The Story of Ryujin

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Tales of heroes short story, Dragon and Human, M/F.
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This story is of my own creation based on historical events or mysterious happenings here on Earth.

Tags: Violence, Blood, Drama, Love, Sex, Intercourse, Interspecies, Consensual, History, Myth, Magic, Gods, Scalie, Anthro, Male Dragon, Female Human, Romance, M/F

Disclaimer 1: Due to Literotica's rules, I'm unable to load the entire book of Ryujin and the Tales of Heroes unto Literotica. The story of Ryujin is a collection of stories and a part of that book saga. It's highly recommended that you check out the other websites to get the full story.

Disclaimer 2: This story is meant for adults (age 18 or over) since it deals with adult oriented themes including violence and sex

Special Thanks to my Patreon supporters:

Robert Carnahan, Christof Bradford, Jordy, Frank Nordhaus, Mike Nixon, Quintin Martin, Nightsound, and Anthony Kestle for their generous donations

And of course, the other patron supporters for allowing me to write and supporting the universe that I write. :)

By CMed


What if we live in a world that the deities exist?

What if we live in a world where myths were real?

What if we live in a world knowing that the folklores were true?

What if we live in a world in that the fairy tales were real?

What if we live in a world where history and myth intersect?

What do you believe?.....

Chapter 1: May 1st, 1645


"Where am I?" a voice said out loud. "I see nothing but darkness all around me."

There was an eerie sound. It was the sound of nothing. Only weightlessness permeated the male voice.

"I don't remember anything......just pain. I feel like I am spinning, but there is nothing around me. I feel weightlessness. What do I do?"

The sound of nothingness filled the scene once again. There was no sound as he looked, but again there was nothing. He opened his eyes and saw the blackness of space. The pain continued.

"Who am I?" he asked himself. "My memory, there is nothing."

He did not know what he was or what he was doing. It was space that he felt.

"Perhaps......I should just close my eyes. I feel so tired. I feel like something bad had happened."

The eyes closed as the male voice feels sleep hit him. Suddenly he opens his eyes as he looks and can see a blue planet come into his view.

"How long have I been out? That.....whatever, that is, is getting close. I still feel tired......maybe more sleep will calm me down......."

It was as if time was progressing but slowly. He stared at the blue ball in the darkness around him. The pain persisted in his body.

"Wha?......What has happened?.....I have been asleep again. The ball is so big now. I see white, blue, and what looks like brown and orange coming from it. Perhaps I see green?.... Why is this happening? Why do I feel pain? I want it to stop. I feel so tired.....," he said as he closed his eyes once again.

He felt the heat hit his body. His body turned red as he was being drawn to something. The heat did no damage, but he could still feel it. He opened his eyes once again.

"Fire......I see fire everywhere. They make my....scales.....I have scales?" he asked as he looked at his arm. " won't stop. It's as if the darkness became light instantly. I can't.......feel like.....staying awake."

Falling......the heat vanished as he felt his body fall. His eyes were closed as his body fell at a terrifying speed. Wind and rushing air blew at him at a harsh rate. There was something in his hand as it opened. The item flew away and dropped. No one, but maybe he knew what flew from his hand. The speckled armor that he wore was cooked to a solid black. The blue scales were damaged, but he appeared to be alive. Alive but falling, but to where?......

During his blackout, his eyes momentarily opened up to reveal the blue stuff......water. It was water that he saw. The falling was drawing him towards it as his eyes closed again. Time seemed to pass as he opened his eyes and saw an island. It was a large island like a piece of land that was near a massive continent. He saw the island get bigger and bigger. Besides, that island to the northwest was what looked like another much bigger island.

"I am where am I falling?" he asked.

Time seemed to pass more and more. He looked at himself that he could and noticed that not only he had scales, but also wings. Part of his right-wing was torn and damaged. He could still feel himself tumbling in the air plummeting to the ground. He could feel what felt like a tail that swung freely in the air behind him.

"I feel......the need to fly......I must try....." he struggled to say.

