The Spark

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Two doctors have a sexual relationship with a pretty patient.
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"I can't believe my eyes," Dr. Joseph Lennon said to himself as he looked up and down at Emma's naked body. "You've not only gotten better, you've gotten beautiful." He blushed at having said those last words.

Her sickly green skin and boils were all gone, replaced by creamy fair skin. He and Dr. Leona Luxembourg, his assistant, had to examine Emma's naked body thoroughly every day to make sure she was improving, with no relapses to the ghastly state that seemed to show immanent, certain death.

The medicine that Lennon had been working on-a kind of ointment he and Luxembourg were rubbing all over Emma's body-was apparently working. When all the green and boils had disappeared, he and Luxembourg, never normally the lecherous kind, were unaccountably getting sexually aroused by Emma's body.

He had the pretty brunette turn around so he could see her from behind...and oh, what a pretty little behind she had! He couldn't take his hands off her; they were constantly stroking and sliding up and down her skin. The rationale was that he needed to feel if there were any vestiges of those boils, but all he felt was delicious softness and smoothness.

He hoped she wouldn't notice the bulging erection in his pants. In any case, she seemed barely conscious, for the effect of her sickness had her in a mental state comparable to being on drugs.

He had her turn back around to face him. He looked up, from where he was sitting, into her eyes, those almost glowing brown eyes that reminded him of his late daughter, who died of leukaemia at eighteen, Emma's age. Then he looked down at her firm little breasts, sighing and fighting temptation.

Meanwhile, all Emma did was stand before him and mumble incoherently to herself, and sway left and right, back and forth. He knew she had to be able to trust him...and he couldn't trust himself.

Where is that nurse? he wondered. I'd be much more able to control myself with her or Dr. Luxembourg here with me, to keep me from misbehaving. Why aren't either of them back from their break yet? "If my wife-Oh, God-hadn't died..." he said to himself, then thought, in that car accident two weeks ago, "I'd behave myself." He choked back a tear, then pulled himself together.

He moved his shaking hands along her arms, still feeling for any slight traces of boils-all gone-and still panting. With her arms up, he noticed no armpit hair on her at all; nor did she have any pubic hair anymore. This hair had all fallen off within a few days of rubbing on the ointment. Very odd, especially coupled with her sudden bloom of beauty.

I should still be wearing the decontamination suit, he thought as he continued examining Emma's petite body. Even if I was still wearing rubber gloves, I'd probably have better self-control. Dr. Luxembourg and I examine her naked body for much too long periods of time...because it's so...irresistible...

Finally, he lost control and put his arms tightly around her waist. He gave her belly several soft kisses and gently squeezed her bottom. Then he pulled back as quickly as he'd grabbed her.

"My God," he whispered with a shaky voice. "She's my daughter's age." My wife just died, he thought; and now I act like this. If there's a heaven, and they're looking down on me now, what must they be thinking?

He began sobbing.

"I'm sorry," he whispered. "Let's get you back in bed, before I do anything worse." He pulled back the blankets on her bed and lay her there on her back. He pulled the blankets over her and left the room, still softly crying.


The day before, Dr. Lennon-while looking in one of Emma's stool samples, which were no longer green, but a normal brown-had seen a tiny spark of light twinkling on the side of the turd.

It was ME.

[I'd put the green skin and boils on her the day a boy found her (a week before Lennon's loss of control), and she was rushed to hospital by men in decontamination suits.

That very day, to understand the nature of Emma's illness, Dr. Lennon had taken a sample of her tissue and put it under a microscope. All the staff in the hospital advised him to take at least a month or so off, to recover from the loss of his wife, but he insisted on working to help Emma.

Saving this girl's life might be the one thing that will help me carry on after my wife's death, he thought. If Emma dies, it will feel like watching my daughter die all over again. Emma reminds me so much of her, it's disturbing. I've got to save her.

Soon enough, he saved Emma's life...or rather, I inspired him to.]

He removed me from the turd and kept me in a small jar-not that he needed to, for I wasn't going anywhere; and not that I could be kept there, either. He wanted to study me, which I was happy to allow him to do, though in the end, he would learn my abilities more intuitively.


The morning after Lennon's loss of self-control, as Dr. Luxembourg was finishing showering Emma, she noticed the girl was finally waking up. Instead of moaning and mumbling incoherently, as she had been wont to do, she actually spoke intelligibly, if oddly. She said, "Mama...mama."

"Mama?" Luxembourg said. "I'm your doctor, not your mother."

