The Sundress

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A grieving father gets a visit from the other side.
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When I first met Keri, I knew right then and there she was going to be my wife. Of course, this was in the third grade and I actually had no idea what marriage really was. I just knew that it was a thing that occurred between two people who loved each other. The funny thing is, Keri and I didn't even start dating until high school, despite being good friends ever since our first meeting.

Keri was the typical girl next door for me, beautiful, with long dark hair, brown eyes and the kind of athletic body that all the boys loved. She was exactly my type, an athlete with a good brain and a sense of humor. The problem is, I was never her type. I was the skinny boy who played the only sport our town didn't care for, Baseball, and liked video games a little bit too much. Sure Keri and I were friends, but that's how it remained for years.

That all changed in our sophomore year of high school. It was your typical Friday night for the two of us, hanging out on the top of my car - an old Impala handed down from my parents - in our neighborhood park while music blasted from the radio. She had just broken up with her latest boyfriend and my last girlfriend ended up cheating on me. Despite the heartache, this remained our weekly ritual. Everything changed that night though, for the both of us.

She had made the off-handed suggestion that we should make a pact. That if we hit 30 and were still single, we'd marry each other. Like the madly in love fool that I was, I agreed. After a few moments of silence, I spoke up again and pulled quite arguably the smoothest move I had ever thought of. I said to her that if we were to get married we should at least know how to kiss each other. She laughed of course, but agreed to a practice kiss regardless. That chilly Friday night, we shared our first kiss on the top of my car. There was a spark there, I felt it and she must have felt it too. Less than a week later, Keri and I were official.

We stayed official ever since. We were inseperable, and our like for each other soon turned into a true love for each other. Everything we could do together, we did and we got married almost immediately after graduation. A few months after that, she was pregnant with our daughter.

Fast forward 19 years, and Keri and our daughter, Hannah, were basically twins. Hannah loved everything about her mom and had even been picking up where she left off in regards to sports. A star athlete like her mother, Hannah had been awarded a full sports scholarship for basketball and had even committed to the school Keri had always wanted to go to. Part of me always felt guilty that Keri never went to college, I didn't force her to not go, but she was pregnant almost right out the gate and had opted to raise our baby girl while I worked.

We had a system, and life was perfect. Keri and I were about to have the house to ourselves and Hannah was going to be the first in either of our families to go to college. But fate had a different plan for us.

One stormy summer night, while helping Hannah pack for her flight, I got the phone call that shattered my world. Keri was in a car accident, a truck driver had fallen asleep at the wheel and hit her head-on. She died instantly, not that that was of any relief to me or Hannah.

Life went into a downward spiral for me. I simply stopped caring. My heart had been shattered and it was like my brain was just making me go through the motions. The funeral, the family gathering, the packing of her stuff, I remember doing it all as if someone else had taken control of my body. I was there in every sense but emotionally.

I was so caught up in my own grief that I didn't register Hannah's grief. It had been only two weeks since the funeral, and I was sitting in my room when I saw Hannah walk past my door with one of Keri's favorite dresses. At that moment, I snapped out of whatever dead-to-the-world trance I was in and perked up.

"H-hey!" I called out, my throat dry from lack of water during the day. I stood up from the edge of my bed and walked towards my doorway.

"Yes, daddy?" Hannah called as I poked my head into the hallway. Even now, she still called me "daddy" despite being grown. If it wasn't for that one little word, I would have believef I was staring at Keri herself.

I meant it when I said Hannah was her mother's twin. Same toned body, dark hair, and tone of speech, and the dress Hannah chose to wear only made matters worse. It was a blue and white striped sundress that hung just above her knees.

"Is that..." I paused as I tried to find the right words to say to Hannah. "Is that your mom's dress?" I finally asked. I could tell Hannah had been crying, her red eyes and sniffling nose was the dead giveaway. A quick look down the hallway in the direction she had come from told me she was coming from the bathroom when I spotted her.

"Yeah I... well I know mom loved it so I thought I would keep it." Hannah answered. "You're not mad at me are you?" For the first time in weeks, I felt my face form a smile and I shook my head.

