The Stretch Sorority Ch. 01

Story Info
Julie joins a sorority that will stretch her horizons.
7.1k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 10/23/2020
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Author's Note: This is going to be a story about extreme stretching (large insertions) and some other fetishes as well. This first chapter is mostly setup, but in the future things will heat up considerably. This will be my most extreme story, just a warning. Hopefully some people enjoy it. I have marked it as Fetish because that is where the story is going. Thank you.


Starting college is hard. Moving to another country to go to college is harder. And doing all of this while being an introvert is hardest. For some reason I decided doing a year abroad would be a good idea, it would broaden my horizons, teach me new things, add culture to my life, and overall improve my life. But as I sit here on a bench waiting for a taxi outside the airport everything is starting to hit me. It's a new country, a new culture, I have no friends here, I know no one, and I am alone. My anxiety starts to take over and I feel like I have made a huge mistake.

"It's only one year," I try to tell myself, try to convince myself, but it doesn't help much. This is such a huge leap outside of my comfort zone I don't even know how to react.

Finally my taxi arrives and I load my bags into the trunk with no help from the driver, no tip I guess. The ride takes an hour and I spend the time looking at the window, taking in the view. The rolling hills, the far off view of the ocean, and the city coming into range. It was beautiful, and somehow it put my mind at ease, even if just for a moment. The driver and I didn't say a word the whole time, and that was fine, I didn't feel like speaking anyway.

Eventually we pulled up in front of the hotel I would be staying at, at least for a while. Unfortunately the school only provided dorm rooms for first year students and that meant I had to stay at a hotel, at least until I figured out where to stay. I didn't have much time to look at rentals, and now most of the rooms were taken anyway. Just another thing to add to my situation, and my anxiety.

"Hi, I'm checking in," I start as I get to the front desk.

"Name please?" the girl at the front desk asked with a smile.

"Julie... Julie McIntosh."

After typing for a few minutes the girl finally replied, "ah yes, Miss McIntosh, I see we have a room for you for... ummm... two weeks, is that right?"

"Yes... for now... I might actually need it longer, is that OK?" I really hoped it would be.

"Hmmmm, let's see...," some more typing occurred in front of me, "yes... that shouldn't be an issue, just be sure to let us know a few days before the end of your reservation."

"Thanks... and ya... no problem," I smiled.

"OK... Miss McIntosh, we have a standard room for you with a queen bed... your room number is 715, and you can find the elevators just over to your left."

"Perfect, thank you," I said as I grabbed the room keys from the desk in front of me.

"Do you need any help with your bags?"

"Ummmm," I looked down at my two suitcases in front of me, my backpack and purse, "no I should be fine."

"Ok great, well enjoy your stay, and if you need anything, anything at all please just let me, or one of my colleagues know."

I smiled and reached down to grab my bags. My two suitcases constantly ran into each other as I pulled them behind me, my backpack slipping off my shoulders, and my purse slipping from my back to my front and now dangling in front of me. A normal person would have asked for help, but of course I didn't.

Opening the door to my room was the first great relief I had in over a day of travelling. I pulled my bags into my room and let them fall to the ground, followed by me falling onto my bed. It felt amazing. Finally I was home...ish. At least it was a place where I could relax, even if I didn't really feel relaxed.

For the next couple of hours I unpacked, putting my clothes away, figuring out the different plugs and adapters, finding out how to connect to the wifi, and finally having a shower with the surprisingly good water pressure.

The sun started to fall and I laid back down on my bed, my long red hair flowing over my shoulders and onto the pillow behind me. As I laid there I could feel my stomach grumble and for the first time I realized I was hungry. I didn't have the strength to go out and explore tonight so I did what anyone would do while in a hotel, order room service. A hamburger and an iced tea sounded perfect for the mood I was in.

While I waited for my food to arrive and I threw on a pair of boy shorts, sweatpants and a tank top, before grabbing my laptop and sitting on my bed, watching some trashy reality TV. I had a couple of days before classes started, so at least I didn't have to worry about that. But what I did have to worry about was finding a real place to live, unless of course I wanted to stay in a hotel for a year.

