The Teacher's Husband


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She adamantly did not want to marry dipshit, but she felt she had to. Otherwise, what would have been the point of everything she put her family through? To destroy her marriage and burn her life to the ground for no good reason? No, at least by getting married she could pretend that everything worked out for the best.

But when Don had walked Kate towards her future husband, he knew that something was wrong. Kate seemed to be sleepwalking down the aisle. She was almost in a daze. Don had wondered if she had taken drugs but dismissed the idea. Kate had never been interested in drugs. She had disappeared before the wedding dance of the bride and groom and Emily and my mother had gone in search of her.

I shook my head at the waste of it all. I had loved Kate with a deep, romantic love that was immutable and unassailable.


So, life went on.

The girls continued in college.

My new patents proved to be winners and we were able to double our sales of the new company.

And I started dating.

People had told me I would not have trouble finding dates but I didn't believe them. My daughters had me join Tinder, Bumble, and a couple of other sites. They wrote my profile and took a couple of thousand photos to find just the right pictures for my profile. I went on several dates, but I was not happy with the women that were interested in me.

I got back into shape, losing my dad bod and returning to my college weight. I knew that I looked more than presentable and considered myself a good catch, but the women that I was dating were not what I was looking for.

My buddy Terry Carr had decided to concentrate on trusts and estate planning and was phasing out the part of his law practice that represented my business. When I asked him for a recommendation for an Austin attorney, he did not hesitate to recommend the firm that my father worked with.

"They're the best in the state, if not the country. You couldn't ask for better representation."

With that endorsement, I asked my father to set up a meeting with someone who could represent my business interests.

The attorney I met with was Elizabet Garcia.

Elizabet was not as tall as Kate, but she was also lithe and possessed an athletic build. Her hair was a deep auburn and her skin was a light tan with almond-shaped green eyes. She was exotic, she was gorgeous and there was no way that I could hire her as an attorney. Attorneys could not date clients and I was smitten with her.

After two dates we were exclusive. After six dates, we knew that we would marry. I was forty-three and Elizabet was thirty-two. Elizabet was also divorced. She had married a fellow attorney but discovered the major reason that he pursued her was in hopes of a partnership with Bonham. McLeod, Garcia. When he discovered that he would not be able to leverage his marriage to Elizabet into a position, much less a partnership; he started cheating on her. The divorce was quick and painless for Elizabet. Excruciating for her husband to the point that he decamped for California.

Marrying an older man was not a problem for Elizabet. One of her ancestors, Angelica Garcia had been ten years younger than her husband, Robert Bonham, who had founded the law firm of Bonham, McLeod, Garcia nearly two hundred years ago.

As I dated Elizabet, I occasionally would think about my old life; married to Kate and living in Fort Worth with my daughters and my company. My parents and Kate's parents living close to us and just a short car ride away. I thought I had a lock on happiness. But things change.

My parents were divorced. I barely spoke to my mother; when I did, she would whine about reconciling with Kate.

Kate's parents were having a rocky time of it and from what I had heard, divorce was on the table. They missed their granddaughters and the old life they had.

And Kate? After checking out of the hospital, she moved back in with her parents. Dipshit was not happy about that. His unhappiness was compounded when she filed for an annulment of the marriage.

Eighteen months after our divorce was finalized, and fifteen months after her suicide attempt, Kate appeared at my front door.

When I answered the doorbell that Saturday morning, I was shocked to find my ex-wife standing there with a roll-a-round suitcase standing next to her.

"Kate? What are you doing here?" I asked. I was dumbfounded by her presence.

"I know I have a lot to make up for. I was the worst wife in the world and a terrible mother to our daughters. I'm here to set things right."

I had no clue as to what to say to this statement. I just stood there with my mouth open,

"Honey, who's at the door?" My wife's voice brought me to my senses. Elizabet strode into the entryway. She was wearing navy yoga pants and a white tank, top, her baby bump leading the way. I had my vasectomy reversed after our return from our honeymoon since I knew Elizabet wanted a child, however, I thought I might be too old. She convinced me I was not.

I looked at Kate standing in the doorway and then at my wife standing in the foyer, a curious expression on her face.

