacrificed everything just to raise you. Ungrateful bitch. You could be helping us eliminate scum like him and you choo-"

"I've had enough of this" said Illandriil cutting him off. His aura turned pitch black as Augustes doubled over and let out a guttural scream unlike any she had ever heard before. Aurelia shook her head from her shock, not wishing for the death of her mentor, despite the revelation. Torrents of despair crashed into her as she desperately worked to stop his demise.

She closed her eyes and focused reaching into the mental channels from which her magic flowed. Her mind strained and pain pulsed through her spine, but like a dam across a rushing river she felt the flow slow to a trickle. Despite the exhaustion, she let slip a small smile.

Illandriil caught the slight upturn of her lips, as he felt the magic wane between his fingers. An unanticipated nuisance. He grunted in frustration as he re-exerted his will over hers.

Sweat bead down his forehead as Illandriil found himself pushing harder just to maintain the outflow of magic, he could feel the mental blockade she set in her mind, preventing him from fully using her powers, and his heart stung knowing that he was doing something that she didn't want.

They wrestled against each other for control, with Illandriil exerting just enough willpower, as the form of her mentor crumpled over, his last breath escaping from his lips.

He released his hold on her magic as she fell, she felt his arms slip around her as he caught her before they both fell to the ground, tired and gasping for air.

She crawled over to the lifeless body that was once the only person she considered family.

"No no no no no no!" She protested as she pressed against the cage checking over his body for life signs. Of course there were none.

A tear trickled down Illandriil's face as he sat there watching. He had seen death before, ordered executions, slain enemies on the battlefield. Countless humans, over the years. Yet it was this one moment, this one human. He closed his eyes and swallowed hard. No this had to be done. Though he was beginning to say this to himself a lot.

He slid toward her to pick up and cradle her against him. Tears streaked down her face as she cried into his chest, too tired to fight. He stood up and carried her slowly back toward his tent.


She woke up to the prince gently nudging her early, before the sun had even risen. He dragged her groggily toward a basin of warm water and soap to wash her. After he had finished washing them both, the she-elf servant was back again to dress Aurelia.

The dress was a bright sunflower yellow, different from the pale pink she worn initially. The same thin gold chains for straps. She was beginning to wonder if there was a meaning behind the chains, as she saw no one else sporting the same chain straps. It had been a lot easier to work with the servant to put the dress on this time but fatigue and a lack of overall willingness to cooperate stifled her movements.

By the time they finished lacing up those ridiculous leather sandals, the tent was already in the process of being taken down. She caught sight of Illandriil who was in the middle of helping take down another tent. It surprised her to see him helping out, she assumed that being royalty, he wouldn't.

Illandriil however, was used to being on the road, traveling in a small group of warriors that the process of setting up and taking down camp was as second nature to him as any of his other duties. They were in a rush to get to the capital as it was. He had kept his mother waiting long enough when he refused to take her immediately to the Faenanore Isles.

By the time he settled her into the saddle of his horse, she laid her head against his chest and fell back to sleep. Illandriil found he didn't mind this. He found her human needs, to be one of her many endearing qualities. He looked down to brush a stray lock of hair from her face. A picture of peace as she slumbered, the inner turmoil she felt bubbling just beneath the surface of sleep, unbeknownst to him.


Arms circled around her, warm comfort, stirring rhythmic heartbeat. She sighed, comforted gazing up at the male holding her limp form. Her prince.


She squinted at the aging face, salt and pepper locks.


She felt the ground rise up to meet her. No, it was a surface, a smooth stone bed, her head in his lap. His face pulled into a twisted smile. She blinked sleepily, her movements languid, gripping his arm. Tugging him in vain. His hand on her hair, smoothly petting it back almost tenderly, brushing tears from her face. The muffled voice of her mentor.

"What's one life?"

The silvery shine of sunlight bouncing off a raised blade.

What's one life?

She had woken up startled against the prince's chest. An odd feeling of relief washed through her once she realized it was all just a dream. She was here, she was safe.

She thought of her mentor, now dead at the prince's hands and hers by proxy. Every hour brought them closer to Omythlian. Aurelia stomach turned at the thought, despairing what he intended to do with her once they arrived. Despite her refusal to cooperate, he had still been able to muster enough power to execute her mentor.

She thought of Illandriil as well this morning, as he gently pressed the cloth against the cheek he had slapped the night prior, chiding her and explaining respect is paramount in Elven society, while he allowed her to speak casually with him in more intimate settings, she was to address him formally in front of everyone else. Hard to separate from the Illandriil who had caused said damage the night before.

He didn't even mention the man whose life he had taken the night prior.


She wondered why she didn't mourn her mentor as much as she felt she should. He had done his best to raise her, and love her, in whatever capacity he could. She reasoned.

