The Swim Team Ch. 01


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I felt as if she had something more to say, but was hesitant. After a moment, she continued, "You must have been really embarrassed when you... when your... penis became erect." I became nervous, realizing that she had indeed been thinking about that.

I admitted, "Yeah, I can't believe that happened. I was really embarrassed. I've been kicking myself ever since."

"Oh, don't do that!" she exclaimed, "It was fine. I mean, I understand. Guys get erections. Besides, you have a good body. I... enjoyed seeing it." She struggled through her sentences. I understood that she wanted to suggest that she had some enjoyment out of the experience, but wasn't sure how to admit it to me.

"Thanks," I said, "I enjoyed seeing yours too. I mean... my reaction was pretty obvious." I sighed.

She burst out laughing. "Yeah, it was..." she said. I felt a little bit of the weight lifting off my shoulders.

"Oh man, can you believe we almost got caught by your parents?" I said, changing the subject.

"Holy cow, don't remind me!" she exclaimed, "If my parents saw me naked I would die. Like, seriously, I'd be traumatized. I'd never be able to look at them again."

"Thank god Mei had to go the bathroom, or else they'd definitely have walked in on us," I added.

"Geez... Yeah, it was a close call," she replied.

It felt good to break the tension with Monica and talk about what happened earlier that day. When we finally got off the phone, I was able to put the whole ordeal out of my mind and stop torturing myself about it. I started fantasizing about her body again, now having a proper reference of what she looked like naked. Having made peace with the earlier events of the day, I was relieved to think that everything would go right back to normal again. But Mei being Mei, I should have realized how wrong I was...


On Monday, classes resumed and then it came time for our first swim practice since the skinny dipping incident over the weekend. Our team had use of the pool blocked off a few times a week for regular practice, and this helped us focus properly on our technique and collaboration. I showed up and hit the locker room to take a shower and change into my suit. The other guys on our team, Jared, Chris, and Nathan, were just arriving.

"Hey buddy," said Chris, strolling in, "Have a good weekend?"

"Yeah, man," I said, giving him a high five. We chatted about what we'd been up to, though I gave no mention of any nudity, and then came around to discussing practice. Chris and Jared were typical jocks; incredibly fit, tall, with Olympic swimmer's bodies. I wasn't up to par with them, but compared to me, Nathan was a proud geek, and stereotypically somewhat scrawny.

Once we were in our Speedos, we tossed our towels over our shoulders, grabbed our goggles, and headed out to the pool to meet the girls. Mei and Kiara were already hanging out by the pool. Monica and our other female teammate, Simone, came out of the girl's locker room right behind us.

"Hey, coach is gonna be pretty late today and told us to just start without him," Chris informed the group. Our coach was a brooding Russian man, with a thick accent and zero sense of humor. He was a good coach and worked us hard.

I sat on the bench next to Monica while we all chatted, and finished getting caught up with the latest gossip before we'd hop in the pool. Finally, Mei got a gleeful look in her eye and said, "Hey, you'll never guess what we did on Saturday, at Monica's!"

Monica looked up suddenly. She most definitely did not want Mei telling everyone what happened. "Mei!" she said, curtly. Mei just looked at her and laughed. It was too late, everyone's interest was piqued.

"Okay, well now we gotta know," said Simone, with a grin. Simone was the most punk among us. She wore black all the time, had a long purple streak in her blonde hair, and a shiny stud in her nose.

"We totally got naked by the pool and went skinny dipping!" exclaimed Mei, proudly.

"Wait, wait, what?" said Jared. Simone's eyes widened, and Chris was dumbfounded.

"Um, exactly! What??" said Simone, miming a double-take.

Kiara and Mei exchanged looks and couldn't stop laughing. "It was hilarious," she said, "We made Ryan get naked first, and then me and Kiara joined him."

I kept thinking, "Please don't tell them that I got an erection..."

"Monica almost chickened out," Mei added, to which Monica groaned. "Oh! And poor Ryan..." I knew what she was about to say, and my heart started racing. To my surprise, Monica flung her foot forward and kicked Mei. "Ow!" she said, in response, then gave us both a smirk. Monica glanced at me. She could tell I was thanking her silently.

