The Stirrings of a Cold Heart Ch. 10

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Part 10 of the 24 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 04/06/2021
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Erik stood upon the stage after Emile's abrupt departure. He waited a moment, his immortal senses telling him that Emile was truly gone. His eyes returned to their natural grey then came to rest on the pale, bloodied form on the floor. He blamed himself. If he had not tried to see her one last time, then the gun would not have been leveled on him. Kneeling down he examined the wound carefully. Moving the fabric of her dress for a better look, Aidan cried out in pain. The bullet had hit Aidan in the abdomen and lodged in her spine leaving her paralyzed from the waist down. At most she had a few hours, but it could easily be less.

In an effort to gain more time he took a handkerchief from her reticule and packed it into the wound to stem the blood. He then wrapped his cape around her and started to pick her up, triggering another painful cry. Setting her back down, he looked into her amethyst eyes. He knew she was afraid, not of him, but of the reaper who waited in the wings. He knew she could see it, but death would have to wait. He would not part with her. The vampire was used to its presence and was rarely moved by it, yet somehow he hated to see its cold touch steal her away. Looking deeply into her eyes he placed her in a trance.

"Forget what has happened and sleep feeling no pain." Her amethyst eyes rolled back and her head fell limp against his shoulder with her. She still had enough life in her to survive until they reached his residence, but not much longer than that. To make her a vampire here was to risk discovery. Carefully he picked her up and left the theater.

When he arrived at his home, Aidan was barely breathing; Death was not far away. Quickly he threw off his coat and rolled up one of his sleeves. He tilted her head just enough to gain access to her neck and extending his fangs he bit down causing her to gasp. He drank only a small amount, but enough to bring her over.

"Only a second more," he whispered. Lacking a handy sharp object, he tore a gash in his wrist with his still extended fangs and pressed the pulsing wound to her lips. There was no response at first and he was afraid he had run out of time. Slowly, however, she began to suckle the rich warm fluid, then pull in great droughts. Erik felt as though he were being turned inside out. The pain was excruciating, but there was also a euphoric, orgasmic rush accompanying it as well.

Feeling his strength begin to wan he pulled his wrist away, but stayed at her side. Aidan lay as she had before, but her blue lips were now blood red, her hair seemed aflame in the candle light. She looked like a perfect porcelain doll. She opened her bright new vampire eyes wide as the first wave of pain began.

She let out a piercing scream as the spasms of pain went through her. Her entire body convulsed and twitched as her human exterior and interior shut down in mortal death. Her eyes glowed in an insane reddish violet that made her face look as though a demon had invaded her. Her mouth was open in an inhuman cry of agony. Her unused organs closed off and all fluids and living tissue was sloughed out of her body. In her agony she reached up, grasped his vest and begged him not to leave. He assured her that he would not.

Finally, the convulsing ceased and her body lay limp on the floor. Erik raised an eyebrow in anticipation of her awakening. Her face was once more pale and her eyes were glazed and partially open. Touching her cheek he could feel it becoming hot with fever. Her body was trying to fight the vampire blood, but he knew eventually it would surrender. From the kitchen he got some towels and water then removed her clothes and washed the blood from her body. Knowing that daylight would be breaking soon, he carried her to his bedroom and laid her on his large carved four-poster bed. Since there were no women's clothes available he dressed her in one of his own shirts and covered her with the blankets.

"Where am I?" Her voice was barely audible and not fully coherent. He brushed her hair with his hand.

"Safe," he assured her.

"Am I dying?" she asked as her hand weakly clasped his.


"It's hard to breath," she told him.

"Just rest." He laid her hand gently across her chest as she closed her eyes and went back to sleep. His body longed for rest, but there was no time. He set her bloodied dress and undergarments in the fireplace where a fire was already going, making sure there was no evidence left. He then sat down and wrote out a list of supplies he needed his housekeeper to pick up then waited for her to arrive.