And yet when she thought back to the haunting answers he gave to the questions she had often wondered throughout her time with the prince.

How he would have been the one to personally take her up the temple steps and thrust a blade into her. Snuffing out her life. She wished he hadn't been caught, not because his death saddened her, he lost her love when he admitted to keeping the prophecy from her. No, It was simply because his death was another in a growing toll of people whose death was caused by her.

She tilted her head to look up at Illandriil, studying him. The afternoon sun was shining through the leaves in the trees growing on the side of the road that provided shade to travellers. She blinked taking in the sight how the rays seem to illuminate his face giving him an ethereal look.

Illandriil glanced down to check on her when he found her pale cerulean eyes staring back at him. He was contemplating how she managed to withhold her abilities from him. The extra effort it took just to cut the life out of the.

He blocked out the memory of the man dying to focus. His own abilities were supposed to amplify hers. But without her cooperation, any massive use of power would require him to fight her for it. If Aurelia could stifle her flow of magic and he couldn't bring her to heel.

He was bringing her to danger.

A pale grey horse cantered up to them carrying his cousin. The female elf gave a quick nod of acknowledgement to Malloryn who had turned his head back to see who had approached the prince. He nodded back in return.

"Pleasant day, your highness" she said turning her head toward her cousin and his human mate in his saddle.

Aurelia jerked at the sound. Her eyes wide as if she was startled out of her own thoughts. Cerrella shot a glare at her when she turned to stare up at the new rider.

Aurelia stiffened against Illandriil, subconsciously looking to him for protection. Illandriil noticed this as a his hand gave her arm a reassuring squeeze before wrapping around her waist to hold her tightly to him.

"Cerrella" he said in a warning tone.

Cerrella's glare abated into a look of boredom.

"What brings you here to the front? I thought you would be riding with Uncle and the rest of your men."

"I was but then Father started on one of his usual tirades on humankind. I've honestly heard it all and besides, I've yet to be formally introduced to your mate." She said gesturing toward Aurelia.

Aurelia felt unsure about the coldly beautiful female dressed in black leather armour riding next to them. She glanced between the two cousins gauging their attitude. Despite their general indifference toward each other Aurelia could sense a certain affection between the two.

"Aurelia, this is my cousin, Lady Cerrella."

"Hello your highness" Aurelia tilted her head toward the female elf, remembering to be polite. The only words she had said since last night.

A brief look passed between the two riders before Illandriil barked a laugh.

"I am not a princess." Cerrella said through gritted teeth.

Aurelia felt confused, if Illandriil was a prince wouldn't that make Cerrella a princess? Royal titles bred royal titles. Illandriil noted the confused look on Aurelia's face.

"Only the ruling monarch, their spouse, their heir and their heir's spouse take a royal title. Not even the Quene's late sister was called princess." He explained acknowledging Cerrella's mother.

"And unlike you humans, we don't care about the gender of our heirs. Proper titles do matter though. Calling someone 'your highness' is considered grounds for high treason if they do not merit it." Cerrella explained further condescendingly.

Aurelia wanted to roll her eyes at her boast. That wasn't necessarily true. It was well known that Elves practiced an form of alternating succession in which fathers passed on their trade to females and vice versa. Illandriil was in line for the throne because his mother was Quene. Had his father been ruling king, Cerrella would have been the heir.

But it was strict, meaning a family lead by a male who only had sons would lose their wealth to the next female in the family which meant that gender still mattered.

Aurelia didn't want to bother wasting her breath on this. Not when her people still favoured male heirs to female ones.

"I'm sure Lady Cerrella will let it pass this time, little one, on account of your ignorance of our customs. Though she is correct about the seriousness of using the wrong title. I forgive you though." He said reaching to run his fingers through Aurelia's hair possessively. He narrowed his eyes at Cerrella to give her a warning look.

Cerrella nodded resuming an indolent expression, ignoring her cousin's ire.

"I trust as we approach Omythlian, you'll ensure that Aurelia learns everyone's titles." She said in an almost sly manner emphasizing the way she said 'everyone'.

Aurelia dismissed the comment. She didn't care to learn anyone's title. Does it even matter anyways? She wondered as she retreated back inside herself. There were only two people who had a royal title to begin with.

Illandriil and Cerrella spent the rest of the ride making small talk whilst Aurelia paid little attention. She was busy looking at the Elven countryside. If she wasn't on her way to what felt like her execution, she would have enjoyed the beauty of the scenery around her. Rolling hills of green, with beautiful lush mountains in the background, so tall that their peaks were capped with snow despite being so far south.


