The Stolen Wife

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What happens when a husband can't dance?
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I found the gist of this story among my story files and thought it worth finishing. I know it's total nonsense, so I hope you will read it with that thought in mind. I'm sorry if you don't agree with the category I published it in.

I think I now have an idea for a longer story so I hope this one will give my followers something to read while I write it.

Stolen wife.

David Argent wished he was as good a dancer as his wife Julie. He just didn't wish it enough to make it happen. He could waltz quite well and do a passable quick step and smooch, he considered himself quite a good smoocher. Julie thought, she could also dance the foxtrot, tango, Cha-cha and dance them well when she had the right partner.

It had been like this for all the seven years they had been married. David still promised himself that one day he would learn to dance like his wife. Even watching her dancing with other men hadn't yet been enough incentive to convince him to do it.

That was what happened this Friday night at their favourite club. They danced some of the waltzes and a couple of the quick steps. All the other dances she had other partners. One partner was a wiry black guy. This guy was also a very good dancer so they had already danced three sets. Now they were dancing a set of slow waltzes, which had followed a Latin set.

David had expected his wife to come back to their table after the waltz but her partner had led her to the table where another black guy was sitting.

David was a bit put out especially when the big black guy stood up and made room for Julie beside him. He watched the wiry guy order a round of drinks while the big black guy seemed to be in an intense conversation with his wife.

When the next dance set started David expected his wife and the wiry guy to get up but when the set ended the big black guy and his wife were still in conversation. Then the wiry guy got up and approached David's table. 'Your wife asked me to get her bag,' he stated as he reached across and grabbed Julie's bag. Without another word, he took it back to his table where the big black guy and David's wife were already standing. The big guy took Julie's bag and holding her elbow let her off the dance floor and toward the exit.

David immediately started to follow them toward the exit doors. Just as the big black man led his wife through the doors, the wiry guy turned around and stopped him. 'I wouldn't follow them if I was you,' he told David.

'You what!' exclaimed David. 'That's my wife,' he shouted as he went to push the wiry guy out of the way. Then next thing David felt was a very hard punch in his gut, which bent him double and left him gasping for air.

'I told you not to follow,' The wiry guy told him as David tried to gain some control of his breathing.

Still gasping. 'Bastard! Who the hell are you,' exclaimed David.

'Just doing my job, Mr Argent.' Then he showed a card to David. 'Take this, phone the number mid-day on Monday and someone will tell you what to do if you want to see your wife again.'

David was still hurting from the punch and when he could move he left the club but the wiry guy was gone as was his wife and the big black man. David couldn't understand how everything had happened so quickly.

Saturday and Sunday David phoned his wife's mobile but got nothing as it appeared to be turned off. He left messages but got no reply. They had just walked his wife out of the club, she hadn't even glanced in his direction. Then he remembered she had not even glanced at him while they were dancing the slow waltzes. She had not even protested when her partner led her to his table and the big black guy had moved to let her sit beside him.

Did she already know them? What were she and the big guy talking about? David's head was bewildered by so many questions. He had known Julie for nearly nine years. They were married when she was twenty. Seven years of marriage and she had just walked away from him. He knew guys were always trying to get her interested. She was a looker, he had heard her called a stone-cold fox. Probably because she had always put anyone down who tried anything on the dance floor. No butt touching, no crotch pressing, no kissing was ever allowed.

As the weekend wore on David became more and more concerned about the big black man and what he was doing with his wife. He wasn't just big, he was fat with a big, broad nose, with disgusting slobbering lips and a huge belly. The word gross came to David's mind. Only the fact that he had the card with a phone number stopped David from going to the police.

Every time he tried the number he was told that it was out of service, until mid-day Monday. As soon as David dialled it was answered. 'Mr David Argent?'

Unexpectedly hearing his name took him a moment to reply. 'Yes.'

'Listen carefully Mr Argent.' The man's voice told him where to be at mid-day the next day. 'You would be blindfolded and enter a car that will take you to a location where you will be allowed fifteen minutes with your wife.'

'What do you mean, I'll be allowed fifteen minutes with my wife?'

'That is all the time you will be allowed, Mr Argent.'

'Now look here,' David protested angrily, 'I want my wife back...,

The voice interrupted him, repeated the location and the time and ended the call. When David rang back he was told the number was no longer in service. He knew the location and on Tuesday arrived with ten minutes to spare. Spot on time another car drew up beside his.

Almost as soon as he got out of his car a black man approached him from the other car. 'Mr David Argent?' he asked.

When David answered he handed him a full-face mask. 'Please put this on.'

'Put this on,' David protested. 'No bloody way, you just take me to see my wife.'

'Mr Argent, without you wearing the mask you will not be seeing your wife again. Now put it on.'

There were pads inside it that covered his eyes and pads that covered his ears. After it was fastened around his neck he felt a hand on his arm and he was led forward a few paces. A hand pushing down on his head instinctively told David he was being put into the other car. Moments later he felt the car moving.

