The Sun on my Skin Ch. 02


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The kiss continues as our bodies press and move against each other. Eventually, she pulls back a little to ask, "Are you okay?" I grab her head, palms against her cheeks and kiss her hard, slipping my tongue between her lips. When we finally separate she smiles happily. "I'll take that as a yes then!"

"Oh, very alright," I tell her. "Tina, you won't think I'm a slut if I say that I really, really want you to take me to bed?"

"Hmm, you'd only be a slut if you can't wait twenty minutes while I sort a few things out..." she grins, teasingly.

"Okay..., you win: I am a complete slut because I want you to take me right now!"

She reaches up and begins unbuttoning my top. "If that's the case then you should look the part," she says. Moments later she opens my blouse and strips it from me. "Better, but still not enough." Her fingers slip behind the waistband of my leggings, pushing them down.

I kick off my shoes and, as she squats in front of me, I step out of my leggings. The pastel lilac of my panties matches my bra except between my legs where my arousal has soaked and darkened the fabric.

"Hmm, no good: the colour is too cutesy so you have to be naked." Neither of us moves as I expect her to continue undressing me. "Come on then, strip!" she orders but with a smile. I find myself smiling back as I unhook my bra, a little amazed that I'm prepared to strip in front of, when it comes down to it, my boss. I give a little chuckle as I let my bra fall to the floor. My nipples are so hard the slight chill in the air makes no difference. "What's so funny?" she asks.

"You're not going to order me to do this at work are you?" I begin edging my panties down, exposing my damp, matted pubes to her gaze.

"Oooh, now that would be exciting," she says, gazing shamelessly at my now nude form. I fight down the urge to try and cover myself, telling myself to enjoy the fact she seems to like looking at my naked body. "Though I'd feel obviously the need to do this." Quickly and deftly she strips, placing her clothes neatly on a seat by the door that could have been put there for just that purpose.

"That looks very well-practised," I say as her panties, her last item of clothing, are placed on top of the pile. She turns and straightens and I gasp: she is gorgeous, as I always thought she would be, but the sight of her unexpectedly hairless sex, with the wavy edges of her labia just visible, is amazing.

"Oh yes: every evening when I come in; I never wear clothes at home."

"What, really?" I ask dubiously and she nods. "Never ever?"

"Well, occasionally when I have guests, like my Mum and Dad, but not otherwise." The thought of her walking around naked is fascinating.

"But what if someone knocks on the door? Like the postman or someone?" She reaches out and, with a quick twist of the wrist, opens the front door.

"I open it, of course. It's not actually illegal to be naked you know, unless it can be proven that the person stripped off with the intention to cause 'distress, alarm or outrage'." She reaches out to take my hand and draws me towards the door. I can scarcely believe I'm doing this but it is such a thrill that I barely notice the tingle of the goosebumps that rise at the touch of the cold air on my skin as I follow her over the threshold to stand on the small landing at the top of the outside stairs. The sodium glare of the streetlamps illuminates out naked bodies. "I want to make love to you," she whispers as her fingertips caress my hip.

"I want that too Tina... but maybe not out here?" I turn and now it's my turn to pull her after me. Exciting though our brief streak had been I'm very happy when the door closed behind her. "Um, which way is the bedroom?" I ask. She steps close behind me and, wrapping her arms around me, steering me to the door on the left. I can feel her strength as she moves me easily but it is overlain by a wonderful softness.

Through the door is Tina's bed. I turn to look over my shoulder and her lips find mine again. I open my mouth and her tongue slips in. "Oh Tina," I manage before her mouth muffles me.

She guides me over to the bed and yanks the duvet aside before climbing on and pulling me onto it beside her. Tina kneels and makes me lie down. Her hand rests on my tummy. "Do you still want this?" she asks.

"Yes, I do." And it's true: I really do. "Maybe because with you there could never be the possibility of becoming pregnant so it has to be all and only about pleasure and excitement... and love. Does that make sense?" Her hand slides up to cup my breast, making my nipple ache at the touch.

"Yes, Jan, it does." Her hand slides across to enclose the other breast and I close my eyes, letting out a long sigh as my back arches as I savour the sensation. The breast is squeezed gently as, at the same moment, the other nipple is engulfed by warmth; she is sucking my nipple! In fact, 'sucking' doesn't do justice to the wonderful kneading massage her mouth is giving my nubbin.