"Anyway," Mei continued, "It was pretty funny." At this point, Simone looked like the sun had just exploded. Jared just kept asking why he hadn't been invited. "Well actually," added Mei, "I was thinking about this."

I thought, "Great, now what?"

"It's obvious that we should all hold our swim practice in the nude!" she declared. Nathan just shook his head chuckling, but Chris and Jared were clearly into it, as indicated by their cheers.

"Are you out of your freakin' mind?" asked Simone, "Like we're going to not get thrown out of school for that. Besides, Coach Sokolov will be here soon."

"So?" replied Mei, "Who cares if he sees us naked? I could turn into a unicorn and fly away in front of his eyes, and he wouldn't even blink. Besides, we wouldn't get in any trouble for it." Simone just continued to stare at her blankly.

Kiara shouted excitedly, "I'm in!"

"Yeah, guys, who's in!?" said Mei, raising her hand. Chris and Jared's hands shot up. Nathan shrugged and raised his hand, smirking quietly. Kiara strolled over to Monica and I, grabbed our hands, and raised them both high in the air.

That left Simone, whom everyone stared at. I could tell she wanted to say something, but couldn't speak a word.

"The yeas have it!" declared Mei, "Who wants to go first?" No one said a word. "You're all a bunch of losers," she said.

Mei, like all the girls, was wearing a swim cap and one-piece bathing suit designed for competition swimming. She casually yanked one strap off her left shoulder, and then the other. Then she slowly peeled it down over her body, revealing her small, perky breasts, which jiggled slightly as she wiggled it down over her hips. She was then able to slide it down her legs, revealing her smooth, naked pussy. She picked up her suit, and then swung it in circles over her head, wagging her hips dramatically, laughing. She flung it onto the benches.

The other guys were blown away by the sudden unveiling of Mei's nude body, right in front of them. I kept glancing over at Simone, who was still in shock. Monica nudged me and whispered, "Oh man, here we go all over again." She followed this with a partial laugh, which I took to mean she was at least not terrified to the degree that she had been over the weekend.

Before I could realize what was going on, Kiara was already naked and tossing aside her own swimsuit. "Come on guys, get naked!" she was saying to the rest of the group.

Nathan started to lower his Speedos, then looked over at Chris and Jared as if to say, "Are we really doing this?" All three guys glanced back and forth at each other, then started taking off their Speedos at the same time. Thick, mildly aroused penises were flopping out everywhere.

I yanked my suit down and tossed it aside, then turned to Monica, who began to reluctantly push her swimsuit down over her body. I stood there fidgeting as her breasts popped out of their tight package and bobbed in front of my eyes. She bent over as she slid the suit down to her feet, and I gazed down at her smooth, round bottom before she stood back up.

Even though we were standing right next to each other, we couldn't help but remain fixated on each other's bodies again. My head started spinning again as I gazed down over her beautiful breasts and then remained fixated on her crotch where her beautiful pussy was exposed, and the lovely folds of her labia made me quiver with excitement. Her eyes shot right down to my penis, which now dangled freely between my legs, relaxing and lengthening a little after being tightly bound in my Speedos. I could feel her eyes tracing the length of my shaft to its slightly swollen head.

Then we looked around us. The whole swim team, all my friends that I was used to seeing day in and day out, were all completely naked and checking out each other's bodies. Except for Simone that is. Simone was still in her swimsuit, gawking incredulously at her naked girlfriends and the four penises that were exposed on either side of her.

She turned and looked at mine, and I could feel it twitch a little as she stared at it. Then she looked up at me and our eyes met. She looked at me like I had lost my mind. I thought, "Why is she just looking at me? We're all naked."

"Are you fucking serious right now?" she said, "Is this really happening?" She didn't know whether to laugh or scream, but she could not fight the smile forming on her face. We all started laughing. "I can't believe I'm seeing your cocks right now..." she muttered, covering her face with the palm of her hand.

Mei was getting impatient. "Come on Simone, the girls have seen you naked before, but the guys haven't yet. Take it off!" Simone started laughing nervously, bending forward to hide her face. Even Monica was laughing now. She had been in Simone's place just this past weekend, and knew how terrifying it was, but after just a couple days it seemed amusing to her now.