The full-face mask completely deprived him of sight and hearing, so he sat and waited for the journey to end. Sometime later, he thought half an hour, the car stop and a hand on his arm helped him to get out. He was then guided up some steps and along somewhere straight. After what seemed like five minutes of walking he was pushed down onto a chair and the mask was removed.

As his eyes adjusted he found he was sitting in a fairly small room. It was carpeted and his was the only chair in the room. He knew the man remained standing behind him.

'Mr Argent,' The man told him. 'When your wife is brought into the room you will remain seated. There will be no contact between either of you. You have fifteen minutes to persuade your wife to leave with you. Should she not agree she will leave the room and you will never see her again. You will again put on the mask and be returned to where you left your car.'

David was flabbergasted and went to rise from the chair. He immediately felt hands on his shoulders. 'Please remain seated Mr Argent.' Moments later a door opposite him opened and the big black guy from the dance hall escorted his wife into the room, the same way he had led her out of the dance hall.

She was wearing a simple little black dress and very high heeled strappy sandals. He immediately saw that her legs were shaved bare. Her hair had been cut and styled in a way that together with her make up made her look absolutely stunning. Nothing like he had ever seen her look like before. By the look on her face and from what they had done to her in just three days he already doubted there was any likelihood of her leaving with him.

'Julie?' he whispered, 'what have they done to you?'

'Not what you expected, David?'

'Noooo. You look amazing.'

'Thank you.'

'You have fifteen minutes,' the big guy told him removing his hand from Julie's arm.

Looking up at her from where he was seated five feet away, David realized that despite everything he had planned to say to his wife, he had no idea how to start making a case for her to return home with him. 'Julie, please come back home with me,' he pleaded. 'Please Julie, I love you so much.' Already he saw by the look on her face that his case was probably lost. He just had to try harder. 'We planned to start a family next year, come home with me and we can start right away.' When he tried to stand up he felt the hands on his shoulders. 'Please Julie, whatever you've been told, whatever they've done to you, please, darling, please come back home with me.' He knew he sounded pathetic, pleading with the stunningly beautiful woman they had turned her into. 'I love you so much, Julie,' he told her hoping that she wouldn't, couldn't just throw away all their years together, all the loving they had shared.

When David saw Julie smile at him, it was almost with pity. 'Thank you, David. I know you love me and I will always remember you with great affection. Yes, David we did have many very happy years together and I am very grateful to you for all of them.'

For a moment David thought his wife was going to move toward him. Instead, she turned and looked at the guy who brought her into the room. Nothing was spoken but David was certain something passed between them.

She turned toward him again. 'David, I am very sorry but can't come back home with you. My life as a white man's wife is over. I will never be available to you or any other white man again. I am to be groomed to serve black men. I will be bred every year for six years to produce black babies.' Julie then slowly raised the hem of her skirt to her waist.

From where he was sitting her hips were level with his eyes and the first thing David saw was the large black spade with a bare 'Q' of her flesh in the centre, tattooed just above his wife's pussy. A pussy that had been shaved totally bare. 'Do you know what this is David?'

It took David several seconds before he could understand what he was seeing. He knew what the spade was. Why had his beautiful wife's, soft, white, intimate flesh been tattooed with a big, black spade? He shook his head, afraid to say what he was thinking.

'It's a spade, David. A sign of ownership. You know, black men are called spades, David.' Julie slowly ran her fingers over the spade. 'My cunt is now owned by black men, David.'

David looked up at his wife's face, shocked at her use of the word, cunt. 'I love you, Julie, I always will,' were the last words David spoke to his wife as she lowered her skirt, turned and left the room.

The man who had brought Julie into the room reached into his jacket and handed David an envelope. 'Before you leave take this envelope. In it are your divorce papers, already signed by your wife and a check for a hundred thousand pounds.'

'A check, what for?'

'Payment for the services of your wife, Mr Argent.'

'I don't want payment from my wife. I haven't sold her to you. You've taken her from me.' Despite the shock of seeing his wife's tattoo and watching her walk out of the room, he found it difficult to contain his anger. Only the hands holding him down prevented David from attacking the man.

'Whatever you do with the money Mr Argent, it's what we pay to all the husbands of white wives who are recruited to serve the black community. Let's just say it's a small percentage of what she will earn during the next six years.'

The journey back to his car seemed to take much longer. Even the drive home took nearly two hours. It wasn't until he got home that the full implication of the money he had been given registered with him.

It took David nearly a month before he convinced himself to sign the divorce paper and return them in the envelope provided. When David's divorce from his wife was final, he still felt utterly forsaken. All he was capable of doing was work, eat and sleep.

A year after he last saw Julie, David received a large package. When he opened it there was a beautifully framed ten inches by eight-inch photograph. The photograph was of his naked ex-wife. She was standing holding a naked, suckling black baby in her left arm. Beside her stood a taller black man with his arm possessively resting across her shoulders. Her right hand was holding his long, thick black cock against her right hip. Everything about the photograph was blatantly erotic.

