The Sweet Taste


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When I ask the night-nurse about her. She said she had moved on to another hospital. It suddenly wasn't worth going to the hospital any more... Damn!

I tolerated my wife being in my room for a while and then finally convinced her go home. We could finish our fight some other time.

The next morning, I was up bright and early. I called my brother to see if I could stay with him and his wife a few days till I could find a place to hide from Edith.

The Docs at the hospital had already told me I couldn't go back to work for another two weeks, and even then, I had to go through a bunch of tests. But at least this time I was getting the complete picture of my life and was going to, by hook or by crook, get it squared away.

Just my luck! One of the nurses told my wife my plans and I was going to be forced to face her again. I was sitting on the edge of the bed when she walked in with a face straight out of Madd Magazine. No makeup, her hair hadn't seen a brush or comb since the day before. She was loaded for bear, and she was not in the mood for any of my shit.

"Archie.... I did what I thought was necessary to live. I lost my job to a set of bigger tits, my so-called lover, gave me gonorrhea... twice. I just didn't know what to do. Your boss said he would help me out, and I was just dumb enough to believe him." She walked over to the bed... staring me down. It was working. I felt like a pup that just peed on the rug. "Now what do you want to do? Do you want to run away and hide, or do you want to help me get even with the sonofabitch?"

Totally caught by surprise. "From where I sit... you're the one that fucked everything up. I was just trying to make our lives a tiny bit better." Her comment about a lover giving her the clap hadn't totally sunk in yet. "Who gave you the clap?"

"Who in the hell do you think we're talking about? Rusty, you idiot." Edith was on a roll, and I knew I couldn't slow her down. "I think we should fuck him up really good?" She stepped back from the bed and sat in a chair. "When we're done, if you want, we can call it quits, or we can try and put this mess back together."

"When you talk about mess.... You're referring to you and me. You think we can burn his ass and then we can kiss and make up.?"

"You know I'm a good kisser." She smiled as she picked up on maybe a crack in my amour.

Showing signs of interest in her plan; about screwing up Rusty, I asked. "What do you have in mind?"

"I hate to say this, but for the time being, we are going to have to act like everything is normal." I could see the wheels of revenge twisting in her head.

It took a moment or two for the word normal to register. When it did, the reality of the comment struck a sour note. "You mean you are going to have to keep screwing this guy till we can work out a plan?" My hand went into the air and was waving back and forth. Before I could say anything else, my brother, his wife and a nurse walked into my room.

The nurse, being someone who is supposed to be in change, waited till all the hugging and "glad to see you crap" was out of the way before she said anything. "Mr. Jones, I did that inquiry you were asking about, concerning Dr. Daniels."

I just nodded to wait for the answer about my Angel.

"Dr. Daniels is at Mercy Medical on the other side of town." She reported with a grin.

I paused a moment to take in the weird grin from the Nurse. "Is there a problem with Dr. Daniels?"

"Not a bit. She is the top of her field. But you do know that she's plumbed a little differently than the run of the mill female Doctors."

Everyone in the room knew what the Nurse was saying before I did. "But those....?"

"Best money could buy...." she said, smiling a full smile.

"And that ass....?"

"Same answer..." she said.

The stunned look on my face must have been priceless. No one spoke, but they were all grinning like a monkey throwing poop at people at the zoo.

"Well, I'll be damned." There was nothing else I could say. I had the hots for a girl that was a guy, and she was a looker too. I don't think it would be wise to make this confession while my wife was in the room, or should I call her my cheating wife.

Since everyone was looking at me for a comment. All I could come up with was... "I was hoping she...or maybe..." if you think I was at a loss for words... you're right, but I kept digging that hole. "Maybe I could get someone to sign off early on my release to go back to work."

My brother to the rescue... "Let's get out of here and find a place where we can figure this out." Right on cue, another nurse came in with a clipboard full of papers and instructions, and in another thirty minutes we were on our way.

I wasn't about to get into a car with my wife, so my brother and I were in one vehicle, my wife and my sister-in-law in another.