"You look like you've never seen naked people before!" Mei squealed. She continued, amused at the prospect of adding to Simone's discomfort, "It's simple - boys have penises and girls have vaginas. Girls also have boobs, which are lots of fun to play with..."

"Stop, stop!" said Simone, unable to control her nervous laughter. "You guys are all seriously crazy, you know that?" I was surprised at how hard this was for Simone. I always assumed by the edgy way she presented herself that she was pretty open-minded, but I guess maybe she was hiding some part of herself.

Kiara went to Simone's side and started massaging her shoulders to calm her, saying "Come on, Simone, it's just for fun." Simone was turning bright red, realizing that she wasn't going to get out of this. Finally she put her hands up to signal that she was ready. Kiara backed away.

"I'm going to get you for this," said Simone, half-glaring at Mei. All eyes were glued to Simone, especially the guys, who were all turned on by Simone's fear of exposure. They also knew that based on the bulge of her suit, Simone had the largest breasts of all the girls. She began to remove the straps of her swimsuit, and started lowering it.

The suit came down just to the start of her breasts, where she stopped, then took a deep breath. She kept glancing around at the various exposed penises and vaginas around her, still unable to come to terms with what was happening. Then she resumed. Sure enough, her breasts sprung out dramatically. They actually weren't too much bigger than Monica's, but they had a different shape, sloping out further, and with a different kind of exaggerated movement. The guys were practically salivating, and I could see them shifting nervously, trying to hold back their own arousal.

Simone continued to lower her swimsuit down to the floor. Between her legs was a neat triangle of dark brown pubic hair, not thick, but not recently trimmed either. Two delicate pink lips of her vulva peeked through and looked like they were begging to be licked and sucked. It was intensely erotic to see her nude body, trembling with fright, as everyone watched her undress. She trembled so much that she dropped her suit on the floor, then picked it up. When she stood back up, her breasts bounced and swung freely as if they were beckoning to us. She stood there, completely silenced, unsure what to do or say next.

"Now this is how swim practice was meant to be!" declared Mei! So we began our usual warm up activities like this, completely nude, all of us secretly interested in observing each other getting in and out of the pool, jumping on the diving board, even sneaking peeks at each other from underwater. We were excited and fascinated by each other's nudity, and all the features of the parts of our bodies that we normally could not see.

After about twenty minutes, the door at the far end of the pool swung open and in walked Coach Sokolov with a clipboard under his arm. Many of us happened to be standing by the poolside, naked and dripping wet. Coach took one look at us from across the room, and quickened his pace. When he arrived, Mei had arrived and was waving to him.

"Hi Coach!" she exclaimed.

"What's going on? Why are you all naked?" Coach said in his thick Russian accent.

"We decided to hold our swim practice in the nude today," explained Mei. She was not afraid to show off her body in front of him, playfully cocking her hips from side to side. It was funny to see him watch her, silent, humorless, and without expression, exactly as Mei had predicted. It was impossible to get any sort of rise out of him.

"Okay... Well. Are you still warming up or have you started?"

"Still warming up," said Mei.

"All right. Go on," he said, still baffled. He took a seat on the bench, shaking his head in disbelief, and flipped through the notes on his clipboard. Everyone exchanged smirks at each other. We had a cool coach who really didn't care, as long as we focused on our practice, that was for sure.

When practice had ended, Coach hurried off to his office and we began heading to the locker rooms. I followed behind Chris and Nathan as they went into the men's locker room. Mei was just out to enter the women's.

"Hey!" she shouted over to me.

"What?" I replied.

"What are you going in there for? If we're naked, we don't have to bother to use two different locker rooms. Come join us in here." She went inside.

I ducked into the men's locker room, grabbed my stuff, and said to Chris and Nathan, "Mei wants us to come hang out in the women's locker room instead."

"Oh, nice, we get to see the women's locker room!" Chris said, excitedly. We met with Jared as we headed back out.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"We're all gonna use the same locker room," I explained.

As we filed inside, Monica and Simone looked up in surprise. It was certainly unusual to see a procession of naked men strolling into the women's locker room. I looked around, excited to see what it looked like in there. In truth, it was pretty much the same as the men's locker room, but the layout was mirrored in reverse.