There was a label on the back. My first breeder and the beautiful week-old girl we produced.

David was still gazing at the photograph fifteen minutes later. Julie's head was turned toward the black man and she was smiling up at him. He was smiling at the camera. Her breasts were larger than he remembered, probable from having the baby, which looked to be a few days old. David noticed that its skin was much darker than it's mothers but not as dark as its father. There was still a soft roundness to Julie's tummy and the black spade was prominently displayed above her hairless labia.

The ache in David's heart for his beautiful ex-wife again became almost unbearable as he stood the photograph upon his desk and opened the enclosed envelope.

David. The enclosed letter started. This is the black baby from my first breading, with the father beside me. Tomorrow I will give her to her new mother.

After our meeting, I spent four weeks being instructed in the skills of seduction and trained in the techniques of using my body for the complete sexual satisfaction of the male members of our black community. Then, as a white female black breeder, I met the first of the many black men who would be hoping to breed me.

Please don't think bad things about me, David. I know you will never understand how or why I gave up our life together and accepted the offer made to me that night. I just want you to know that I am very happy with what I am and get intense pleasure from the time I spend with my black gentlemen.

I hope sincerely that you will find someone else to love and have the family with that you hoped for with me.


David had read the letter twice when his PA knocked on the door. 'Yes Susan, come in.'

'I hope the package was expected,' she asked as she stepped up to his desk.

David saw Susan look at the photograph and knew that she immediately recognize his ex-wife.

Without a word, he handed the letter to Susan. She had been his PA for five years and had known his wife and some of the circumstances about her leaving him. He watched her read the letter, then read it again.

She handed it back, stared at the photograph for a moment and then turned to David. 'We are going to lunch,' she told him. When he hesitated. 'Right now,' she added forcefully.

David and Susan were married six months later. The second photograph his ex-wife sent to David joined the first on a shelf in his garage.

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AnonymousAnonymous1 day ago

1-star. Yet another Martian Slut Ray story and a wimpy husband begging his cheating wife to come back. I think I just threw up in my own mouth.

HARDUP1957HARDUP19572 months ago

I know you can write better than this.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I would take the 100000lbs hunt these fuckers down and kill every last one of the mother fuckers even their fucking kids anyone remotely connected to them would find themselves in a bodybag.

RuttweilerRuttweiler7 months ago

Not remotely believable, and therefore, not enjoyable. I read your preface, where you warned us that you consider this to be “nonsense”.

Then why publish it? Do you believe that your “followers” are seeking nonsense? That they find reading about unbelievable people and actions to be fun? Allow me to disabuse you of that notion.

In the future, I suggest you try writing “sense”, if that is within your capabilities.

NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuy7 months ago

Totally misleading when referring to the inability to dance

ProfWernerProfWerner8 months ago

thank goodness we have a choice.......... Please stop this babble shit you gargle go to school and learn to read and write

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

This writer is haunted/fascinated by my miscegenation. He is like a raging alcoholic: he can't take just one sip or is doomed to finish the bottle.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

This was far worse than just the nonsense the author promised us in his preface. This was the worst kind of cliched, racist claptrap imaginable. I've seen porn movies promoting this kind of scenario that are as illogical as they are offensive. There are plenty of white women who have relationships with black men for there not to be any need to force or brainwash anyone into it. This garbage just panders to the primal fears and insecurities of the KKK tendency that their women may tire of living with ignorant, red necked hill billies and move on to better partners.

BigDee44BigDee44about 1 year ago

I don’t know why he would not have filed a missing person report, despite her seeming acceptance of the situation. There is obviously something bigger (?) going on. Surely all approached women do not accept, so there should be some of them to find. If not, then coercion must be involved. Somebody out there (around here?) surely would investigate. The “6 year contract” seems to give the notion of an end date. Would he love her enough to take her back? What changes would she have undergone by that time, even if she turned out to be desirous of returning? might her return actually be a bit of a sham? She could return with her own agenda. This finale seems like a needless dead end, anyhow.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Amazing CRAP!!!! 1*.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Cmon - why would someone write a story like this. You think you're helping race relations???? Sad sad shit.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

jewish interracial propaganda

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

It is apparent that there are a LOT of racists on this site. Those who are so disparate to be 'woke' for the sake of appeasement is just a LIE !

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

In real life where I grew up in a very rough neighborhood in Chicago me and all my other white friends would have gone up and as soon as one of those black guys got off the table he was punched right in the throat. I learned my lessons well growing up on the streets and I always had something in my pocket either 25 or 32 acp, or nice little combat knife and one of those would have been in my hand to dissuade the second piece of s*** and get a mother f***** I'm starting any more trouble.

RuttweilerRuttweilerover 1 year ago

I agree with you. It’s total nonsense.

Why publish it?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

He should have reported her to the police kidnapped as a slave. Just because he could. That said explain what occurred. Good job its just a story and authors loooooove to mess with peoples heads.

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