A while later and there is a sudden chill as her mouth releases me but the slight pang of disappointment is brief as she switches breasts with hand and mouth. I roll my head to the right, towards her, and open my eyes. There before me is the smooth curve of her tummy and the soft crease where it meets her pelvis as she bends forward. He legs are splayed as she kneels allowing my eyes to travel down, drinking in the sight of her hairless mound and to gaze on her sex.

The first sight of her pussy earlier, with her labia visible, had suggested she was aroused; now she must be rampantly horny, with her vaginal lips glistening red and puffy and gaping. A small, cloudy droplet gathers on the lowermost edge of one lip. I carefully lift my right arm, twisting my shoulder slightly so I can reach between her legs. My fingertips delicately caress the hot and slippery edges of her sex and she gives a little "Mmmm!" of appreciation that buzzes deliciously against my engulfed nipple.

My fingers become more adventurous as they trace their way, exploring her intimate flesh. I recall my fingers exploring Giselle nervously, all those years ago, and the more recently and regularly experienced feel of my own pussy: here again is that excitement of imminent entry.

I feel Tina's hand slip down, gliding across my tummy until her fingers tangle in my pubes. I open my legs as an invitation to her while I halt my probing fingers, waiting for her fingers to find my pussy's eagerly waiting entrance. She caresses my swollen labia and the anticipation becomes almost unbearable. "Oh yes, lover," I gasp, "do it now!" I straighten my first two fingers, slipping them inside her slowly. Delightfully, she does the same.

Her hot, slick love tube enfolds me; I am conscious of every fold and ridge and texture within this woman in a way I have never been with my own pussy, where my focus has been the sensations of sexual arousal and stimulation rather than what my fingers can feel. Right now, as she begins a gentle, rhythmic plunge and withdrawal, I can experience both.

Her mouth moves from my breast as she turns, moving up to kiss me and our mouths meld together and tongues entwine. I can already feel my orgasm building slowly but when she changes her technique, drawing her fingers out and back to rub my clitoris before sliding and curling them back inside me, my slow build starts to hurry.

I do not want her left behind so I press my thumb against the top of her slit, seeking to stimulate her clitoris in a similar way; a moment later she gives a shiver that I hope means I've succeeded.

I feel the pre-climax excitement growing inside me and I can tell it will be big, perhaps because, for the first time in oh so long, there is nothing but the giving and receiving of pleasure. Suddenly it takes me, jerking my head back, making me writhe and scream out. I can scarcely think and cannot move to continue pleasuring my amazing lover. Distantly I feel her thrust down, grinding her pussy against my hand and impaling herself deeply on my fingers made rigid by the wonderful cataclysm engulfing me.

A second and then a third wave hits and, though each a little smaller and less intense, they are still glorious.

I open my eyes to see Tina: her head thrown back, eyes clenched shut and mouth open as she pants and gasps. My hand is pinned to the bed as she presses down on it. I manage to wriggle my thumb and, to my great satisfaction, this seems to be enough to tip her over the edge. Several intense shivers pass through her and I continue to rub, trying to prolong her moment.

"Oooh!" she sighs and topples sideways. With a groan, she stretches out her legs to lie beside me. "Aagh, pins and needles in my leg!" she laughs as I roll and put my arm across her.

"Oh god, Tina, that was wonderful," I tell her as I pull my hand up: it is slick with her love juices. I had a dream, weeks ago, of Tina cumming as I fingered but I awoke before I could taste her. Now I can do it for real. I place my finger in my mouth and suck and the taste is savoury, rich and intense. I move on to the second finger.

"You like?" she asks.

"Mmmm-mmm!" I nod. She copies, tasting my nectar from her own hand.

"Mmm, yum," she says. Tina reaches down to draw the duvet over us and we snuggle close.

Saturday 17 October

I wake with a start but the feel of a soft, warm body wrapped around me from behind and, above all the smell and the taste that lingers, lets me know exactly where I am. I don't know what the time is but I feel tired still. Perhaps it was the second bout of lovemaking during the night, experiencing the delights of lesbian oral sex. We lay in each other's arms afterwards, drifting to sleep to the sound of rain outside.

I wriggle a little trying to see if there a clock on the bedside table but can't see one. It looks quite dark outside so it must still be early and the rain seems to have stopped. Tina sighs in her sleep, her breath soft on the nape of my neck.

