The Streetlight on Jackson Drive


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I grinned, her mound slightly protruded from her abdomen, which always made my motor rev to high RPM's. I moved her hand to my throbbing rock-hard cock and spoke.

"Perfect. Show me the way to the bedroom. What about Granny? What if we wake her?"

My comment seemed to be quite humorous to her. I shrugged and asked. "What? What's so funny?"

With her hand on my chest and her face against my shoulder she continued to snicker. Pulling back she grinned as she regained composure.

"First. There are two bedrooms and a bath between her and my room. Second. She sleeps like the dead and even if she did wake she'd say to herself. You go girl."

I was completely confused. "Why would she say you go girl?" I asked.

More giggles and laughter. "What we're about to do was her idea. When we were talking during lunch she asked if I thought you were a good guy. I answered in the affirmative. What she said will blow your mind, it certainly did mine."

Once again I shrugged and asked, "What? What will blow my mind?"

"Sit a minute or you might fall down. I haven't been with a man in almost four years, so what we're about to do isn't normal for me. Granny took my hand and said in her old southern way, 'If he be good and you like 'im, den bed 'im, don' let 'im git away. You ain't gittin no younger."

My head was spinning like a top. Was I ready to be married again? Of that I wasn't sure. What I was sure of was getting it on with this fine specimen of the female gender. I stood, took her by the hand and started down the hallway to her bedroom. As we walked through the door I closed it and proclaimed.

"One should always listen to their elders. I guess we'd better get busy. How do you wanna do this?"

She moved into my arms, "I want you to undress me and do as you wish. I've been looking forward to this all afternoon. I don't ovulate anymore so you might need to warm me up to get the juices flowing."

I took my time unbuttoning the dress, pulling it open a little more with each button. As I did I kissed the newly exposed skin. When I reached the button below her breasts I slid my hands in and gently cupped them. My calloused hands felt the warmth and softness of her breasts through the thin lacy material covering them. As I cupped them she leaned in to me for more kisses. I continued to unbutton the dress as we kissed. When I'd gotten to the last button slightly below her waist she let go of me, stood back and shrugged her shoulders. The dress became a puddle of cloth at her feet.

The full moon cast enough light to drink in her charms and the beauty of her body. The bra was white, to match the lacy white panties she wore. She reached behind and unhooked the bra, flung it into the room and sat on the bed. I knelt before her, pushed her back and began kissing her legs from the knee upward. When I was close to the apex of her thighs she opened them enough to get close and kiss her pussy through the material.

Moaning she said. "I'm going to like this."

I patted the side of her thigh, she raised her hips, I slid the panties off and moved forward. With my face an inch away from her pudenda I blew softly making the little hairs along the labia part. I wasted no more time and dove in face first. As I lapped and sucked and titillated her hands were on the back of my head. Her fingers were interlaced through my thinning hair as her hips rocked up and down. The smell of her perfume and lust filled my nostrils. My cock was as hard as I could ever remember. I wanted this pussy and I wanted it now.

Her breathing stopped, her body stiffened, her legs squeezed my head as she let out a loud deep moan. Her abdomen was convulsing, her tummy muscles would tighten, then relax, then do the same thing over and over. Being a bonafide pussy hound I continued the assault with my tongue. With a loud gasp she pushed me away.

"No more. Oh my God, no more. Where the hell did you learn to eat pussy? You are good. Stand up."

I did as she requested. I was no more than upright when her hands were at my belt. With it open she grabbed the button to my jeans, opened it and unzipped them. Taking a handful of cloth on either side she yanked them to my ankles. Sitting straight her gaze didn't leave the front of my underwear. Slowly she moved her hands to the waistband and began to lower my briefs. As the head came into view she smiled.

"Cut, thank God. I love cut cock, nice and big too. I'm gonna love this. Granny was right, I need to claim you before somebody else does. Get that shirt off and step out of these clothes."

I was naked looking down. She looked up, grinned and took as much of me into her mouth as possible. As she bobbed her head back and forth her gaze never left my eyes. This woman was taking me places that I hadn't been in years. With her hands on my hips she pushed back, scooted into the middle of the bed and whispered, "Give it to me."

I crawled up the bed, as my body was about to touch hers, she reached between us, grabbed my dick, swiped it up and down the slit a few times and pulled me inside her. As she lifted her hips I pushed forward. The wet warm feeling engulfing my cock was heavenly. She was obviously enjoying the penetration as well. Coming from her lips were soft moans, little whimpering sounds and the occasional, "Oh yes."

We'd been slowly rocking back and forth five minutes or so when she said, "I can feel you opening me. This is so good. Maybe a little faster now."