Whatever town Erik stayed in he always hired a housekeeper. It was necessary for him to have someone who could keep his home and run errands during the day for him. Mrs. Aimerey was his current housekeeper. She was efficient, punctual, and most importantly she asked no questions. This seemed to be the hardest attribute to find. Other women he had employed had been good, but could never resist the urge to snoop. When they started trying to find out who their mysterious employer was, he would discharge them unceremoniously. If one of his housekeepers happened to figure out the truth they were permanently silenced and never seen again. Their families were sent a handsome severance pay. This was not a concern he had with Mrs. Aimerey. She had been by far the best employee he had come across in a long time. He paid her very well and she never intruded on his privacy.

When Mrs. Aimerey arrived he met her in the entry hall and promptly gave her his prepared list. His instructions were quite clear. She was to go to Bond Street, the most fashionable shopping district, and request the proprietors to come to Osrik House in two days after dark with samples of their finest women's items. He wanted to have at least one dress here by nightfall. Next he wanted her to go to various merchants to purchase anything and everything that an accomplished young woman would want or need. She was also to hire a ladies maid. One who would be as efficient and trustworthy and she herself was. The final request he had was for her to go to Aidan's home and fetch the few personal belongings she had left from her childhood. If there was any trouble she was to tell the master of the house that Erik Ambrose would come himself if need be. When she returned she was to clean the bedroom next to his and make it ready for a lady. The old woman looked at him in disapproval, but she held her tongue. She knew well that he never cared what she thought. He paid her enough that she did what he asked and never questioned it. He then left everything in her capable hands and retired to his room. Looking through the doorway at the sleeping young woman he wondered if he had done the right thing.

By afternoon he had noticed the luster returning to her hair, but it was wet from sweat caused by her ever increasing temperature. Her face still bore the signs of illness. He sat in his favorite black leather chair next to the bed and waited for her to complete the transition. Sitting in the silence his eyes grew heavy and soon he fell asleep. The sound of knocking at his bedroom door a few hours later quickly roused him. He opened it to find Mrs. Aimerey back from her errands. When she saw the young woman in his bed in great distress she was immediately taken back and offered to fetch a doctor. Erik assured her that was not necessary. She then gave him her parcels while explaining that the clothing had been ordered according to the measurements he gave. She did have a couple of gowns that the dressmaker had made some hasty alterations on. She also told him that she had a small parcel of items that she had collected from her home. Once Emile Claudel had heard the name of the man requesting the things he had hastily retrieved them. Erik smiled at the thought of the pompous tenor cowering before the diminutive Mrs. Aimerey. The vampire sent her to clean the next room and make it ready for Aidan while he went back to check on his charge.

"What happened to me?" Aidan's voice was thin, raspy and exhausted. He sat down on the bed next to her and saw that the fever had finally broken. Knowing she was still in a weakened state, Erik decided to hold off a while longer before telling her what had happened.

"You have been gravely ill." Aidan's skin was extremely pale and dry, a testament to her hunger and emaciated state. Her eyes must surely be green, but he couldn't be certain, for her eyes were only half-open. Curious he moved a candle closer. Immediately her eyes flew open and she shielded them from the glare. Yes, they were definitely green.

"Turn out the light!" she hissed, in obvious pain. So transfixed was Erik that he hesitated a second too long. "I said put it out . . . please!" She growled, and the candle went out without help from anyone. Erik raised an eyebrow, surprised by her apparent psychic skills. "Thank you sir," she whispered weakly.

"You're welcome, my dear." He smiled. Aidan yawned, exposing the small budding fangs at her canines. She was making the change rather slowly, but it was happening. He would need to satisfy her growing hunger soon. He went into the hall and called for his housekeeper. Looking deep into her eyes he placed her into a trance then got out a bloodletting kit from the drawer. Holding her arm he cut a vein open then quickly put a glass over the wound to catch the blood. When he had enough he ran his mouth quickly over the wound erasing any evidence that it had happened. He then led her back into the room and snapped her out of the trace. He then took the glass and instructed Aidan to drink, explaining that it was medicine that would help her get better. As she drank he held the glass steady and marveled at her strength. He had witnessed mortals become vampires but never in all his long years had he seen a soul fight so hard to survive.

