The Sex-Life of a Teenage Psychic Ch. 03


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It was happening again, like the night before. Our psychic abilities were enhancing the power of our orgasms, which were building ever closer to the point of combustion.

"Riley . . . I hope you're ready, champ," Dante warned me. His cock was beating in my ass.

"FUCK! Holy fucking SHIT! Do it! Do it daddy! Cum in me! Cum in me and break my fucking ass!" I screamed and kicked as I cried and drooled. I wasn't thinking straight anymore. His cock had reduced me to a drooling little slut.

"Okay bitch. Here . . . oh shit . . . her it fucking CUMS!!!"

The first spurt of cum hit my prostate like a punch, and I almost wanted to puke because his cock was slamming into me so hard, but as my own orgasm popped off the pleasure overwhelmed me.


My cock went off like an explosion, sending large wads of semen in every direction, especially straight up, where it then rained down on us in thick globs. We were cumming together as our minds melded into one, and the pleasure was completely indescribably. The room disappeared, the house melted, and the whole earth fell away, and I swore that Dante and I were floated through the intense heat of the sun like two cosmic beings engaged in a war of sex.

This feeling lasted an eternity.


When the world finally settled again I was still on Dante's lap, resting on his iron chest as his hands were groping my body. The showers had been turned off, but the large stall was still thick with mist and very warm, like a sauna. His cock was no longer in my ass, but it was somehow still erect and perfectly hard. It was standing up between my legs, cradling my own cock on its amazing girth.

I turned my head as much as I could, almost facing him, and we kissed. It wasn't the same hard, violent, dominating kiss he had given me before. It was soft and slow but still excruciatingly erotic.

"Welcome back, champ."

"Why . . . why do I pass out every time? Not that I mind, I love the sex, but, it's like, I can't even control myself."

"You are just awakening to your psychic powers. You've always had them, but simply by being near me, experiencing me, fucking me, your powers are being stimulated and enhanced. For a psychic, sexual energy is like throwing wood onto a fire, and having sex with another psychic involved is like throwing oil onto that fire. You're body just needs time to adapt to all this power."

"So, I'll become more powerful? Will I be able to move into other people's minds, like I did earlier today with you?

Dante took a grip on my cock and stroked it. "There is no limit to the things we can do."

I was going to ask Dante more questions, there was so much I wanted to learn, but I heard the padding sound of weak footsteps outside the stall. The glass doors were too cloudy to tell exactly what happening, but I could see the blurry outline of a naked girl stumbling around. The glass door opened. It was the skater girl, still naked and dripping with Dante's spunk. Her freckled face looked confused and angry.

"What the fuck . . . where the fuck am I? Who are you faggots?" she asked, getting angrier. "Wait . . . I remember you. You kicked me off my skateboard. You . . . you . . . cock . . ."

Dante pointed one finger at the girl. There was a SMACK sound and her head snapped back as if someone had punched her right in the nose. She collapsed to the ground, unconscious again.

"Holy shit!" I gasped. "Did you . . . did you just kill her?"

Dante laughed. "No, no, I just smacked the bitch out. I could kill her though. Easily. But don't worry, I'm not going to do that. Hey, I have an idea. Let's use her for practice."


"Sure. You'll need to test your abilities on the minds of normal people to sharpen your skill, and this little lady looks like easy prey, since I've already been fucking around with mind and body all day. She's weak."

"But what do you want me to do with her."

Dante kissed my neck. "Go play with her."

He pushed me off of him, my own legs still a little wobbly. I walked over to the girl's collapsed body, writhing in unconscious pain as she started to come to. She was cute, but the last twelve hours of Dante had really worn her out.

Dante spoke behind me. "Now relax, but don't let that big dick of yours get soft. Sexual arousal will greatly increase your power, just as sexual arousal in others will greatly increase their susceptibility to your influence."

Her green eyes were blinking open.

"She's coming to," I said nervously. "What do I do?"

"Feel your mind, think of it like an octopus with great, long tentacles writhing all around you. Reach into her, into her mind, into her pussy, and find the places that make her who she is. You can tug on these places like a puppeteer to make her do things. Reach into her mind. Make her get on her knees and suck that big cock of yours."

I did what he said, but I had a lot of trouble imagining my mind as an octopus. I did feel the tentacles though, but they felt more like clouds of mist, constantly forming and evaporating around me. They didn't feel solid. I concentrated on her head, and on her worn out little cunt. I could feel her, I think, like her clit was being squeezed between my thumb and forefinger.

She was awake, and she was looking right at my big cock hanging over her face. "What . . . oh god . . . you are going to rape me again, aren't you?"

