The Teenage Dominatrix Ch. 11

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Stephen helps out at a forced-bi session.
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Part 12 of the 15 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 02/24/2021
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Stephen raced out of work the moment the supervisor said he could leave and was only two minutes past his scheduled time when he rang the bell of Anne-Marie's sprawling house.

"I want you to know that if Victoria tries to get you to do anything you are not comfortable with, then just tell her no and there will be no problem with that. None," Anne-Marie said the moment he came into her house.

"She hasn't asked me to do anything. Yet." Anne-Marie raised an eyebrow and sent Stephen upstairs to Victoria's room. He knocked on her bedroom door and answered it with an excited cry. "Hiya."

"I almost didn't recognise you with clothes on," she joked, and turned her phone screen to show him a picture of his naked behind, taken from the college green. "Gemma said they have shared this on their Kik group. You're quite the legend. Which, I never thought of you as. You were the quiet student and we would all have forgotten about you within a month after graduation. Until now. Your arse has infamy."

Stephen blushed. "Yeah, well. It was a mean thing to do."

"Oh, you say the loveliest things," Victoria replied as she ran a hairbrush through her wet hair

"Your aunt just warned me you are planning something."

Victoria, wearing just a toweline gown, turned from her dressing table to face him. "The slimeball MP, who I hate, is coming tonight. And he's booked a session with Anne-Marie and me. He loves it when a teenager thrashes him. Even more if I fuck him with a giant strap-on. He's a proper perv, like you. But I love making him squeal. I love hurting him. The problem is that we have used the dungeon today, and it's my turn to clean it. The DJ came and a couple of others, so it needs tidying up. Guess, what you are doing? In a Maids' Outfit."


"Yeah, you can do my chores, for me. So let's have some tea. Anne-Marie's cooking, and then you're going to be useful."

"So why did Anne-Marie say if I am not comfortable?" Victoria sighed as Stephen asked his question. "What else are you planning?"

"Nothin'," she cried and groaned. "My aunt reckons you are only doing BDSM and kink because you're besotted by me, and want to get into my underwear." The teenager paused for a moment. "She thinks you want to fuck me. Technically, I've already had you in my underwear." She giggled.

"I do not want to screw you," Stephen said and then smiled. "Well, I would love to have sex with you because you are gorgeous and amazing. But I am not trying to get into your... underwear. But, but that's ... shall I go downstairs and help your aunt with dinner?" He said as he blushed.

"Yeah," Victoria snapped, and she licked her lips. "But change into these." She tossed a pair of navy, silky boyshorts at him. "And only them." Stephen did as he was told, and put his phone, keys and wallet on her desk. She cocked her head and smiled; his caged cock was prominent through the feminine underwear. "And tell Aunty that I have sent you down to help, dressed in the way she expected."

"I can't go like this."

"Do you think you have anything that she will not have seen? A thousand times over. Now get out of my bedroom. Teenage boys should not be in ladies' bedrooms." Stephen blushed and left his tormentor's private space as she plugged in her expensive hairdryer.

He explained his presence, and the reason Victoria had given to the professional dominatrix, and she shook her head with a snort. "That girl. She has a wicked sense of humour on her."

"Do you want any help with dinner?"

"Sure, chop those mushrooms, onions and veggies up." The buxom woman passed the young man a knife and pointed to a chopping board. "Those shorts do sort of suit you," she teased.

"That's what Victoria says. But she would say that."

"Um... what you and Victoria do, is up to you. But it's powerful, BDSM. It evokes emotions and feelings that are intense. And it's too easy to forget that. It's playing with fire, and I've seen too many horny young men let their libido take them places they didn't really want to go. Make sure you don't get burnt," Anne-Marie began and gave the young man a warning on his burgeoning friendship with her niece.

Stephen listened as he chopped the mushrooms and onions and then spoke as she washed the plates. "I know it's a risk. I know it's dangerous. But I don't see Victoria as my one everlasting love that I'm going to settle down with and have picnics in meadows at the end of romantic walks. Not really. She wants a blank canvas. And I want to explore. I guess, I enjoy being her canvas. We wouldn't be doing anything if we didn't both consent."

"OK, well, I had to say it. And she trusts you, clearly. And you evidently trust her." Anne-Marie pointed to the front of Stephen's shorts. "There ain't a single teenage boy that I know of that would gladly put his prick under lock and key." Simon blushed. "I got a visitor due here at eight thirty. So, I need you out by eight. OK? And don't let Victoria treat you as a slave. She has chores to do, not to farm them off in the name of domination."