I put it into the next gear and hit the throttle. Our bodies were slapping together, we were both going full speed enjoying every single moment. Then I heard her.

"Yes, oh yes. Don't stop, more, I need more, I'm so clooooooo."

The rest of the word never left her lips, her body stiffened, her hips were pushed up and stationary as I continued to hammer away. She let out a soft yelp as her body dropped. My climax was on the verge and she must have sensed it because she immediately began thrusting her hips into my stroke. I could feel the vaginal muscles tighten around my shaft, that was all it took. I arched my back, slammed forward and let out a groan like an animal in heat. Pulse after pulse of semen shot into her warm inviting love canal.

My arms were extended, her fingers were tangled in the chest hair. As I regained my breath and opened my eyes she was smiling at me.

"That's the best lay I've had in years. You, mister Luke, are one powerhouse fuckin' machine. Granny was right. I wanna hold onto you. If we rest a bit do you think you can go again? I really like it from behind, doggy style."

"Yeah. If you're willing to wait a little while I can go again."

She smiled, pushed me off and sat up. Cupping her sex she ran to the attached bath. I was lying on the bed recuperating when I felt the bed move. A warm wet washcloth was in her hand wrapped around my dick. When she'd cleaned me she bent down and kissed the head.

"God I love a cut cock. Come on. Let's go have that pie. Playtime makes me hungry."

Following pie with a glass of milk, then an hour and a half nap, we found ourselves in a new position. Me behind, my hands were grasping her hips as she pushed back into me with fervor on every stroke. I could see her breasts swing and jiggle each time our bodies collided. It didn't take us long to reach the finish line the second time. As I finished I let go of her hips, she fell forward onto her tummy and sighed.

I was on my haunches searching for breath when I felt her foot softly moving up and down my arm. When I opened my eyes she was beckoning me to lay next to her. We laid in our own mess as we cuddled and kissed tenderly. I was on my back when she threw her leg over me. We slept that way for nearly an hour, changed the sheets and went back to bed.

When I woke Cheryl wasn't in bed. Looking at the clock it read 6:33. I hadn't slept that late in ages. I dressed and made my way to the kitchen where Cheryl was putting a small plate of scrambled eggs in front of Granny. As I walked in the room Granny looked up, then at Cheryl, then back at me and grinned as she patted the back of Cheryl's hand. Words were not needed.

For us it was scrambled eggs covered with sausage gravy and bacon on the side. Since I'd never learned to like coffee I liked the fact that Cheryl drank milk, just like me. And don't you know it, we had another piece of that cherry pie ..... for breakfast.

Granny normally took a long nap after breakfast. Cheryl and I walked around what remained of the farm ending up where the artesian wells were. Cupping our hands we drank the cold fresh water as it flowed from a pipe her great grandfather had installed decades ago. The other well flowed freely over a bed of rocks before the two flowed together becoming a creek. It was just after noon by the time we made our way back to the house. Granny was at the table munching on her daily favorite, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Cheryl looked at me, "She has the same thing for lunch every day. Won't let me make it. She insists on doing it herself. I suppose that's her way of still being her own woman. I only hope I'm that strong if I reach 99."

I was about to go home around three o'clock when a pair of cop cars went past the farm at a rapid rate. We rushed to the end of the driveway and saw at least two other cop cars, where else? The Brown boy's place. We watched a solid half hour before three of the cars began to drive away with someone in the back of each car. The last one was the officer who had originally taken the complaint from me. He had no one in the car with him. Stopping, he lowered the window.

"Caught them red handed last night. The younger one tried taking out the light and missed. The detectives have been sitting on their house the past two nights and had them dead to rights. It was around four this morning. Surely you heard the gunshot Miss Cheryl."

She looked around and then said, "Yeah, it was a busy night, I slept right through it."

I was laughing internally but remained stoic on the surface.

He nodded, "Well, nice to see you again. I don't think there will be anymore street light issues, all their guns were confiscated. 17 to be exact. You folks have a great day."

Walking to the house Cheryl put her arm through mine. "That settles it then. I can't be out here on my own with Granny. Not with those ruffians living so close. You need to move in. Right away."

I chuckled, "You think so huh? What about my place?"

"Didn't you say it's ready to sell?" I nodded. "Then sell it and help me on the farm. If I had some help I could have a bigger garden, maybe a hog or two, a steer, and some chickens. We'd have our own pork, beef, eggs and chicken to go along with greens from the garden."

I frowned, "Me no like collard greens."

She chuckled, "Me either, it's an expression."

