The Sheath

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Smaller bf wears sheath made from ex...
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I decided that it was time that I finally bought Tyler a sheath extender. His cock was just too small to give me pleasure, so what better way to make sure I got all the pleasure I needed. The problem was, I didn't just want any kind of extender. I wanted one that I knew would stretch my pussy and reach that incredible G-spot. I wasn't sure where to find exactly the right one, so I decided to text Jessica.

Jessica! I need help with something.....

At your service!!! What do you need this time, Abby?

Whenever I needed something, Jessica was my first person that I would reach out to. I mean, we are BFF's!! Who else can I ask these crazy questions! So, I continued:

Well, You know the size of Tyler's..... ummmm, well. His tiny cock.

Yes! His diclit!! I know that well! 😉

So, I want to get a sheath extender. But I want to get one that I KNOW

is going to fit in ALL the right places!

You know what this means, right Abby?


Sex shop!!!! Can you be ready in an hour? I'm so ready to help you with this project. I have some incredible ideas.

I'll pick you up in the hour!

I could always count on Jessica. She knew about my kinks, fantasies, role playing, etc, so shopping at a sex shop was nothing for the two of us! I quickly threw on my yoga pants, ran a brush through my hair, and was out the door and on my way to pick up Jessica. I was at her house in under an hour because I just couldn't contain the excitement that I had.

"Are you ready?" Jessica beamed! She barely got in the car and she was already overflowing with excitement.

"Ready? Oh my goodness!" I exclaimed. "I am out of control excited." I continued, "And I cannot wait to see what Tyler thinks." I wink at her.

Soon enough we were at 'Babeland'- THE best-known sex shop around. It's a place geared toward the pleasures of women!!

As we walked through the door, the worker said to us, "Welcome to Babeland! How may we help you achieve your pleasure today?"

Just hearing that made my pussy start to tingle. I could not wait to do the shopping!

Jessica looks at me and then to the worker, "We need sheath extenders!" Jessica was beaming. I blushed a little when she said that but nodded my head in agreement.

Trisha, the worker at Babeland, said, "Come with me ladies! Let's see how we can bring you the ultimate pleasure!" She took us by the hand and led us to the other end of the store. As soon as we reached the "extender section", Trisha held her arms out, as if presenting them to us, and said, "Here they all are ladies!! Every color, length, girth, and shape you could possibly ask for!"

My eyes widened as I looked at the literal shelves full of cock extenders. "Holy shit!" I said out loud. "There are so many of them!!" I continued, "I wouldn't even know where to start!"

Trisha laughed and asked. "OK, who's wanting more girth and length on their man?"

I adamantly stated, "That would be me!"

Trisha turned to me and said, "Let's now be honest. How big....." She hesitated, and then continued. "I mean, honestly, how small is he?" Trisha then held up her first and second fingers, making the inch sign. "Like this?"

I giggled when she did that. "He's tiny!" I said.

Jessica jumped in, "Let's be real here. Fully erect Tyler is only 5 inches!" I looked at her, and my jaw dropped. She smiled at me and continued. "Yes, he is HERS, but I know from her, well, and witnessing myself, that he is ONLY 5 inches! Please help this girl!"

Trisha said, "Well, at least we already know his cock is tiny and cannot provide you the pleasure you need. So, have you had a cock that was ABLE to give you pleasure?"

"I hadn't thought about it that way. But yeah....." My voice trailed off. I found myself glancing at the extenders, and they became a little fuzzy in my view as I started to think about Bryan. "Mmmmmm...." I started almost moaning just thinking about him.

"Ummmm, Abby?" Jessica started to say, as she began tapping me on the shoulder. "Earth to Abby!"

She broke me from my daydreaming, and I shook my head, realizing I had been staring off into space. "Oh my gosh!" I started laughing. I didn't even realize I had lost check with reality.

"So, I'm gonna assume that that is a DEFINITE yes as to who had a cock that truly pleased you!" Trisha said comically.

"That would be a hell yeah!" I laughed. Both girls stared at me with 'tell me more' looks in their eyes. "OK!" I yelled out. "Bryan. Oh, Bryan's cock!" I said breathlessly, as I sighed. "He had a thick 8" cock that could barely fit in my pussy. We tried and it stretched me to the point where I couldn't fully get him inside of me."

"Let's look for a sheath that looks like Bryan, then." Trisha stated. She showed me different extenders, but none of them felt "right" in my hand. After searching through almost all of them, she turned to me and said, "This is going to be a totally off the wall question, but...." She had that dramatic pause. "Are you still in touch with Bryan?"