"Yeah, and thanks. But I don't mind." He put the meat in the pan, so it sizzled and then added the vegetables and the sauce. The bolognese bubbled while the spaghetti cooked. Anne-Marie summoned her daughter to eat, and the three of them ate over a heated conversation in the dining room.

After tea, Victoria took her friend to the dungeon and passed him a cheap, polyester French Maid outfit. "Why?" He asked in an exasperated tone and pointed to the feminine underwear. "Aren't these enough for you?"

"No," she simpered. "I want you in that." The satin material was smooth to the touch, and Stephen stroked it as he put the black and white dress over his head. Victoria giggled. "I love it when men do what I demand."

"I don't have a choice."

"No, you don't. I love the photos and videos I've taken. It'll be a shame to give them up because they are pretty nice. But, a deal's a deal. If you do all your tasks." Stephen smiled at her, and she took out a box containing a dozen used sex toys and carried them into the en-suite. "You need to disinfect and dry these and then put back in their place."

She reached underneath the sink and took out a large bottle of disinfectant and then watched him clean the first item - a blue dildo.

After sanitising the sex toys and paddles, Stephen cleaned and wiped down the furniture, the walls and then the en-suite. He washed the dried puddle of cum from the floor and polished the metal frames. Victoria smacked his backside as he worked, and she flitted in and out of the dungeon to check on him as she prepared herself for the evening of sadism. "I love Latex, as does the kinky MP, but is so much effort," she muttered as she washed and dried the dull black rubber garment.

She took a picture of her submissive as he used a feather duster and blew him a kiss when she heard shouting from Anne-Marie's room. "What's going on?" She muttered to herself and went to speak to her aunt.

Twenty minutes later, Stephen gasped when his classmate entered the dungeon in her stunning Latex outfit. The polished rubber reflected his gasping face, Victoria stood akimbo in the doorway with a broad grin. Matching stockings, briefs and gloves complimented a jet black corset with two vertical stripes of neon pink and a bright pink bow in the middle of her bosom. "Wow!"

"Yeah, well. We might not get to use it. Evelyn, the guy who we normally use when we have bi-play, is chucking his guts up. Wes is the other guy we use, and he's in Brighton at a house party. Anne-Marie can't get hold of Sammy, and Kevin's a non-starter since his wife found out about him being more gay than straight. And a rentboy. So, the creepy MP mightn't get what he wants. If he'll do just a femdom session, we're still on for the evening. But Anne-Marie said he specifically asked to be forced to suck cock. His bi-cycle must be peaking."

"Oh. Such a waste as you look incredible. I mean, just... I'm speechless." Victoria snickered. "I have never seen a sexier, more erotic sight."

"It might well be coming off soon." She looked at her watch and then back at him. "And you better get out of that, as you need to go in ten minutes."

Stephen nodded, picked up the duster and the cleaner, and walked towards the en-suite. "What did Evelyn have to do?"

Victoria, inspecting the cleansed whips and polished canes, looked at him. "Not too much. He'd be in a full Latex suit, with a hood. He'd watch, as Simon got punished and whipped and pegged. Evelyn might whip him a bit. And then at the end, we would get Evelyn's cock out and we would force Simon to give him a blowjob. Sometimes, it would be 69. Sometimes, I would get to plough Evelyn at the same time. And just some general run-of-the-mill submissive bottoming. He likes to drink pee, like you, so I do like to take a whizz down his throat." Victoria gave a grin. "Simon hates to gobble piss, but loves being humiliated, so I do it to him too. If Anne-Marie lets me. And no, you can't be Evelyn for the night."

"OK," Stephen hummed and carefully placed the cleaning products under the sink. "Why can't I do it?"

"Because my aunt would never allow it." Victoria replied. "This isn't a game, this is her business. And getting an erection when there is a 55-year-old racist, homophobic arsehole sucking your cock is difficult when you're straight."

"I will see you in that outfit. If I wasn't in chastity, I would go home and use a box of tissues. Maintaining an erection would not be a problem. I have been so horny this week." She laughed at his serious expression. "Simply stunning," he muttered. "But hey, you said no, so I'll go. Hopefully, see you soon." He gestured at the dungeon. "Behold, one clean play space."

