The T or D Version


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But I didn't need it. I was in the zone now. They had me. They owned me.

I felt like I was on drugs, serious drugs that are very scary and very dangerous, but people still do them because they feel too good to stop. I knew these boys were going to hurt me, but I didn't care, I wanted it. My stomach was fluttering and I thought maybe I was about to cum without any rubbing, or maybe I was about to wet myself, I wasn't sure which. Whatever happened these boys were going to see it. Mark fastened the lie detector clips to my left-hand fingers. I looked up at him, right at his evil, grinning eyes...

And I pulled my hands away from my nasty, dirty little twat. And I slowly spread my legs.

I wasn't just showing them, I was giving myself to them. Everyone looked at me with hunger, and I was their feast, I was their prey. My pussy smelled like ripe ham, and yes, it was glistening, my whole pubic area was glistening with my personal juices, some running between my legs and down my buttcrack, some more viscous, sticking to my labia and pubic mound. I was messy and red, and wide open for them, a willing victim. I raised my pussy up to show them I was theirs. My nipples were extended strangely too, and I could see my tiny clitty poking up, even from above. I closed my eyes and without trying to, found myself grinding my pussy up into the air.

One of the boys, his face a bit pale, said, "you sick little whore."

Mark was getting it all on his phone camera, as were the others, and it was only slowly beginning to dawn on me that he could, and probably would, show the whole town. The whole school. The whole world. The only reason I didn't freak out at this thought was that it blended with all the others... I was having a million little fears and humiliations sticking into me like a million fiery needles, but together they were turning into one great rush of perverted need. I could feel my need to be violated in every nerve, and as I pushed the palm of my hand up against the top of my vagina, trapping my swollen clit between the hard part of my wrist and my pubic bone, and trying to squish the life out of it, I could hear Mark saying "Tell us, Jan Josephine. "Tell us what happens to a girl when she is raped brutally.? What happens first?"

I didn't realize at that I had been moaning, and when I tried to get the first words out they were gummed up with my moans. So I opened my eyes. Mark was gently pinching my left nipple, but none of the other guys were touching me. But I could see how stiff their cocks were through their pants, not just Raymoind but every single one of them, all nine. "What happens?" I asked rhetorically. Mark nodded.

"She gets... um... she gets hurt."

"Hurt how?"

"Hurt hard. Hurt really bad. Oh they hurt her really bad! Mmm... oooh. Yeah they hurt her everywhere. Oh gosh she feels it, she feels them hurting her.... Oooh yessss...."

"Good girl Jan. Keep telling us." Mark shifted positions so that he could reach both of my nipples, but still his touch was extremely light. "Why are they hurting her, Jan?"

"Oh because she deserves it!" I blurted out. "She fucking deserves it!" I spontaneously started to whap my pussy with my hand, as hard as I could, aiming for my clit with my palm, to slam it against my pubic bone.

"Is that how you do it?" Asked Mark.

"Not really"

"Just do what you usually do" he instructed. "Jan, why does she deserve it?" I started digging into my vagina with my middle finger, and then quickly stroking the underside of my clit.

"Because she's a whore. Oooh she's a disgusting pig. She's a pig and she fucks her dog." I could hear some of the guys murmuring.

"She fucks her dog?" Asked Mark.

"Yes she fucks it, she does it, she lets her dog fuck her!" I bent up so I could reach and started really slamming my finger in. I could feel more juice splashing around down there, and realized I was maybe going to squirt, which is even more embarrassing, but I wanted it, I wanted to squirt right in front of them.

"You're a very bad girl, Jan. I bet you fuck your dog, don't you. Jan, admit it. You fuck your dog Ralphie, don't you?" He knew the name of my dog.

"Oh yessss yessss yes oh my god. Mmmmm yessss. I do it. I let him do it. I let Ralphie do it! Oh my god!" I started slamming my pussy, slapping it with my whole hand.

"NO Jan. Bad Girl! Bad GIRL!" Mark grabbed my wrist and held it behind my back. "The punishment is for the men to decide."

"Ooooh god I'm so disgusting!"

"Yes you are, Jan, yes you are. You are a dog-fucking whore. Your brothers didn't even know that, but now we all know it. Soon the whole world will know it. So... what happens to sick little girls who fuck their dogs, Jan. What should happen to them?"

