The Spa

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A day at the spa with the girls.
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The building was nondescript except for the small sign to the left of the door. 'Boardwalk Spa' in small, neat letters on a brass plate. A doorbell below it the only other blemish on the clapboard.

I pressed the button and waited. I never heard the bell, only trusted that it was working. I was about to ring again when the door opened. Greeted with a small smile, I return it looking into the face of a very pretty woman.

I hand her the card you sent me. She glances at it before announcing, "Of course. Please follow me."

She leads me down a short hall and opens a door to the right. She points to a locker and tells me that I can change here and put my belongings into the locker. A very white and very plush robe hangs next to the locker, soft slippers below it.

"Your friends are already here and waiting for you."

I look at her questioning, thinking "friends?" But she is already out the door, closing it behind her.

I undress and place everything into the locker. There's no lock but somehow I know that privacy and security is not an issue here. As if timed perfectly, the door reopens just as I finish tying the robe's belt.

The attendant gives me a warm smile and nods towards the open door. We turn left now and follow the hall deeper into the building. Several doors on either side but its the last one on the right that she chooses. Unlike the first room, this one is already occupied.

Soft music fills the air along with the scent of fresh flowers. I see a table with an open bottle of red wine with two half drunk glasses near by. The walls of the room match the brightness of the robes but my eyes are drawn to the movement as a hand reaches and lifts a glass.

"What do you think? Was I right?"

Your voice brings my smile to full bloom as I spy you bringing the glass to your lips. You sip and turn slightly to face your friend. I see her, dressed as you and I, next to you on the divan.

"Evelyn, Jenny. Jenny, this is Evelyn. I believe you remember my speaking of her. She recommended this place and I must say that I like what I see so far."

Evelyn I see is close to your age. A tad deeper complexion than you but with long black hair and smoldering dark eyes. Her lips are brilliant red which really sets off her eyes. Both of you with imbecile make up and hair. I see that the spa has already attended to you and hope that I will look as good when they are finished.

"I think you will find that this spa will cater to your every need and provide service that none can compare."

I'm not sure if Evelyn is speaking to me or you. Her eyes on me but somehow I detect that her attention is really on you. Glancing down, I see that her foot is casually moving against your bare leg, confirming my suspicions.

The attendant brings me a glass and I sit in the empty chair across from you. She pours me a glass of wine and I sip, waiting, relaxing along with you. As I take in more of the room, I see that your hand is hidden by the flap of Evelyn's robe. Suddenly jealous of her, I take a large gulp of the wine.

Evelyn's expression doesn't change but I hear a difference in her voice. "Jenny, we've already had the first treatment. Why don't you take your wine and Betty here will get started with you." She nods at the attendant who gives me a curt head bob in turn.

I stand and she opens another door, taking me into a darkened hall then into a sauna. Just as the first door closes behind me, I swear I hear the sound of a kiss, kisses. I don't look but I want to.

Betty places a towel on the bench and tells me to remove the robe and lay back. She pours some water onto the coals, raising up clouds of steam in the already heavy, hot air. Laying on the hard bench, the thick air causes my eyes to close and I almost feel that I could drift off to sleep.

The sound of a zipper brings my eyes open and I see that Betty has removed her uniform. She's nude underneath and I find myself taking inventory of her. Her red hair is tied into a ponytail that reaches halfway down her back. Her ivory skin is unblemished except for the pink nipples topping each of her full breasts. I glance down to find that her mound is smooth and hairless.

Sweating profusely, I feel as if my body is being cleansed with every pore opened. Betty has brushed back my hair and tied it into a pony to match hers. She leans closer and whispers that I should just relax and allow her to guide me. Her hands moving over my body, my breasts.

Feeling her body pressing up against me, her nipples cutting small circles as she extends her hand down to touch my mound.

"The other's only wanted a trim but I've been told you wax you. You've shaved this morning but the wax will still make you smoother. We'll start once you've sweated a bit longer." Her lips and tongue fluttering over my ear. She gives my neck small kisses but I don't respond, instead I try to ignore the caresses and evident willingness.

My mind is swimming by the time that Betty tells me that its time to go. She takes my hand and leads me through another door. My robe, her uniform, left behind and forgotten.

We stand together in the middle of the room when the cold water hits us. Drenching us in a moment from the hidden overhead shower. I almost cry out in the sudden change to cold from hot and Betty has to hold me as my knees go weak.

As suddenly as it started, it ends. Betty's hand squeegees the water from my face before she finds several warm luxuriant towels to dry my body, and hers.