"Thank you...for cleaning me...Mama," Emma said. Indeed, in her still somewhat dreamlike state, Emma seemed to see her mother in blurry, green-tinged vision, imagining herself a five-year-old being given a bath.

The doctor, who was bisexual and already attracted to Dr. Lennon, now found herself as mysteriously attracted to this eighteen-year-old girl as Lennon had been. Luxembourg turned off the water and wrapped a big towel around Emma's naked body. She rubbed the girl dry, then hung the towel up and brought her eyes back to Emma's beauty, blushing at her desire all the same.

Emma's vision was focusing better, and she now saw the doctor instead of her mother. Still, the doctor seemed like a new mother.

And surprisingly, Emma found herself returning the doctor's desire, for she sat on Luxembourg's lap, facing her and looking longingly into her eyes. She put her arms around the doctor's neck. "Thank you," she said again.

"Sweetie," Luxembourg said. "Why are you...?"

Emma gave the doctor a peck on the lips.

"You saved my life," Emma said, even more conscious now. "Thank you."

Oh, those soft lips, Luxembourg thought as she sighed and closed her eyes. "What am I thinking?" she said to herself, then thought, I feel as if I'm cheating on Joseph. HE'S the man I like.

She then went into a reverie about Lennon.

What a kind, handsome man to have for a colleague, she thought. His hair may be thinning and greying, and he may have a gut, but I don't care about that. What a devoted family man he was, before the death of his wife and daughter. The sorrow I've seen in his eyes, every day after that double's moved me almost to tears myself. I don't dare tell him how I feel, though, with my chunky ass and sagging tits. He'd never like me.

"Thank you for saving my life," Emma said again, snapping the doctor out of her reverie. She kissed Luxembourg again.

"Oh, sorry, dear," Luxembourg said, sighing from that kiss. "A-actually, Dr. Lennon saved your life. I only a-assisted him. He created the ointment that c-cured you. You should thank him m-more than me."

"Is he that man who...rubs oil on me, and touches me...when I'm naked?"

"I've touched you no less, Emma. I rubbed the oil on you, too. Dr. Lennon's a good, decent man. He'd never hurt you. Besides, either I or a nurse is always present when he examines you. He's just doing his job. Don't be afraid of him."

"I'm afraid...of my daddy," Emma said. "He makes me do all the work around the house. He never pays me for it. He beats me if I don't do it. And he...rapes me."

"My God. Does he?"

"Yes. I ran away from home. Then I saw a meteor fall from the sky and hit the ground near me...and a tiny, sparkling light was on it...and the light flew in my mouth, real fast. Then I passed out."

"We know," Luxembourg said. "Doctor Lennon found the Spark. He wants to study it to see if it's what almost killed you."

"My daddy almost made me kill myself." Emma started to cry.

"How awful." The doctor held her close. "What about your mother? Doesn't she try to protect you from him?"

"She died when I was six," Emma said, fighting back sobs. "I remember being mad at her just before she got hit by a car." Those words reminded Luxembourg of Lennon's wife. "It's my fault Mama died. Daddy's hurting me all the's my punishment." She was bawling now.

"Oh, nonsense, sweetie," Luxembourg said. "Don't blame yourself just because you were a little mad at her. Her death was an accident, nothing more. And your father shouldn't be doing what he's doing to you."

"Don't make me go back to him," Emma sobbed.

"We won't, sweetie. I promise." Luxembourg rocked her back and forth, slowly and gently, trying to ignore her own arousal.

"Don't leave me. Protect me from him."

"Don't worry, sweetheart. We'll protect you from him." She kissed Emma on the cheek and ran her hands up and down Emma's back, sighing at the softness and smoothness of her skin. "Dr. Lennon and I...will protect you." Always panting audibly, she found it almost impossible to resist the urge to finger her hard clit...or Emma's.

Suddenly, Dr. Lennon entered the room.

"Oh! Doctor," Luxembourg said with a start, taking her hands off of Emma and blushing. "You're here early."

"No need to feel embarrassed, Leona," he said, sitting next to her. "I'm no more self-controlled than you, and I think it's by compulsion that we...handle...Emma the way we do."

"What do you mean, Joseph?" Leona asked.

"We need to talk in private," he said. "About the Spark."

"OK," she said, getting up with Emma and Joseph. "Come on, sweetie. Let's get you back to bed."

"Don't leave me, Mama," Emma whined as they all left the bathroom. "New Mama, I mean."