He was still heading to the ground at a phenomenal speed. He could see the land get bigger and bigger. He was less than a minute before he would impact the ground. He struggled to move his wings, but he was too weak. He only continued to tumble in the air.

"I can't move......move them.....I must.......," he said as he could see the blue sky and then the ground once again as he rolled in the air. He closed his eyes and knew his fate. Somehow he had been in space, and then he was tumbling to see the mountains, the trees, the green, and finally.......

He felt branches as he could tell that he was in a vast forest. Trees rushed through his vision as his body slammed into branch after branch, ripping them off the trees in the process. Finally, with a massive crash, he smashed hard into the ground leaving a small crater-like hole where he landed. Dirt, grass, and rubbish from the trees flew in all directions. His massive body remained intact. The creature that fell back to Earth that knew nothing of what happened was unconscious. Only the pile of dirt in the large hole was any indication of what happened. His armor began to shatter and crumble. The blackness of the armor began to fade from him. The armor began to rust and turned into black charcoal-like sand as it began to float into the calm wind to disappear forever. Whatever he was carrying earlier was gone that flew from his hand. His body remained as it was with only the scales on his body to protect him.

As the creature's eyes were closed, he knew nothing of his fate, what his identity was, or where he was. He remained asleep perhaps for minutes, perhaps for hours, perhaps it was days, maybe it was even years.......


Not far from the Reigandō Cave near the city of Kumamoto Japan on the grand island of Kyushu, an older man walked out of the massive entrance. He walked with a walking cane as he stepped over some rocks. The man looked to be around the age of 60 years old, and he wore a white and red kimono along with his light sandals that protected his feet. His hair was dark gray as it traveled down part of the back of his head. He had a mustache that was dark and gray. He coughed a little bit as he struggled to walk outside the cave entrance.

"Ī tenkidesu ne..... Watashi wa hoshī walk around the area some today," the Japanese man said to himself. He began to traverse down the steps to the outside.

By the cave entrance was the typical and beautiful countryside forest of Japan. As he traversed down the makeshift steps, his body struggled to keep him walking. The sun was brilliant for the afternoon with a temperature of about 16 degrees Celsius or a little over 60 degrees Fahrenheit. He reached the bottom of the stairs as he took a deep breath. The smell of the forest that consisted of trees such as the black and white pine, along with various other flowers, grew along the path not far from the Uganji temple, where he tried to space himself from the monks. His feet pushed him as he lived a life of peace and relaxation. His long history would mark his thinking as he would walk under the torii wooden gate. His walking cane would smack the ground as he kept his balance. He could hear the various birds that chirped around him.

"Always good for yourself to keep walking....," he said to himself. His voice was light but steady. His skin mostly wrinkled marked his age as he kept walking.

As he traversed the small hill, he looked over and saw the Jizō statues that lined the hillsides. The little hooded stone and wooden figurine statues sometimes had the bibs put on them to honor the dead and pay respect for those that passed on. The hillside was covered with them as he walked past a monk and waved to him. The monk dressed in his red shaw bowed as he walked past him. The older man himself stopped and bowed to the monk before they walked and continued in their separate ways.

"I mean no disrespect to the monks....." the old man said out loud to himself. "But, I have learned what a reputation can do to oneself. Everyone will come to search for you. There would be no peace for me, and that is what I need more than anything else right now."

He continued his long trek as he could see Mount Kinbō as he stopped to look at the tall mountain. He remembered all his writings on that mountain. Standing at an elevation of about 600 meters in elevation or 2000 feet, the mountain was covered in the green forests and trees from where it stood. What is now an extinct volcano, Kinbō was just a place to walk and enjoy. He knew not far were the fields where some grew various vegetables and crops as it got closer to Kumamoto itself.

"I can die happy what I have accomplished," he said to himself. "I have lived a full life, and my pupils will continue what I taught them," trying to reassure himself. His stagger would falter a little bit as he continued walking down the path that led away from his solitary cave.

He passed by the stone lanterns that were close to the temple. It was not his job to walk to the temple but simply get some fresh air.

He took a breath as he could smell the saltwater even if it were a little over a mile away from him. The trees did an excellent job masking the scent.