I try to relax back into sleep but now I'm awake I cannot help trying to analyse my feelings about what happened last night. Well, I cannot pretend for a moment that sex with Tina wasn't anything but wonderful and that I thoroughly enjoyed it. Do I want to do this again? Oh, hell yes! Do I want to leave Clive? Umm... I do love him, even if we've had our disagreements over the past few months and have become a little... distant at times. Yes, I love him... I certainly care about him. We're going to have a child together, one day... hopefully. I'm sure he wants that too, deep down.

So, where does that leave me? I'm obviously bisexual, though I think that, subconsciously, I have known that for a while now and suspected it for much longer. However, I'm not about to walk out on Clive after one night with Tina. I really like Tina as a friend, certainly, but do I like her more than, say, Tanwen? Do I love her? The truth is I don't know, perhaps because I can't quite get my head around the idea of having a girlfriend. Actually, I could imagine calling Tina my girlfriend with people like Frankie and Michelle, maybe to Tanwen too, though there is a whole layer of awkwardness linked to that, but no way could I say it to Mum and Dad; I can't begin to imagine how they'd react, with their religious views. Perhaps I'm doing them an injustice: maybe, like society, there is more tolerance in churches these days. Not that it matters, not now and almost certainly never.

My thoughts move on, wandering to the day ahead. I wish I knew the time because I don't want to let Tanwen and her kids down by being late. Oh god, how would I explain it? 'Sorry I'm late, Tanwen; I overslept after spending the night having sex with our boss.' The idea makes me giggle.

"Mmm morning, Jan love," Tina says sleepily from behind me and she kisses my shoulder.

"Morning, Tina." I turn over and notice a clock on the bedside table behind her showing it's almost seven o'clock. She kisses me and I happily return the kiss, the smell of my sex still on her lips.

"Sorry, Tina, I need to go soon. I promised Tanwen..."

"Yes, I remember. You'd better have a shower, though," she smiles.

"Damn right: I smell like, well, like I've been making love to a woman all night!" I laugh. "Not that the two of us smelling like that isn't wonderful."

"Come on then." She climbs out of bed and leads me to the bathroom where, in fact, there is no bath but just a large shower cubicle. "I never liked baths much, I prefer showers, so I had the bath taken out and now I have a shower big enough for two!"

"So I get to wash your back?" I ask.

"Jan, you can wash whatever bits of me you like, as long as I get to do the same with you," she chuckles.

"Well, that seems only fair."

An hour and a bit later and we're sat facing each other eating toast. I'm dressed but she, as per her domestic habit, is nude. "Jan," I begin hesitantly, "I loved being with you last night, I really did and, and I guess I know now that I must be bisexual..."

"But," she interjects. "There's going to be a 'but', isn't there?"

"Sorry, but yes: the thing is I really do care about Clive."

"Care about?"

"I mean... I love him and I can't just walk away from that, not after just one night, however amazing that night was." She smiles briefly at the compliment but lapses into a thoughtful look. "There is another 'but'."


"But I think I'd really like to do it again, if... if that's okay, I mean, and if you want to..."

"I understand," she replies with what I think might be relief, "and I'd love to do this again. I'd love to be with you... sorry, I promised no pressure. Whatever you want, I'm here." I reach out and take her hand, squeezing it in gratitude.

With the last of the toast finished I go to clean my teeth. As I return to her bedroom I find her bending over and closing my overnight bag. "Oh, I was just going to bring this to you," she says, straightening up. I walk over and re-open the bag briefly so I can drop my wash bag inside.

"Thanks," I say as I zip the bag closed.

"So where is it that you and Tanwen are off to today? Some college, wasn't it?"

"Yes, Dulwich College, which I assume is near Dulwich."

"Wherever that is. Well, have fun watching the rugby." She steps close and puts her arms around me, making me really wish I was as naked as she as we kiss. Finally, I let her go.

"I'd better get on or I'll be late. Thank you so much, Tina and I'll see you... Monday?"

"Well, there's always tonight and tomorrow."

"Mmm, there is, isn't there. Shall I call you later?"

"Definitely. Go on, off you go then and we'll talk later."

The journey to Tanwen's is easier than I anticipated; perhaps I'm just lucky with the buses but I arrive there fifteen minutes early. The chilly, gusty wind makes me wish I had warmer clothes and I'm glad not to have spent ages standing at bus stops.

"Jani!" Eryn is evidently surprised to see me. "Mum, Jani's here so we can stay, can't we?"