"Not at all babygirl," I answered. "Help yourself, it's all going into storage otherwise." Hannah flashed a bright smile at me and practically ran towards me. She hugged me tight, her arms wrapped around my neck and her body pressed hard against mine, just like Keri used to hug. I hugged her back and as Hannah buried her face into my neck for the embrace, I lowered my head into hers.

It was then that I noticed Hannah was also wearing Keri's perfume. I was taken aback for a moment, but the intoxicating smell only spurred me to hold the embrace even longer. God, I missed her, her touch, her scent, her voice.

"Thank you daddy," Hannah said, her voice almost a whisper in my ear. Hearing her speak broke me out of my haze and I tried to step back, but Hannah only held onto me tighter and pulled me back into her. "I know there isn't much I can do, but I am here to help."

It both hurt and helped to hear my daughter say that. I should be the one consoling her, not the other way around. Yet here she was, taking that first step and being the one to start the healing. Just like Keri would have done. After another few seconds, Hannah finally let me go and stepped back. She looked up at me and smiled before giving me a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Your scruff feels good." She remarked before turning around. I couldn't help but smile at that. It was funny, Keri actually hated facial hair so I usually shaved. But weeks of being lazy and drowning in my sorrows meant I was lacking on certain things like shaving. Once I heard the door to Hannah's room close shut, I moved towards the bathroom with a smile on my face.

It felt good, seeing my daughter in good spirits despite everything going on. Seeing her staying strong in front of me pushed me to start my own self-healing process, and it started with a shower.

The hot water was soothing in an almost magical kind of way. As it hit me, I closed my eyes and let my mind drift. I couldn't stop thinking about Hannah, about how strong she is, about how I wouldn't have been able to make it if it wasn't for her words. Then my thoughts shifted.

The dress and the perfume, my mental image was of Keri once again and despite my vow to start moving on, I didn't want to lose her just yet. As I continued to reminisce about that one fleeting moment, I felt my blood begin to rush down to my cock. I missed Keri's touch, missed her soft hands as they explored my body every time we were intimate as if it was our first time. I missed her and Hannah had very briefly brought my wife back to me.

"Daddy, I'm going to bed now!" Hannah's voice coming from the other side of the door snapped me out of my thoughts and I cut off the shower.

"Ok, goodnight sweetheart." I called out as I looked through the steam at the door. There was no response from Hannah, simply a creak in the floor as she walked away. With a deep breath, I stepped out of the shower, grabbed a towel and dried myself off. Without the mental stimulation, my boner subsided and I walked out of the bathroom with the towel around my waist without sporting a tent.

As I headed to my room, I stole a quick look down the hallway and saw Hannah had her door closed, but the light shining through the bottom of her door revealed she was still awake. She was probably getting herself ready for bed. Without a second thought to it, I entered my room, closed the door shut behind me and got dressed for bed.

I was never one to wear much to bed, half the time I wore nothing but underwear. But tonight I opted to wear black basketball shorts. Shirtless, I flopped onto my bed and was asleep within seconds.

I don't know how long I was asleep before I woke up. I was always a light sleeper and the slightest sound would pull me out of my slumber for a brief moment. Tonight, that sound was that of my door opening. I let it go, convincing myself that I just hadn't closed it all the way. For the first time in weeks I was sleeping good and simply wanted to get back to it.

But then I felt movement on my bed. It couldn't have been Hannah, she was usually asleep by now. Unless I had only been asleep for a few minutes? I heard the sound of a head hitting the pillow beside me and felt a soft hand rub my back. In that moment, I had to turn around. If it was Hannah, I was going to tell her to go back to her bed, that she was too old to be sharing a bed with her dad. But when I turned around, I found myself staring into the face of Keri.

My breath caught in my throat. I had to still be dreaming, there was no way this was real. Instinctively, I pinched my arm to wake myself up, but the pain suggested I was awake.

"Wha..." I started to speak but her finger was on my mouth before I could finish the first word.