"How bad is this mess?" My brother, John Paul asked. (Yes, his name is John Paul Jones... We just call him JP).

Without turning my face away from the window to look at him. "It's really bad."

"What happened, did you catch Edith cheating or something?"

When I turned to look at him, I could see all the unanswered questions on his face. The concern for me and Edith. "I guess it's... or something. I didn't catch her cheating. She decided to confess."

"How in the hell does that work?" He asked.

Giving my brother my full attention, I related the story as I knew it so far, and that wasn't much since I spent most of the last forever in a coma. "She lost her job and somehow, she confessed it to Rusty, my boss. That's all he needed. Rusty stepped right in and offered to help by making her an offer she couldn't refuse." I turned away. "And she didn't."

"So, what are you going to do?"

"My marriage is a pile of crap, so I guess I'll go back on the market and see if I can find somebody that's looking for the same thing I am."

JP grinned. "And what's that?"

"Brother... when I figure that out, I promise, you'll be the second person to know."

We laughed just as JP tuned his truck into his driveway. When the engine stopped, and he removed the key, he looked at me and spoke. "Do me one favor. Don't put this off for some other time. You and Edith need to sit down and hash out what you two are going to do. Then we can do to Rusty whatever you guys decide." He paused a moment, then with the most serious face I had ever seen on my brother. "It's going to be hard... Probably more on you than you think, but don't drag her along thinking you two still have a chance to get over this. I can tell right now; I don't think either of you have it in you to fight for what you had."

I didn't think I could respond now, but he was right. There was no need to put this off and let her think there might be a change of heart or anything close to a chance we could go on living a lie. That sounded strange in my mind, knowing she had confessed her sins, and I was willing to hide my private thoughts.

It was about then that Edith and my Sister-in-law, Pam came into the room. Before anyone could speak, John told his wife that Edith and I needed a few minutes alone. Pam caught the jest of why we needed time alone just by the expression on her husband's face.

Edith and I went into the basement, and I heard her complete story (she said). When I pressed her, it turns out that Rusty wasn't the first. He was more like number three or four. She said it was the shifts I worked. She couldn't help but get lonely or confused by the signals she was getting from other men. I explained to her as much as I could that all men are dogs, and I was one too.

That was when I confessed to having the hots for my "special" Doctor at the Hospital. It was at this point I could see she was accepting the way things were not going to work out for the two of us.

When I asked her why it took three days to get to the hospital when I came out of my coma? She said she wouldn't lie to me anymore. She was in Las Vegas with Rusty, and he didn't want to come home and neither did she.

"So, all the crying and asking for forgiveness was just a ruse to get back on my good side?"

"Archie," she said in all seriousness. "You had been out of it for three months, and by that time I thought I was in Love with Rusty."

"So, you just stayed with him rather than come to me?"

There was a little moisture starting to well up in her eyes. "Yes, as a matter of fact, I was sure Rusty, and I were going to stay together."

"What changed your mind?" I too was beginning to feel the weight of my feelings.

She took the time to lean back in her seat and scan around the room as if she would find the answer on a sign hanging on the wall. Shaking her head. "Rusty was in the shower in our room in Vegas, and his phone rang. It was his ex-wife. I told her he was in the shower. Instead of yelling and screaming at me, she calmed right down and told me what I was getting into with Rusty. I hung up the phone and when Rusty came out of the shower. I told him his ex-called and she wanted to know when he was going to catch up on his child support." That was when her expression changed from one of confidence to one of hatred. That was the same day I got a call from the county health clinic, saying I had gonorrhea for the second time."

I let her comment about gonorrhea pass. "I didn't know he had kids," I said, silently chuckling under my breath.

"I didn't know either. I didn't even know he was married before. He has three kids, and he's supposed to spend one weekend a month with them." Shaking her finger at me, for some reason. "I've been seeing him for ...... never you mind how long. And I have yet to see these kids. I don't know how old they are, or if they are boys or girls. All I know is he is a rotten shit when it comes to his kids. What does that say about him as a person?"