I thought of how many times I imagined groups of girls filing excitedly into the locker room, before pulling their clothes off, standing around nude and chatting with each other, then congregating in the showers to watch each other scrub their naked bodies. As I did this, I walked past Kiara who was laying down on a towel draped over a bench. Her long, nude body stretched out before my eyes. As I passed, I gazed at the firm, dark mound of her vulva and the soft shine of her muscular skin.

"This is awesome," said Chris. Jared and Nathan agreed, commenting on how they'd also always wanted to be in there.

"It's funny!" said Mei, "So many times we've talked about you guys in here, I guess we can't do that privately anymore." She giggled.

"Oh yeah?" replied Nathan, "What do you talk about?" he asked with a smirk.

"Oh, you know, how thick and long your cocks must be," she joked. Mei wandered over to Nathan, reached down, and raised his penis into the air. "Check it out Simone, doesn't it look just like we imagined?" she giggled.

Simone, who was sitting on a bench right in front of Nathan, immediately grew embarrassed and covered her mouth. "Oh my god, you're actually touching his penis right now..." she muttered into her hand.

Mei reached over and grabbed Jared's penis, holding both of them now, as if for comparison. She looked back and forth at them thoughtfully. Both Jared and Nathan started to become erect at Mei's touch. "Seriously, check it out. They're so different, actually," she said. Simone started laughing in disbelief.

Jared boldly reached down and ran his fingers over Mei's vagina to get a closer look. She straddled her legs wider to give him better access, in order to address his mutual curiosity.

Monica commented, "This is totally what guys think locker rooms are for." We all laughed.

"Okay," said Mei, letting Jared and Nathan's erections spring free, "I'm feeling really dirty. Who wants to wash me?" She gave the guys a sexy smile and wandered into the showers. Kiara sprang to life and ran after Mei, followed by Chris, Jared, and Nathan.

I took a seat next to Monica and Simone. It was not lost on them that my penis was in full view right in front of them; this was about the closest either of them had been to it, and both stared, transfixed.

"Um... so... that was interesting," said Simone. Monica laughed. Simone began to tap her foot. She was having trouble not looking at my penis, and kept giving it a brief pass with her eyes as she looked this way and that. There was laughter coming from the showers.

Monica broke the awkward silence. "So, I knew guys' stuff could look different but that's the first time I've seen it up close."

"Yeah," I replied, "It's because Nathan is uncircumcised." I reached down and casually lifted my penis to show them. "See, his head is covered in foreskin, but mine is not." I ran my finger over the head of my penis.

Simone watched cautiously while Monica leaned in close. Then she reached forward and ran her index finger curiously back and forth over the tip. I instantly grew erect at her touch. She got a little braver and slipped her fingers down to the shaft and pressed slightly, to see how hard it got. "Wow, that feels really cool," she laughed, turning to face Simone.

Simone smiled and then turned back to face my bobbing erection. She glanced back and forth between it and my eyes, as if hesitantly asking for permission. Given how anxious and embarrassed Simone was still feeling, I was surprised to see her reach out and carefully grasp my penis, then gently run her hand back and forth along it. This lasted just moments, before she pulled her hand away and started laughing nervously.

"Your vaginas look pretty similar," I commented. Monica leaned backward and looked down between her legs.

"Yeah, but they can also vary a lot." She reached down and parted her outer labia slightly, revealing her silky, pink inner lips, and clitoris.

Simone felt pressured to put herself on display. "Yeah, my labia is a little more pronounced," she explained. Simone gave me a sheepish look as we leaned over to examine her hairy pussy and compare it to Monica's. This was the first time any of us had intimately observed what our penises and vaginas looked like up close, and it began to satisfy a deep curiosity.

After some time, the rest of the group waltzed out of the showers, drying themselves off with their towels. Mei immediately noticed Monica and Simone sitting on the benches with their legs parted.

She announced, "Man, you guys gotta shave those pussies. The guys gotta shave too; we're swimmers. - New rule! Before next practice, I want everyone to be perfectly smooth."