"Hi Jayce." She said, her voice hushed as if she wasn't trying to wake up our daughter down the hallway. It was weird hearing my name come from her, but nice at the same time. I remained speechless as I looked at Keri laying right next to me. Despite all the signs pointing to me being awake, I refused to believe this was anything more than a dream.

"Am I dreaming?" I asked after a few moments of silence. It was a stupid question, of course I was dreaming. Ghosts weren't real, and if they were, they certainly didn't come and lay down with you in your bed. Keri remained silent, not answering vocally, but by shrugging instead, as if to tell me to figure it out myself.

I looked over her as she continued to lay down beside me. She was wearing her favorite sundress. The blue and white striped one that hung just above her knees. Though with her laying down, the dress had hiked up a bit, revealing her toned thighs.

"I miss you so much," I said softly, feeling my heart pound within my chest. Keri smiled at me and placed a hand on my cheek.

"I'm here now," She responded. Her fingers gently rubbed my cheek and I closed my eyes to the sound of her softly scratching my scruffy beard. "I like your scruff." She said, causing me to open my eyes and look at her.

"I always thought you hated it," I said. Keri shrugged once again.

"A girl can change her mind, can't she?" I laughed softly at that and lifted my hand out towards her. I was hesitant, afraid that if I tried to touch her my hands would fall right through her and hit the bed instead. Much to my relief, my hand hit solid, warm, skin instead.

I let out a relieved sigh and rubbed her arm. It felt good to touch her again, even if this was a dream, or some weird apparition from the afterlife. Like I said, I don't believe in ghosts, but right now it was hard to remain a non-believer when I was staring at my recently deceased wife in person, in my bed.

As I rubbed her arm, she lowered her hand and placed a hand on my chest. She looked at me with her brown eyes as her hand explored my torso. I felt my skin prickle with goosebumps and I felt my shorts begin to tighten as I began to sport a tent.

"Baby I... I don't know what to do." I said to her. Keri's fingers continued to trace figures up and down my chest, moving lower to my stomach now.

"How do we usually end our Friday nights?" Keri asked. I smiled at that. She remembered our Friday night routine, this was my Keri, it had to be. Whether this was a dream or something different, I didn't want it to end.

My hands moved down her body and to her waist. I cupped her butt and pulled her in closer. A soft moan escaped her throat and our lips met. Just like always, her lips were warm and soft to the touch. Our kisses were soft at first, a string of quick playful pecks that soon evolved into deeper, more powerful kisses. Our tongues tasted each other and her perfume filled my nose.

"You smell good," She said, breaking the make-out session. I smiled back at her.

"I was going to say the same thing. I showered tonight." I remarked. Keri smiled and placed one hand on my cheek again.

"Wow, all by yourself. I'm proud of you." She responded sarcastically. I rolled my eyes at her and she chuckled before leaning in for another kiss. Our tongue-filled kissing resumed and I squeezed her butt hard. I knew she loved it when I did that, and I always loved touching her ass whenever I could.

She pressed into me hard, her breasts pushing into my chest and my cock poking her through my shorts. As we continued to kiss, her free hand not on my cheek slipped into my shorts and I felt her fingers wrap against my hard cock. I let out a deep breath as she started stroking, her thumb running across my head and smearing my pre-cum across the tip.

I returned the favor by sliding my hand under her dress and softly rubbing my middle finger across her slit from behind. She moaned at my touch and I responded with a soft groan. She was already wet, and as I continued to run the tip of my fingers across her folds, I could hear the sounds of her juices.

"Take me, Jayce." She whispered into my mouth. Most times she was one to take charge, but every so often she let me, and I was always happy to oblige.

I quickly rolled on top of her and she gasped at the sudden motion as she was moved onto her back. Her legs spread out and she continued to stroke my cock inside my shorts. With her other hand, she traced her fingers down my body and to my waistband. Continuing to kiss her, I pulled up her dress even more, exposing her stomach and she pulled my shorts down.