"Yeah. We are still friends. I don't see him a lot due to work schedules, but we still talk." I stated, looking at her inquisitively.

"Well," Trisha continued. "There is this kit, where you can mold an extender to be an exact replica of a person's cock." Trisha winked at me. "If he would agree, you can give him the kit, and he can literally make a cock extender that would be his cock, and then you can use that for Tyler."

"Holy shit! Are you fucking kidding me?!" Jessica screamed out, before I was even able to get a word in.

"Seriously?" I asked. "Let me text him right now." I quickly texted Bryan and asked if he would be willing to do this. I think that he was totally flattered because his, "Fuck yes!" answer was quick and sounded extremely excited, even through texting. "We are in!" I shouted as soon as I got his reply.

"Perfect!" Trisha said. "Let's get you this kit and get pleasure started for you!" And with that, Jessica and I walked out of the store with a cock extender kit in hand. Now, I just needed to get this to Bryan so I could get my very own extender for Tyler.

Within a few days, I was able to meet up with Bryan and get him the kit. As I handed it to him, he looked at me and said, "So, you miss this big 'ole cock, don't you?"

I giggled and said, "Bryan. You know you were the biggest cock that I ever have had or attempted to have in me." I continued, "And damn you know it stretched me like I have never been stretched before, or ever since!"

Bryan continued, "I'm flattered you want a replica of my cock." He winked at me. "I guess Tyler is, ummmmm, less than pleasurable to have inside of you?" And with that he started laughing.

"Bryan!" I shouted, as I smacked him on the shoulder, jokingly. "We can say that he is not well endowed." I cleared my throat. Bryan looked at me with a 'no shit Sherlock' kinda look. I said, "Fine! His cock is like a tiny carrot and I want to feel full and have his cock pressed up against my G-spot and having a cock like yours wrapped around his cock will make me feel this way!"

"That's all I wanted to hear." Bryan laughed. "I'll get it back to you by the end of the week?"

I wrapped my arms around him and said, "You're the best Bryan!! My pussy thanks you." I winked at him and left.

By Friday, Bryan messaged me to tell me that he had my present all ready for me to pick up. I was so excited that I could barely contain myself. This weekend was going to be so much fun! Once I got word that he had it ready, I texted Jessica.

Jessica! Guess what? Bryan made me the extender and I'm picking it up today!

If you are picking up that extender, I desperately need to meet you because I want to wrap my hands around that silicone version of his cock.

Absolutely! I'm picking it up at 5. Want to meet after that?

Let's just meet in the Walmart parking lot.

I'll see you at 5:30.

Oh, I promise I will be there. I am not missing getting my hands on this thing.

At 5:30 I pulled into Walmart and parked. Within seconds, Jessica's car came barreling down the aisle and parked next to mine. I watched her charge out of her vehicle, fling my door open and she said half jokingly, "Let me touch his cock!"

I started to laugh. "Jessica! It is so nice to see you too!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," she said. "Give me the cock!" She was cracking up, as she was saying this, which made me laugh even harder.

Somehow, I managed to get the extender from the bag in the backseat and hand it to her. She opened the box and her jaw hit the floor. "Holy fuck!" She looked at me with her eyes wider than a full moon on a clear night. "THIS is going to YOU??" Jessica was holding the sheath in her hands, moving it from hand to hand, wrapping her hands around it, her jaw sitting on her lap the whole time.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Well, it was hard to get his cock all the way inside of me when we fucked, but damn it felt so good, stretching out my pussy. I swear that I came so fast with him inside of me, though!" I paused and then said, "I cannot wait to see this on Tyler!"

The sheath extender was clear, so I will be able to see Tyler's cock inside the replica of Bryan's girthy cock. The idea of it was such a turn on, I could feel my clit swelling just thinking about it.

"Girl!" I said to Jessica, "I'm getting wet just looking at this thing. I've gotta get me home and get my carrot cock wearing this."

Jessica laughed and said, "Okay! Okay! Got home horny girl! Go get fucked by this massive extender on your boy's diclit!" As she said this, she held up her 1st and 2nd fingers in the "inch" symbol.

I started giggling! "Jessica!!"

"I want ALL the details," Jessica said, staring at me. "And when I say all, I. Mean. ALL!"

"You got it!" I laughed. "Just give me my massive cock so I can go home and let Tyler fuck me with it on!" I was grinning ear to ear by this point.