"Eryn I, er, think you've misunderstood. I'm not here to stay and look after you and Tilly: I'm coming with you to watch Jake play and cheer him on." Tilly's face falls so comically I have to stifle a laugh.

"Oh hello, Jani, come in. Let her in, Eryn and close the door; you're letting all the cold in, so you are."

"Hi, Tanwen," I say. She does a double-take as she sees my feet and the trainers I'm wearing. I look down at the white and purple Nikes and it occurs to me that perhaps I should have thought beyond dancing and being with Tina last night. The word muddy as in the phrase 'muddy rugby pitch' suddenly looms large and significant. "Um, they've got a good grip on them," I say lamely.

"So you've no other boots in that bag?" she points towards my overnight case. I shake my head. "Jani, they'll get filthy, ruined probably, so they will. Okay, let's see if my old boots will fit you. Eryn, stop sulking and go and get your boots on, please, and check that Jake's ready." She hands me a pair of tiny, bright blue Wellington boots that she's been holding. "Can you put these on Tilly while I find my old boots? She's in the kitchen finishing her breakfast."

Tilly seems happy enough to see me but even happier to see the wellies. "Peppa Pig Wellytons!" she calls, kicking her legs in excitement. I glance down at the boots and sure enough on the side of each blue boot is the eponymous candy-pink cartoon pig. There is also a label still attached.

"Are these new Wellingtons, Tilly?" I ask and she nods.

"Put Wellytons on, please." I squat, pulling the tag off and discover that putting Wellington boots on a little girl is far from easy, especially trying to get the ends of her trouser legs tucked into the tops of the boots. I'm still struggling when Tanwen comes in and laughs.

"Here, let me show you," she says, putting a hand on my shoulder and squatting beside me. She deftly folds the trouser leg tight around the girl's leg before pulling the sock over it to hold it. "Point your toes for me Tilly bach," she instructs, gently moving Tilly's foot to show what she means. A moment later and the boot is on.

"You make it look so easy!" I tell her.

"Here, try these on," she says, passing me a pair of worn walking boots she's brought with her, a rolled-up pair of thick socks stuffed into the top of the right boot. "There's a pair of thick socks you'll probably need to put on first." She moves on to Tilly's other foot as I take a seat to try the boots. Even with the socks, they are still on the big side and make my feet feel enormous. "Well?" she asks.

"I wouldn't want to walk miles in them but they're okay, thank you Tanwen."

"Good. Right, we'd better go: Jake wants to be dropped at school so he can go in the coach with his mates; important team building it is, apparently. We should have time to stop for a coffee on the way."

"Or a hot chocolate for girls who don't moan too much!" I add loudly for the benefit of Eryn who's hovering just outside the kitchen door. She glances in with an annoyed scowl on her face and I smile at her.

Getting into the car Jake bags the front passenger seat. Tanwen starts to tell him no but I say I don't mind. I watch her clip Tilly into her car seat, noting how it's done. At last, we're all set and head off, with Eryn in the middle looking fed up while I'm sat behind Tanwen.

"What's the matter, Eryn?" I ask her quietly.

"I don't want to go to this stupid rugby match and get all cold and muddy. You can't really want to go either; I mean you said the other week that you didn't even know the rules of rugby."

"That's true but, actually, I do want to go. It can be fun trying new things and I get to be with you lot and to watch Jake play the game he likes so much."

"Hmph!" she replies with an almost-teenager's eloquence.

"Of course, there'll also be a load of fit, athletic lads there," I suggest in a whisper. This earns a slightly shocked smile.

"Jani! You're as old as Mum!"

"I didn't mean for me: they're definitely too young!" I protest. "Maybe if they were three or four years older," I add mischievously.

"Jani!" she exclaims again, this time loud enough to make Tanwen and Jake look round from the front of the car, which makes us both laugh. "You're so not a grown-up sometimes!" she whispers but at least she's less grumpy for now.

"Hmm, I think you may be under a misapprehension about what most grown-ups are like," I advise her.

After dropping Jake at school I move to the front seat where there is much more legroom and we start the long trek to Dulwich. We get a little lost, mainly trying to find a coffee shop, but we finally arrive. On the far side of two beautifully and meticulously kept rugby pitches lies Dulwich College, an imposing collection of red brick edifices in what appear to be a Victorian style. I can see boys on the rugby pitches but it looks like they're training or warming up. "There's Jake," Eryn points towards the pitch.