"And don't forget...he gave you the clap twice...." I know she saw me grinning....I just knew it. "Then why did you stay with him?"

"If I told you, you'd be upset... you'd start yelling again and then you'll end up back in the Hospital."

"You know one of us is going to file for divorce after we get our revenge on Rusty." I said, stating the obvious. "Knowing what I know now, I don't think you can surprise me at all. So, we might as well come clean with each other."

It was the first time since this whole thing began, I was not steaming hot mad. I could look at her face and see in her eyes she was not the same woman I carried across the threshold a very short four years ago. We talked of children, a home in the burbs, and maybe even a little travel. But this was not to happen.

With a deeply serious look on her face, she began getting the painful truth off her chest. "Do you remember when you took that bid onto a rotating crew at the plant?'

"Of course, I remember. We talked about it before I put in my bid. I was going to get a raise in pay that would take a lot of the financial pressure off."

"Yes, but what we didn't realize was I was going to be alone. With both our jobs, we were like two ships passing in the night. When you were on the evening shift, the only way we could communicate was with sticky notes stuck on the frig. The night shift were nights that went on forever. The day shift when we were both off you did all the honey-do things you couldn't do the rest of the time." There were tears growing in her eyes. "But I think the worse part was when we were only together on your long weekend. That was crazy. One weekend every four weeks. That spelled disaster from the beginning."

Suddenly I became more relaxed with my mind grasping the reality of my marriage ending. I realized she was right. She cheated, but I was the one that pushed her into an unbearable loneliness. Maybe we both should accept responsibility. "Did you ever say anything to me about what was eating at you?... No, you never said a word. I wasn't happy either, but all you had to do was open your mouth and let me know."

Did I love her enough to fight for us? We had been married only slightly over four years. We both admitted we probably were too young to get married. At the time we both wanted to get away from our families. We both weren't raised in the best of households. Let's face it, it wasn't all that happy for either one of us.

After several minutes of crying, trying to understand we were no longer going to be husband and wife, Edith put her arms around my neck and whispered, "I'm sorry... I'm sorry. I did love you once, you know. But I saw what was on the other side of the fence, and I couldn't resist." She paused a second or two and then continued. "No matter what anyone says, if you're looking for greener grass on the other side of the fence... there is none. But the sex is great. It's so great that if you get a chance to find out, don't hesitate; jump that fence."

"Who is this woman?" I silently wondered. "She certainly isn't the woman I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with."

We continued talking for well over an hour. I knew it was time wasted. When finally, she realized I wasn't interested in any of the excuses or the details of her cheating. She agreed we should join the others.

I probably should have just drunk away all the memories of those few incredible, eye-opening hours I spent listening to Edith detail her sexual adventures. All the while, she was passing around her pussy, I was working my ass off to provide for the two of us. My nightmares were fraught with visions of her resisting our neighbor Bobby Johnson for a whole two seconds before she was dragging his ass to our bed. Of course, there was the story of her in the backseat of her boss's car.

Then the big confession about how she hooked up with my boss. It was nothing like what she had told me before. She went after him. She seduced him at a company picnic a full year before she told me about his offer of sex for a promotion. If she hadn't been fired by her Corporate HR department for passing out sexual favors to employees, she still would have had her job. But no... not her, she had to fall in love with my boss, Rusty. Then she finds out that good ole boy, Rusty is the biggest prick in the Northern Hemisphere... or so she says.

When we walked into the family room, all I saw was a few empty beer bottles and two very impatient people. "Well, did you guys figure this revenge thing out, so we can get on with it and call it a night.

My brother was the first to ask. "How in the hell do you expect us to figure this out? We don't even know the guy."

That's when my soon-to-be former wife took the lead and filled everyone in on the details of what she knew about Rusty, and what we were facing. I contributed what I knew, and when all was said and done no one really knew this asshole any better than before. Everyone had one more brew and agreed to meet in a week. In the meantime, I would stay with John Paul and his wife. As for Edith, I really didn't give a shit.

I waited till the following week to give a Lawyer a call and touch base about a Divorce. I found his name and number on a bus-bench. He did divorces for what I thought was a reasonable price. Of course, by this time, I would have paid anything to be rid of Edith.

