The Swimmer


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"So, tell me about State. What are you studying'?

"My major is in finance. My Dad said it would serve me well in the job market. And it's okay. I guess I gotta make a living," I said, with a forced smile.

"But what is it that you like? Doesn't sound like finance is your passion."

"Well, my favorite class I had was American Lit. I have always liked to read books. I read a lot of the assigned books before I took the class. Like Hemingway, Steinbeck, and some of the more contemporary voices, like Updike and Vonnegut."

"If you had a choice, not needing to worry about anything, what would you do?" she asked.

"I'd write. I would like to write novels. I have all these stories rolling around in my head, but I can't make a living doing that. So, I guess I'll be a stockbroker or something."

"Well, don't let all your dreams die too early in life. So, do you have a girlfriend back at State?"

Her question caught me off guard and I took a long swig of iced tea to figure out how to approach this one. I decided I should just be me.

"No, I don't have a girlfriend back at State. I have dated and had some nice times, but nothing serious. Believe it or not, even the Swim Team has groupies of a kind. Some of the girls, of whom many are very attractive, collect athletes like they are collecting porcelain figurines. They are as bad as many of the frat boys. They are fun, but relationships are like a game to them, and they brag about which football player, baseball player, and even swimmer, they have done. I found those games very unappealing.

"Oh, I am sorry. I never thought about it like that," Ann said. "Yes, I can see how that can be a game. But it is a dangerous one, for habits learned early can destroy you later on. Some people never grow out their college personas for the rest of their life."

I figured what was good for the goose was good for the gander. "So, how about you? You are still single. You certainly could have your pick of many very-available bachelors."

Ann smiled and said, "I meet too many of those emotionally-stunted old frat boys you mentioned."

We both had to laugh.

After lunch, I went back and finished up an area and started the cleanup process. Once my lunch was settled, I planned to see what type of swim workout I could get done after a fairly good physical workout with the bushes. As I was putting away the tools, I saw Ann approaching.

"Hey Tim! I'm going to work in the studio this afternoon. Just ignore me and clean up and do whatever you need to do for your workout. You won't bother me at all. Once I get into it, I tend to shut out things around me."

"Okay," I said. "I don't want to disturb you working."

"Don't worry," she said with a smile. "I am sure we can work it out." Then she gave me a big smile as she walked away. She had a beautiful smile. But I needed to focus on my swim. That was still my number one priority.

After all the tools were stored, I headed for the studio to change and get my gear. As I entered, Ann was at her easel working on a nice sunset. She had a photo clipped to the easel and was using this for the scene. I moved as quietly as I could toward the bedroom to shower off and get my stuff.

"Have fun," she said over her shoulder, as she worked.

"I'll do my best." I couldn't see it, but I knew she was grinning.

The pool was fantastic. The water was perfect and I didn't have to worry about some kid getting into my lane. I did feel a bit tired from the yardwork, but all in all, it was a good workout. I got out and grabbed my towel and did my best to dry off. I didn't want to leave a trail of water in the studio.

This time, she was totally consumed with her work and I was able to sneak by and get to the shower. I tried to sneak out, for I didn't want to disturb her.

As I got to the door, I heard Ann. "See you tomorrow. Maybe the flower bed by the studio?"

"You got it, Boss," I replied, with a little salute. She just giggled.

We settled into a nice routine. I would work, and Ann would sun most days until lunch. Ann and I would eat on the patio. She always had a way to whip a really nice lunch. We would talk about all kinds of things. The news, the weather that might come next week, or art in general. I would work a bit after lunch, put the tools away, change and do my workout in the pool. I must say, I got to where I loved the shower in the studio. I made a mental note to have one like it someday.

One day during lunch, our talk turned to swimming and training, which led to an interesting conversation.

"So, Ann, you said you swim regularly in the pool, but so far I have only seen you sunning and cooling off. When do you swim?"

"Oh, I swim at night before bed. A nice easy swim is very relaxing," she said, as she munched her salad.

"Well, those really, and I mean really nice little two-piece thingies you wear aren't very good for actual swimming. Hard to keep them on," I said, with a big smile.