"They should be hurt. They should really be hurt. They should be fucked, deep inside their little pussies, they should be brutally, brutally raped... raped with something hard HARD! And it has to hurt... it's a bad shape, it should hurt, it should be splintery! They should be held down and raped up their tiny little twats with a broken splintery... a BRANCH!! Fuck them with a branch... ooooh... yeah yeah yeah... yesss so much.... You fuck it in so deep, fuck it in so hard... oh it hurtsssss."

"Is it a thick branch?"

"Yes yes thick... so thick!"

"How thick? Thick like a big cock?"

"Nonono thicker! Much thicker! Thicker and rougher!"

"Thick like a chair leg?"

"Way thicker! And rougher... it has to rip her pussy, rip it on the inside! Ooh yeah yesyesyes! Oh my god! And they gotta fuck her deep with it. Really hit the back, and all the splintery edges poking her, ramming right on her cervix!"

"Is this what you deserve, Jan Cunis. Jan Cunis the dogfucker?"

I was suddenly a little shocked at myself, at what I was saying, and I couldn't speak for a second, I sort of lost my breath. I remembered that everybody was watching, and that they might do anything to me, and that what I said might become my reality. I choked up.

"Answer me Jan. Is that what you deserve? You are a dogfucker, right"

I had to answer him. "Yesssss" I gasped as I resumed finger-fucking myself, although more slowly.

"Say it, Jan. What are you?"

"I'm a... a... a dogfucker." I felt so humiliated, so small, so filthy. I felt subhuman. My cheeks were burning, but it also felt good... sooo good. I didn't barely have to move my finger, I could feel the heat of the shame and humiliation churning in my tummy, pulsing from within, making my "swampy little twat" begin to spasm from within... almost. I had to keep my fingers utterly still now, or I would cum.

"And Jan, how should dogfuckers, like you, be punished? Say it."

"I should be fucked with a branch. Oh god... oh my god" I gasped. I had to concentrate with all my might not to cum. "I should be fucked so hard, I should be fucked. I should be... Brutally. Raped. with a... with a... a Big. Thick. Splintery..." my panting and moaning took my breath away and I could not finish saying the words. But I didn't cum.

Now Mark resumed stroking my nipples, very lightly and slowly. And it suddenly dawned on me that I was being manipulated by an expert, but I didn't care. "Jan, what else do you fantasize about? How else do dogfuckers like you need to be punished?" He was talking very quietly and intimately, but everyone could hear. He caressed my nipples maddeningly slowly, right on the hardening tips. I could feel my pulse beating in them, and the slow tickling was setting my teeth on edge. And I knew exactly what I was supposed to tell them now, but it was so personal, and so weird, so sick...

"Um... Oh god... I'm sorry... it's too embarrassing..." I was as red as a beet, I could feel the flush from my beet-red face right down my chest and it seemed like my titties were blushing too, and my agonizingly slow-tickled nipples. I was hyperventilating too. It was like a panic attack but also I was breathing hard like a person panting, like you pant when you are "doing it". It was all one thing, for me. Mark kept stroking my nipples, getting a little rougher with them, which felt like terrible. mean tickling, the kind you might remember if you have ever been held down, as a child, and tickled relentlessly by an older brother. It was excruciating... but I did not want it to stop.

"January! You know the rules. You have to tell us."

"I... I... Because I fuck my dog. It's because I fuck my dog, and, and um... this is why I have to be punished... um..." my heart was almost too weak...

"Punished how, Jan?"

"I have to, um, I have to be made to... Outside! At the picnic spot! You guys would bring a Hibachi. You guys would have the Hibachi and you would put in the coals. The coals would be all ready and red and glowing hot..."

I couldn't believe I was telling them this. I had stroked myself to orgasm many times with this exact fantasy, but never in a million years had I ever imagined I would admit it to anyone. Admit that I really wanted it. But at that moment, I did. I craved it, I craved the real experience, with every nerve in my poor hyper-aroused body. And the shame felt like fire. It fed the fire.

I could feel it all over. My face, my lips, and very much in my achingly hard nipples, which were on fire with the horrible shame of this, of telling these boys this. I didn't want them to know. This was supposed to be private. I wanted it to be private. My tummy churned, and below it my weeping pussy ached with the horror of what was happening, of the thought of them knowing, of the thought of the cameras recording every word, recording me finger-fucking myself as I confessed to this sickening fantasy... but here I was. What could I do?

"You have to say it, Jan. You have to tell us everything." Mark said this, right in my ear, and I knew he was right.

I started to cry again, just a little bit. "Okay."

"Okay. Okay so what happens? How must you be punished?"