"Yeah, thanks." Stephen left the room and disrobed in Victoria's bedroom. He was naked when she came in with a bundle of Latex. "OK, if you want to have a sexual encounter with the Conservative MP for Manchester South, then have a very quick shower, and then we'll douche you. She's speaking to a couple of her fellow dommes to see if there are any sissy clients who would do this. Trouble is, because of who he is, he only plays with people who can guarantee discretion."

"And that's me?" Stephen asked hopefully.

Victoria smiled. "Yes, because if you break any confidences, I will break you. Anne-Marie is on the blower, but let's get you ready and see what she says. No promises." The surfsuit was dull, and Stephen expressed disappointment that it lacked the reflective sheen which Victoria's outfit possessed. She gave him a wry smile and spread the all-in-one black Latex suit with no sleeves, no crotch and short-length legs on her bed. "Have a quick shower, really quick, and come back. And no wanking, numbnuts."

Victoria unfastened his cock from his cage, and Stephen excitedly rinsed his body, playing special attention to his sweaty, freed prick in the falling water. Anne-Marie shook her head the moment Victoria showed her the black Latex surfsuit. "He's going to be here in thirty-five minutes," the teenage dominatrix snapped. "If you have no-one local then if, as you said, he specifically wanted to end on bi play then Stephen is our only hope. He will douche himself while you get ready in case it goes that way."


"It's fine, Anne-Marie," Stephen said as he entered the room, with just a towel fastened around his waist.

"Victoria, no. Stephen, it's gracious gesture, but I'm sorry. I can't allow it. Please get dressed as I will sort something out."

She turned, and Victoria grabbed her aunt at the top of her arm. "Wait," she called. "Stephen may never have had a man suck his cock, but stick a dildo up his bum and he squirts. We can make this work. Simon enjoys playing with teenagers. So we tell him, here is an eighteen-year-old lad who has never had a cock to play with. He will go for that. You know he will. I'm not coercing Stephen here, he asked me if he could step in."

"Victoria, we've had this chat. You know what I think."

"And you are so wrong. Stephen knows my attitude on relationships. He's a really likeable guy, but I don't do boyfriends. I do one-night stands only. He will do this for us, because he wants this experience too. And you had that guy six weeks ago with Simon. Kevin, the Irish guy. Kevin couldn't get a stiffy, and did Simon care as he gave him a sloppy blowjob? No. 'Cause you punished that smarmy arsehole for his poor oral technique, and he still loved it. He comes here because his wife is frigid and the guy is a perverted son-of-a-bitch, who is incredibly kinky and a rampant bisexual. And still firmly in the closet. Because if the truth came out, his party would disown him and his missus would divorce him. Now, he's due here in twenty-seven minutes' time. He pays six hundred quid, and we used to take five hundred of that. Do you want to turn your back on that? We can still give Stephen the hundred Evelyn used to have. And I want my hundred and fifty notes for smashing my cane into his skin and buggering the nasty piece-of-shit with the biggest, nobbliest dildo you'll let me use on him."

Anne-Marie looked at Stephen and then Victoria, and shook her head. "I'm not happy about this. Not happy, at all."

"Oh, seriously?" Victoria asked, with an annoyed tone. "Ask him! I've read what he likes to read, seen what he likes to watch and done what he likes to do. He'll love it." Anne-Marie studied Stephen's expression and shook her head.

"I don't like this. But this once, Victoria, I will allow it. And we are having words later."

"Looking forward to it already!" Victoria snapped and grabbed a douche from her drawer. "Go clean your bowels, numbnuts. And make sure you leave nothing behind!"

Anne-Marie scowled at her niece, who smirked as she spoke. "I'm covering all the bases. I may need to stick something up there, if Simon's oral technique isn't up to scratch. If it sucks, as you say, it's my Plan B. I might even make it my Plan A. God, I love fucking boy's bottoms." Anne-Marie hesitated as Victoria beamed at her. "Don't worry. We'll be ready at half-past, I promise."

"Stephen is not using the cane on Simon, OK? I know Evelyn in the dungeon, I don't know Stephen," Anne-Marie said firmly and Victoria scowled. "And don't look like that."

"It's OK. I'll just hit the slimy bastard more from me!"

Stephen returned to Victoria's room twenty minutes later. She had already applied talcum powder to the inside of the black rubber garment and helped the young man into the surfsuit. "It's a little large," she remarked. "But it will have to do." Victoria pulled a black Latex hood from her bed, and brought it over Stephen's face, before fastening it at the back of his head. Stephen's eyes, nose and mouth were free, but he found the sound was highly muffled. "OK?"