Jessica finally left the car, and I practically flew home. I just could not wait to see Tyler.

When I got home, Tyler was just headed into the shower. "I've got a surprise for you when you come out!" I shouted to him.

"A surprise?" Tyler responded, over the sound of the shower. "Does it involve you naked and on the bed?"

I laughed. "Yes Tyler. If you are lucky enough, it will definitely involve me naked and on the bed."

"Well, fuck yeah!" he shouted. "I'm going to be squeaky clean for you baby."

I whispered, "I certainly hope so because I've got the surprise of your life waiting for you."

Fifteen minutes later, Tyler walked out of the bathroom, wearing only a towel. I was waiting for him, laying across the bed, wearing only a lacey bra and panties. "Hot damn, Abby!" Tyler shouted.

"Yes?" I said to him, coyly.

"Babe! You look....."Tyler started. As he was starting to talk, I was up on my hands and knees, crawling across the bed in his direction. "You...." His voice trailed off.

I was now on my knees, chest to chest with him. I looked in his eyes, ran my fingers down his chest to the top of the towel wrapped around his waist. "I don't think we need this anymore." With that I loosened his towel and it dropped to the floor. "And who do we have here?" I playfully say, as I take my first 2 fingers and tap the top of his erect cock. "He's just so cute!" I am talking to his tiny cock like I'm talking to a baby. "And what does he want to do right now?"

"Abby! You know exactly what he wants to do!" Tyler said, as he was trying to move his cock closer to me.

In a stronger, more dominating voice, still looking deep into his eyes, I said, "Tyler, do you think your miniscule cock can pleasure me?" With the change in my tone, Tyler's face changed. That from playful and strong, to a more submissive look.

"Madam?" He responded, his eyes never leaving mine.

"You heard the question." I responded, continuing to stare at him.

Tyler looked down towards his feet, but I did not want him to break my gaze, so I placed a finger under his chin, and lifted his eyes back up to meet mine. "Yes Madam, I heard you," he whispered. He gulped as he finally answered my question, "No Madam. I do not think that my cock can please you, because it is too tiny."

My face broke out into a smile. "Was that so hard, Tyler?" I then reached down to his mini erect cock, and said, "I know that this is hard." I paused. "I have something for you." I paused again, letting him sit in eager anticipation. I continued, "I want to use it with you." Tyler started to smile, and I then said, "It's going to give me the pleasure that I need."

I could see Tyler's face change from excitement to complete curiosity. "Madam?" I shook my head yes, to encourage him to finish his question. "What exactly do you mean by that?"

"Oh Tyler! This is going to be amazing!" I shouted. "I need to know you're ready." Tyler shook his head yes. "I'm going to put it on you now. I cannot wait to feel it!" My voice was getting higher in pitch and excitement was bounding from me.

I reached behind me, into the bag and pulled out the extender, bringing it into full view for Tyler. "Holy shit!" he shouted, as he jumped back.

I glared at him, and he moved closer. I could see his already small cock, starting to shrink. Oh, hell no, I thought to myself. That is not going to work. I need him hard. I reached my hand out and started rubbing his teenie weenie, stroking it slowly but firmly. "It's an extender, Tyler; to put your cock in. To give ME pleasure." I whispered. I could feel his body relaxing, as I continued milking his cock, but he was getting harder again. I leaned to whisper in his ear, "I want you to wear this. I want you to know what it is like to stretch me. To fill me."

Tyler moaned. "That's right," I said. "That's a good boy. You'll wear this extender and feel what a real cock can do to my wet pussy." I continued, "Do you like it?"

Tyler looked at the clear extender in my hand, "This is a big cock, Madam. I know that this will feel really good inside of you. May I ask you a question?"

"Of course!" I said cheerfully.

"Where did you get it?" Tyler questioned.

"Oh, Tyler!" I said. "I am just so glad that you asked me that question! But first, let's get this on you. I'm going to tell you all about it while you fuck me. I'm way too wet to be waiting any longer."

Without hesitation, I slipped that sheath over Tyler's diclit. Seeing his tiny cock inside that clear extender caused a rush of blood to my clit and I swear I could have cum right then, if I wasn't as excited as I was to get that thing inside my soaking wet pussy.

"It looks so miniscule inside this sheath, doesn't it, Tyler?" I asked him. I saw him look down, seeing his cock inside the massive extender.

"Yes Madam it does. I want to please you, though." Tyler stated.