I started looking for rentals, somewhere close to school, walking distance at least. I needed my own room at a minimum, but I didn't want to pay too much either. As I looked, the realization that I wasn't going to find anything great started to set in. Everything seemed to be way too cramped, or way too expensive. Suddenly staying in this hotel room was starting to seem better and better. Of course I knew that went against the whole reason I was here, to meet new people, to have new experiences, to grow.

By some sort of fate the show I was watching showed some girls in a sorority and it was like a light bulb went off in my head. A sorority, or something similar would be perfect, even if it immediately gave me butterflies. It was so far outside of my comfort zone, but I knew it was the right thing, or at least the right thing to try, I had no idea if I would get accepted, or if I would even go through with it.

I heard a knock at my door and let the server in with the roll away table. I grabbed my burger and jumped back up on my bed. What's the point of a hotel if you can't eat in bed. With one hand holding my burger, the other worked the computer looking for a list of sororities on campus. I eventually found one on the schools website and started to look down the list. Each one showed their name and a brief description of who they were, and who they were looking for. As I continued to read I realized that many of them wouldn't work for me. Some of them were male only, other ones were looking for specific years, and some had weird requirements such as being from a certain region, or being on a school team. I did find five that looked like they would work though. Each one had an e-mail where you could message them and see if they were accepting new members. I e-mailed all five right away, excited about the responses.

The minutes of waiting turned into hours, and before I knew it, it was midnight. I refreshed my e-mails for the millionth time but no responses. My hopefulness was fading, and I decided it was time to go to sleep. I was tired from the trip anyway. I closed my laptop, washed my face, and got comfy in bed, watching some bad 90's movie for a few minutes before passing out.


My eyes opened slowly as they got used to the sunlight peeking through the curtains in my room. I rolled over to look at the time and was surprised it was already 11:30am. Good thing I didn't have class that day. I got up from bed, and pulled open the curtains looking at my view over the city. If I moved out of here this would be one of the things I would miss the most. After a quick washroom stop, and washing my face, I was back on the bed, laptop on my lap, ready to check my e-mails, almost sure there would be no replies.

To my shock this was the opposite of what happened. Five e-mails sent, five e-mails received. A smile creeped on to my face. Suddenly I felt some hope again. I clicked on the first one.


Thank you for your e-mail. Unfortunately at this time we do not have any openings. Hopefully you find something that works for you, and keep us in mind next year.

Thank you."

Not a great start, but there were four more. I opened the second one.

"Hi Julie,

Thanks for thinking of us! But we actually have already finished our pledges for this year. Sorry! Maybe next year? Thanks!"

"Fuck," I thought to myself. Still though, that was only 40% of the e-mails, I was trying to keep myself optimistic. But of course the next two e-mails were the same, thanks but no thanks. This left me with one more.

I nervously clicked on it, expecting the worst.


Thanks very much for reaching out to us. We would like to discuss you joining our sorority..."

I stopped reading there and almost jumped for joy. This was the break I needed. I didn't even care if they were some kind of satan worshipping cult, just being accepted was all I wanted. I kept reading

"... if you are still interested. Please let us know and I will send over a brief outline of our philosophies and the steps you would need to take to join.

We look forward to hearing from you!


The Stretch Sorority"

This was by far the weirdest sorority I emailed. The "stretch" sorority, what did that even mean? It was strange, but also the only one with an opening, so what did I have to lose? I clicked reply and typed my response.

"Thank you for getting back to me!

Yes I am still very interested. Please send me any information you have. I'd like to apply as soon as possible.

Thank you!

Julie McIntosh"

I clicked send and waited. I realized I shouldn't sit there and stare at the screen so I decided to spend some time organizing my stuff again, put my suitcases in the closet, and generally tried to make the room a little more like home, if that was possible. I checked my e-mail again, but there was no response yet.