"Yes," he mumbled. "It smells, chemically. Very sexy."

Victoria squirted a transparent liquid on the dull Latex, and her hands glided over the fabric. Stephen glanced downwards and gasped as the matt black turned glossy with a few swipes of Victoria's hands. Her fingers danced over his body and caused his prominent erection to bob in the sleeveless, crotchless Latex garment.

She left the room to wash her hands and returned, as the doorbell rang; the young dominatrix swore. "Quickly, turn around and bend over," she snapped and took a shiny black butt plug from her drawer, that she covered in a condom, dowsed in lubricant and slowly twisted against Stephen's hole.

His hands shook slightly. He closed his eyes and savoured the smell of the Latex. The sinful, sharp aroma that came from the suit that had encased his body. He panted as his ring dilated to accommodate the intruder. His body relaxed as his torturer plugged him.

Victoria led him to the dungeon where the naked MP, fastened in the centre of the room by his wrists to two manacles that hung from the ceiling, shivered. Many deeply religious, conservative, bigoted members of the electorate loved Simon Callaghan - the former junior minister and outspoken critic on the right of the political spectrum. He played to his family values and his traditional view of life. They saw themselves reflected in the representative for Manchester South. Those voters knew nothing.

The politician had short grey hair on his receding hairline and day-old stubble around his jaw and chin. His deep blue eyes lit up as the teenage Victoria led her friend into the room and handcuffed him to the wall. Stephen's first role was to be an observer.

"This is the guy you hit," Victoria announced, and picked up a cane from the vase in the centre of the room and advanced on the shaking man. He gulped as her long, wooden stick touched his nipples and traced his pectoral muscles, and slid down his hairless chest, to his rock-hard cock, prominent underneath a small smattering of brown pubic hair. "He's been interested in bi-play. But he's never done it before. You may stamp his gay V-Card tonight. And he only turned eighteen a few months ago." The parliamentarian's cock pulsed, and she stood akimbo in front of him, holding her cane aloft. "But we have a long way to go before then, don't we?"

"Yes, Mistress."

Anne-Marie watched as her niece held the cane against the MP's body and walked around him. She whispered in his ear and belted her weapon against his exposed skin. "And you're not going back to your wife until next weekend, are you? Do you think if I hit you really hard, the wounds would have not healed?"

He gulped. "I hope so, Mistress."

"Do you? I don't." Victoria dropped her cane in front of the MP and selected a black bullwhip from the wall behind him. She stood a few steps away from his naked body. Stephen saw the apprehension on his face, and he watched spellbound, as Victoria's fingers curled around the bone handle and she violently swept the weapon across the backs of his milky white thighs.

He screamed, and yelled into the room, as the first crack landed on his helpless skin. Anne-Marie jumped as Victoria brought the weapon from over her left shoulder back across her body and lashed his other thigh.

Simon panted, squealing and struggling against his binds. "Now, now, now," Victoria called and took a couple of steps closer to her prey. Her shoes clicked on the floor and she cleared her throat. "What have I told you about making a noise like that? Do I need to get my ball-gag, my little naughty Tory?"

"No, Mistress. Sorry, Mistress."

Anne-Marie and Victoria made eye contact as she stepped slowly backwards and she drew her arm back over her shoulder and slashed the long thin tail of the black whip through the air until it broke loudly on the MP's buttocks.

He pressed his lips together and made a muffled shriek as the bullwhip hit his body again and again.

He twisted and writhed his restrained body as the blows landed repeatedly on his pasty, defenceless skin. A dampened, subdued cry of anguish accompanied every hit. Victoria had done nothing like that to her classmate; in comparison, the treatment offered had been tame.

Victoria had been merciless and had left streaks of scarlet across his back and thighs. "I think that's one of my better efforts," she remarked and nodded towards her aunt. Anne-Marie selected a flogger from the wall - a collection of spindly red leather straps around a black and red handle. She made eye contact with his puffy, tear-stained face.

"You won't scream for me either, will you?"

"No, Goddess." She didn't react as she stood directly in front of him and slashed at his chest. He grunted and groaned as the experienced domme turned his skin pink.

"Sometimes I am very careless with this flogger," she remarked, and flicked it downwards to lash his erect cock. He screamed, before clamping his lips shut, and muttering an apology through desperate pants. "And sometimes I am very careful and my accomplice isn't."