"Is there anything I can get for you?" Erik asked her when the glass had been emptied

"Please take me home."

"I can't do that."

"Would you sit and talk with me?" This request was simple enough and Erik went over and sat down on the bed next to her and gently took her hand in his.

"What would you like to talk about?"

"Tell me about the place you come from," she suggested.

To him this was not a subject of any real interest, but considering the state she was in, he decided to indulge her. He didn't bother to tell her where he was from, but instead described the landscape. He told her about the sparking, vibrant blue waters of the Mediterranean and the lush green hills mixed with rocky terrain. He told her about the beautiful marble temples with their carved columns, cornices and pediments. As Erik talked, his whispered voice sounded soft and hypnotic. To Aidan it was the most amazing voice she had ever heard and it was not long before she was lulled back into a deep sleep.

The housekeeper knocked softly on the door and told the ancient vampire that the room was ready for the young lady. Gently he pulled back the blankets and took her in his arms. He liked the way his shirt seemed to swallow her petite form. He laid her in her own bed and pulled the blankets around her. Her natural beauty had returned and there was no trace of the agony she had endured throughout the day. He looked about the room and found that his housekeeper had done everything to his specifications. He took one of the new gowns from the closet and laid it out for her to wear. The only thing that displeased him was that there was a hand mirror lying out on the dressing table. He smashed it and threw it in the trash can. As he checked the drawers to make sure everything was ready he noticed a small worn wooden box. He opened it and found the treasures she had kept from her mother. A simple handkerchief was wrapped around a small gold wedding band and a prayer book. He could still vividly remember that little girl standing in the alley. He had no way of knowing then that she too would become a vampire.

It was a few hours before night fall and Erik desperately wanted some sleep. He left his clothes on and lay down on top of all the blankets next to her on the bed. She would be waking up soon and he wanted to be right there to tell her what had happened. He wondered how she was going to react. Would she yell or stay silent when she found out what had happened to her? Would she cry or laugh and believe it was all a joke? Would she forgive him for what he had done or hate him for eternity. His sleep was far from easy.

It was not the first time he brought a mortal over to his world. The first was a beautiful wife of the Prince of India. Madirakshi was one of many wives that lived in the harem and she had seemed a sweet and charming creature. He had told her what he was and she begged to join him. At first he had refused, but each night she swore her love to him and eventually he relented. It didn't take long for him to discover that she had not been what she had seemed. She was vain and loved only fine clothes and jewels. One night she attempted to kill him and take all his wealth and possessions. To her frustration she found he was aware of her scheme and sent her away with only the clothes on her back and the warning that the next time they met he would send her to hell.

The only other person he had made a vampire was a man dying during the plagues of Europe. He begged for his life and swore to Erik that if he would show him this compassion he would always show the same to others. The man was better than his word. He would eventually amass a fortune on his own and use it to help others who were sick, hungry or in need. His end would come at the hands of a hunter and all the money he had saved for his charities would vanish. Since then he had not given much thought to creating more of his race. He had never intended to bring over Aidan, but when he knew the wound was mortal, he simply couldn't let her go.

As he slept the sun crept below the horizon and Aidan opened her eyes and looked about. Her strength was restored and she couldn't recall anything after he had kissed her. She didn't recognize her surroundings. Her eyes grew wide as she noticed the sleeping form of Erik next to her. Her shock increased when she pulled back the blankets and found herself dressed only in a man's dress shirt. She racked her brain but all she could remember was him taking her in his arms there at the theater. She saw a dress laid out on a chair as well as proper undergarments waiting for her. Quickly she dressed and brushed out her hair. Forgetting a coat, she ran from her room and out of the building into the snow praying that when she got to Mrs. Claudel's or the theater, she wouldn't be turned out onto the street. In such a hurry was she, that she didn't notice that although it was snowing heavily, she didn't feel as cold as she should have.