"Oh, I don't wear my sun-wear to swim in," she laughed.

"I see. So, you have a Speedo?"

"No," she said, as she sipped her tea, and gave me a little grin.

"Well, what do you ...," I stopped mid-sentence. I'm slow, but I eventually get there. "Ohhh...I see."

She looked up with a big grin and said, "You, see? Really, you see or just want to see some time?"

I almost snorted my tea.

"Haven't you ever gone swimming in what you had on at birth," she asked?

"Well yes, a couple of times," I replied.

She continued eating and said between bites, "With a girl, I assume."

"I plead the fifth on that. But I will admit it was very pleasant. At night with only a pool light, gliding through the water and feeling it in a different way. You know Speedos are not much covering, but it is different being naked. And this is the truth, my only memory is not the before or after, or who I was with, but the feeling, the freedom, the sensual nature of it all. It was a wonderful experience."

She looked up, smiled, and said, "I see, you do understand."

After lunch, all I could do was think about Ann, swimming nude in the dark of night with only a small light illuminating the pool. I didn't try to kill the thought. It was too pleasant.

Our daily routine became a familiar, unspoken, way of life for us during those summer days. I found her amazing, but put any thoughts of anything other than what I considered flirting, out of my mind. It was fun, but that was all it was. But the routine got disrupted one afternoon, after I had finished my workout in the pool. Normally, I dry off and try to be as quiet as I can if Ann is working so as not to disturb her. This day was, well, shocking and amazing at the same time.

I finished my workout early and did my regular routine of drying off and trying to be very quiet to sneak by Ann. As I entered the studio, I noticed she wasn't working, so I relaxed and stripped off my Speedo as I walked toward the shower. My mind was off somewhere in the ozone and when I turned the corner into the bathroom, I stopped dead in my tracks. There was Ann, completely naked, having just stepped out of the shower and slightly bent over drying her hair with a towel. My eyes immediately went to her breasts as they swayed with her motions. Then she looked up. We both froze. Like two deer in the proverbial headlights.

Here I was, totally naked, with my Speedos in my hand, and here she was standing with a towel in her hand with all her charms exposed. We just stood there. Neither moved for I don't know how long. Maybe it was only ten seconds, but it felt like time stood still. I couldn't help but admire her body. Her breasts were amazing and there were those wonderful little nipples I had seen poking through her bikini top so many times. Then I looked down. There was her beautiful womanhood in all its glory. She obviously shaved and it was smooth as can be. I was frozen. Then I noticed she had not moved. She was looking straight at my groin. I looked down and my cock, which I have no control of whatsoever, was standing at full attention. Damn that was fast.

Finally, our eyes met. We both smiled and she let out a small laugh. "Well, I guess we both know more about each other now."

I had to laugh out loud. "Yes, I guess we do," I said.

She then wrapped the towel around her and said, "The shower is yours." Then she winked, and went into the studio.

I took a quick shower, just enough to get the chlorine off. I put on my shorts and went directly to the studio to apologize. When I entered, once again, I froze. Ann was at her easel. The nude painting that I suspected was actually her, the one in progress, was up and she had a brush in her hand. And she was still completely naked.

She looked back at me and smiled. "Take your shorts off. When I work on a nude I paint in the nude. And anyone here is nude, as well. That's the rule."

I was speechless. Again, I was transfixed with her nakedness. "Ah...I...well..." was all I could get out.

"Come on, I want to work and I need you," she calmly said, as she reached for her sketch pad.

As if in a trance I complied and, in an instant, I too, was totally naked once again. She looked over and smiled. Then she went over to a stool and sat down with her pad.

"I want to sketch you. Just as you are."

Then my brain came back on line. "You want to sketch me naked, like this?" I asked, as I looked down at my body.

She smiled and said, "Of course, silly. I wanted to paint you soon after we met. I have a vision and I need you."

"No...No way," I exclaimed. "Naked?"

"Yes, naked." Then she gave me a look that melted my heart. A sad-puppy-dog look. "Please," she said in a soft, and somewhat sexy voice.