"Someone I used to be married to," I replied as I gently closed the door.

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SeaChangerSeaChanger1 day ago

This author writes well.

AnonymousAnonymous12 days ago

The character Kate must have been modeled after Angelrider. They both seem to create their own version of 'truth'. Thanks offkilter.

somewhere east of Omaha

AnonymousAnonymous17 days ago

Sorry too cliché and lacking any believable human drama and emotion.

AnonymousAnonymous17 days ago

boy this emotionally unstable bitch hoisted her own petard so high she cldnt see the ground or reality, and got her just reward. Surprised she was ever let go from the mental institution but nowadays, noone stays in them long cuz its too expensive and the inmates never get well. rk

AnonymousAnonymous18 days ago

You can’t use the same ending for every story. It becomes tired and boring. I’m pretty sure you can do better.

AnonymousAnonymous18 days ago

I love your news book title and quite agree. The French are so F’d up they still cannot understand why the rest of Europe resisted Napoleon’s invasions and the French enlightenment they brought. But, alas, the best Bourbon is not made with corn and is called Rye. ;-)

fredbrownfredbrown22 days ago

With all the sympathy poor Kate is receiving for her mental condition, may I suggest that our hero send a sympathy card in a year or so - to the new Mr. Kate ......

AnonymousAnonymous23 days ago

yep it's true

Congenital mental health problems like narcissism often take decades to develop.

I've been told there's very rich man with similar narcissism.

desecrationdesecration26 days ago

Congenital mental health problems like narcissism often take decades to develop.

Ken5877Ken587729 days ago

Very believable story , as I lived one very similar.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

5 stars

Kate's betrayal of her husband and kids is shockingly egregious, but she is actually presented as a rater tragic character. She is obviously very mentally ill. Maybe it was genetic, or developed in some unknown way, and was always there to some degree then exasperated by her miscarriage; or it was brought on by her miscarriage and without help continued to worsen. I agree the MC should definitely have divorced Kate, her betrayal was just too major, but imo he could have shown her a degree of mercy. Maybe after being so betrayed by a woman he loved for twenty years it hardened his heart to the point he wanted her to suffer the way her betrayal made him suffer. I do think she commits suicide at the end of this story after not just seeing her husband has moved on with another woman, but her complete dismissal as he shuts the door in her face.

ThmfknloreThmfknloreabout 1 month ago

To those who keep talking about depression being the issue for the ex wife you are all fucking idiots depression doesn't cause her actions she wasn't fucking depressed she used it as a damn clutch but it was not the cause of it anyone with common sense knows that if she was truly depressed she would just lay around in bed all day she wouldn't eat correctly or do anything else much less get involved with anyone her actions are simple she was used to getting everything she wanted with no consequences thx to her parents and mother in law she's nothing but a spoiled cheating slut who tries to use depression as a excuse and a clutch

ThmfknloreThmfknloreabout 1 month ago

To the anon that posted 6 days ago your a idiot that is the furthest thing from the truth if I ever saw it

ThmfknloreThmfknloreabout 1 month ago

The tag line was in form of a question does a wives engagement end there marriage that was honestly a dumb question to ask not only did she get engaged and have an affair with another man she lies and says he is abusive to her and her daughters yeah that marriage was most definitely over it should have been the first time she cheated depression doesn't cause someone to cheat people who are truly depressed won't even wanna be around people they wouldn't wanna get out of bed so using that as a reason is bullshit and only used by those who have no clue what depression really is as far as him going to see his ex after she tried to kill herself he allowed his daughters to manipulate him to do so but honestly on that part I don't blame him for a father would do anything for his kids him cutting ties with his mother I agree with for she betrayed her own son something no real mom would do and yes there's a difference between a mom and a mother just like there is a difference between a father and a dad anyone can be father it takes a man to be a dad the same is said for a mom and a mother

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

5 Stars on a good one from GW . Heck a friend of mine had a child at 50 years of age ,

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

The late George Carlin once said something like this- “ Are women born crazy, and some can just hold it together better, or do they become crazy at some point in their lives?” Women are hard wired into their DNA to mate with someone who is physically a “10”, but also has the most resources. In today’s world, evolution is sort of turned upside down, because the men with the most resources are often NOT the ones who are physically impressive. This causes women to marry or date one man, then cheat on him with another. The acceptance of this in society, and divorce that heavily is stilted in favor of the woman, has destroyed marriage. Baby boomers were the last generation to go “ all in” on marriage. One of the benefits was accumulation of wealth. Today, marriage is a luxury that will be like college, or home ownership, or even retirement eventually. Only the rich will partake. The story was a solid 5.