Illandriil stalked into their tent that night. Aurelia trailed in behind him, her eyes roaming distant spaces he could not discern. She spent all day moping and he couldn't understand why she was.

In his eyes, he had gotten rid of the man who would have eventually killed her. She was there for it! She heard his confession, from his lips. Yet, instead of acting grateful like she right and truly should be, she shut him out. It was like the man's execution made her more suspicious of him instead of less.

When he had done his best to tell her the truth right from the start.

He turned around and gathered her into his arms, hooking her legs around his waist. But instead of laying her on the soft mattress, he pressed her up against the thick wooden centre pole that held up his tent. The movement was so quick, she barely had time to breathe before her back hit the wooden grain of the pole. It was sturdy, managing to support her slim frame as he sandwiched her. Forcing her to use her legs as leverage against his hips.

Aurelia opened her mouth as if to say something but before any sound could escape; his lips were crushed against her, silencing any thought she may have had. His arms pressed against hers trapping them and making it impossible to push him away. He wanted this though, as he lifted her closer to envelop her into his kiss. A soft moan escaped her breath as she gave herself into his deep passionate kiss. He tasted incredible, like honey and ginger, his lips warm and inviting.

"No, Illandriil stop" she panted, giving him a half-hearted push against his stone hard chest as she did.

"Why Veela? Because of the human?"

"That human raised me and was the closest thing I had to family. "

Illandriil frowned.

"I can be your family. Please Aurelia, let me show you how good life can be. How good we can be."

He resumed the kiss, hands running through her dark waves, her weight now being supported by the pole behind her and thighs on his hips. His tongue darted past open lips, tasting, no, devouring her with the hunger of a man who had not seen food in weeks.

A hand found its way under her citrine dress to fondle her breast. His thumb massaging distractingly around a rosy tit. His other hand slid down to his trousers to free his engorged member.

Aurelia shuddered and found her will to resist slip, as she felt the tip of his staff push against her tight passage.

Her strength was giving out, her thighs slipped, sliding her down to his waiting cock. She let out a squeal, squirming in his grasp, re-pulling herself up.

She shot out a gasp as her body sank lower onto his. Sliding in deeper. Almost half way. Gods she wanted this. The feeling of being so full, swelling, throbbing. Overwhelming need building through her body, golden glowing energy seeping into her skin. She shook her head refocusing herself.

With renewed strength she pulled back up managing to get back up to his tip before losing her grip on his thighs and falling down his shaft again. She squirmed and spasmed as she felt his cock slide deeper into her before she pulled herself back up again, gasping, panting. He was nearly out. Little bit further.

He watched, bemused, at her struggle against his body. Taking in her sweet sensuously addicting scent. Aqua eyes found his evergreen, in a desperate plea, his own returning a mischievous glint.

A simple hand on her shoulder was all it took to bring Aurelia tumbling back down again, her thighs aching slightly from the expended energy.

He continued this game with her, alternating between letting her fall back down as she tired herself, and pushing her down himself. Each time impaling herself deeper and deeper.

He let out deep breathy moan as he felt himself bottom out inside her. He held her against that pole, seating that luscious butt on his arms, as he lifted her up slightly before he drove back into her silky vice, beginning in earnest.

The sweet music of her whimpers and shrieks of pleasure escaped her lips as he crushed her against the pole. He could see she was building closely toward her peak as she arched against him trying to get a better angle, her pussy clenching around him.

This time she gave into that sweet release as wave after wave of pleasure took her. Sending her higher and higher in ecstasy. Her pussy tightened around his cock. Wisps of the golden aura flicked across their skin as they coupled.

"Aurelia" he breathed

He quickened his pace as he pressed his lips into hers for another kiss. His cock thickened inside with his own release, but he wasn't ready to come yet, not without hearing her delicious orgasm again.

He gladly tipped her over that edge again as he slammed inside. The feeling exploding around them sending shockwaves of radiant energy coursing from their bodies. Blissful release.

"At the very least, don't put him on your pedestal" he said in between panting breaths, when they both came down from their high. He eased her back into bed with him.

"We don't get to choose the people who raised us. He may have raised you, but it does not mean you owe him your affection." He said this thinking of his own family.

Aurelia pondered his words as she laid in his arms, watching the strange golden energy disappear beneath her skin.


Illandriil sat on the soft mattress looking down at Aurelia as she slumbered. Watching the soft rise and fall of her chest as she lay there serenely. He almost didn't want to disturb the comforting picture but there was so much to do.

He gently pressed his fingers to her neck as his thumb softly caressed her cheek.

"Good morning my veela" he cooed.

"We have no time to be laying in bed, there is much to do if we are to make it to the capital by midday"

She felt his arms sweep under her, the feeling of being carried before feeling hot water on her body as he lowered her into a bath.