The Story of My Telepathic Life Ch. 07


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But at the moment Audrey was a very small cloud in a sky filled with silver linings. Mom and Auntie helped me shop for a wedding dress. I found one that I thought was jaw dropping gorgeous, but we got into an argument over the neckline and the price.

"Shelly shouldn't be showing off her titties like that!" Mom complained.

"Why? Has Tom not seen them yet, Shelly?" Auntie asked.

"He kind of has, Mom," I grinned.

"It's not a matter of what Tom has seen. Do you want everyone at the wedding to think you are a common sex worker?"

"My niece is a sex worker," said Auntie, hugging me unexpectedly. "One with a very exclusive clientele."

That cracked even Mom up, and she started laughing. "All right, Shelly, if that's what you want. How much does it cost?"

I checked the price and my eyes bulged. "Mom, it's 3000 credits!"

"3000 credits?"

I checked the label. "It's 44% made by black people." That's why it was so expensive! But I knew from my time as a Diversity Food Labeling Auditor that that label wasn't necessarily accurate. 44% black made could mean 44% black made... or it could mean a hefty donation to the White Lives Don't Matter Fund... or it could mean 62% lesbian, or 74% Hispandex, or a whole host of other things. But even if the dress had been made by white supremacists, it was still beautiful!

"Oh, it's too expensive," I said.

"Nonsense," said Mom. "If my baby girl wants a dress made by virtuous blacks, that's what she'll get."

"Are you sure, Mom? It's so expensive!"

"It's worth it," Mom said.

I gave her a big hug.


Our wedding planner was a very nice man named Cooper Anderson. And he was a class act. He didn't once think about fucking me. He did, however, think about fucking Tom.

"Which floral arrangements would you like on each table?" he asked with a slight lisp, as he showed us a holographic menu. "I recommend the pansies." He smiled at Tom, even as he thought of fucking Tom in the ass.

Tom, who wasn't at all telepathic, frowned and looked irritated at his smile. "What do you think, Shell?"

"Pansies look nice, dear," I said.

Cooper asked if we wanted to hire singers for the wedding. The Ass Sex Men's Chorus was available, and at very reasonable prices. As he made his suggestion, he smiled, imagining his hard penis, covered in my husband's excrement, coursing in and out between Tom's ass cheeks as Tom lay helpless on his hands and knees, obediently letting himself be taken from behind.

Tom looked at Cooper's grin and grew even more irritated. "No singers," he growled. He turned to Cooper. "Could you excuse us for a moment?" He pulled me aside.

"What, Tom?" I said innocently.

"Why do we need a wedding planner, Shell? None of this seems very complicated."

"Most girls get wedding planners, Tom."

"Most girls aren't you. You have more ability in your little finger than most girls have on their arms and legs."

I kissed him tenderly. "Flattery will get you everywhere. Are you saying that you want me to fire Cooper?"

"You tell me."


Before we got married Tom wanted me to meet his parents again. I was extremely anxious about that but couldn't refuse. The last time I had spoken to his sister Nettie she had told me in no uncertain terms that she never wanted to speak to me again.

"They hate me, Tom," I said, rubbing my titties against him in the vain hope of changing his mind.

But this time Tom would not be moved, even by my titties. "They do not hate you."

"They do! Nettie told me to fuck off!"

Tom laughed. "That was years ago. And in any event, Nettie would never use such a word." He saw my fear. "Don't worry, I've explained everything to them."


I still felt more than a little hesitant when I entered the Fisher family household. Tom's father Nathan shook my hand; his mother Sally briefly hugged me, and Nettie, well Nettie yelled, "Shelly!" and gave me the biggest hug of all.

I was stunned; had Tom's family been replaced by space aliens? After all my recent experiences, it was a very valid question.

They were all eager and friendly, a little too friendly. What was going on? The last time I talked to Nettie, she hated my guts for having broken Tom's heart, again, when we tried to reconcile at 22.

Now she was all over me like an eager puppy dog, asking how I was feeling about the wedding, what black or minority charity did I plan to add to my wedding registry, and what plans did I have for my honeymoon?

My eyes narrowed as I scanned the thoughts of those around me. And then I caught a whiff of it, from Sally, Tom's mother.

Is Shelly looking into our thoughts even now, I wonder?