Not wanting to break contact, I pushed myself up with my toes and let her slide my shorts down to my ankles. Breathing heavily against each others lips, we continued to kiss while she guided the tip of my cock to her own entrance. I paused for a moment before I slid inside, taking in the beauty of my wife. I still couldn't believe this was happening. Couldn't believe that she was here, and that we were making love like we always do.

I pushed into her and moans escaped both our lips at the same time. Her wet folds enveloped my cock, practically sucking me in. I sheathed myself inside her and held still for a moment, burying my face into her neck. It didn't take long for Keri to start moving her hips, forcing my cock deeper into her while simultaneously rubbing her clit against my hips.

Her moans spurred me into action and I kissed her neck as I started to move my hips. I began pumping my cock into her slowly, savoring every inch of her tight, soaking wet, tunnel. I loved going slow with her, and she loved it as well. Every slow stroke into her set the nerves of my cock on fire and caused her to moan.

Her fingers ran up and down my back and I began to pump a little bit faster.

"That's it baby." She whispered into my ear, egging me on. I ran my hand down her body as I continued to pump into her at a steady pace. I hooked my arm under one knee and lifted her leg up so it was wrapped around my side. "Oh fuck yes!" She exclaimed.

Keri was never much for foul language outside of the bedroom. But whenever we had sex, it always seemed to bring it out of her. It all served to spur me on.

"You feel so good," I moaned into her ear as I kept up the rhythm we had going. I thrust into her with my full body, causing both of us to rock in sync with each other. Our breaths were heavy and I felt my body begin to grow damp with sweat.

If this was truly a ghost, then everything I had seen about them were wrong. She felt as real as ever before. If this was a dream, then there was no way I would ever want to wake up.

"Fuck me, I'm cumming." Keri moaned into my ear. I felt her hands grip my butt tight and she dug her nails into my flesh. I groaned myself, the pleasure beginning to become too much. I guess this was real, because in my dream I'd have lasted longer.

I felt her walls tighten as she climaxed. Her own juices flooding out around my cock still hilted inside her. I groaned with pleasure, her moans growing loud enough I was afraid Hannah would hear us with our door wide open.

I pumped faster into her, feeling my own orgasm building.

"I love you, Keri." I moaned out.

"I love you too, baby." She responded.

Her voice, full of passion and love, pushed me over the edge. I slammed my cock into her as deep as I could as I hit the breaking point and held still. My cock flexed inside her and I moaned into her shoulder as I shot rope after rope of my cum into her.

Keri moaned and ran her hands up and down my body as I let my orgasm finish. After finishing what felt like the biggest load I'd ever had, I let out a deep breath and lay against her.

The room was silent with the exception of our heavy breathing. Keri continued to rub my back, not caring that I was laying on top of her. After a few seconds, I felt my now limp cock slip out of her and I lifted my head to look at my lovely wife.

"Don't leave me." I whispered. Keri simply smiled up at me.

"I'm always with you." She responded.

I smiled at her and finally rolled off from on top of her. She let out a sigh of content and fixed her dress while I grabbed my shorts and pulled them back on. I fought back tears as I rolled onto my side. A dream meant that I would wake up and she'd be gone. If she was a ghost then that would also mean that I'd wake up and she'd be gone. Either way, she wouldn't be here in the morning and it was a lose-lose for me.

"Just sleep, baby." Keri said from behind me as she wrapped her arm around me. I felt her snuggle up against my back and I grabbed her hand with one of mine, squeezing it tightly.

Heeding her words, I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. She would be gone when I woke up, I knew that much, and I had no choice but to accept it. My wife was no longer with me, there weren't going to be anymore mornings where I'd wake up to her still cuddling me. I had told myself that I would move on, maybe this was just the universe giving me one last time with her.

I wasn't sure, not completely. But as I drifted off to sleep, I told myself that I would enjoy this last night in her presence.