The older man would continue his long walk as he could feel the pain in his body. He could still feel the staggering in his breath.

"Ah.....the pleasure of getting old," he joked to himself. "Yes.....if I die here in this beautiful place, it will be a good death. It will be away from every one, with only the few that I care close to me to honor me. It will be a good death, and my writings will continue on without me."

The older man steadied himself on his cane again as he put his hand to his head, feeling the gray hair on his face. He looked at his side and thought about the wrinkled skin of his hand as he decided it was time.

"Time to head back. I have gotten far enough. My body will only take me so far. Yes.....I have gotten far enough."

The older man turned around and began to walk back. He looked at the forest around him as he walked. His sandals crunched against the soft soil and rocks below it as his cane would push hard to the ground to keep him steady.

His eyes went to the forest to the left of him. He stopped again to look deeply at the trees. There was nothing but lush green trees and grass that lined the area, but something caught his eye. He had no idea what it was, but he swears he saw something. It was faint like it was in the far distance, but the trees carefully masked whatever it was.

"My age must be getting the best of me...." the old man remarked. He looked again, but he didn't see it. He started to walk again as he then got the glint on his eyes. He stopped and looked back and was sure that he saw something in the distance.

"What is that?" he asked himself as he looked at the sight in the forest. The trees were thick as he tried to see what it was. Whatever it was, it was blue and didn't appear to be what he thought it was.

"The spirits must be tricking me today....yet," he got near the edge of the pathway as he stepped behind a tree. His hands pressed to the bark as he looked at the blue speck behind more trees. He had to go and check it out.

Like curiosity in his purest form, his sandals walked away from the long path that led back to his home in the cave. Slowly but surely, he was careful as he would walk behind tree after tree trying to get to this thing or whatever it was. The walking stick he had kept himself balanced as he proceeded further and further. His kimono would occasionally snag against brush and plants as he stepped around them.

"I don't know what is there, but I swear I saw something there."

As the older man stepped behind another tree for what seemed like minutes, he could start to see damage to the trees near him. It was as if something significant fell from the sky and smashed into the trees, almost heading straight down. Branches and tree limbs were strewn about. Tree bark and debris were everywhere.

"How?......," the old man asked as he eventually saw it.

In the center of this damaged area was an anthro like dragon. He or what the old man assumed to be a "he" was lying on his back. He was the color of blue with his scales. His wings were torn and damaged. On his face were two long whisker-like tendrils, one on each side that went down to his chest. He wore no clothes, but there was nothing significant to be seen since it was all inside his body. It looked like he wore something, but it turned to black sand and was mostly gone from him. Part of his body showed signs of damage with minor pits in his scales. It had looked like he was in a terrible fight and lost. The tail showed signs of a small black scar that ran down to his spikes. He had two arms and two legs. His horns were chipped but still there.

"How?......How can this be?.....," the old man said as he stepped forward some more to the hurt dragon. "Perhaps I have truly gone senile. The legends.....the legends of the dragons....they.....they truly exist. The spirits.....," he paused. "The spirits have led me here to see this."

The older man bent over and felt the soft scales to see if this dragon was genuine. He felt the warm heartbeat come from the dragon as he checked the arm. The dragon was breathing with every breath long and staggered. He was alive. That was obvious. He got back on his two feet as he used the cane to steady himself.

"They truly exist.....," he remarked to himself and smiled. "I might not have much time in this world, but I get to see a dragon.....such an honor to behold. Such power and strength of these creatures....."

The older man took his cane and began to poke the dragon. The wooden stick he used barely moved it. It looked like he was really heavy. It would be impossible for the older man to move the collapsed dragon.

"This dragon has seen a terrible evil and survived," the old man spoke again. "I cannot do much to help you. You are too heavy for me to move you." He looked at the path in the far distance. The trees did an excellent job covering him well. The older man was still deep enough that none could see him or see the fallen dragon. He continued to poke the dragon with his cane to spur it.

"I don't know what I can....." he was unable to finish his sentence as the dragon began to huff and puff hard. He could see the dragon's eyes start to open almost as if he was blinded by the sun. His eyes naturally went to the trees and finally to the older man. He breathed hard as the serpentine-like eyes befell the older man.