I tried not to react visibly, but smiled and responded to their questions. They were quite nice, very friendly, and there was even cake.


It wasn't until after we got home that I exploded.

"What did you do?"

"What do you mean?"

I jabbed him repeatedly with my finger. "You know what I mean, Thomas (jab) Dolby (jab) Fisher (jab)! You told them... about me!"

Tom looked troubled, and nodded. "Yes, I did."

"Tom, didn't I explain to you that the Department of Mental Diversity is looking for me?"

"Yes, you did."

"And now you've just told my secret to three other people... without even consulting me!"

Tom sucked his lips in. "Shelly, I'm sorry. But they're my family, they had to know."

"No they didn't!"

"They had to," said Tom, hugging me. "When I told them I had gotten back together with you, they had... concerns."

"They thought I was crazy."

"They wanted to be sure we would get along." I rocked back and forth in his arms, feeling his firm body pressing against mine.

"They thought I was going to cocktease you again and dump you."

"They weren't sure this was the best road to take."

"They wanted you to call me a crazy bitch and dump me."

"Shell... we're Quakers. We don't say words like crazy bitch."

"You just think them," I said.

He kissed me. "Shelly, I had to tell them. I'm very close to my parents, and to Nettie. Trust me, your secret is safe with them."

"How many other people have you told, Tom?" I asked. "Have you told half the Survey Service?"

"No. I've told no one. No one else needs to know." He kissed me again. "Can you forgive me?"


Another kiss.


A kiss again.

"I'll put you on probation."

A longer kiss.

"Maybe... suspended probation."


Everyone was at the wedding. Everyone, well, except my sister Audrey. I sent her an invitation but she never responded. She was still angry with me. It caused me a lot of grief. I still remember lying in the warehouse with her, making love to her, scooping Serum out of my vagina and inserting it into her. I remember her transformation into a willing sex slave, eager to do everything We wanted. I remembered how happy she was when she took the Revered One's enormous penis inside of her. I remembered how she had even seduced me, and how happy we were as we grinded out pussies against each other. I winced at the memory of it all.

She must still hate me terribly. She must hate me because of what I did to her. I cried on Tom's shoulder more than once about it, and he told me once again that it wasn't my fault. Aunt Tammy told me the same thing. She told me she still thought about all the people who had died in the bombing of the embassy on Ramada; but thinking about it wasn't going to change anything.

She was right. I would have to soldier on. I was getting married, and this was to be the happiest day in my life!

Aunt Tammy was there, looking awfully fine in her formal Survey Service whites (she was on active duty at the moment), along with Henry and Annibell. Annibell had grown up into a fine looking young woman with large titties. The scar on her face hadn't prevented her from getting boyfriends; such was the magic of large breasts.

Claire was there, with Jamal and her eight month old baby Demetrius. Demetrius had grown really big! I wondered how Claire had managed to squeeze him out of her pussy. It must have been very painful. Demetrius was light skinned, unfortunately, but would still enjoy all the World Government benefits of being black. The official Nuremberg rules stated that only 7% blackness was required to claim victimhood status, and Demetrius more than qualified for that.

Clay was there with his wife Markessa, who I had helped introduce him to. I am glad the two of them worked out well together. Markessa worked as Clay's executive assistant at his interior design business. Clay's idea (all right... my idea) to market himself as a heterosexual interior decorator had taken off, and he now was operating as a franchise with seven locations up and down the southeast. Markessa was heavily pregnant with Clay's first child which made me jealous; that was something that Tom and I would have to get working on before long.

Mom was there, looking very pleased as always. Things had not always been good between me and Mom. I had thought that Mom was more than a bit of an irritating cunt growing up; and our shared experience with Us had only soured me on her further. Mom had seemed to take eagerly to alien mind control on her very first Infection; as I watched her happily get rodded by the Revered One's enormous penis, it seemed to me that Mom was just a little bit too eager to be used, if you know what I mean. It was as if she almost wanted to be taken over and used as an alien breeding cow.

But Mom had forgiven me for my role in all this when she could have been angry with me like Audrey apparently still was. That scored a lot of points with me. She also bought me this very expensive wedding dress, which so nicely showed off my titties. And after we fired Cooper Anderson, she meticulously helped me with all the wedding planning details. I found myself liking Mom as an adult almost as much as I hated her a child.