"Yessss. Okay, okay... so... So you guys have to make me take off my pants. Take off all my clothes. And... You burn them. In the Hibachi. You guys... I have to watch you do it, watch you burn every last stitch of my clothing, just laughing about it. And we are outdoors, you know at the picnic spot, you know the one near the school. Not too private. At all. And with just you guys to give me a ride home, maybe. Or maybe not home, probably not. Probably not home, whatever you want, take me wherever you want, not necessarily home. Maybe leave me there. My clothes are burned. And then... Oh god, this is so embarrassing. Oh god I can't, I can't..." I begin to sob, but Mark gave my nipples a quick twist and I stopped.


"Yes I'm sorry I'm sorry."

"Apology accepted. Keep going." Mark resumed stroking the tips of my nipples, slowly, maddeningly, while I played with my twat in front of the room full of boys. All of them were hard, and staring at me. "You are doing fine Jan, you are following the rules. But you have to say it. Now."

"You have to hurt my ass..." I am weeping while I say it, and the shame is pulsing in my nipples, making my pussy yearn for the deep and horrible fucking, the raping it needs, "my ass has to be... you have to grab me by my arms and... my legs. To keep me from kicking. But you guys would spread my legs too... because I'm a dirty dogfucker and I deserve it I deserve it I deserve it. I deserve to be lowered onto the Hibachi." I could hear one of the guys in the room gasp, and everyone was breathing harder, listening intently as I whispered my horrifying confession. "I need to have my big fat naked bottom... lowered... pressed down onto... it. Onto the Hibachi. The grill. And burned. Burned. You have to burn it, force me down on it, make me burn my ass. Burn my dog-fucking assssss. You have to leave grill-marks on my ass, so everybody can see them, permanently. You have to hurt my big fat bottom and mark it so everyone knows. So everyone knows what a whore I am. What a dogfucking whore. Everyone knows. Forever."

There was silence from the group. Mark started to pinch down on my nipples, slowly, harder and harder. "Jan, do you let your dog fuck you in the ass?"

I could not speak for a long moment, but I rubbed myself faster and made some sort of utterance.

Finally I said "Yes."

I was so ashamed. But it was true. And I was supposed to tell them. Those were the rules.

"You are disgusting, Jan. And this is who you really are, who you really are. You are a depraved slut, Jan. A depraved, subhuman slut. A rape slut. And a pain slut -- no, a torture slut. Is that what you are Jan, a torture slut?"


Oh Jan. You must hate yourself so much. I think you are right that you need to be punished like this, like you are describing. I think you really need this."

He looked up. "Guys, do you think she needs it, for real?"

Every boy in the room murmured their assent, and my little clit stood up harder, poking right out of its little hood. It too, was on fire with horrible shame. Mark began, slowly, to dig his fingernails into the tips of my nipples. And that did not tickle. Not only did it feel good, it felt insanely good. It was pain, but I needed it, every nerve ending in my body craved it. I needed it so much, I was so desperate for this sensation, it was just pure crazy pleasure. He dug his fingernails in deep, right into the tips, as hard as he could. Everyone was watching. And I started to moan.

"What else happens to disgusting dogfuckers like you, Jan. We need to know everything. What happens next?"

"Oh god." I start to grind my pussy into the air at them, needing so much to be touched, to be hurt by someone there. "You guys turn me around. With the grill. You turn my body around, so I am facing the grill. You are laughing at me. At the marks you have made on my stupid fat bottom, at the grill marks, which will stay with me forever. You are laughing, and I am crying. And then you grab my hips, hold them up, hold my ass up, and some of you begin spanking my burned ass, for a laugh. But really, you are positioning me in front of the grill. I have to be in the exact right spot. And then you are holding my arms behind my back, and holding my ass high in the air, and then you stop spanking and someone grabs from each side of me and then you guys are pushing on my back, pushing me down towards the grill. You guys are pushing my titties, my big fat titties, right into the grill! Ohhh... yesss... that's what you do, that's what you have to do to me, you have to burn me oh my god! Oh god shit."

Mark is grinding my nipples between his thumbs and his middle fingers, and digging his pointer fingers, with his fingernails, right into the tips of my nipples very hard '" guys are laughing at me, because I'm just a disgusting dogfucker and I deserve it all, I deserve it all so much..." I am panting now and gasping "you guys need to push my titties right down onto the grill, right down on the grill. And burn them. Oh you guys are going to grill my ass and titties. Because I'm a dogfucking slut, I'm your subhuman piggy painslut. Oh you should. Oh you should take me and do that to me, you should do all that to me. I admit it! I deserve it! Oh god oh god oh god" I start openly sobbing now, as I fingerfuck myself very hard.