I realized now that Mei's intent was to hold every practice in the nude. At this point, I was beginning to grow comfortable being nude around the others enough to comply. Unfortunately, just as I got used to the idea, Mei went and decided up her game, and the challenges we'd have to face just got harder and more terrifying.

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winecountryanniewinecountryannieover 2 years ago

Fun story… thanks! As a person who has introduced many friends to the joys of casual nudity, I appreciate how you’ve captured both the excitement and nervousness of the first time experiencing public nudity. Thanks again.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Women are such perverts; It's a WOMAN'S idea, but a guy has to strip 1st; Women can sexually touch a naked guy, but if a GUY had sexually touched a naked GIRL, she'd flip out & maybe scream rape----or slap him.

Nudecouple60202Nudecouple60202about 4 years ago
What a great story!!!!!

We loved this story so much and are looking forward to more!! Alice and Mark

LupusDeiLupusDeialmost 7 years ago

This is really how it should be. People in water should be nude, period. If you anyone who read this haven't tried nude swimming yet, you totally should; you be surprised why you ever did wear any swimwear.

But, there few things to consider to not make that experience awful: first and foremost, you should be comfortable, and reasonably safe (but, no such thing as perfect safety ever exists), do not push the public aspect too much, try it best for the first time with one or two close friends you fully trust (gender doesn't really matter, personalities do), or even perfectly alone.

Being all alone in the nature is an unique enough experience to be tried on its own worth, although that can be whole another thing entirely, especially for girls, boys have less concerned about vulnerabilities, risqué stuff, so going solo may be easier for guys, but for girls even harder than small groups sometimes. But more exciting too.

Some sexual tension is inevitable, especially first time, there really nothing to be ashamed about, even if you find yourself suddenly questioning your sexual preferences, finding whoever you have with you incredibly attractive and alluring, even if you think you shouldn't, for whatever made up reason. Nobody is totally pure something, whatever, and sudden strong emotions can crush impossible looking dams sometimes. Just keep in mind that most people look much better nude, certainly more attractive, and you most probably are in at least mildly aroused state yourself, as are they, even if trying to deny that, and your reasoning may be a bit clouded by that combination. That's wearing off with experience, but might hit all over again as soon there someone new or special in the nude, or seeing you nude. Sometimes that is the most right thing, especially when you learn to distinguish that from the simple affect of nakedness what may be very misleading.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

The story has brought every guy's fantasy to life. I like the gradual build of the tension and the restraint in revealing the story as it goes. I really like your writing keep up the good work.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Anatomy lesson

You don't look at vaginas unless you're a gynecologist with proper equipment. You're looking at the mind of labia

SolarRaySolarRayalmost 8 years agoAuthor
Not reposted

Thanks! Just to be clear-- I never repost anything. All stories of mine are written shortly before posting, and posted on this site only, and will very likely remain that way. There's bound to be some similarities with other stories posted here, which I may or may not have read myself, but in such a situation I guarantee it is entirely unintentional. Regardless, I'm very happy you liked it, and hope to post some more things you'll like in the future!

GarthSCGarthSCalmost 8 years ago
Great story

This is a hot story for sure but do have to agree with Anonymous, I too have read this story before. Is this a repost or?

jonyoungaujonyoungaualmost 8 years ago

nude swimming is something I'd like to do but haven't yet. loved the story so far. just about to read part 2

Privates1stClassPrivates1stClassalmost 8 years ago
Nekkid swimmers have more fun

Enjoyed this chapter. I'm sure it gets racier as time goes on. Good job.

I can't spend a lot of time adding more to this comment, because I want to go on to Chapter 2.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Good story, but rating reduced because I have read it before. Not sure if it was here or somewhere else, but would be better if you stated it was not new.

RecHikerRecHikeralmost 8 years ago
Looking for more - 5 *

Thanks for sharing your interesting story - I hope you write more...


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
great story- keep writing.gave me a semi in the gym showers as the story came back into y mind and ended up in mixed sauna with pre-cum.

keep writing

great story and gave me semi/hard on and precum as story came back to me during visit to local gym mixed sauna.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Great start to a great series

More more more

BelgianDareBelgianDarealmost 8 years ago
Very nice

Starts very good and very promising. Keep up the good work!!

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