"We'll be back soon, sweetheart," Leona said, helping Emma get back into bed. She and Joseph left the room together. "I don't know why she calls me 'Mama'."

"If she ever calls me 'Daddy', I'll let you know," he said. "I mean, now that she's talking, finally."

"I don't think she will call you 'Daddy'," Leona said.

"Why not?" he asked.

"Because she hates and fears her real father."


"He was sexually abusing her, so she ran away when the meteor fell."

"Maybe, in her delirium, she'll think I'm him." They entered his office.

"I can't imagine that. You're a good, decent man."

"But I was touching her the other day, just like you were."

"I can't believe I was just doing that."

"I can't believe it of myself, either, but I was, and I'm ashamed almost to tears." He sat at his desk with a lump in his throat. "My daughter was about her age. If Emma is hallucinating, and if she calls me 'Daddy'-with the...erotic feelings...that I think the Spark is causing-I don't think...I'll be live with myself." He began sobbing.

"Oh, Joe," she said, glad to be hugging him instead of Emma, but also weeping from the sight of his tears. "It's been so hard for you lately, losing your wife and daughter."

"I think I'm losing my mind."

"In a way, though, this situation with Emma could be healing for, for you." Leona said, vaguely hopeful of a future relationship with him.

"How?" Lennon asked.

"Well, you heard how she just called me 'New Mama.' Maybe you and I, er, we can new parents for Emma."

"Really?" he asked. "And what if we're like her father, and we take advantage of her?"

"I don't think we will. But we need to learn more about the Spark. Maybe it has something to do with our...what's happening to us."

She was right.


The next morning, at her home, Dr. Luxembourg went to take a shower, and looked at her naked body in the mirror.

It was no longer the flabby, floppy-titted, big-assed look that the 43-year-old was used to seeing, the body that had so discouraged her from telling Dr. Lennon how she felt. She was now curvy, big-breasted, and delicious.

"What the hell?" she gasped...then smiled. "Joe, you've got to see this."


She went into the hospital proudly wearing a tight, red dress she hadn't worn in almost twenty years. Her face was all made up, and she was wearing high heels and black stockings. Many of the staff were admiring what they saw.

She went into Dr. Lennon's office to show herself off.

"Wow," he said as he noted her curves.

"You like it?" she asked with a grin.

"Yes," he said. "The Spark is at it again, apparently."

"So, you really think it's the Spark?"

"Yes," he said, standing up. He showed her his left profile. "Do you remember my gut? I'm not sucking it in to look good."

"It's gone," she said with widened eyes, looking him over. "You...have a full head of hair, too. And you think the Spark is responsible for all these changes to our bodies?"

"Yes, and to Emma's, too. Remember how her sickness was like nothing else we'd ever seen before? How her symptoms were almost impossible to categorize under any known diagnosis? And the ointment I was working on was more of a stab in the dark than anything else? Well, I think the Spark has done everything: made Emma sick, cured her, made us horny, and made all three of us attractive."

"Strange theory, Joe. Do you think the Spark is some kind of extra-terrestrial intelligence?"

"Well, Emma's sickness came from getting up close to a meteorite that had fallen from space; and after placing the Spark under the microscope again last night, I've concluded that it isn't like any life form known on Earth. It certainly doesn't look like anything at all from Earth. I think the Spark was on that meteorite."

"It was," Leona said. "Emma just told me she saw the Spark on the meteorite."

"Well, there you go. I was right."

"Well, if it's an alien, and if it performed all these miracles, why? What do you think its intentions are?"

"I have no idea," Joe said.

(Nothing extraordinary, really. I just wanted to bring you two and Emma together. You would soon see.)

Just then, they heard a knock on the office door.

"Who is it?" Joe asked.

A man opened the door. He was about fifty years old, with greying black hair and stubble. He wore a plaid shirt and overalls. "Dr. Lennon?" he asked.

"Yes, that's me," Joe said.

"I'm Nicholas White, Jr.," the man said. "Call me Nick. I understand you are taking care of my daughter, Emma. I wanna see her. Now."

Remembering what Emma had said about her father, combined with his scowling, blunt manner, the doctors felt compelled to lie.

"She's still very sick," Leona said. "She is being quarantined. What she has is very contagious. Dr. Lennon and I have to wear decontamination suits to treat her."

"Oh?" Mr. White said. "The nurse told me Emma's much better."