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PhoenixLore1981PhoenixLore19815 months ago

The way everything was implied couldn't help but wonder if it was his daughter in his bed but after reading the comment from the writer it's a hard sell for it to have actually been his daughter though that would be funny other than that ill say dream cause unless she is a high up ghost she wouldn't have been able to physically touch him and he would have not been able to physically touch her though some spirits has that ability

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShitover 1 year ago

There’s enough describing Hanna as Keri’s clone, that I kept wondering if he’d wake up with his daughter, and how each would react.

AveryDrakeAveryDrakeover 1 year agoAuthor

Hey everybody, AD here. I am so so very thankful for your feedback both positive and constructive. I wanted to take the tine to address some of the issues I keep see pop up.

1. Category - I honestly wasn’t sure where to categorize this, LW or Romance. But considering it was about the wife making a visit I thought it would fit best there.

2. The implied taboo - Father x daughter was never my intention with this. His daughter being his wife’s twin and wearing her stuff was meant to act as a catalyst for the visit. I’m sorry I didn’t convey that well through the story and will definitely work on that moving forward.

3. Ghost or Dream? Honestly, I love leaving that up to you guys to decide.

Again, thanks for all of your feedback and please know that I do read it all. Hopefully you enjoy whatever I drop next!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

@wavedave45: Write your own story! Don't fuck up somebody else's!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Nice switcheroo. In the wrong category, so you get 1star. Could have been 5 if I was into incest.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

And just like that, he discovered he had just fucked his daughter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I'll never understand how some people can take the sweetest of love stories and twist them to seem something else. Whether this was a ghost story or a dreamscape there was no indication that the father coveted the daughter nor vice versa--it was all about the sense of wondrous love that had existed between the husband and wife--a connection that spanned both time and what some insist doesn't exist--the connection between heaven and earth. And even had this moment been the gift of a daughter to a beloved father SHE never said so, nor tried to usurp her mother's place in her father's heart.

This was an outstanding love story. Thank you for the uplifting poignancy of it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Can’t vote on questionable implication.

LOVE slap-hapy-papy #9

LickideesplitLickideesplitover 1 year ago

Not sure where this story fits best, but it is NOT LW! Fantasy, perhaps.

SithLord6969SithLord6969over 1 year ago

Wow. You must broke me emotionally. My wife is terminally ill and this hit too many buttons. 5 stars and a fave.

26thNC26thNCover 1 year ago

Good story that leaves the reader with questions.

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraover 1 year ago

Excellent! Great first 'published' story, though OP hardly seems to be an amateur writer. 5+/5!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I do not agree with or enjoy incest stories. There is a category for that type of story and anything close to that particular fetish should be there. The veiled reference to that fetish ruined the story.

NudeInMaineNudeInMaineover 1 year ago

Kari’s last words should have been “Just sleep, Daddy”.

Wavedave45Wavedave45over 1 year ago



Daughter was going through her mothers things. She comes across her mothers diary. Reads it and finds out she doesn't belong to her father. It was stated that the dad was NEVER her mothers type. Take this seriously, he never was because Keri willingly remained APs side piece this entire time.

The funny thing is that the husband as IN LOVE with Keri but only loved him as a friend. Keri was IN LOVE with her AP but her AP only wanted to have sex with her...or COULDN'T be with Keri for some reason....heheheheheh wait for it...

Keri intentionally got herself pregnant with her APs baby since graduation was fast approaching. Keri was smart and could have got a scholarship easily but she didn't want to leave the town. This is because this is where her AP was. And so she got pregnant and passed it off as Jayces. Keri was more than happy to be a stay at home mother rather than make something of herself like other 18 year olds. She willingly stayed CLOSE TO HOME/FAMILY which is incredibly out of character for someone this age and never minded she didn't go to college when she totally could.


This would give some hand-wavy excuse as to why Keri and Hannah are absolutely identical in almost every way possible it seems. Because it's the same gene pool. And luckily Hannah didn't get some incest related issue.

