The Tattooed Woman Pt. 25


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Abria smiled and gave a curtsy, "Well give or take thirty-odd years I suppose that's true enough Miss."

"I'm never going to get used to that, you look like you're ten years younger than me, and as for you lot," she gestured at Aventine, "Ashunara says you're her older sister by quite a way, yet you're near enough twins."

Aventine raised her glass and smiled in salute of the compliment before rising gracefully from her chair. She ambled across the chamber to examine the sleeve of the gown and whispering softly she blew upon it, erasing the slight crease that was all that remained of the repair. Nodding her head in satisfaction she turned to Hildegard, "Well, what's four hundred years after all, give or take a decade? You know I really think the purple would suit you. After all, Ash already had you in green."

The Dark Elf wagged her eyebrows suggestively at the comment and the servants giggled at the woman's blushes.

Abria held up the purple dress against Hildegard for the Matriarch to see and as she did, she mused, "I don't quite look half your age now though Miss, mayhap a few years younger still, but it won't be so long before you look like a blushing maiden again."


"T'is the Fae Miss, it has that effect upon us all. It's not just that we live longer, but we're sort of invigorated as well, I suppose you could say. We don't get younger as such, but a lot of the, um, wear and tear I guess, that life inflicts is sort of washed away in time."

Hildegard shook her head, "No wonder you fortify your borders and discourage visitors. If this was well known there would be a parade of people at your gates, all desperately seeking eternal life."

"Sadly true, but as to your complaint, there is no impediment barring a Human from learning simple magicks."

"So... I could learn to do that?"

Aventine smiled, "Cantrips for a certainty, but more complex spells require an ability to weave magick that very few, be they Human or Dark Elf, possess. Is the idea of learning such a thing one that would delight you? It can certainly be arranged if so."


"Surely, it would not require a Battle-Mage to teach you such simple enchantments, I could probably accomplish such tutoring myself if need be, though a more proficient mentor could easily be found if you desired."

Hildegard shook her head in amazement, "That's..." she looked at the Dark Elf and her eyes sparkled with such child-like wonder that Aventine chuckled, "really? I could learn this?"

"Easily enough I should think."

The woman sighed, "I bet it must cost a fortune to learn though."

The Matriarch tilted her head and smiled, "Tell me Hildegard, have you given any further consideration on the subject we previously discussed?"

Hildegard sighed, suddenly morose, "You mean what I should do with myself once Lady Ashunara has gone off to war? I've been dreading the very thought. And, in truth, I do not really know where I stand."

"How so?"

"Well, I don't know if her affections are real, or if I'm just some passing fancy. I mean, when all is said and done, I'm really nothing that special," she blushed, "I mean no disrespect, she's been good to me, and she saved me from a truly ghastly fate, but... well, she's a rich and powerful lady, a Dark Elf, and a swordswoman, and me? I'm... nobody really."

"I think you may be doing yourself a disservice my dear, and as for my sister's affections? Well, she does so like to flirt t'is true, but I've not yet heard that she has ever betrayed a lover. Well, apart from the one she killed on the duelling sands, but that's another story."

Hildegard looked horrified, "Duelling sands?"

"Indeed. I have a proposal however if you would care to hear it."


Steering the woman towards a chair Aventine placed a goblet of wine into her hands and spoke, "I wondered if you would consider allowing me to purchase you from Ashunara so that you might serve as my handmaiden?"

Hildegard frowned, "Purchase me? So, you would own me and not Ashunara?"

The Dark Elf laughed gently at the woman's reaction, "Well, for as long as it took us to sign the indenture papers that would be true enough, I suppose."

"Indenture papers? I'm confused."

"T'is simple enough, if you accept, I will have indenture papers drawn up. Upon agreement of duties, conditions and terms, we would sign them together, and you would become my handmaiden. The payment of your purchase would go towards Ashunara and she would no doubt distribute shares of the sum among her Company. Doubtless, your wages would be garnished to a certain degree until my House had recouped the loss of coin, for my accountants and bankers are a fastidious bunch of money-grubbers, but you would still have a handsome enough salary I should think."

"I would no longer be enslaved then?"

"No, you would be indentured to my House for the duration of the contract, and of course, you would have your duties to fulfil, but otherwise you would be free to do as you will."

Hildegard glanced at the servant standing to one side and saw as the grinning wench winked merrily, "Er, what does a handmaiden do though? Do I dress you in the mornings or somesuch?"