My heart was racing. This was rape wasn't it? Dante raped this girl.

"Do it now Riley," Dante commanded. "Tell her to get on her knees."

"Fuck you!" the girl tried to scream, but bubbles of semen choked her. "I . . . I'm going to kill you."

"Get . . . get on your knees," I stuttered, trying to tug on some feeling I had found, something that felt like obedience.

"Fuck . . . you," she hissed.

"I said . . . I said get on your knees."

"Harder Riley! Meaner! You have to want it. You need to let that bitch know that she doesn't have a choice."

The girl looked afraid of Dante. "What the fuck are you faggots up to? What is this sick shit?"

"Get on your knees," I said more confidently.

"I am going to fucking cut you. I am going to slice you faggot dick off and shove it up your boyfriend's ass."

"I said get on your fucking knees NOW!"

Something happened. I felt something click. Some part of me that wasn't physical slipped through the air and broke inside her. I could feel her now, as if I were inside her, but instead of my cock in her pussy it was my mind inside her mind.

She did as I told, slowly getting to her knees. She looked confused, not understanding why she was doing what I asked.

"Now suck my dick," I almost whispered.

"Fuck . . . no . . ."


Her mouth popped open and fell onto my cock. Her tongue was wiggling like a frightened snake. She was trying to pull away, but she couldn't. I could feel her teeth though. She was trying to bite me.

"Ouch! Dante, she's going to bite me."

"Then don't let her. She's you bitch, Riley, your toy. She just doesn't know it yet. Tell her."

"Bitch," I said, trying to ignore the pain of her teeth. "No fucking teeth. You are here to suck my dick. You are here to help me bust this nut, because that's the only fucking thing you're good for." Something was snapping, something intangible between me and her, like a thin sheet of paper being dissolved by water. I was entering her. "Now stop pretending you don't love this."

Tears came to her eyes. Her teeth retreated. Her mouth was wet and soft. She started to suck me for real now, and she was quite the pro. As she sucked my cock like a loyal little pussy-mouth, I could feel images and episodes scanning through my mind, like I was flipping through a magazine. They were memories and feelings and dreams. It was hard to separate which were real and which were fantasies, but it was obvious that they were hers. I could see her boyfriend, a gangster type guy, and I could also see the black basketball player she was cheating with. I could see her lesbian fantasies as well, of her on the beach with an older woman. I saw one memory of her stabbing another girl in a gang fight, and slamming another into the sidewalk. The other girls had lived, but the act alone had made this cock-sucker wet. She had fucked like a minx that night. Then I found something really significant: her name.

"Jesse," I said. "Jesse Young."

I had it. I had control over her. She was my slave.

"Jesse, turn around and get that little bitch ass of yours in the air. I'm going to fuck your pussy, and you are going to love every fucking second of it."

She popped off my cock, turned around, stuck her ass up, and showed me her dripping honey-pouch. I entered her. I fucked her. She screamed. I came. She loved it.


"So what do we do with her now?" I asked Dante.

We had gone back to his room and were lying in his bed naked together, casually kissing and playing with each other's bodies. Jesse was on her hands and knees by the bed with a tray of grapes and orange slices on her back. I had turned her into a human snack table.

"Can we erase her memories or something?" I asked.

"Of course, but to be extra safe we should invent some new memories to fill the gap. When I started doing this I almost got caught a few times when the women I enslaved started investigating the days they couldn't remember. It is better to give them some false belief to explain their amnesia."

"Is there a way we can . . . change her? You mentioned something like that. Can't we make her a total slut, even make her happy about being raped."

"It is pretty easy to make someone a total slut, you just need to remove their inhibitions and then put their libido into overdrive. But, she will still remember us raping her, and she'll hate us for it, even though she won't be able to stop getting wet when thinking about it."

"What about really changing her? Making her . . . a WILLING slave?"

"That's a little harder. It is possible. I have done it, but to change someone you really need to break them. We would need to find something precious to her, something she loves, and we would need to break it in front of her. She would break with it, and then we could reshape her in any form we wanted. She would truly be our slave then. Forever."

"Who have you done this to?" I was so curious, a little afraid, and for some reason, very aroused. The idea of breaking someone and enslaving them was immoral and cruel, but I had never pretending to be a good person. Fantasies of enslaving the jocks and their rich girlfriends at my old school were making my cock hard.

Dante shrugged. "I've abandoned most of my first slaves. They were just practice anyway. My current maid is my slave. Ileana Nova. I broke her years ago, one of my greatest conquests. You'll meet her when she gets back from a errand I have he on out of state."