AngelRiderAngelRiderabout 1 month ago

You developed Kate into a woman with deep emotional problems and obvious low self esteem. Yet, you basically gleefully "burned" her while ignoring all of the enabling from her parents and mother in law.

Honestly, this is more suggestive of the author more than anything else. And oh yes, I can hear it now, it's just a story.

That's rarely true. The author always shows up in his or her own work.

I know it's going to happen sooner or later but anyone who comes at me with gender bullshit or pronouns can get fucked.

someoneothersomeoneotherabout 1 month ago

I commented initially about 8 months ago, but, for some reason, re-read the story. Wife had an affair after a miscarriage, and then again after being diagnosed with breast cancer, In meantime, our hero husband forced Kate to leave her college teaching position to teach high school. I can see a pretty good possibility that wife is in a mentally unstable state, as well as that husband is a real asshole. I also cannot see the two twin daughters so quickly taking dad's side against their mother. Life does not work that way.

WendyTheRedWendyTheRedabout 1 month ago

As bad as what Kate did is I think this story ignores something quite troubling. The only explanation for Kate's behavior is some kind of psychotic break and likely deep, deep depression. I think what Kate did was awful and I totally understand the MC wanting out of the marriage.

On the other hand, she likely should have been checked into a mental health facility and gotten a psych eval. The author seems to be aware of her issues because of the suicide attempt which was not framed as an attention getter but as an actual real attempt to kill herself.

Sadly, her parents and his mother are enablers of the worst sort and should Kate ever kill herself (something I think is likely after the end of the story) it's on them. Kate needs professional help and she needs it fast. She's not fit to be a wife or a mother but it's because she clearly has mental illness and not because she is a bad person.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago


dgfergiedgfergieabout 2 months ago

A second reading and still good. I suppose she went off to try suicided again. The ex definitely has problems 5 stars

ImshakenImshakenabout 2 months ago

Enjoyed the story! 5 Stars.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

What an incredibly cruel and unnecessary ending.

The ex is portrayed as a mentally unstable simpleton, who may have some kind of personality disorder. Yet is capable of the mental rigor required to achieve a PhD. The story would have worked better if she'd studied art history at uni and had been a primary school teacher or sahm.

Also, the idea that he could make patents that improve upon but are not based upon older patents is unlikely, and something his competitors would have been working on for the life of the previous patents and would perhaps gotten there first, if they were that valuable.

Got to laugh at the bitter anon suffering from an obvious inferiority complex that describes a PhD as "piled hier (sic) and deeper" as if having a comprehensive indepth knowledge of a subject was a bad thing, lol.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

JPB not bob is a perfect example of worthless bellyaching. You obviously can read the story your complaints are simply nit picking (yes, JUST like nitpic). If you folks write a couple of your own stories perhaps you will be worth listening too! In the mean time do what I will do, thank offkilter123 for his tale and move on. I notice you never bothered to do that. Try to remember that.

somewhere east of Omaha

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

I can overlook a few inaccuracies, an anachronism or two, and maybe an outright faux pas, but when there is more HOLE than story, it leaks credibility like a soup sandwich. The awful overwriting, the blathering data dump, and the illogical reactions to common issues made it impossible to enjoy. 2 stars.

prato1992prato19922 months ago

cerró suavemente la puerta con su ex esposa dentro o fuera de la casa?🤔

DonHenleyDonHenley2 months ago

FUCK!!! This is one of the best cheating wives stories I have ever read. Thank you.

offkilter123offkilter1232 months agoAuthor


Since English does not used gendered forms of words, it is considered acceptable to use fiancé as a gender neutral term for both male and female.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

On page three. Forgive the lack of accent marks in the following:

Fiance is a male who is engaged

Fiancee is a female who is engaged

Try to remember that.


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