She had me. I was putty in her hands now. I walked over to her, and made sure she saw me scanning her exposed breasts and the sweet opening between her legs.

"Wait," she said. "Go get your swim cap."

I felt like a zombie now. I didn't even question her. I went back to my gear bag and retrieved my cap. I was torn between lust and embarrassment. Lust was winning. I became a bit more relaxed and actually was very curious about what she had in mind. This was all new, but if she was going to sit on that stool naked, the least I could do was stand in front of her in the same condition. This rationalization may have been more my dick thinking than my brain, but I didn't care.

When I returned, she instructed me to stand over by the wall and put on my cap. I complied. I felt a bit silly, but she was beautiful and with all her parts on display, and I was just going to go along for the ride. Then she had me turn and face the wall.

"You're going to sketch my ass?"

"Be quiet. Now turn a bit to your left and slightly lower your head."

I complied. I realized my face was actually not in her direct line of sight and began to see what she was after.

"Perfect! Now don't move for a few minutes," she said, as she began to sketch.

"You just wanted to see my ass," I said under my breath.

"No silly. I wanted your torso, your shoulders. They are magnificent. And your little tush is nice as well," she said, with a little giggle.

I tried to hold as still as I could. I became anxious to see what she would come up with. With both of us naked, I started to feel at ease with my own nakedness.

"I've never done anything like this before," I said in a low voice.

"Shush," she said, under her breath. "I'm almost done."

I peeked over and saw a big smile on Ann's face. "Come look," she said, as she got up and place her sketch pad on her easel.

I shook out my arms and took off my swim cap and moved behind her.

"Look. What do you think?"

I looked over her shoulder to see what she had done. I was amazed at what she could do with a pencil, pad, and about fifteen minutes. There I was, with my right hand held up and resting on the wall. My hand was at an angle where my face was not recognizable, but somehow it exhibited a look of a man who had just finished a hard swim. I cannot explain it, but I felt it. It was, well, beautiful. Just with pencil and paper.

I put my hands on her bare shoulders and moved a bit closer. "It's beautiful. You are no amateur; you are an artist."

We stood still for a moment that seemed like minutes, and then I moved my hands down her arms and forward, cupping her breasts in my palms. It was not planned, but just happened.

Ann sighed and moved her hands up toward her breasts. My first thought was that I blew it. She was mad and was going to take my hands away and scold me. I was wrong. She placed her hands over mine and squeezed them against her bosom. Then she leaned back against my chest.

"Damn you, Timmy. Now you've done it," she said in a small voice. I was confused.

She turned to face me and wrapped both her arms around my neck, pulling me down to her waiting lips, and kissed me hard. I mean hard. I kissed her back. She responded by pulling me closer. To say we kissed with passion was an understatement.

Our bodies were pressed against each other so that, I swear, I could feel her heart. It was beating very fast. Then maybe, it was my heart. It was impossible to distinguish between the two. I reached down and cupped her sweet behind and squeezed. Then she held tightly to my neck and was able to swing her legs around my waist and closed them tight. She felt like a feather in my arms. Our lips never parted.

I slowly turned with this beautiful, naked woman hanging on my body, and slowly moved toward the bedroom with her head now buried against my shoulder.

I was able to navigate to the bed and we collapsed while still plastered to each other. I ended up on top and we paused. We looked at each other with an intensity I had never experienced. We both were breathing heavily. She spread her legs as she felt my cock slip down her stomach. It was like a heat-seeking missile, and it went straight to her very wet, almost pulsating, opening. I stopped before I entered her and looked once again into her eyes.

"God, Timmy, I'm going to explode you don't put that beautiful thing in me," she said, through clenched teeth.

I smiled and I slowly began to push. It took all my willpower not to slam into her, but I wanted to feel every second of this amazing experience. I wanted her more than anything in the world, and I also wanted to burn this into my memory forever. Slowly, ever so slowly, I pushed forward. I also wanted to be sure I didn't hurt her. Then she reached down to my hips, grabbed hold, and pulled hard. I went all the way in. Ann let out a loud groan and I made some form of an animal sound that I had never done before. It was beyond amazing. I could not find the superlatives to describe the feeling.