Since I didn't have any particular religious preferences, I let Tom hire a Quaker reverend to conduct the ceremony, to please his parents. Things were a little bumpy when the reverend took one look at my wedding dress, and my titties sticking out, and asked Tom, "Are you sure you want Shelly to wear that at your wedding?"

"Why don't you ask her?" Tom asked.

The pastor looked embarrassed as I smiled at him. But he was really a nice man, if a bit long winded, and as I stood in front of my family, and Tom's family, listening to the pastor go on and on, I found my mind drifting to members of the audience.

Tom's father Nathan was very happy and proud of Tom. So was his mother Sally, and even more so his sister Nettie. I got a tremendous feeling of good will from the three of them; they were truly good people, and were happy not just for Tom but me as well. They were the sort of family who supported their son regardless of what he did. It was a form of unconditional love which really floored me.

Mom was crying and smiling from ear to ear. My little girl is finally acting normal and getting married. Well, maybe I could forgive her for that little slam. She was also thinking, I can't wait to see my next grandchild. Sigh. Mom still thought of me as a breeding cow. I smiled as I remembered her contently getting porked by the Revered One, and rubbing her ballooning belly as if it were her happiest moment in the world. Fuck you, Mom!

Claire was smiling and was genuinely happy for me as she rocked back and forth with little Demetrius. I was glad that our relationship had progressed so far and that we were no longer the adversaries we once were. I sampled Jamal's thoughts. He was thinking about an assball game scheduled to be broadcast later today, thinking of the large, chunky ass of the quarterback for the San Francisco Bone Smugglers. Oh well.

Clay was thinking of how beautiful I was. How sexy my titties are. I winced slightly. Well, I had picked a dress that showed them off. I was just glad that I had been able to redirect my brother's amorous interests to another woman. Markessa looked bored; she was actually staring at the ceiling and was counting tiles.

For a moment I wished Dad were here. He would have loved seeing me married so much! I could just imagine him sitting in the front row, grinning from ear to ear, thinking of some new way to gut me with a knife from top to bottom or shoot me in the head with a compression pistol. How I missed him!

And then my gaze fell on Aunt Tammy, who stared at me pointedly, and thinking sweetly, Shelly, you're supposed to be focusing on Tom, not us, and I realized with a shock she was right.

I turned and looked at my soon-to-be-husband. His mind was so full of contentment that it practically glowed. His love for me was so powerful that I didn't have to be a telepath to see it. The way he looked at me, the earnest look of need in his eyes... he loved me, and I felt like such a fool for ever having doubted it.

"-and by the powers vested in my by our loving masters in the all powerful World Government, I declare you partner one and partner two. You may kiss your partner."

Tom pressed his lips against mine, I heard a roar of approval all around me and clapping, and I felt like I was being propelled into distant outer space.

"I love you so much," I said. "Never leave me!"

Tom laughed. "I was just about to say the same thing to you!"

We kissed again.


We opened our wedding gifts later. I got the usual assortment of nice but uncreative gifts. Aunt Tammy got me a pair of fine tall brown riding boots "to teach your husband who's really in charge". And then there was the box containing a black leather whip.

"A parting taunt from Angelika?" Tom asked.

I checked the card. "No. Julian." I read "Best wishes, Shelly." I looked up at Tom. "I think he loved me, in his own way."

Tom took me in his arms. "And now I will love you, in my own way."


As for our honeymoon... oh wait, there's something I forgot to tell you. I should have put it in earlier, but this book is already so fucking long and I am too fucking lazy to edit it properly. Be grateful that some things are out of order or that you get them at all!

Mom asked me during the wedding what my new name would be. Shelly Diggler? Shelly Diggler Fisher? Shelly Diggler-Fisher?

"Fuck Shelly Diggler-Fisher, Mom!" I said. "I'm going to be Shelly Fisher! I'm fucking tired of having a name which reminds people of masturbation!"

Instead of getting angry, Mom nodded. "I understand completely, dear."


Anyway, where was I? Oh, yes, the honeymoon.

We went this beautiful place I had never heard of in upstate New York called the Mohonk Mountain House. It was a gorgeous swiss style chalet built over part of an alpine lake and surrounded by sheer cliffs and mountain views. The hotel had elaborately sculpted gardens and old style horse drawn carriages and a million other touches which made the place seem like a time capsule from the 19th century.