I got changed into a pair of jeans and a hoodie and headed out to explore the city for a few hours. It was already after 12 so I grabbed lunch at a place just around the corner and then walked to see some sights not too far from the hotel. The weather was perfect, and I listened to music as I walked, which really made me feel better about where I was. My mind wandered thinking about the adventure I was on, how even if I didn't get into the sorority there was so much for me to experience and learn while I was there. I thought about how I needed to break out of my shell, how no one knew me here, how I could be someone different, or maybe become who I was meant to be, without judgement, without comments from family and friends. I was determined to take advantage of my time here.

The sun started to drop again and I headed back to the hotel, this time picking up a pizza instead of doing room service. It would have been great going out with friends for dinner, but not having any here posed an issue. Another night of dinner in bed for Julie.

I got back to my room, changed into shorts and a t-shirt, and sat on my bed with my pizza. After a few slices and some terrible TV again I grabbed my laptop and checked my e-mail. Even though I waited so long, the thought of checking was always in the back of my mind, but I didn't want it to control my day, and I was glad I didn't let it.

Up popped my e-mail and a reply from The Stretch Sorority.

"Hi Julie,

It's so great you are still open to joining. We actually have two spots left for the year and will be choosing our new members tomorrow night. But before we get to that let me tell you a bit more about us.

Our philosophy is built around being a group of like minded girls who want to stretch ourselves in every way possible, both physically and mentally. We support each other in everything, and help to push ourselves beyond what we think we are able to do, beyond what we think is possible. We have members who didn't think they could run a marathon, and we help and push them to get there. We have members who want to be doctors but didn't think they were smart enough, and we help and push them to reach their goals. We even have members who simply wanted to be able to do the splits, and again we helped them do that! :).

The only thing we ask from you is to be open minded, willing to let us help and push you, and to trust us. Trust is so important to us. Do you think you can do that?

If so the first step is to send us three pictures. Now please do not overreact to these pictures. We only ask for these pictures to see if you truly trust us, if you are truly ready to be open and explore new things, even if they push you beyond what you would normally do.

If you are still interested please send us the following pictures:

Full frontal nude. We want to see you, all of you.

Full rear nude. We even want to see behind you.

Bent over from behind. We want to see what makes you a woman.

I know this sounds strange, and maybe even crazy, but we are here for you, we trust you, do you trust us?

Please send us those pictures by tonight as our event is tomorrow and we will need to send you the info before then.

Thank you Julie. We are excited to hear back from you.

The Stretch Sorority."

I think my mouth was agape while reading the whole e-mail. Was this real? Was this an actual e-mail that someone sent me? They want me to send them three nude pictures? I didn't even know them!

I closed my e-mail and tried to forget about it. This was crazy. Another slice of pizza, more dumb TV, and finally a shower. I needed to get my mind off of the e-mail and the disappointment of not being in a sorority this year, and being stuck in this hotel for the year.

The more I tried to forget about it the more I thought about it for some reason. The whole concept of the sorority seemed amazing, girls supporting girls, growing, pushing ourselves into something we never thought we would do, being better people, I wanted all of that. But nude pictures to people I never even met? That was crazy. I couldn't do that. Right?

The night continued to pass by as I laid on my bed scrolling through instagram, watching random people and their lives of adventure. I wanted that, I needed that, that was the whole reason I was here.

"Fuck it!" I finally said. So what if there are some nudes of me out in the wild? Did I trust the sorority? No, how could I? I haven't even met them, but maybe this was just the crazy thing I needed to do to really get this year started. Of course it could also lead to embarrassment and disaster, but I never took risks, I never did anything I wasn't sure about. Coming here, being on my own, this was supposed to change that, and now was my chance to truly do that. "Fuck it," I said again and got up off the bed.