"I think someone should give her a kick right in the twat," said one of the guys. "Who's got the biggest boots?" Asked another, and everyone laughed. My whole body was on fire with lust and shame. I felt like the Devil had control of me. Mark reached up and tore my hand away from my twat, one split second before I would have cummed.. Then Mark said something surprising. And with a tone that was surprising, because it was aimed at the boys, not at me, and it was strangely cruel.

"I think we should all kick her twat," he said. He gave my nipples a vicious little twist. "Would you like that, freak?"

So now I was a freak. That seemed somehow worse, in a way, than being all the other things he had called me. I realized that possibly I had convinced Mark I was too weird for a girl, I was somehow not feminine because I was too different, too weird and perverted, too much of a freak.... I was beyond being a "nasty whore" and now I was just a pig. A pig who wanted to be roasted. I suddenly felt ugly and fat... but somehow I liked that too... I wanted them to hate me, and to not feel sorry for me. They were going to destroy me, and that thought made my body shiver from head to toe with insane need.

"Would you like that, Jan? Be honest. Would you like that? Do you want us to take turns kicking you, hard, as hard as we can... Jan, should we do it? Right. Between. Your spread. Open. Legs... January Josephine Cunis? Is that what you want to have happen to you, right now, Jan? Tell us, Jan. You have to tell the truth."

There I was, on the edge of the precipice, right where Mark had put me. Right where I had put myself, with Mark's help. I knew, absolutely, that I should not do this. I knew I would never come back from this, that things would never be the same. It was already too late, really, but this was category one insane, to invite this. But I could not control the insane yearning...

"Uh huh," I whispered, just to him.

"You have to say it", reminded Mark.

"Um... yes. I do. I am saying it."

"Full sentences, loud enough so everyone can hear. And so the phone recordings will pick it up. We want everyone to hear this, everyone you know to hear this. We are going to show them all the videos, Jan. Of course we are. Everyone at school. Your Mom and Dad. Your friend's weird dad. You dad's weird friends. We'll make sure they all see it. The whole town, the whole school, the whole internet... everyone you know or will ever meet." The shame welled up in me so high I was floating on flames. One tiny touch to my clit and I would have cum, screaming. I felt like a crazy person... I was a crazy person. And I could not keep it in:

"Yes please. Yes. I want you guys to do it. Please kick me between my legs. Please hold my legs open so I can't close them, and don't let me close them until everyone is finished and ready to stop. I deserve this because I fuck my dog, and dog-fucking whores like me need to be punished very, very severely. They do. You guys should do this and everything else to me, anything you want, from now on, forever. And you should show everyone. Oh god. Yes Mark. Yes please. Don't ask me again, I might be screaming and begging you to stop, but don't listen."

"Wow" said Mark. "You certainly don't mince words." The boys laughed.

"But, you know, since you said all that, to us and to, you know, everyone who might see these videos, I think you might want to tell everyone who you are and where to find you. Yes. That's what a public dogfucking slut would need, if she were to be properly punished, forever. Forever, like you say. And I agree. If you want to be punished forever, like you say, January Cunis, you should speak to our cameras, right now. You should invite anyone and everyone seeing these videos to look you up and maybe find you, maybe feel free to take a turn with you, right?" He started yanking on my nipples mercilessly, and rhythmically. I realized I was now a thing, to him, and to all these guys. To everyone. "Tell the cameras your name, your full name. And where to find you."

I looked right into Mark's camera. "I am January Josephine Cunis. I live on 2395 Grove street. I go to school at Charlesburgh High, and I work Tuesdays and Fridays at the Target in Charlesburgh. Now you know where to find me, if you want to rape me and hurt me." A huge sinking feeling swept over me. I was in freefall, but I was so insanely excited! It was the sensation, once again, of floating on flames.

At Mark's urging, two guys got up, each grabbing one of my legs. Mark didn't want them to stamp-kick me, for fear of breaking my pelvic bone, so they turned me over so I was on my knees with my legs spread as wide as possible and my butt pushed high in the air, my tummy pushed down so my vulva was sticking straight out and up where it could be reached most easily by a swinging foot or boot. My head was in Mark's lap and he was holding me firmly by my breasts, and tweaking my nipples roughly but wonderfully. Then they started kicking.