I grew closer to Tom as I experienced his reaction to this old style resort firsthand.

This lake is so beautiful... look at the little gazebos all around it, the exotic potted plants, all the flowers.

"It is beautiful, my love," I said, turning his chin for a kiss. We were doing that more and more frequently. Tom would think something, as if chatting to me, and I would respond in words. It showed me that he was becoming more comfortable with my reading his mind and was even starting to appreciate the intimacy of it.

We went swimming at the small beach surrounded by sheer cliffs on one side of the lake. I wore one of the revealing bathing suits which Tom bought me. I think he liked seeing the envious stares of the other men as they stared at my tits and ass. It was just like it had been with Julian... except that I no longer minded it. In fact, I wanted to make Tom happy. So I would whisper in his ear, "The black man there, with the hairy chest? He's so turned on by me that he's totally forgotten about his wife, sitting right next to him."

"Really?" Tom smiled.

"Yesss," I hugged him tightly, pressing my titties against him through the flimsy material of my bathing suit. "He's staring at my tits and ass, Tom. He wants to fuck me, to fuck me hard." I rubbed against him as I spoke. "Do you realize what you're making me do to all these poor men around us?"

"I'm so terrible," Tom said, giving me a delightful kiss.

"Yes you are," I said, pressing my body against him even harder.

Every night after dinner there would be ballroom dancing, and I would wear one of several delightful blue dresses that Tom bought me which also showed of my figure. As we would dance I would whisper in Tom's ear which man was jealous of him, which man was ignoring his wife and thinking of fucking me. Tom would laugh and smile at me or steal a kiss. Even though he wasn't telepathic like Julian, I felt that being telepathic drew us closer together. I also felt that Tom was relaxing and adjusting to the idea of my being telepathic, which is something I desperately wanted.

I played up my ability when we had sex that night. I was on top, and I edged Tom ruthlessly, always knowing when to speed up or slow down, working to delay his orgasm. Finally Tom roared with impressive manliness and flipped me over and pounded into me aggressively, taking only seconds to gasp and release inside of me. I smiled as I felt his sperm going into me, and shuddered as I felt my own orgasm. I no longer needed clitoral stimulation to come now; Tom's penis was all I needed.

I felt so content every time I felt Tom's penis throb inside of me. I had never used birth control with Tom and I never intended to. We never talked about it directly but I knew from Tom's mind that he was pleased as well.

As we lay together, enjoying the aftermath of our combined orgasms, I said, "Remember when we were dancing tonight? All the men I told you who were jealous and wanted to fuck me?"

"Um hm," Tom smiled, playing with my titties as I played with his chest.

"Well, what I didn't tell you was about the women."

"The women?"

"Half the women wished they could be dancing with you."

"Really? Why?"

"Why?" I said, imitating his deep voice. I pinched his cheek. "You're so gorgeous, Thomas Dolby Fisher. If you were a telepath, you'd have to endure all those amorous thoughts of women wanting to fuck you."

His eyes went wide. "They were thinking of fucking me?"

"Um hm." I played with his chest hair.

"How?" Tom asked.

"You really want details?" I said, giving him a mock hurt look.


"All right," I said, getting on top of him. I started rocking back and forth, ever so slowly, rubbing my vulva against his shaft. "Some of the women were thinking about kissing you."

"Just kissing me?"

"Um hm." I rocked back and forth slowly, feeling his shaft starting to stiffen beneath me. "But others were more explicit."

"They were?"

"Um hm." I could feel him getting harder. "They were imagining feeling your bare chest against them. Feeling you fucking them. Feeling you inside of them." I felt his shaft quite hard now, and in his mind I could see Tom was aching for another round. "What do you think, Tom? Would you like to be with one of them? Perhaps I could arrange it."

Tom looked at me with clear blue eyes. I want you, and only you.

"The correct answer! You win a prize!" And I laughed as I lifted myself up a bit and inserted his aching organ within me.


We had a lot of fun whatever we did at Mohonk--dancing, dining, wine tasting, visiting the greenhouse, the arts store, carriage rides, rock scrambling, and more. Tom got more and used to "talking" with me simply by thinking. I remember we watched a movie together and Tom dissected it bit by bit in his mind. I spoke to him about my own impressions of the movie but Tom never said a word. He just looked at me lazily and brushed my cheek and thought I was so beautiful.