She leads me to the next room where a lounge chair awaits me. She sits me down then quickly and efficiently waxes me. I want to enjoy the warmth of the molten wax but she has no time for that. Ripping it off me far too soon for my own tastes but leaving me much smoother than I arrived.

Finished, she tugs my hand and I stand as she wishes. Another door, another room, this time with a cot and stand beside it. A thick white cover on the cot, where Betty tells me to lay on face down.

"Not everyone gets this treatment but your order was very specific." Betty caresses my face and whispers that I should relax, and enjoy. "They must have special plans for you tonight."

She steps away for a minute but I can hear her opening drawers and the liquid sloshing within a plastic or vinyl bag. Something clicked, hung, onto the stand. Then my legs gently pushed apart.

A slick finger teases and enters my rectum. Not to give pleasure but to ready me and it is soon withdrawn. Replaced with an equally slick tube that Betty guides deeper inside me.

"This may be a lot, so let me know..." the words trailing off. Or did I just stop listening? My focus shifted to the warm liquid pouring into my ass. Filling me, expanding within me, stretching me.

The pressure building, increasing, testing my ability to hold it. Then stabilizing. "Wow, you did it. Now try to hold it as long as you can." This directive not made easy by the withdrawal of the tubing, forcing me to clench tighter still.

Sweating again. This time not because of the room temperature but to control the urge to let go. Knowing that I need to retain it as long as I can. My mind blocking everything out, including when Betty helps me to my feet. Only realizing I have moved when she turns me and sets me onto the toilet.

Releasing with her words, "Go ahead now, I'll need to fill you again once you're done," ringing in my ears.

Then somehow I'm back on my belly. The tube reinserted, another liquid filling me. Hot like the first but somehow different. Just water perhaps. This time, our trip to the toilet immediately after the last drop is pumped into me.

We got into another room, one visited before perhaps? Yes, it is. The water again pouring from the ceiling but warm now. And Betty is scrubbing me, soaping me, washing me. Washing us.

Once again I'm dried by her and lead to another room. This one occupied by a large bed. Bare except for a clean white sheet. I'm placed upon it and I'm struck by the softness of the sheet.

Suddenly the room goes black, all light extinguished. A panel slides silently to the side, opening up a view into the adjacent room. Betty voice soft and warm in my ear, her body soft and warm next to mine. "Now you are to watch..."

The adjoining room matches this one. A single large bed with a soft white sheet. Also with two bodies upon it. But these bodies are in motion.

Your hair and make up no longer perfect. A light sheen of sweat on your face, your lips twisted into almost a sneer as your hips pound down into Evelyn. A handful of her hair sprouting from the fingers of one hand, while the other is braced upon the bed next to her.

Her legs wrapped about your hips. Happily fucking with you. I can glimpse the shaft of the dildo in the gap appearing and disappearing between your bodies. The black straps over and between your butt cheeks the other evidence of it.

Transfixed watching you and her, I don't notice Betty's fingers rolling my nipples. I only know that my body is on fire with the flames burning extra hot there. I don't notice her tongue either until it retreats from my ear, replaced with her words, "I'm told they've been at it ever since we left them."

Its then that I realize that a speaker in the wall carries the sound of your sex to us. I can hear you asking Evelyn if she likes it. Whether she wants more. Then a laugh as you tell her that she's going to get it whether or not she wants it.

Evelyn's response is to clamp her legs firmer about you. Pulling herself into you harder. Her hand upon your breast, the other snakes up behind your head as if to pull you to her for a kiss. A kiss you reward her with, both your cheeks revealing the efforts of tongues fighting in the midst of the kiss.

Betty's hot breath again in my ear, "She told me we could. That she wanted us to..." The words trailing off as her fingers squeezed tighter on my nipples.

"What? Who? We could do what?" My questions not really questions but involuntary utterances as my concentration on the sex in the next room is broken.

"Judy, she told me to tell you." Betty's hand turning my face towards hers. In the darkness of the room, our lips meet and we kiss. The kiss of soon to be lovers. One sure of it beforehand, knowing that it was your wish. The other surprised but willing.

Our kisses broken by the sound from the other room. A loud thunderclap of flesh on flesh. Looking back, I see that Evelyn is on her knees with you standing before her. Your posture involves a fistful of hair, with the other hand raised again.

But before you can swing, Evelyn's mouth opens and she takes the cock extending from your crotch deep into her mouth. Bobbing once, then twice, she takes it all down.