I looked over to the skater girl we had been toying with since yesterday. She was a really cutie, and I had savored fucking her, but I was bored enough of her now. There were plenty of cocks and pussies out there.

"So what about her?"

"First we'll need to gather up her clothes, then we'll decide what memories to stick in her."

I just remembered that my mother had found the girl's clothes. "Shit. My mom found her clothes out on the sidewalk this morning. She must have gathered them up because I don't remember seeing them out there."

Dante groaned. "Oh, I really shouldn't have left them out there. It was just so hot making her strip on the spot like that. No worries. I have plenty of clothes around the house. So, let's go play dress up."


Dante's house was amazing. Every inch of it was stylish and each room was different. In the basement he had an entire wardrobe of costumes and clothing that looked like it came from a pervert's sketchbook. Dante told me that being psychic made it very easy to get lots of money, since people would hand over their wallets just by being asked, and the clothes had mostly been compiled from lost items left by the hordes of women he had fucked in the house. They had all left things. Purses, jewelry, underwear, straps, toys, and entire dresses. I was curious to find what looked like a few prom dresses in one corner, and in another there was enough leather bustieres and thongs to equip an army of dominatrixes.

We must have spent a couple hours playing with Jesse, forcing her to try on different things and strut for us as if we were having a sexy fashion show. Finally we decided on a pair of extremely short denim shorts that left most of her ass exposed, a bright pink thong that rode up her naked hips, and a tiny punk-rock t-shirt that barely covered her perky tits. Dante had makeup too, and we painted her lips black, her eyelids dark red, and I drew a heart on her cheek.

Dante and I decided that she had gone to a secret rave last night, which would explain her slutty clothes and sweaty lack of hygiene. To complete the costume we even took some glow-sticks and shoved them into her shorts, one hooking though her exposed thong.

"Drugs," Dante said. "She should be high. That's why she didn't call her parents last night."

He pulled out a big bag of molly and ecstasy from a chest he had which was filled to the brim with every drug imaginable. He grabbed my cock (which was amazingly hard again) and he drew a line of molly on it that ran the full length of my ten inches.

"Snort that molly off his cock, bitch," Dante commanded. The redhead fell to her knees and lowered her nose to my cock, expertly snorting all ten inches of the molly. Her head rolled like it was loose on her neck, and her eyes were practically spinning.

"Alright," Dante said. "Let's escort this little lady home."


I borrowed one of Dante's shirts and met him in the garage, leading a very hypnotized, very high Jesse behind me like a drugged little kitten. She looked like a perfect little rave slut coming home from a night of hard partying, drug use, and fucking.

Dante opened the trunk to his car. "Hop in here, slut,"

Jesse leaned into the trunk, but she was so high that she was having trouble getting in. Dante grabbed her by the back of her tiny shorts and tugged on them with such force that they almost ripped, and the material cut into her ass with a painful wedgie. He dropped her into the trunk like a bag of trash and we got into his car.


As we drove by her house we could see that a police car was parked out in front. An attractive woman with a neck tattoo was on the porch in her bathrobe, crying and talking to one of the officers. It was pretty obvious that this milf was Jesse's mother, and I fantasized about banging the both of them at once. That was possible now, I realized. My power would allow me to make my every sexual desire a reality. My cock was so hard it almost broke through the zipper of my shorts.

We pulled into an alley two blocks away, got out, and pulled Jesse out of the trunk.

"Are you ready?" Dante asked. "I want you to put in her new memories. You don't need to worry about making them too detailed or even realistic, the human mind will do most of that work on its own. Besides, she's high as fuck and tired from all the poundings we've given her. She's like putty, champ, you can do whatever you want with her."

I nodded. I wanted to make Dante proud. I looked into her eyes, which wasn't easy as they kept rolling back and forth from the molly. I reached into her mind, and I broke it like it was made of wet paper. Dante was right, all of the hard sex and drug influence had made her so weak that her mind was completely at my mercy.

"Listen Jesse," I whispered into her ear. "You went to a rave last night, not a very large one, in the next town over, with some boys you met at that skateboard shop you like. You didn't tell your mom because you were afraid she'd say no. You had a great fucking time by the way. You danced all night, did every drug that was offered to you, and when the sun was rising and everyone was heading back home, you took those boys into the bathroom and you fucked every one of them. You did this because you are a total slut, and you love nothing more than getting fucked."

Jesse was crying. "But . . . that didn't happen."

Dante's hand grasped my hard cock through my shorts. "Touch her. Grab her tits and pussy. Finger her. Sexual contact will increase your influence."