When she got to the theater it was empty. The poster out front had the word 'cancelled' in big letters across it. Why was the performance cancelled, she wondered. She found the side door open and went in. The place seemed to be completely silent and deserted. She was on the point of leaving when she noticed Emile sitting on the stage alone. He was haggard and looked as though he was in mourning. In his hand he held a bottle of whiskey that was nearly empty. His eyes were red and swollen from past tears and he stared at an ominous red stain on the stage floor.

"What is it Emile? What's happened?" she asked, her voice breaking the silence. Emile turned and upon seeing her, his face turned white and he started trembling.

"God has sent you to torment me," he said, obviously afraid.

"What are you talking about? Why would I torment you?"

"You weren't supposed to get hurt," he pleaded, fresh tears beginning to flow from his eyes. "Forgive me and haunt me no more." He ran from the stage and out the side entrance. Aidan stood there dumbfounded by what had just happened. She went over and looked at the red stain and wondered if one of the cast members or stage hands had died from an accident. Perhaps Mrs. Claudel could tell her what was going on, she thought.

As she left the theater Erik was waking up. He looked to the window and could see that it was past dusk. He turned to see Aidan, sure that she would be awake now, but she was gone. He looked about and found his shirt in a crumpled heap on the floor and the dress he had laid out gone. He started going from room to room calling her name, but there was no answer. He grabbed his overcoat and quickly left to find her. Having her loose in the city when she didn't know what she was or what had happened was dangerous. Worse, if he didn't find her before morning the sun would sear her to ashes.

Aidan found her way to her old home. She was afraid of what Mrs. Claudel would do since she had been gone so long. She figured she would be turned out onto the street, but before she would go she wanted to know what had upset Emile so. She started to open the gate, but stopped when she heard the low growling of a dog. She looked and saw Amadeus near the steps, his eyes glued to Aidan and teeth bared. Aidan was immediately frightened. How could Amadeus suddenly hate her? She had spent untold hours playing with this dog and giving him table scraps. Now this once friendly pet was glaring at her with its fur standing on end.

"It's only me, Amadeus," she started to take a step, but the animal immediately started barking frantically. At the sound Mrs. Claudel came outside and silenced him. When she saw Aiden her face drained of its color. "What is going on? Why doesn't he know me anymore? What's wrong with Emile? He said I was sent to torment him. I'm so confused; I can't remember anything since my last performance. Please help me." Mrs. Claudel's expression turned cold and she went to Aidan and gently pushed her away from the gate.

"There is someone else far better suited to that task." She started to turn away, but Aidan caught her arm and pulled her back.

"Why won't you help me?" begged Aidan, but the woman who had been like her mother would not answer. Aidan's eyes looked deep into the blue eyes of the older woman. Unaware of her new abilities she had placed Mrs. Claudel in a trance. A sound came to her ears and she knew it to be the faint sound of a beating heart. She knew it was not her own, but the rhythmic pulse from beneath the silk and lace of the woman who's arm she held onto. A strange feeling came over her. The fragrance of blood filled her nostrils with sweet temptation. Aiden felt like she was in a dream as her hunger began to rise. Her fangs extended and her mouth ached for the precious blood. None of this is real, it's all a dream, she thought. With that Aidan buried her teeth deep within the woman's neck. The fluid passing between her lips and ultimately through her body seemed to calm all the confusion and fear she had been feeling. So lost in this feeling was she that she scarcely noticed the sound of the heartbeat fading away, or felt the once warm body grow colder to the touch. Still believing it all to be a dream, Aidan kept her eyes closed as she let go of the body. The sound of Mrs. Claudel hitting the cobblestones and the renewed sound of barking brought Aidan back to reality.

"WHAT HAVE I DONE?" she shrieked.

From seemingly nowhere Erik appeared and grabbed the dog by the collar and flung him aside causing him to yelp and run off. Aidan let out a scream and took off. She didn't know where she was going and didn't care. Fear, horror and confusion filled her mind so much that she was unaware of how fast she was really moving. Her mind was racing with questions; how could she have done that to Mrs. Claudel? How could she drink blood? Terrified at what was happening to her, tears flowed from her eyes. She reached up to wipe them away and to her horror found there were no clear watery tears on her hand but tears of blood.