WAYYYYYY back in the beginning when they were chilling at the park they made that pact to get married if neither were married at 30. It was Keri that made this suggestion. Why? Well Keri just broke up with her LATEST boyfriend. She's had if this was the "latest". Well Keri has been porking her dad and is in love with him. And this is causing her to not really connect with the boys her age she's dating. She notices this pattern that no man will measure up to her father and because she thinks perv daddy is so great she probably will never find a guy. So she makes this deal. But when our guy kisses her she has an epiphany! Our hero is an absolute Simp for her and she can use him! And while she isn't in love with him he is her good friend!

HER PLAN. Date our hero. Just before graduation she gets herself pregnant to make sure she is able to stay home and close to her father. She insists that she she be a stay at home mom. Early in the relationship after Hannah was born Keri and her father was able to be with each other as long as husband was at work. As Hannah grew up they could always pawn her off on grandma when Keri has "errands to run". Grandpa is "always off doing god knows what" but the Grandma doesn't care since she's able to spend time with her grand daughter more. If it really was Keri's plan to get pregnant by her father out of love then Keri is just too damn evil. I'm hoping there's something else going on like maybe the pregnancy was accidental because things would have worked just the same had she gotten pregnant with Jayce's kid.

In the end their lives turns out pretty great. Her little buddy Jayce was a happy little camper as long as he had his little reward every Friday. She probably mentions this in her Diary which is how Hannah knew. The rest of the week her and dad took care of business. Maybe somewhere there was an abortion since Jayce might have insisted on condoms since they are 1 salary from a dude that didn't go to college and trying to support a small family. This would prevented Jayce from ever having a child with the woman he was nuts about.

On that fateful night after raw dogging her dad for the zillionth time she lost track of time and had to rush home to help her clone pack for her plane. And Karma finally caught up with her.

IN THE PRESENT Hannah had finished reading her mothers diary and was crying her eyes out. She loves her father like crazy. It was so much more than the paternity. It was just all so evil. He threw away his potential for her. He loved Keri so much and she just used him. Hannah is furious. But she has a plan. Keri loved grandpa so much. Grandpa is a freaking bastard also. She's going to confront that bastard and she will dress like her mother to make the point of how screwed up she is because of them. She goes to the bathroom because it has a mirror and realizes that goddamn she is practically a clone of her mother. She cleans up some from crying and heads out when her dad sees her. He asks about the dress and she was going to say something like "Yeah I was going to go out and blah blah blah" some kind of excuse since she doesn't want to break the new yet....but she hesitates and comes up with how she's going to save it the dress instead. She sees her father and realizes how she can help him. She's going to give him the baby that her mother couldn't. Because her and her mother are identical she makes a point of calling him Daddy as much as she can to highlight her personality. She hams up her daddy's little girl routine. Very innocent and immature. And she makes her only mistake, she says she likes his scruff. Keri never did. (how much you wanna bet her dad was smooth shaven) She throws in one last "daddy" when she makes a point to tell him she's going to bed. But he see's she actually still awake from the light since she isn't actually planning on going to bed.

Jayce goes to bed and after enough time had pass Hannah makes her move to rock Daddys world. She slips into bed and now talks like how her mother would talk. She drops in things wherever she can that she had obtained from reading her mothers Diary such as the Friday thing. She says she likes his scruff it turns out her mom never liked his scruff. Realizing she never mentioned this she improvises and was able to save things and go on to screw her dad.

Before Jayce fell asleep he says "Don't leave me." Hannah smiled at him and said "I'm always with you."

Jayce passes out and Hannah slips out.

There NEEDS to be a sequel because she needs to slip out of the house to confront her real dad/grandpa. I'm betting she had one plan but will end up with him having a heart attack from seeing his dead lover.

Hannah is now pregnant with Jayce's kid. She will have to find an excuse for the baby like it being a one night stand or something. It looks like Hannah will need to drop out to have that baby and follow in her mothers footsteps. But Jayce will offer to raise the kid and maybe have help from grandma. Or maybe some other woman will be around to help redeem him. And Hannah can go to school and distance herself from her mother as much as she can. Probably change her hair color and all kinds of crap. Hannah will have to keep all of this to herself because of how devastating it will be to her dad who didn't deserve to be treated like that.

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