"She...has improved, but it's too early to be sure," Joe said. "We have to run some more tests. As soon as she's OK, we'll let you know. Give Nurse McNown your phone number, and she'll contact you."

"Well, all right," Mr. White grunted. "Goodbye." He left.

"He does seem like a bad one," Joe said.

"Yes," Leona said. "I'll have Emma stay in my apartment. You can visit as often as you like. In fact, I think you ought to. She seems very attached to us."

"As we are getting to her."

"Yes," Leona said. "Yes." And I'd love to have you in my home, she thought; as often as possible, Joe.


Emma was released from the hospital that very afternoon, and she was with Leona in her apartment. They lay side by side in bed. Emma, always naked, got up close to Leona.

"Umm, sweetie," Leona said, "you don't have to-"

Emma interrupted her with a peck on the lips. Then she slid her tongue in Leona's mouth. Feeling a swelling of passion (courtesy of me), Leona simply gave in and kissed Emma back. Their arms were tightly around each other.

As they continued French-kissing, Emma unbuttoned Leona's shirt. Breathing frantically, Leona was hurriedly taking off the rest of her clothes.

What am I doing? she thought as her bra and panties came off.

As nude as Emma was now, Leona felt an even greater fit of passion taking her over, and her mouth raced for Emma's pussy. Her tongue had reached its destination within seconds.

Leona was now feverishly licking Emma's vulva, then sucking on her hard clitoris while sliding her finger in and out of her vagina. Emma fidgeted and sighed to her doctor's therapeutic mouth.

Emma ran her fingers through Leona's hair, and bent down, wanting to kiss her. Leona planted a trail of kisses up from Emma's mound of Venus to her belly, then to her breasts, the hard nipples of both of which she gave a few licks to. Then she kissed her way up along Emma's neck.

As she and Emma were French-kissing, Leona's finger was tickling the girl's clitoris. Then Emma kissed her way down Leona's neck, and her lips found their way to Leona's breasts.

Emma began sucking the left one, even making Leona lactate.

I can't believe I'm actually doing this, Leona thought as she felt her milk go into Emma's mouth. She's like a daughter to me. It's like I'm committing incest with her, almost like child molestation, even though Emma's of legal age. I also feel like I'm cheating on Joe, and he isn't even my boyfriend...though I sure wish he was. I'd love to have his lips on my nipple right now...maybe on my right nipple.

Finally, Emma orgasmed from Leona's fingering of her clit. Then they put their arms around each other and cuddled.

"How do you...feel about us...having done that, Emma?" Leona asked with heavy breaths. "I felt...possessed."

"I...loved it," Emma sighed. "You made me...feel so good."

"I don't think...I was...taking advantage...of you."

"No. I love you, Doctor. You and Dr. Lennon."


"Yes. Thank you...for everything."

"We really care about you," Leona said. "I hope you understand that, in spite of our...passion."

"I care...about you, too."

Leona kissed her on the cheek.

They soon fell asleep in each other's arms.


The next day, Dr. Luxembourg had to go to the hospital, but Joe had the day off, so he stayed at her home and watched over Emma. He was on Leona's bed, watching TV in the bedroom, and Emma walked in naked.

At first, he turned his eyes away. "Sweetie," he said. "Why don't you put some clothes on?"

"I just took a shower: don't you like me like this?" she asked, getting on the bed with him. "I think you do. I can feel it." She rubbed against his arm.

"We...shouldn't do this," he panted, trying to resist touching her.

"Why not?" She gave him a peck on the cheek. "My daddy forced himself on me, but I'm happy to please my new daddy."

"Oh, God help me." Now HE felt the fit of passion taking him over.

She got on top of him, her chest level with his face. He wrapped his lips around her left nipple and began sucking on it. Sighing, she put her arms around his head and planted kisses on his forehead.

His hands were gently squeezing her buttocks. His fingers crept into her butt-crack, then he started to finger her asshole.

She crawled over so they were in a sixty-nine position. She unzipped his fly as he began licking her pussy.

"Oh!" she sighed at the feeling of his flickering tongue against her labia, vaginal opening, and hard clitoris. "Daddy never...had me like that. Ah! It was always...for his pleasure...only...Ooh!"

He then flickered the tip of his tongue against the wrinkles of her pretty asshole, and slid his finger in and out of her cunt.

"Oh!" she squealed. Daddy always made me suck him off, she thought, but my new daddy deserves what I'm about to do. She pulled his erection out of his unzipped fly and wrapped her salivating lips around the knob, kissing and sucking on it.