I did as he said. My right hand gripped one of her firm breasts, massaging it slowly, and my other hand slipped down her shorts and started playing with her clit. She moaned submissively. Dante stroked my own cock through the material of my shorts, heightening my power.

"Yes it did, you lying slut! You begged those boys to fuck the shit out of you. You sucked their dicks, you stripped for them, and then you spread your legs and let each of them cum in you. You weren't thinking about the consequences, and do you know why?"

"Because . . . because . . ."

"Because you are a worthless, horny, cock-sucking, cum-slurping, little slut."

". . . yes."

"Now get the fuck out of here, and if you ever see me again you will not remember me, but you will know, somewhere deep down, that I am the hottest stud you have even seen, and you will get wet."

"Oh fuck," she moaned, "I'm so wet right now. Pleae fuck me. Please—"


I slapped her across the face. It felt amazing. "Scram bitch."

She did, reluctantly, and I watched her cute little ass turn around the block. She looked back once, longingly biting her lower lip, and then she disappeared.

I was shaking. The feeling of power that I now possessed was overwhelming, it was more than I had ever thought possible, and I loved it. Tears came to my eyes. I had just raped a girl, I finally accepted, which was something I had never quite down before. I had pressured girls into sex. I had shamed them by spreading nude pictures of them afterward around the school, and yet I had never really crossed that final line. But now . . . now I could do anything.

"I think . . . I think I feel sick," I said. "We ruined that girl."

Dante took me into her arms. He kissed me. "Don't think about it like that. You saw her memories. She was a little gangbanger. She stabbed one girl, and slammed another on the ground so hard that the girl's ribs cracked. She was already a slut too. Did you see her memories of sucking off that basketball player while her boyfriend was passed out in the next room? She was a piece of trash, Riley. She was sport."

I nodded. "But . . . but you don't care about that. If she had been a virgin, and a good person, you would have done the same thing. You'd just as soon rape that shit out of a virgin and ruin her life."

Dante smiled, and he kissed me again. "Yes. And you will too. Power like this will change you Riley, and you will be happy when it does. Good, bad. Right, wrong, Moral, immoral. Who gives a fuck about that when there is a whole world of pleasure to be had for those with the balls to take it? Life is the sexiest bitch of all, Riley, but she doesn't put out willingly. You've got to rape her. Are you willing to do that Riley? I you ready to become the god you deserve to be?"

I shuddered. He was right. I wanted to live while I was alive, and I wanted to conquer. "Yes. I am ready. What's next?"

"Next?" Dante laughed. "Next we go hunting, we find some hot girl or boy you like, someone neither of us have met before, and we see if you can do to them what I did to that little redheaded cock-sucker."

I smiled. "I can't wait."

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BiceptualBiceptualabout 8 years ago

I'd like to see you continue this story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Thats it then......?

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

now we just need a scene in which he is dominating Dante and it will be perfect :P

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Rape, domination, moral dilemmas.

Non erotic. The unbelievable size of your psychics, coupled with extraordinary powers of recuperation makes this story boring. Lets face it, no one is a challenge to them and if you could fuck anyone, it would only be interesting for awhile because eventually, you would know that they aren't choosing you because they want to....they have to be forced to.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
@ markydaysaid

I hope I didn't put you off writing more - I really like your way with words. Here is a suggestion - make the incest into a teaser. Slow down the way things are going with his Mom, and only have them have sex after he's defeated Dante. When they finally have sex, Ryley shouldn't be using any of his psychic abilities. Or, do a "Star Wars" twist and let Dante and Ryley have a "Luke, I am your father" moment. :)

markydaysaidmarkydaysaidabout 11 years agoAuthor
@ anonymous

You totally just predicted where I was taking this story with like 100%. shit.

BiceptualBiceptualabout 11 years ago
Love it!

This is fucking HOT!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

This is a fair bit darker than I'm normally into, but the writing's good and it's keeping my interest. I'm mildly curious if Riley's moral qualms are going to last long. Not bad at all.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Nah, don't like where this is going

The writing is top notch, but the storyline is not my cup of tea. One of the key problems is that it's not really clear where the protagonist stands morally. It's as if he is coming along for a ride, without having any opinion at all. I really hope that the next chapter has less violence, and more substance. But let me guess - in a few chapters, having fucked his mom, and having raped a few girls and boys, our protagonist will meet a guy, who is the love of his life. Then it will be the classic "apprentice challenges the master" finale, and the protagonist rides into the sunset, with his lover to his left, and his mom to his right.

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