I took my robe off letting it fall to the ground. I stood naked in front of the full length mirror in my room and grabbed my phone. My 5'10" pale white body completely exposed. It had been a while since I had looked at myself like this. My small chest staring back at my, my skinny body looking better then I remembered, a small smile broke out on my freckled face. I opened the camera and took the first picture, everything from my toes to the top of my head included. I turned around and took a similar picture from the rear, my little ass centered in the frame as I click the picture button. That left only one picture to go, the "bent over show us you're a woman" one, the most risky, the most crazy. I bent at my waist and turned my head back looking in the mirror. You could clearly see my shaved pussy and my asshole was just barely peeking through my ass. If it was another person I would say they looked hot, but my brain struggled with the thought as it applied to me. I took the picture and quickly put my robe back on.

Back on my bed I opened my laptop and looked at the pictures that had already synced with my account. I couldn't believe I was looking at myself naked. It was almost surreal. I had never taken pictures like this before, but here I was, and if I was being honest I liked it. I could feel my pussy getting a little wet as I scrolled through the three pictures, but I resisted doing anything about it, it just felt, wrong, strange, something, considering it was myself.

I opened the e-mail from the sorority and clicked reply.


I thought about everything you said, and I decided I still want to join. Hopefully I am sending this in time. Please still consider me. Thank you.


I attached the three pictures and pressed send before I could re-think the decision. They were gone, and my life was suddenly changed. It felt liberating, it felt scary, it felt like something I had never felt before.


I clearly passed out the night before as I woke up to find my laptop still open beside me, although completely dead and the TV on. I really had to get a better handle on my sleep, having a TV right in front of me obviously wasn't something I was good at handling.

My brain started to wake up as I turned in bed, and as it woke up I remembered the night before, the e-mail, the pictures, and my face immediately went red. When I sent the pictures it seemed to make sense, something I had to do, but now after a good night's rest suddenly I wasn't so sure. Suddenly I was worried.

I got out of bed and found my laptop charger, plugged it in, and quickly connected my laptop to it, turning it on and waiting for it to boot up. When it finally opened I quickly opened a browser and my e-mail checking to see if there was a reply from the sorority, there was. I felt nervous immediately, butterflies took over my stomach. I clicked it open.


Thank you for the wonderful pictures. You are truly beautiful. Thank you for trusting us.

There is no doubt in our mind that you would be a great fit for us. There is however one more step to be accepted. We are having an event tonight and there will be ten candidates there, including yourself. By the end of the night we will have chosen the two applicants who we feel will best fit our sorority. I truly believe you can be one of the two.

The address for the event is 121 Pine Rd. The event starts at 8pm, please do not be late. Also, the dress code is semi-formal, and the one request we have is that you wear a dress or a skirt.

Thank you again Julie, and I hope to see you tonight.


As soon as I read the word 'beautiful' I started to blush. No one really calls me that, maybe my mom, but no one else... it was nice to hear. And I realized I finally got a name from someone, Kat. I wasn't sure who she was, but she seemed nice so far and that was enough for me. Suddenly I felt excited for the event, but knowing that there would be another nine girls trying to get one of the spots did make me nervous. I also wondered how the decision would be made. How would they widdle down the applicants to just two?

I tried to keep my mind off of what was to come that night, I went out for a walk, I went on a tour of the city, I called my family back home, I took a shower and tried to take a nap, but during the entire day the upcoming event was always planted somewhere in my mind. Before I knew it, it was 7pm and time to get ready. I dried my hair and put on some light makeup. I didn't know how fancy the event really was going to be, and I always tended to dress more casual than most, so I went with a pair of sandal wedges, a dark red skater skirt with a pair of lace boy short panties underneath, and on top a fancy white t-shirt tucked into the skirt, and a white bra underneath. It was fancy-ish, and I hoped it was good enough, and to be fair I didn't have a lot of other options. I looked at myself in the mirror and took a deep breath before looking at the clock.

Grabbing my purse I went downstairs and ordered an Uber to take me to 121 Pine Rd. I felt nervous and a little sweaty. I took another deep breath to try to calm myself. My hands were on my knees before coming up and playing with the hem of my skirt nervously. Another deep breath. I checked my phone and it said we would arrive in 1 minute. Part of me wanted to ask the driver to turn around, to take me home, but I knew I couldn't, I knew I had to do this, I needed to push myself to do new things, otherwise why was I even here?