I did as she had asked. I was moved into the house with her and Granny by the end of the week. She didn't have bed springs that squeaked, but if she did we'd have played a symphony that first week. We played every night, and by the weekend I needed a break. When I mentioned it to Cheryl she sighed.

"Thank God. I thought I was the only one who was worn out. It's been fun but my God, what a workout without going to the workout room. "

Other than a few family heirlooms which I took with me I listed the house fully furnished after two weeks of living on the farm. I also took another leap of faith. I sold my business to a young guy in his 30's who wanted to be in business for himself.

We had our first tiff the third week we were together. Having been the NCOIC (non-commissioned officer in charge) the last 5 years of her career she had a tendency to bark orders. I'd had enough, it was time to address the gorilla in the corner. Instead of doing what she had said I stood looking at her intently.

Her response was, "Well, are you gonna get that done?"

I shook my head. "Is it beyond your ability to ask? Let's get something straight Cheryl. You're no longer a senior master sergeant and I'm no longer a staff sergeant. I'll do anything within my power to help and do whatever you ask. But if you wanna bark orders and expect me to comply. That ain't gonna work."

She dropped her head and then looked up. "You're right. I really want this to work Luke. We need something to let me know when I'm being unreasonable."

I walked to her, put my arms around her and kissed her. "How about if I say this. Are you asking, or are you telling?'

She nodded, "Perfect. If I hear you say that I'll know that I'm being a witch and I can change direction."

We'd been together 5 weeks when my house sold. I had busied myself by getting the old tractor running after having set for almost a decade. We dug the old two bottom plow out of the weeds, put air in the tires, greased all the mechanisms and plowed a small area for a garden. In another pile of weeds was an old eight-foot disc and drag. Lo and behold, the garden was ready to be planted.

Talking one evening after supper we were surprised that Granny joined us. Looking at Cheryl she said.

"Now you got a man around wat you gon do wit da rest a dem acres? Be a waste not to use um."

Cheryl shook her head, "No idea Granny. Any suggestions?"

"Me and Heinie made a passle o' money ever summer sellin sweetcorn. Folks don mind payin a bit mo for home grown corn. Think about it."

After a lovely time with Cheryl on top wearing me out we lay in bed talking. She patted my chest and asked.

"What do you think about the sweetcorn thing?"

"I chuckled, "I'm up for it. We'll need to find a planter and cultivator though. I don't want to use chemicals if at all possible."

It was a few minutes later when she answered. "Ya know. I'm not sure but I think there's an old John Deere two row planter in the shed. And if I remember right there's a tractor mounted cultivator somewhere around here. I used it as a teenager cultivating corn for Granny."

We found the planter and cultivator which settled any questions in our mind. We were going to grow and sell sweetcorn. By the time corn was ripe we had already built a small stand at the end of the driveway and were selling other vegetables from the garden. We expanded the garden further the next spring and grew more corn than the year before. The second season we hired twin high school age girls to run the stand for us.

We never did marry. Never felt the need to. Granny, rest her soul, lived to be 101 dying peacefully in her sleep. With a permit from the county we were allowed to bury her on the property next to the old windmill. It hadn't been operable for years, but it was something Granny talked about with a smile on her face. There were obviously fond memories associated with that windmill.

We were surprised by the number of people who showed up for her wake and funeral.

They were a living testament of how loved she had been. That was the same summer the Brown boys sold their place to a young family with three kids. When the wind is right, we can hear the sounds of kids playing.

Now well into our seventies we still enjoy our intimate times, though not as often as the early days. We hire out most of the heavy chores and harvesting now. We still work the ground and plant each season, but not much more.

And that streetlight? It's like our love for one another, still burning bright.

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16GaDouble16GaDoubleabout 2 months ago

You are a master of creating believable dialog, which many here on Lit are not.

Enjoyed reading this one, and have appropriately awarded you all possible.

oldsage_1oldsage_1about 2 months ago

What a yarn spinner and master romantic! Loved every word of it. Looking forward to the next R410a fantasy to show up in my Following List!

Take care my friend.



linnearlinnearabout 2 months ago

Always entertaining as usual.

goodshoes2goodshoes2about 2 months ago

Sweet corn, and a sweet story. As usual R410a, you hit the nail on the head. Thanks.

RanDog025RanDog025about 2 months ago

Great story, loved it, thank you! 5 BIG ASS STARS!

muskyboymuskyboyabout 2 months ago

"That's the best lay I've had in years. - not very erotic. Didn't really feel the passion or affection.

BulldogfortyfourBulldogfortyfourabout 2 months ago

Good story! Thank you for sharing!


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