At that moment, there was no room, no studio, no bed, but only my beautiful Ann. We just held each other, my cock buried to the hilt, still breathing hard and trying to be still. We just stared at each other. Then she smiled. A big smile.

"We're being bad," she whispered.

"Yes," I was able to somehow get out. "Feels good to be bad." I felt my cock twitch as she squeezed it with her inner muscles. She saw the look on my face.

"I not letting it out," she said, and then squeezed again.

"Oh God, you're a bad girl. I'm goanna fuck your brains out."

"What the hell are you waiting for," she said in a raspy voice.

She had a point. I no longer felt a need to be slow and gentle. The inner animal instincts took over for both of us, and I did just what I said I would do. But at one point, it was hard to know who was fucking whom.

We became lost in the sexual dance, the sounds, the tactile stimulations that bombarded our senses. I now understood the beast with two backs. Time had no meaning. Then I felt it. The tingling deep within that was the precursory to that final thrust. To that exquisite release. And then I felt Ann's body begin to shake, her fingers raked my back, and she buried her face into my shoulder to muffle the sounds of her orgasm. I felt my cock being rhythmically squeezed by the waves of her coming. I exploded.

Some say you blackout for that instant when your orgasm hits. I think they are correct, even though I never had experienced it before. In what seemed like an instant in time, there we were, lying next to each other, her hand in mine, with only the sounds of our heavy breathing.

We turned our heads toward each other in the same instant. It seemed like we were still attached. She smiled. I smiled. There was a wonderful communication without words.

"Well, I guess we really, really know more about each other now," she said. She was beaming.

I turned and leaned over and kissed her. It was a soft kiss. A kiss of a lover. "Yes, we certainly do." Then simultaneously we rolled over and hugged as if our life depended on it.

We spent the rest of the summer together. I told my Mom I was staying in Mrs. Chambers' guesthouse and doing some extra work. Damn if she didn't buy it.

Ann finished the portrait titled 'The Swimmer', before I returned to State to finish my degree. I actually enjoyed posing with my darling, Ann.

It was a summer to remember and by far the best summer job ever.

Thanks for letting me share those summer memories with you. It's been twenty years since that summer and I will never forget it.

After graduation, I sat down and wrote that novel that had been rolling around in my head for a couple of years. I got lucky and a publisher picked it up. Sales were so-so, but my second book took off. I guess you have to prime the pump, so to speak. My last one has been on the New York Times Best Seller List for nine months. I can't complain.

Now I have to go get Ann out of the studio for lunch. She's working on a series of nudes for a show in Paris later in the spring. She is such a wonderful artist.

She never sold 'The Swimmer'. It hangs on the wall in her studio. It binds us together more than any vow, any ring, any ceremony.

Well, I better strip down and go over to the studio. You know the rules.

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GAVM1GAVM17 months ago

Such a erotically romantic piece of writing. Thank-you:)

SouthernCrossfireSouthernCrossfireabout 2 years ago

Lovely and sexy story even with the few typos (before the corrections hit; was still easily understandable). Very nice job. 5*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Finally, a beautiful, believable, grammatically correct masterpiece.

oldpantythiefoldpantythiefabout 2 years ago

Nice story. I like how things just kind of worked themselves out without all the drama of conquest between the two.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Being a College swimmer and polo player. It is like a Drewam come true. Also excellent Writing!

artblueartblueabout 2 years agoAuthor

To all the folks who have sent me feedback, thank you.

And I just resubmitted an edited version of my story. And you were was a mess :)

devildog0302devildog0302about 2 years ago
Good read

Thoroughly enjoyed it but was disappointed you brought it to a conclusion so quickly. Another chapter would have been nice.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Yes, more than a few editing issues, but still 5 stars. The lucky bastard got to keep his older woman. Most don’t. A very enjoyable read. I’ll have to look at some of your other stuff.

chytownchytownabout 2 years ago

*****Great piece of storytelling. Very enjoyable read. Thanks for sharing.

Boyd PercyBoyd Percyabout 2 years ago

Interesting story!


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