Aventine shook her head with a smile, "Not precisely, I usually dress myself, though I have maids to assist if I must don some ridiculous formal wear with more corsets, straps and stays than a set of plate armour. No, a handmaiden serves as a lady's companion, escort and confidante. She protects a lady's reputation by being present when she might have occasion to entertain some handsome bravo for instance, but basically, she keeps her company," she grinned mischievously, "though she might help her Lady choose her dress in the morning depending on whatever fashion disaster said Lady had decided to inflict upon herself I suppose."

Abria giggled, "Mistress Aventine is not a morning person, Miss."

"Why me?"

"Well, truthfully you were not my first choice. I asked Abria here if she would do me the honour for she has served my House faithfully for years. But she has her family to consider, and a handmaiden is at the beck and call of her Mistress at all times and such an arrangement is not conducive towards a life of hearth and home. However, there are other considerations."

"Such as?"

"Well, I find you agreeable, so that's a worthy point, also my sister favours you and since your arrival and intercession on my part, her temperament towards me has thawed considerably so there is another and I still owe you for that. Further, I suspect keeping you close and treating you well would perhaps please her significantly. But, even more importantly you are a recently arrived Human slave, you have had neither time nor opportunity to become bribed, blackmailed, enamoured or in any other way entangled in the machinations of another House, so I can trust you, after a fashion."

"After a fashion?"

Aventine smiled and shrugged, "I mean no offence, it's just... the way we are."

Hildegard grinned, "I'm fond of you too, you're too much like her not to be."

The Dark Elf turned away to hide her grin, "Oh please, let's not indulge in sentiment. It is an eminently practical proposal."

"Oh, of course..."

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JasmijnJasmijn5 months ago

See my forst comment — U.S. must be us - stupid spellingchecker - I live in Europe

JasmijnJasmijn5 months ago

I love all the references, from Star Wars to Shakespeare..thanks for sharing this story with U.S.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

The flashback as it is the first one in 25 chapters was utterly confusing.

While it serves its purpose and is of the samexstellar quality then the rest of the story, I would move it. You don´t need flashbacks. You´re this good that you can do it with simple foreboading.

SSC on mobile.

Richard1940Richard19406 months ago

Well, I thought it was good, but it is getting even better!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Excellent top class fantasy story, up there with Gemmel, Feist etc

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I much enjoy this well-written story -- thanks for sharing!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Another great chapter from a story that answers the question, "What if Fritz Lieber was edited by the writing staff of Ted Lasso?"

pk2curiouspk2curiousabout 1 year ago

Spectacular reading . The battles , the hierachies , the lovers , the secrets , the scandals and betrayals , The evil , and the heroes . So good , every chapter filled with gripping adventure .

Thank you so much .

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Once again you maintain this brilliant tale with an exciting chapter.

Quite the clever use of the language and dialects used throughout being associated to the various characters.

Nice touch with the Maggie segment.

Anxiously awaiting the next installment.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

So freaking good. Ash and Nyx pulled it off again, this time with a primary assist from Lily. So smart, so bold. I just love 'em. All the power to House Varro.

Also, your writing (especially the dialogues) and your storytelling are droolworthy, absolutely top notch. Keep it coming. :-)


dontyouwishyouknewdontyouwishyouknewabout 1 year ago

Another excellent chapter, sir, thank you very much! I do wonder now and again as to the future of Cassie, as there must be more to her than even she knows. She has forged a deep bond with the Tattooed Lady, has the favor of the Queen of Night and was able to wield her staff, and has very nearly charmed the panties off a young dragon.

Could it be that her soul is somehow tied to the Queen of Night?

jwmcleanjwmcleanabout 1 year ago

loved the fight with NYX, it was well written and I think your story is a fine story.

Southpaw1430Southpaw1430about 1 year ago

One of my favorite stories. I look forward to each new chapter. Thanks.

FrethnorFrethnorabout 1 year ago

And now I find myself in that annoying place of being in the middle of a very enjoyable story and waiting impatiently for the next chapter. [sigh] However, I'm not going to rush you (no matter how tempting). Keep up the good work.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Another very good read Sir. Thanks for the time and effort.

I think you need to think about a type of creature that is big, powerful and ugly then have a battalion of them on hand to take on the ogre guard you introduced in this chapter.

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