"Now, I want you to have the best view in the house. So, you're going to fuck me from behind." I explained. Since Tyler was right next to the bed, I got on my knees and elbows, and backed up towards him. "Put it in!" I said with so much excitement in my voice.

Tyler held the extender in his hand and started to press it up against my pussy. "Oh my God!" I breathed out. He barely had it inside of me and I could feel my pussy stretching around it already. "Fuck, Tyler! Slow and steady."

He backed it up slightly and then pushed further in, but had to move slowly because it was stretching my pussy to maximum capacity. "You are so wet, Madam." Tyler stated. "Will you tell me now where you got this?"

"Keep going Tyler. I promise I will tell you." I said breathlessly, as Tyler was moving slowly in and out of my pussy, making short strokes, as it was taking full effort to get that girth inside my pussy. "Oh, fuck this is amazing! I feel so...... ohhhhhh hell yes!" I called out as he pushed further into me. "God this is incredible!" I could feel the pressure building up in my pelvis, my clit starting to swell with the incredible sexual tension building. "The extender, Tyler. I had it molded." I hesitated, letting that sink in for a minute. I could feel him pause, but then I pushed back towards him, and he continued with moving himself in and out of my pussy.

"Molded? Like by a person?" Tyler questioned.

I laughed. "Yes, Tyler, by a person." I paused, "By the biggest and most pleasurable cock that I have ever had inside this pussy."

"Ummm...." Tyler responded.

"I wanted to be stretched, ya know. To feel pleasure like you aren't capable of giving me! You remember Bryan, right? So, I had Bryan make a mold of his cock for me. Bryan's cock was the girthiest and most pleasurable cock I have ever had inside this pussy and now you are fucking me inside of Bryan's cock!" I said to him. "Fuck this is sooooooo......mmmmmm. Harder!"

I could feel the extender almost swell inside of me, knowing that Tyler was getting harder as I was telling him this. Not only that, but Tyler's thrusts were getting stronger as I continued, and with that, they were getting deeper. "Oh, Tyler! Oh wow!" I was calling out as he had now managed to get the entire extender inside of me. "Your diclit could never reach all the way up there!" I shouted, as I was moaning, trying to contain myself.

"How does my pussy look, stretched around Bryan's cock? Hmmm, Tyler?" I asked him slyly.

"Your wet pussy is so sexy, wrapped about this cock, Madam. I could never stretch you like this." Tyler said. "I don't even know if you will be able to feel my cock after this."

"I guess we will just have to see, won't we?" I giggled. "Now fuck me with that big cock you are wearing!"

With that, Tyler withdrew the extender to the tip of my pussy and then thrust so hard and deep inside of me, grabbed my hips and pulled me towards him, and pressed up against my G-spot. Instantly, I felt my pelvis fill with pressure, my body began to tremble, and then my hips began to buck uncontrollably as I yelled out, "Holy fuck!" That was all that he needed to hear, and then he started thrusting deeper and harder, knowing his tiny cock alone, was incapable of producing the incredible moans and screams that he was hearing from me. There was a mix of, "Oh my God's" along with "I'm cumming!" and "Holy shit!" and "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" He was relentless and I just kept cumming. With every movement he made with the extender, you could hear it moving through the wetness of my pussy. The wet sounds permeated the room. The smell of sex was so strong as the orgasms continued.

"Bryan's cock is just so amazing!" I managed to squeak out amongst the screams of pleasure. "I can't believe I waited so long to get you this to wear. You could never manage to bring me this much pleasure with your turtle cock. Oh how you are pleasing me right now."

I collapsed after the continuous orgasms, my body unable to handle being stretched any more than it already had. Tyler slowly withdrew the extender from my stretched out, dripping wet pussy. "Did I please you, Madam?" he asked me.

"Oh fuck Tyler. You pleased me so well. In fact, I will let you cum after that performance." I said to him. "Now show me how you cum. I want to watch. Remember, small cocks like yours do not bring pleasure on their own, so they do not belong in these holes, but I want you to cum today."

Tyler slipped off the extender, and his cock was rock hard. I laid on my side, watching him stroke his tiny cock with his hand. Even fully erect, his whole hand was too big to wrap around his cock. So, with 3 fingers covering his cock, he began to stroke himself. With only 5 strokes- one for each inch of his cock, he came right there, standing before me. He moaned as cum spurted from his small cock. And then he collapsed next to me, exhausted from fucking me with another man's cock.

"Tomorrow we can see if I am able to feel that teenie weenie of yours inside my pussy. I will let you inside of me, just to see how small you really are." I smiled as I told him this.