The following morning, I called Edith to let her know what I had done about the divorce, and she told me she would agree to whatever I thought was fair. Look who's talking about fair. I had been living in a world of hard work and masturbation, and she was living in the world of some famous or infamous porn star. I was determined that "what goes around comes around." I was going to get that S-O- B.

The evening of our next get together looked like it was going to be a bust. Each of us had a full week to figure out what we thought might be the best way to get even with and break the back of Rusty. No one had any good ideas short of shooting him while he was getting in his car for work. We could make it look like a gang-hit. The vote on that idea was three to one. Edith was the only one who thought it was a good idea.

Another round of beer, and I made a comment on how he was looking at the ass of my darling Angel in the hospital. I could see light bulbs flashing on, but I didn't see or understand what my comment had to do with getting even with Rusty. It took about thirty seconds to fill me in, and suddenly we had a plan.

First, we had to get in touch with Dr. Daniels, and then we had to convince her to go along with our plan. I didn't think that would ever happen, but to my surprise she was down for anything she thought might be fun. She even went so far as to give me the eye, but when we told her who the target was her smile got even brighter.

My comment. "I think we have a winner."

The plan really was very simple. We would arrange a double date. I would go with Dr. Daniels as my date, and Edith would go with Rusty. Now the hard part was getting Rusty and Dr. Daniels together before the night was over.

One other, very important thing, it was up to Edith to make certain good old Rusty was horny as hell that evening. It was up to her to see that Rusty was so horny his dick was dripping pre-cum before he even got to the dinner. Remember, Edith bragged earlier, "she was a good kisser." Now was her chance to show her stuff.

It was very strange. When I slipped in behind the wheel of my truck, my stomach rolled over and I had the urge to vomit. I think that was when I realized we had only one shot at this. If the plan went south, we would have to rely on Edith's plan... the one with the firearm involved.

Strangely enough, I was now convinced if this didn't work, I was just going to step away and let whatever happens happen. I didn't care anymore... one way or the other it just didn't seem important to me. I was done with Edith, and she could just go on her way.

Dinner was going as planned. Everyone had plenty to drink, except Dr. Daniels. I drank enough to begin to feel a little jealous of what we were doing to Rusty. I couldn't believe it, but I thought if Rusty didn't end up going home with Dr. Daniels, I might just take one for the team. I mean if she was a guy or a girl, she was hot... I do mean very hot.

I got the chance to make a comment to Edith when the two of them returned from the lady's room. Edith just smiled and said, "She pees standing up."

"Oh....." was my response.

Someone suggested a dance club, and in a matter of minutes the four of us were making a stop at the club. Unknown to Rusty, we had already made arraignments to get inside. Once on the inside it was just a matter of changing partners for a dance or two, and then the plan would be complete.

The dance floor was packed with revelers. Hands and arms thrusting into the air with the constant beat of the music. When everyone returned to the table for a refill of courage from the bar, I went into my sprained ankle routine. That was the signal for Dr. Daniels to take over and take over she did. She grabbed Rusty by the hand and out into the crowd they disappeared.

Just as they slipped out of sight, Edith and I slipped out the door to the street. She walked to an Uber, and I decided to find a bar and celebrate this nightmare with Edith is finally over. I didn't even see her safely to her ride. When we stepped onto the street, I just turned and walked away. I did call her around two in the morning to make certain she got home okay. In my lifetime, that had to be the shortest phone call I have ever made. I had done my duty. Now it was just a case of waiting for the divorce.

Time has a way of sneaking up on you and leave you completely in the dark. I know you don't understand a stupid comment like that, but it's true. Suddenly, you are without purpose. Maybe it's the complete change in direction you're forced to make. One day you are happily married, with your future all planned out. The next day you are wondering around, bumping into nothing. Work... go dinner and maybe make love to the wife. At least once a week you talk about when you both think you'll be ready to start a family. All these mundane things make up a life. Then suddenly, reality steps in and takes it all away.