"That's better. Let's see what a cock slut you are. Clean your pussy juice off that big cock." Your hand gripping her hair pushing and pulling her head up and down on your 'cock'.

The panel between our rooms closes with a soft click. In total darkness again, I turn back towards Betty. We resume our caresses, falling down flat onto the bed facing each other. I push my leg between Betty's as her hands squeeze and pull at my ass.

Betty's pussy coats my thigh allowing her to grind easily along it. My hands explore the rest of her body. I discover that while her nipples do not extend far, they are exceedingly sensitive to my touch.

Just as I'm sure that she's about to cum, the light clicks on in the room and the door flies open. Blinking in the blinding light, I half see you stride towards the bed with Evelyn behind you. Hands are pulling Betty away from me and I can barely make out you dragging her out of the room before the lights click off.

Another body is with me now and without seeing I know it is Evelyn. I can smell you upon her as her hands are in my hair holding my head still for her. Her lips on mine and I'm kissing again.

Evelyn's kiss so different from Betty's. Surer but more teasing. Her mouth still wet with you as well. I can only moan when she finally offers me her tongue and I taste the bitterness upon it I know so well.

Once again the panel moves. Evelyn turns my head to it and I peer into your bed once more.

Betty is under you, her hands holding her ankles. As when I spied you with Evelyn, your hips a blur humping into her. But this time there is no evidence of a strap on. And I know you are fucking her with your clit, and by the look on her face, I know she is loving it.

Her pale body contrasting with the still recent imagine of Evelyn's darker body. Evelyn's breasts covered with large dark areolas whereas Betty's pink tips are tiny. However, her moans are just as loud and lustful as Evelyn's before her from that spot on the bed.

I see a droplet of sweat fall from your face onto Betty's cheek. As if following it, your lips are then upon hers. Moans now muffled, I can tell that both you and her have reached orgasm.

Its with a shock as I see you jump up and move down. Betty's body completely visible for a moment before your hands take hold of her at the base of her thighs. Then your mouth goes in, long pink tongue darting out into the star below her reddened pussy.

Betty moans but I don't hear them over mine. Entranced in watching you, Evelyn has to be forceful as she pushes me onto my hands and knees. Seeing Betty luxuriating on your hot wet tongue, then experiencing the same as Evelyn's finds my asshole.

Her tongue drives forward, licking, circling, probing. My eyes fluttering, then opening wide as her fingers spread the wetness of my pussy over the fullness of my clit. Shaking and cumming, cumming and shaking. Matching the movements of Betty before you.

Stretching out on the mattress, Evelyn moves into a spooning position with me. Its then that I feel the hardness of the dildo sprouting from her nether regions. As it pushes between my legs and into me, she wraps her arms about me. Slowly, she enters me completely before beginning a measured in and out while allowing me to recover from my recent orgasm.

Soon we have moved beyond simple penetration and are now fully engaged in fucking. Our bodies slamming together as she thrusts and I push back into her. Then I'm on my belly with her on top of me. Fully prone on the bed, my arms extended to the two corners with her hands gripping my wrists.

My legs spread as she drives forward. Breasts smashed on my back. Mouth kissing, biting my neck and shoulders. Both of us grunting with the exertion of our fucking.

I look up and see you straddling Betty's face. By your movements and facial expression, I know that you have Betty's tongue in your ass. I see your hand rise and fall, smacking her pussy squarely as you continue to ride her face.

"In my ass. I want you in my ass."

And Evelyn complies. Pulling out quickly then raising the head of the cock an inch to press it at my rosebud. Without lube, she goes slowly. Allowing me to set the pace.

Her hand guiding it in until she feels them meet my cheeks. Then she pulls her fingers out and sinks down. Voice husky, "Judy told me you were an ass whore and now I know it is true." Then I hear her giggle, "But then again, I've tasted her ass tonight too."

With that, we set into a slow rhythm of fucking. Evelny pinning me to the bed as her hips pound into my ass. Bringing me to an intense orgasm before reaching her own.

Still impaled by her, I close my eyes and drift off to sleep. In a dream state, I groan without waking as I feel her leave me at some point. Uncovered, yet not cold on the bed, I remain in a state of sated sexual sleep.

In the darkness of the room and my slumber, I can't notice your entrance. Nor do I realize that its you and not Evelyn as my dream state just presumes its her weight that returns to my bed. My dream incorporates the soft kiss upon my shoulder and cheek and the continued movement upon the bed.

Its not until your hot piss hits my face that I awaken to my real dream.

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