The dragon was tall at the height of eight feet. His claws cut into the dirt as he struggled to move. The older man could tell he was in pain. The dragon's first reaction was to say something to him. His snout and mouth moved as he said a few words to him, but the older man shook his head to him. The man did not understand what he had to say. He asked the dragon if he was alright. The dragon looked confused as he tried to understand it. It clicked in his mind, though, as he thought about it. The words and language sounded familiar.

The dragon closed his eyes as he tried to focus. He opened his eyes as he once again tried to talk to him. "Can you understand me?" he asked him.

"Yes.....," the old man replied back to him. "You speak our language?"

"Yes," the dragon replied. "I.....I don't know how, but I understand this language well. It wasn't until you spoke to me that I felt that I knew this language better than any other language, including English. Where am I?"

The older man listened and could tell the dragon spoke with no accent in his voice. He sounded like he was born from the very nation he himself was born from.

"You are on the island of Kyushu. You are in Japan, sleeping dragon," the old man replied as he stood still resting on his cane looking down at him.

"Dragon...." The dragon replied as he looked at himself and noted the scales on his fingers and body. He got into a sitting position as he cringed from the pain he felt throughout his body. A little bit of blood seeped from one of his wings as it shifted. "I am......a dragon?"

"Yes, you are," as the old man gave a questioning look at him. "Do you know who you are and what happened?"

The dragon was still noting his appearance as he looked at the human. He was in deep thought as he tried to put the pieces together. The fact was that nothing looked like it made sense. He could tell that he was clearly different from the human.

"I don't know where or what this place is," the dragon said. "I can't explain how I know this language you speak of. I can't......" he put his scaly hand to his head and horns. "I can't remember what I am or how I got here."

"It sounds like you were in a big struggle and lost much of your memory. From looking at the trees, you fell from a great height. Your body shows damage like you were in a fight."

"That explains the pain my body feels...." The dragon said as he put his hands to his arms. "I feel so much pain, isn't that bad."

"I see no deep cuts or gashes on your scales from what I can tell. Your left-wing has a tear in it, and I see blood dripping from one of the tips."

"I feel so weak."

"What do you know or remember?" the old man asked.

The dragon focused on his thinking. "I remember........darkness and cold. There was a lot of darkness and cold. I felt like I was spinning in nothing. I was.....I was up there," he said as he pointed up to the sky.

"The heavens.....," the old man remarked.

"It felt more than that.....that I was beyond what this......this place is. I felt weightlessness. I felt like I was floating but had no control of where I was going. I was in and out of consciousness. I saw nothing but dots of lights. Stars......I saw the stars. I then saw this......this place."

"You fell from the heavens......dragon."

"Is that what I truly am?" he asked the old man.

"That is what you appear to be. You have wings, scales, and the looks of a dragon. I never thought ever to see one so close. I didn't even think they existed.....or truly existed. The stories and myths were always there, finally see one so close now."

"Dragon....," the dragon nodded to himself. "What are you? Are you a dragon too?"

"No," the old man almost chuckled. "No, but some would think I am. I got more whiskers than even you'll ever have. Perhaps one day, when you reach my age, you will have too many to count."

The dragon went and put his hand to one of his long whiskers that stretched from his snout to his chest. It was flexible and stretchy.

"I am human," the old man explained to the dragon. "We live on this great island, and it connects to another island. Are you well enough to stand?"

The dragon looked at his legs. He could see the clawed talons as he stamped his feet to the grass below him. He then groaned as he put his hands to the dirt and tried to push himself to a standing position. His legs jolted, feeling the pressure of his weight as the muscles and bone buckled to hoist him up. The older man backed away as he watched the dragon put his hands to his leg as he very slowly started to get up. It was agonizing, but the dragon slowly stood up. His teeth and fangs cringed as he felt the pain through his body. Despite the damages, though, he now stood up and towered over the older man. His eight-foot frame made the older man look tiny and small compared to him, but the dragon was still hurting. He grabbed a part of his arm as he tried to shake it off.